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HELLO HELLO SALEE!! okay i've actually been secretly (&well, silently) stalking this thread hahah. and now i've finally come to drop a comment AND
XD do you remember me? hahas. i'll be back with a proper longer reply.

hokay im back now! hahas, anyways its shya here if you dont remember me(: and 2PM! yaye. seeing the boys grow and change from the first moment to now is like super awesome! and what more, knowing that their fanbase is growing like mad. yaye for hopping on the 2PM boat!
&i see you are in love with maknae! heeeeee
OHOH! did you see the video of taekkieboo poking his eye? lol it must have hurt like hell for the poor maknae and taek was so cute sticking his tongue out after the "accident" XDD


p.s. oh right how could i forgot to comment on your awesome wallpapers. although they are B&W, they have the EXTRA SPESHUL SALEE TOUCH!
reallyreally pretty stuff. im tempted to request now, but shall check my picture collection and decided who to request on lol

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Guest cosmicolor.

man salee you killin me with those wallies <3_<3 wooo you make 2pm members look even hawtter. oh baby!

aww no need to feel stupid, i jus said my name is shreeya. nice to meet you m_m lol mm instead of nn XD lmao photoshop is sorta hard to use for me, its like compilcated. ohhh so upgrading costs less than buying it? i see u_u haha. woah you work? where? yeah if you buy ps than all your money would be gone that you worked for hours and hours. that sucks. hahaha sacrifices for ps lol. there is imageready7.0 and ps7.0 in this computer but idk how to use it :/ definetly cs4 would be hard cuz of the different stuff. nono i dont make graphics. i wanna learn but idk how, i dont even know how to make a banner. you should teach me lool.

his hair is what made me like him moar. lmfao his hair in idol army was WIN! made me smile. yesh he is so young, i neva knew he was a '90er i thought he was a '88er or a '89er but HA! got tricked. he was sooo adorable and cute in high kick. lmfao love those interviews so funny, the high kick parts were so funny, although he was embarresed to look at them again. his rap was <3 the pd's wanted him to do it again, but he's like hahahahaha, i dont remember.

oh did you see this? the beast poking the magnae's eye?

man i felt for him, must have hurt >.<
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Guest &adamo.

I'm assuming Salee still has one more space right LMAO

I'm needing a new wallie cause I've been using the same one for months now

brb with pics and stuff


+ Text: Sexy Can You?

+ Pictures:

+ Size: 1280 x 800

+ Colors to avoid: anything is fine but like hot pink and blinding colours ._.


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I am finally done! woooo~ was the wait long? I think it was four or five days .. yikes. I'm sorry ^^; I'm really tired right now but I'll still leave you guys replies since they're all so long, haha. and I didn't make separate black and white thumbnails for the wallies this time because some of you guys actually thought they didn't have color, lol. you have you click them!! ;P

* I just reread some of my replies and I seem pretty incoherent in some of them, lol.

my apologies for spelling errors and things that make absolutely no sense at all.


hi yaelynn! nice to meet you too n_n~ ahaha yes, 2PM is so amazing! it's hard to not love them. <3 thank you so much for your comment; I really appreciate it. you wrote so much but my reply is so short. I'm really sorry about that, haha ^^; anyway, I really hope you like the wallpaper. (:



yeonjae~ of course I remember you! why wouldn't I? haha XD a tutorial, huh? maybe I'll make one when I have time but I always find it difficult to explain things T T;; thank you so much for stopping by again <3


lol ! I'm glad they've grown onto you XD it's too hard to resist them, haha.


