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[drama2009] Dream 드림

Guest sayroo

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Guest sondambifan


Short answer: Yes, watch Dream...it is one of the better dramas I have seen.

Long answer: Still yes and here is why:

Cast: You already like the cast so I won't spend to much time except to say that the casting was perfect in this drama. JJM is excellent as the mentor, KB does well as the childish kid with the golden talent, and Dambi is really good as a tough (but super hot) tomboy who has the heart of gold. Also, all the secondary actors are excellent (especially the prez...so evil).

Characters: Related to the casting, every character (big or small) is well written and well acted. There are no weak characters. JI (JJM) is the once golden boy who had to lose everything to find his true self. JS (KB) is the kid with the past who has the talent and desire to make himself great. SY (SDB) is the energetic and tough trainer who is trying to change the way people train for the sport. The villain (the prez) is so hateable without being annoying. The PD is the business woman who is conflict by her love of JI (yes, I am calling it love now :D). All of the other characters are great and add so much depth into the drama.

The interaction between the characters are incredible...JI/JS's bromance :lol:, the love polygons between JI, JS, SY, the PD, and maybe the fan girls are great and adds suspense as to what is to happen next, and the hatred/anger between JI and the prez is palpable.

Story/Writing: This is what really makes the drama for me. I have seen few dramas who takes the time and thought to develop both the characters (their interests, desires, motivations) and the plot. Some people complain about how slow the first episode was but I think the episode was extremely important to set up the future episode. There are no stupid twists, unexplained events, or pointless story lines. Each new episode causes me to think back about some plot line or event that occurred earlier and makes the story even more interesting. Now that is good writing.

Cannot wait to see the episodes this week and see how the gang prevail over their adversities!

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Guest Ismahane

cooperhk thnaks for the pictures ^_^

sondambifan everything ou said is right! I'm sure if Queen Seon Duk and Dream premiered on tha same day, the ratings would have been differents

By the way, i found this:

피투성이가 된 채 업혀온 장석을 본 금자는 FF리그를 시작할 수 있겠냐고 묻는다.

병삼은 장석의 부상이 문제가 아니고 모든 사람들이 범죄자 취급을 하는 것이 더 문제라며 일을 어렵게 만든 강경탁에 대해 분노한다.

서울로 올라온 병삼은 체육관장들을 모아놓고 격투기리그 출범 자축파티를 벌이던 경탁을 찾아간다.

경탁의 비열한 행동을 관장들 앞에서 폭로한 병삼은 경탁의 얼굴에 물을 뿌린다.

장석이 돈을 돌려 주려고 갔다가 절도범으로 오인받아 구속됐었다는 사실을 알게된 제일은 수진에게 도움을 청한다.

의욕을 잃은 장석을 위해 영출은 자수를 결심하고 수진은 자수하는 영출의 모습을 카메라에 담는데...

source : http://www.dakbonsa.com/gnuboard4/bbs/tb.php/150/160

I think it's some kind of preview of the next episode :D .Can someone translate it please?

I understood nothing from Google Translate <_<

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Guest Ismahane

argh...i cant watch it...anyone have Mediafire link?? tq..i cant dload from MU since my college were block it..

If you can't download the episodes, you can watch them online ^_^

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Guest Mardi09

Oh, I almost forgot that KB was hurt until the episode started. I feel bad for him being exploited like that...but even worse for the dad who turned himself in....

KB is so sad he doesn't even want to fool around with SDB...

but who's the blind girl in the wheelchair?

aw man, i really want to know what song that male and female is....who is it by and what's it called? it sounds like 8eight but it probably isn't....does anyone know though??

haha. i recognize the place where they went to go practice (other than they went there before) but because i saw all of Chung Lim's caps from this part! and the part i was waiting for hehe ^___^ if anyone wants to see his caps, you can visit his thread @ k-music.

Chung Lim is a good boy. he listens well ^^

i almost died watching his parts lol i was shrieking in my chair but quietly because it's llike 6 AM

oh and i spot his picture on the wall ^__^

was that lady crying because she wanted her phone? or is it something else??

but anyway KB went to visit his dad in jail...

but he got out anyway...

