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[drama2009] Dream 드림

Guest sayroo

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Guest sondambifan

For the sake of argument, he didn't say she was like a mother, he said he liked her because behind the tough exterior she was a very kind person, just like his mother.

Btw, is the uncle having an affair?! The first time I saw the woman he met up with in the park, I just thought it was the wife with makeup on, but it wasn't!! :blink:

Although I am still inclined to believe that JI and SY will get together, I can see how JS's growth and SY's lowering of her tough exterior could make them a couple. SY has had to be an adult ever since she was a child and thus being able to be with someone like JS may make her be able to let her guard down. We will just have to see :D

Starlight5, I had the exact thought you did! I also thought the lady was his wife but dressed up when I first watched the show. He may just trying to get out of a drinking debt but he seemed awfully cozy with the girl. :lol: I kinda like the uncle character...he has some of the better lines in the show.

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Guest Mardi09

-_- kim bum got hurt so bad. it was painful to watch him continue to fight. it gave me chills watching him fight the rest of the way....

i was just quietly cheering for him and every time he fell and they were counting i kept my fingers crossed.

but even when JJM wanted to throw in the towel, KB kept saying no...

but right when he was about to hit the guy the towel was thrown in! T_T

there was just a lot of talking, arguing but w/out subs i almost thought it too boring...but it got better ^^

i just loved it when SDB kicked the two out of the house so they went to sleep outside the benches but then it started raining lol.

haha....i like SDBxKB relationship a lot...

lol...he asked her to feed him and then she put a bunch of peppers...

and yay! JJM has his own office now ^_^

ff5 came out~ short shots only but...still :D

i think they are going to work/train with them..or not?

and i'm just so entertained by Kim Bum's character...such a kid when he's not fighting or practicing

and...another good preview for tomorrow ^^

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Guest sondambifan

-_- kim bum got hurt so bad. it was painful to watch him continue to fight. it gave me chills watching him fight the rest of the way....

i was just quietly cheering for him and every time he fell and they were counting i kept my fingers crossed.

but even when JJM wanted to throw in the towel, KB kept saying no...

but right when he was about to hit the guy the towel was thrown in! T_T

there was just a lot of talking, arguing but w/out subs i almost thought it too boring...but it got better ^^

i just loved it when SDB kicked the two out of the house so they went to sleep outside the benches but then it started raining lol.

haha....i like SDBxKB relationship a lot...

lol...he asked her to feed him and then she put a bunch of peppers...

and yay! JJM has his own office now ^_^

ff5 came out~ short shots only but...still :D

i think they are going to work/train with them..or not?

and i'm just so entertained by Kim Bum's character...such a kid when he's not fighting or practicing

and...another good preview for tomorrow ^^

Dang you Mardi09! :lol: It's not like I am not anxious enough for the episode...sounds interesting!

I kept wondering how the flower fighters would work themselves into the story...I guess we will see!

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Guest babyblues7

Oh is Bum okay? Lost but still can fight right?

Cause I remembered they were saying some who fought Do-Pil didn't get to fight again after that etc

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Guest Mardi09

Dang you Mardi09! :lol: It's not like I am not anxious enough for the episode...sounds interesting!

I kept wondering how the flower fighters would work themselves into the story...I guess we will see!

Me too. I keep wondering how the ff5 is part of the drama but i guess that's why they went to see KB's dad??

he was talking with that lady that always drools over the ff5 lol


So KB lost against the guy who betrayed SDB family :o it seems the Ep was so much fun..

i wouldn't call it "fun" though lol it made me almost cry watching him get beat up..and not wanting to give up.

Oh is Bum okay? Lost but still can fight right?

Cause I remembered they were saying some who fought Do-Pil didn't get to fight again after that etc

he fought but he was pretty hurt. and then JJM had to throw in the towel.

but the next day or so there were reporters so I don't know about that...

T_T i really need to watch all 6 (and counting) episodes subbed....i still haven't had time to yet...

i could only catch it live...........

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Guest lucky_moon

i wouldn't call it "fun" though lol it made me almost cry watching him get beat up..and not wanting to give up.

I means SDB & KB scenes together the fun :D about the fight, thought JJM & KB insisted to take the challenge & do it, it was danger that it might end KB career, as u said KB was pretty hurt :)

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Guest Ismahane

Mardi09 thanks for the spoilers ^_^ I'm all excited now to watch..

I'm sad for Bum, should have won and beat that GP guy :angry:

I guess i should wait till tomorrow to watch with subs :(

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Guest sondambifan

C-subbed-Episode 7: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTEzMjA4Nzc2.html (thanks to TKSK as always...unbelievable turn around) Spoilers in a bit (youku is slow as heck today.)

Ratings just came out: Dream inched up to 6.2 percent beating KBS's horror drama (5.4). Queen is just a juggernaut now (39.5) but the drop in the horrible KBS show at least gives me some faith in the rating system.

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Guest sondambifan

Sorry for the double post but I wanted to break it up because this one is going to be a bit long


1) JI commends JS for what he did at the press conference because it showed that JS was not afraid of D-P. It also gave a strong image of JS to the press.

2) The gangsters proposed their drug idea to the crew (minus the father) but was strongly turned away by JI (who remembers his talks with the pitcher from ep. 1 regarding steroids).