hahaha, I didn't really like his bun at first as well but his personality is just so cute that I couldn't stop myself from liking him the most. the haircut definitely made him look so much more sexy, but he looked so pretty with his long hair. ahh, I don't know which hairstyle I prefer more on chansung on, lol. and it is hard to pick between all them! you just have to love them as a whole XD anyway, thank you for stopping by, nicole <3 it's always nice when you leave me comments (:


lol, rosemary! I'm glad you like them n_n~ seriously, who can resist jaebum with bunny ears? no one can even resist him without bunny ears, haha. that picture has definitely become one of my favorites of him; he looks waaaay adorable in it XD and yes, I love all the members too <3 ahh rosemary, your font is so small I'm having a hard time reading even though I read it already a few days ago, LOL. okay lemme see .. ah yeah, I totally get you when you say you say you don't care for certain members much in big bang. I don't wanna mention any names just in case, but yeah haha. you know, if you actually told me that you didn't like them, I'd make new ones for you. I've already remade yours a bajillion times already, so what's another two more!? *brushes shoulder* I can handle it, loool. the size of this reply cannot compare to the size of yours but I hope it'll suffice for now. <3 yeah, I'm so flippin lazy. T T;;


oh gao, you can watch all you want. and about the banner requests .. I don't know, lol. I'm getting really lazy right now. making banners are a bit nerve-wracking atm since the canvas is so small. thanks for jinxing things by the way cause after you left your comment I got like four requests of khun, loool. you've got some currazzy powers, okay. thanks for stopping by <3


ally completely forgot about me, lol. what were you watching, huh!? ):


lol ! I see the avatar ! whenever I'm browsing and I see one of your posts, I always stop to watch jaejoong hahaha. it was really sweet of ally to make you a gif of it even if she doesn't like making them, lol. I'd totally me like 'hellsssss no' if someone asked me to make something I don't like making XD and yes jessa, you seriously need an obsession with 2PM. you go ahead and watch some idol army episodes and some performances right now! haha. anyway, thank you for stopping by again <3 I appreciate your comments (:


thank you~ glad you like the wallpaper as well (:


yes ashley, you have to click on them! haha. and I have nothing to teach you. you should be teaching me instead! & thank you for the comment <3


thank yooooou! the batch before was swarming with jaebum-ness but now it's khun-time! haha XD

nom de plume.

ooooh so long. I thought I'd be able get off easy today with the replies especially since I'm so sleepy right now x-x; I don't know why I'm complaining though .. I love reading long replies, I'm just too lazy to reply back, haha. I like to keep things simple as well but there are certain people that I just like to ramble on and on to .. like you! XD and ya, omg. when I saw the fancam, I was so heartbroken watching chansung. he was in so much pain but he just kept on going T T;; and during his part, he acted as if nothing was wrong. chanbear .. <3 and lol ! I just rewatched the episode where wooyoung elbowed chansung in the face. I replayed that part like a million times and I'm still not over it, haha. and I'm sorry my comment is so short in comparison to your's; I hope seeing the wallpaper will make up for it, lol. I actually like this one a lot more than the previous jaebum one that I made you .. I hope you like it as well <3



yes! kudos and e-hugs to me <3 sadly, no kudos and e-hugs to anyone else because no one requested a chansung wallpaper T T;; I'll tell you what the font is later on .. I'm too lazy to find out what it is right now, lol. and gosh, I only had like ten fonts to choose from when I was making these, LOL. I keep downloading fonts that look alike x-x; I left your wallie textless because I didn't know where to place the text. I'm sorry, cheannie. I hope you still like it regardless and not only because khun looks irresistibly cute in the picture, haha <3 and thank you so much for the comment~


b a n g!

yes! chansung is my favorite but no, I haven't seen unstoppable highkick. I think I will go ahead and watch it one of these days XD can't miss out on anything chansung, haha. thank you so much for the compliment by the way (: I didn't use any of the pictures you've provided, but I still hope you like the wallpaper regardless <3



aw phoung~ I'm glad you like it (:


hiyo pauline~ nice to meet you (: we're definitely friends now, haha. thank you so much for your comment. I hope you like your wallie~