WOW. all of them at the club. what a sight. ^^

omg, and chung lim is sporting his black vest?! T_T

there's a preview today. yay! more chung lim!

the preview for next week i don't think is as intense as the others but you never know

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Guest lucky_moon


Why KB father in Jail? so from your spoiler it seems KB is still feel down & even not fooling around SDB :o

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Guest Mardi09


Why KB father in Jail? so from your spoiler it seems KB is still feel down & even not fooling around SDB :o

I don't know. I didn't understand but it probably has something to do with what happened to KB in the previous episode so then his father "turned" himself in and it was on the news too...his dad wanted to do it thus JJM called CYJ to come and film it but KB was mad.

oh and another part i didn't mention in my previous post, i think JJM finally got people to be on "their side" that's why the ff5 had to train....like they had supporters or w/e you call it. Oh and SDB's dad went to visit that President guy too.

okay, i'm definitely going to try to watch all the episodes subbed by tomorrow so i won't confuse the heck out of people who actually read my posts T_T

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Guest Ismahane

I don't know. I didn't understand but it probably has something to do with what happened to KB in the previous episode so then his father "turned" himself in and it was on the news too...his dad wanted to do it thus JJM called CYJ to come and film it but KB was mad.

So the dad finally did somethng good ^_^

I think i'd better wait for the subs, i don't want to be confused :(

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Guest sondambifan

Thanks for the link cococrust! Saves me from having to wait for youku to load!

Spoilers (wanted to wait until the subbed version came out...too much dialogue today)

1) JS's father tells JI about why JS went to Juvie: The father had stolen a wallet/purse that contained tuition money. JS found out about it and decided to break into the wallet/purse owner's house to return the money. JS was caught as he returned the money. Unfortunately, JS's father had already take some money out. JS's father was afraid to take the blame because he already had a record, JS was a juvenile, the incident would be JS's first conviction.

2) The girl in the wheelchair who is also blind was the person who JS's father stole from. She lost her mother in an accident when she was in middle school (I am assuming that is why she is in a wheelchair/blind). Apparently she had gotten into an university (law) but was unable to go because of the stolen tuition.

3) JI tries to convince the girl's father to help JS out by telling the world that JS was not a thief. The father becomes emotional and tells JI to leave.

4) SY's dad goes to confronts the prez at a meeting with the other gym leaders. He tells them about what the prez did to him and the gym and is forced out after the dad throws water on the prez. The prez then goes out and tells the dad that he went after DP and JS because he liked them and wanted to get back at JI (not at the dad) and that he did what was supposed to do as a promoter. The prez tells the dad that because of what he did, he now views the dad in the same light as JI and will bury the both of them. (Geez, the prez is evil...)

5) DP meets SY's dad outside of the agency and says he's sorry (geez...that's useful). The dad was about to hit him but realizes that it's pointless. DP tells the dad that he put some money into an account for the dad but the dad refuses to take the account book (good for him!)

6) After realizing he was wrong to do what he did, JI returns to the shop and ends up talking to the wheelchair girl (I think her name is Song Rui Jang-I am going to call her RJ from now on). He brought a braille computer/machine as a gift to apologize. Eventually, RJ convinces her father to help JI and JS out. :D Unfortunately, none of the reporters would listen to JI and his explanation. :(

7) JS's father decides to turn himself in for the crime in order to absolve JS. The PD helps JI out again by filming JS's father being taken in. He confesses about what happened in front of the camera. JS is finally absolved of blame. JI tells JS that his father turned himself so that he can redeem himself.

8) Thanks to JS's father, the sponsors and TV station get back on board!!! :D

9) The FF boys go through the hell training that JS went through. The FF boys' manager goes along and realizes that she has been training them all wrong. One night, she goes outside and begins crying. SY's dad comforts her by telling her that he admires her for putting so much heart/care into the FF boys. (Love relationship forming)

10) JS goes to jail to see his dad but pretends that he does not care (when he obviously does).