3) SY's father could not bear to go to the press conference or the fight due to his history with D-P but asked JI to look after JS at the fight.

4) JS-SY moment no. 1: Just before retiring for the night, SY tells JS to have a good dream! JS becomes immediately happy and wishes SY the same. :lol:

5) Before going to bed, JS tells JI that he learned as a kid to never show any pain or that he is hurt (important later). He also tells JI that he was so happy when SY wished him to have a good dream.

6) On the morning the fight, D-P has breakfast with the prez and tells him that he no longer has any qualms about the fight. D-P states that his plan is to weaken JS so that he can break JS's jaw in third round.

7) Just before the fight, SY gives a towel to JI and tells him that her father gave him the decision on if and when to throw it. JI meets up with the prez who tells him that he wishes to ruin JI with the fight.

8) JS gets pretty beat up through the first two rounds but holds his own. Even though he was hurting and clearly injured, JS tells both JI and SY not to stop the fight for any reason. In the third round, JS is getting killed and everyone believes that JS is done. JI resist throwing the towel because of his selfish desires to succeed/win. He eventually does it when he remembers what JS said to him and SY's sad/disappointed look. Unfortunately, as the towel goes through the air, JI finally gets his opportunity to counter-punch but loses the fight.

9) The prez is ticked because JI and JS lives to fight another day and people are seeing the fight as a draw. The prez tells the PD that he is who he is today because of his father (a good man but died terribly/miserably). He tells her that he vowed not to be like his father. The PD wishes to know more but the prez refuses to go on.

10) JS is ticked off at JI for throwing and towel and fires JI as his agent. SY tells JS that it was her father who entrusted JI as to the towel because the father knew JI cares about JS's well-being. JS has a hard time believing that someone would care about him like that.

11) JI-SY moment No. 1: SY goes and talks with JI about JS. JI tells her that JS reminds of a younger version of himself. JI then tells SY that he is leaving. SY tries to get him to stay by telling him that he can't leave because he is a part of her family : :blush:

12) JS confronts JI about him leaving and JI says a bunch of mean things to try get JS to lose interest. SY was eavesdropping and finally barges in on the conversation and tells both JS and JI to get out. JS and JI yells at each other some more outside but it starts raining. The two spend the night sleeping outside of the door of the gym

13) In the morning, JS is persuaded not to leave when a bunch of reporters show up in front of the gym. Apparently, JS has become a rising star due to the fight.

14) JS-SY moment no. 2: During a celebration dinner, JS asks SY to feed/wrap him some meat (korea style). SY agrees but puts a bunch of chili peppers in it. :lol:

15) JI-SY moment no. 2: SY asks JI if she can speak with him for a moment and surprises him with his own office in the gym (complete with a placard). SY and JI then touches hand again (no. 3) when SY puts the key in JI's hands.

16) JI convinces the PD to put JS on the top sports show in return for telling the PD about the prez's past.

17) JS-SY moment No. 3: After SY finishes her taebo class, JS hands SY a drink...which SY accepts.

Previews for episode 8:

1) When asked by the PD to say something to the person who helped him the most, JS says "I love you SY!!!!" :lol:

2) SY finds out about JI's sick mother and visits her in the hospital with JI.

Sorry, it's so long. I tried to stick with only the important things but this episode had a lot of interesting things in it.

One more thing: Dambi's emotional performances (sadness/misty eye) were much better (and believable) than before. She did not try to over do it but was convincing in showing her emotions. JJM is still awesome and KB is still going strong!

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Guest ripgal

Haven't seen Ep 7 yet, but caught up till Ep 6.

I still think SDM or So Yeon lacks screen presence in the drama. Don't get me wrong...she's okay for a newbie, and I applaud her for her effort.But let's just say that her character...sighz...just does not interest me. Somebody commented on how bland her character is, and unfortunately, I have to agree. I don't see any sparks or intrigue in SY at all...there's just no IT factor to her that makes me feel for her, like her or hate her. She has this same expression most of the time and I get bored. Worst still, I don't feel any chemistry between her and JI or even JS...which is a pity because both JS and JI have "chemistry" together more than when she's with them. Not that it's her fault totally... (I blame this on the penning of her character), but still, I wish I could see more varied expressions from her. At least that'll make up for her lacklustre character...

As for KB, he's good. But too OTT for my taste. I really really got turned off by how he screamed and shouted in the past 6 episodes. It's okay to be temperamental, but I don't know, I think he just got carried away in the process. He, in contrast to SDB, is just too dramatic.. that it becomes overkill. He needs to get a hang of his temper or else I'd be cringing every time I see him scream.

Well that's the bad. The good, needless to say, Joo Jin Mo. His eyes are really exceptional. They emote beautifully. Word. But I have some issues with his character tho. I actually thought his transition from the arrogant and aloof JI to the polite and nice JI (esp in front of SY) came from nowhere. And I totally did not buy how he's starting to feel for SY, or vice versa. It was just too random... I personally like PD Jang more... in terms of chemistry, JJM and CYJ far exceeds JJM and SDB. But again, it's probably because PD Jang has a more interesting character compared to SY (*yawns*).

Even President Kang is interesting. Park Sang Won is truly amazing in this evil scheming role... a total change from his previous wishy washy hubby in the drama with Park Ye Jin.

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