I haven't seen that episode yet but I think I've seen a gif of it, haha. and so that's what he was doing! so adorable XD and I agree with you! it's so difficult to pick between them! anyway, I hope you like your wallie. I ended up putting both korean and english since I thought it looked awkward when it was just only one or the other. I hope you don't mind, but if you do, I can post the textless version up for you (:



heeeellloooooooo shya! yaaaa, I'm totally in love with maknae. too irresistible 8D~~~~~~~~~ yes, I saw that video and when I watched it the first time, I was so heartbroken. gosh, chansung is so strong for making it through until the end <3 when I saw taek stick out his tongue, I was like 'what the heck, you just poked him in the eye and that's how you react? T T;;' I suppose he didn't know how much he had hurt chansung. I love it when he sticks out his tongue though; so cute haha.

and oh sht, vogue girl. I freaking died when I saw the photos especially that particular picture with chansung showing his abs. holyfrickenshat. every time I see that picture, I can't stop myself from giggling LOL. and you've seen the other new photoshoot, right? the one where they're all in white with the bananas? loool, that photoshoot is freaking sexy too XD

lol shya, the wallpapers aren't black and white! but thank you so much for leaving me such a long comment <3


hiiii shreeya~ yeah, I know .. photoshop was really difficult when I first started out. it took me a bit of time to figure most of the things out and even now, I don't know what a lot of the tools on photoshop do haha. you should seriously get crackin on making some amazing graphics; I know you can do it XD and yup, I work at a dance studio where I just do most of the office work. it's boring, but I get by n-n;

lol yaaaa, the interview was waaaay adorable. I haven't seen highkick but I think I will soon because his character seemed pretty interesting from the clips that they showed~ and that rap part seriously got me. it was way too cute, lol.

I've seen that video T T;; it looked so painful. probably would've hurt less if it wasn't taec who had hit him, lol.


hi cara~ yes, there was one more spot left (: I hope you like the wallie ^^;



yes! I am done. I know, the replies are brief so my apologies :P it's like 4:30 in the morning right now. I am sooo going to sleep after this, haha. and thank you so much for leaving me such lovely comments everyone; I really appreciate it <3

I'll probably wake up and ask myself why I did this but batch three is open ! happy requesting~

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Guest &adamo.


I'm so lucky~

i love it it's so sexy <3

Salee made him extra sexy : D

This was a nice surprise! Cause I've been studying for a bit x_x

Lets just hope his sexiness doesn't distract me T-T

Oh my another batch! Lots of happy people XD

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AAAAAAND MY SPOT! I'll be back later, Salee.


nom de plume.

ooooh so long. I thought I'd be able get off easy today with the replies especially since I'm so sleepy right now x-x; I don't know why I'm complaining though .. I love reading long replies, I'm just too lazy to reply back, haha. I like to keep things simple as well but there are certain people that I just like to ramble on and on to .. like you! XD and ya, omg. when I saw the fancam, I was so heartbroken watching chansung. he was in so much pain but he just kept on going T T;; and during his part, he acted as if nothing was wrong. chanbear .. <3 and lol ! I just rewatched the episode where wooyoung elbowed chansung in the face. I replayed that part like a million times and I'm still not over it, haha. and I'm sorry my comment is so short in comparison to your's; I hope seeing the wallpaper will make up for it, lol. I actually like this one a lot more than the previous jaebum one that I made you .. I hope you like it as well <3


Hahahaha I've so been there; tired and thinking---"Screw it, I'm not going to do replies" but then there's the temptation to just reply period. You may want to avoid it but...it happens anyways XD YAY FOR RAMBLING! Okayyyy my rambling can go on like a boring monologue so I try to add a bit of dry humor to the whole shabang to make things more entertaining ;_; OH I KNOWWW Chansung is such a strong baby---he continued to do his best regardless of his eye injury. Dedication. Dedicationnnn.