11) Due to the help of the victim (RJ and her dad) and the background story of JS and his father, the prosecutor gives JS's dad probation (I think) instead of prison time. JS, JI, and SY go to jail to get JS's father. JI gets JS to give his dad something to eat and JS holds an umbrella over his father while they are talking :D

12) JI works late into the night and falls asleep at his desk. SY sees and covers him up with a blanket. She also writes him a note about the day they worked for has arrived (the league) and that "a man is most handsome when he is working." :D She also prepares a suit for him to wear. :D

13) Episode ends as JS and the FF boys are being introduced.


JI works getting RJ to becomes a spokesperson (for what I don't know)

Gratituous shower scene with the FF boy. :lol:

PD shows her love to JI by hugging him.

JS has some interaction with RJ.

My thoughts:

JI will end up with SY (maybe the PD)

JS will end up with RJ

SY's father will end up with the FF's boys' manager.

One more thing: Dambi looks too hot in her turtleneck/skirt outfit :wub:

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Guest Ismahane

6) After realizing he was wrong to do what he did, JI returns to the shop and ends up talking to the wheelchair girl (I think her name is Song Rui Jang-I am going to call her RJ from now on). He brought a braille computer/machine as a gift to apologize. Eventually, RJ convinces her father to help JI and JS out.

She's auite nice, whose the actress? I guess she's rather cute :)

8) Thanks to JS's father, the sponsors and TV station get back on board!!! :D

Yesss, I knew JI will do something, he wasn't the president's employee for nothing

9) The FF boys go through the hell training that JS went through. The FF boys' manager goes along and realizes that she has been training them all wrong. One night, she goes outside and begins crying. SY's dad comforts her by telling her that he admires her for putting so much heart/care into the FF boys. (Love relationship forming)

Waaaah, I'm getting to like the FF boys' manager/SY' s dad romance ^_^

By the way, the foreigner guy actually has a boxer as brother (in real life) :D

13) Episode ends as JS and the FF boys are being introduced.

To the media?

My thoughts:

JS will end up with RJ

judging from your spoilers, RJ will be a mother for JS..She's perfect for the role and maybe when he'll have some more money he'll send her to Law School (she was supposed to attend)

Thank you so much for the spoilers ^______^

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Guest Mardi09

I don't know what I read from an article posted on Chung Lim's fan cafe but it kind of summarized what happened last night and saying something about hopefully Kim Bum with the FF5 and tonight's episode is the key to higher ratings?


btw, what was last night's rating? was it 6.8? I don't know where to find it...

oh and i was browsing the SBS Dream site and found these wallpapers. I don't know if they have been shared or not but I'll share them ^_^



cr; SBS Dream Korea site

and some pics of chung lim and the guys.





cr; cyworld.com/kmk710322

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Guest Ismahane

I don't know what I read from an article posted on Chung Lim's fan cafe but it kind of summarized what happened last night and saying something about hopefully Kim Bum with the FF5 and tonight's episode is the key to higher ratings?

btw, what was last night's rating? was it 6.8? I don't know where to find it...

Tonight's episode, you mean 12? I hope so because episode 11 was the least rated from all the episodes: 4.1 ;(

check here : http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Dream/Episode_Ratings

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Guest starlight5

judging from your spoilers, RJ will be a mother for JS..She's perfect for the role and maybe when he'll have some more money he'll send her to Law School (she was supposed to attend)

Thank you so much for the spoilers ^______^

Wow, that's a great perspective.

I haven't been able to watch since Ep 8, only getting snippets of the last 2 because of my internet. Could someone fill me in for a few pointers, if they haven't been revealed yet? Was the uncle having an affair, or was the aunt bipolar or something? :lol:

I am expecting the producers to play on some fun Dambi-Marco interaction. God, I can think of so many ideas of how much irony they can bring to those scenes. :lol:

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Guest Mardi09

Tonight's episode, you mean 12? I hope so because episode 11 was the least rated from all the episodes: 4.1 ;(

check here : http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Dream/Episode_Ratings

oh...pff....no....sorry. i just looked at that somewhere but it's wrong. T_T hopefully tonight they do much better. only an hour and half for ep 12 ^__^

ah, but i think i understand why it's so low...maybe..........people thought it was too slow? because it wasn't as intense as the other episodes....

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