It's okay if your reply is shorter than mine, Salee XD I still love reading your replies to me, too. Muahahahaha~ Well hot diggity I love my Jun.K wallie more than the Jaebum wallie---but nevertheless both of them have their own touch of being pretty. They're so different with the color tones. Jun.K's wallie is more calming with the light blues which is very soothing. Jaebum's wallie has that...ah man I can't describe it but I think you catch my drift, right? RIGHT!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Salee <3

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Guest cupquakee.


LOLS salee i'm so sad, my internet is acting all weird and i can see everyone else's wallpaper except mine haha so hold on while i keep on refreshing haha O_______O OHMYGOD THERE IT IS ! i can't stop staring at it ! my jaw literally dropped, this has got to be the most cutest thing i have ever seen! and you have officially made me fall in love with the color blue. i couldn't have asked for more ! haha i even forgot i asked for text because it looks perfect without it. *sends tons of e-hugs and e-kisses and e-chocolates* awh don't worry you can always make a bunch of changsung wallies for yourself haha i'm definitely keeping this wallie forever, it's beautiful! thank you so much! i think i have officially fallen in love with a wallpaper

ps. LOLS GAH and look at all those other KHUN ones ! his pictures must love you! haha <3 thank you so much again!

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Guest bonjour tristesse.

HELLO THERE SALEE! i like your name. haha, the first time ive heard a name like that 8D anyways, hello nice to meet you im herlyn! gah, i stalked this thread like during the first batch o_o LOL. now that another batch is open i shall request!

+ Text: Nichkhun Loves Herlyn

+ Pictures:

+ Size: 1024x768

+ Colors to avoid: Pink / Yellow / Orange

+ Extras: --

If you reject .. i understand. these photos werent as HQ. lol. but i will still stalk either way

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Guest symphonee.

you have no idea how much i want to request. but no... you're only taking 2PM requests. oh the torment T__T

I'm loving the latest batch of wallpapers <3 It's so ocean breezy (minus the other two random warm wps XD). Your effects are so shiny and awesome. My favourite from this batch would have to be cheannie's wp. The soft colours really compliment the guy's cute expression (and the teddy ^_^). Just looking at that wp makes me think of marshmellows, lol.

I swear, the next time you make a TR thread, I will kill you if you limit it to 2PM only!! LOL

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Guest donghae.

i'll like to save a spot.

be right back.


+ Text: yanting's khunnie

+ Pictures: n i c h k h u n

+ Size: 1024x768

+ Colors to avoid: N/A

+ Extras: thanks in advance.(=

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Guest esoteric.

my spot (: I need to go sleep soon. blah.


lol, rosemary! I'm glad you like them n_n~ seriously, who can resist jaebum with bunny ears? no one can even resist him without bunny ears, haha. that picture has definitely become one of my favorites of him; he looks waaaay adorable in it XD and yes, I love all the members too <3 ahh rosemary, your font is so small I'm having a hard time reading even though I read it already a few days ago, LOL. okay lemme see .. ah yeah, I totally get you when you say you say you don't care for certain members much in big bang. I don't wanna mention any names just in case, but yeah haha. you know, if you actually told me that you didn't like them, I'd make new ones for you. I've already remade yours a bajillion times already, so what's another two more!? *brushes shoulder* I can handle it, loool. the size of this reply cannot compare to the size of yours but I hope it'll suffice for now. <3 yeah, I'm so flippin lazy. T T;;

LOLL I know right?! When I saw those pictures with him wearing bunny ears I swear I was spazzing like a crazed idiot in front of my computer screen and my younger brother rushed into my room thinking I got hurt or something ;_; really embarrassing, to say at the very least. I honestly can't say I have some favorites because ... I love all his pictures t_t even his awkward ones, because it has him in it HAHA! fjoaeifjsda *tries to turn fangirlism off* when I start I can't stop and I make no sense :x ahhh I'm sorry about the small font! I didn't want to make it look like I was writing you a huuuuge essay so I made the font smaller so my reply would look smaller/more compact LOL! I guess it kinda backfired seeing as to how it's hard for you to read it D: my badd. Haha yeah it's like that for me in a lot of groups, where I have a huge favorite member or two but then there's like one or two that I don't really care much for. Sometimes it's just like "eh they're okay" or it's like "ugh eh idk :/" but 2PM ... totally different story~ that reminds me t_t Jieun unni (Ji_Eunie) told me not to watch Meet Star Friends or whatever taht show is called because Jay gets a lap dance ... D: I was so traumatized when I heard that. I was like OMFJ LAP DANCE?!?!?! t___t WHAT AM I GONNA DOOOOO! but it's pretty dumb because I haven't even seen it yet and I'll probably watch it anyway to see the other boys on the show but omfj I'm going to die when that part comes up. I swear my eyes will be glued to the screen and I'll be going insane/bad spazzing because of how jealous I am LOL! OHH umm ... SALEE I HATED THE WALLPAPERS! (>__>) so I demand some more sexy Jay wallpapers! *coughhhhh~ -helps to brush your shoulders- yesyes~ ;D and any reply of yours suffices, really. I'm glad you do replies too because some people don't and I feel so sad that my post goes ... to waste ): haha I'm so lazy with replies too. Sometimes I'll post & say "I'll be back!" & I end up not coming back :| or I get really lazy and I leave the edit box open but I do other things and I get so 'blah' about it that I just exit without completing the edit. I'm so bad ;_;

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oh gao, you can watch all you want. and about the banner requests .. I don't know, lol. I'm getting really lazy right now. making banners are a bit nerve-wracking atm since the canvas is so small. thanks for jinxing things by the way cause after you left your comment I got like four requests of khun, loool. you've got some currazzy powers, okay. thanks for stopping by <3

I want to watch you make those sexy filterings that you make ;] hahahah. *cough*


tis okay! You better save me a spot though when you DO! LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL NIICCCHHHKKKKHHUUUUNNNNNNN<3333333333333. haha, how did you NOT know I'm not a powerful woman? lol.


THE KHUN WALLPAPERS ARE SO FREAKIN' AMAZING. I LOVE Pauline's wallpaper! Thats sucha hot photo

of that man!<3. && Ji_Eunie's ...... dddaaaayyyyuuuuuuummmmmmmmm!!! HEY! Did you say 'ONEDAY' requests?!

Man! I need a new wallpaper & I want 'ONE DAY'! ;] ;]

let me know IF I can request that! <333.

++ ohhh yeah! After I posted the last comment, Chansung's "It's time" thing came out! haha he's kinda

cool now! ROFL. I think imma get a beating now from you. lol.

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Guest b a n g!

b a n g!

yes! chansung is my favorite but no, I haven't seen unstoppable highkick. I think I will go ahead and watch it one of these days XD can't miss out on anything chansung, haha. thank you so much for the compliment by the way (: I didn't use any of the pictures you've provided, but I still hope you like the wallpaper regardless <3

hahaha you should! it's hilarious even though chansung doesn't appear for a little bit it's good and worth watching LOL that too! oh of course and that's okay because I like that picture and would have supplied it if I had found it lol but oh no I'm just glad you didn't reject me! and I love anything you make whether or not it's for me xD oh my gosh your placement for my wallie is perfect! a little more to the right and your gorgeous effects would have been covered up by my clock and calendar. the blue with the tint of pink is beautiful and that picture of taec is drool-worthy I love his smile and plus your effects I'm about to faint from looking at my screen c[x besides my wallie of course, I'm loving yaelynn's and especially kimchi's junsu wallie! mann everyone started to request for khunnie wallpapers lol cara's and cheannie's caught my eye :] oh I almost forgot thank youu!! I'll be using this one for a longgg time I assure you sorry my post is all over the place I just got up 30 minutes ago hahah

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hi mimi (: of course I remember you. you've been using the banner I made you for a while now so it's hard to miss, haha. I'm very grateful for that; I always like it when I see people use what I've made for them for a period of time ^^; anyway, thank you for stopping by to leave me a comment! and yeaaah, the 2PM are serious business when it comes to being hot haha.

Ahah yayy you remember! Because your banners are so gorgeous! And I don't request much lol ^-^ So I usually use the stuff I request for a while. I was going to use it a lot longer than that, but it's summer, and I'm extremely bored DX So I changed my siggie to keep myself occupied x_x Lmao. I need a social life. Anyway. They're so freaken hot&cute&sexy&allinoneee. My expectations for a boyfriend will never beat Jae&Wooyoung XD I really love the picture you used for the Wooyoung wallie in your second to last post. By any chance, do you still have the picture? =O Lol I'm sorry T-T I don't usually go asking for pictures like this, but the picture is just so cute. I love how you switched up the colours for the last batch of wallies (even though gray's my favorite colour); it's very refreshing. I love the orange/brown + blue for the last Nick wallie. It's so pretty. All of them are darn gorgeous. Can't wait to see the results for the next batch!

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Gosh the wallpapers is stunning;* Girl I'm absolute speechless now!

How I wish I had some 2pm thing to request from you, but to bad cause I dont have any..=/

Serious lovely wallpapers, and lucky requesters<333 Hah I really envy them^^

I forgot if I had wrote her before or not, lol I got bad memory, bianhee;* But I'm Nina, nice to meet you :D

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heeeellloooooooo shya! yaaaa, I'm totally in love with maknae. too irresistible 8D~~~~~~~~~ yes, I saw that video and when I watched it the first time, I was so heartbroken. gosh, chansung is so strong for making it through until the end <3 when I saw taek stick out his tongue, I was like 'what the heck, you just poked him in the eye and that's how you react? T T;;' I suppose he didn't know how much he had hurt chansung. I love it when he sticks out his tongue though; so cute haha.

and oh sht, vogue girl. I freaking died when I saw the photos especially that particular picture with chansung showing his abs. holyfrickenshat. every time I see that picture, I can't stop myself from giggling LOL. and you've seen the other new photoshoot, right? the one where they're all in white with the bananas? loool, that photoshoot is freaking sexy too XD

lol shya, the wallpapers aren't black and white! but thank you so much for leaving me such a long comment <3

heheh i can tell how much you're in love with him. hahahs. and gosh im totally loving him in his new hairdo, much better than his bun one. the bun made him look older than her really is :X speaking of which! i've yet to catch that drama with him in it! have you?? and lol, i guess taek didnt realise how much pain maknae was in. taek IS the BFG=big friendly giant lols, just one touch could have a huge impact on us little beings XD but chansung was scary after the perf, when like taek went up to him to ask if he's okay and he like "walked off" and rubbed his eyes lols.

there was another magazine shoot as well! the one with bananas! i forgot the mag name >.< but hahahaha maknae and banana so cute! ohgosh, 2PM's getting more and more photoshoots = shya's a happy girl! cause she has HQ pictures to drooool at hahahs :D OK WAIT LOL. i just read your next statement when you mentioned the banana photoshoot. hahahaha! omg i feeel so silly now XD ... i guess we are telepathic? hahahs!

lol shya = long grandmother stories really. hahah im trying to cut down on my long essays lest you get a headache from reading all these words heh :X but your new batch of wps are lovely AND COLOURFUL! hahahs. i've been scrolling up and down and i still cant pick a favourite piece haha I LOVE THEM ALL! :D

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Guest bohemianheart.

ohhh my my my !

- - Salee, you are totally amazing. you and your photoshop. D: goodness,

your styles are just unique and truly amazing. love love love it ! the one you made for

ji eunie is freaking hotness ! love the brown/tan color. haha now you tell me. JK. i figured it

out sooner or later. muah haha ! <3333

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Guest yetibenny


omg, yes. please do! go watch them on some variety shows or something! they are so amazing; you'll love them haha <3 and thank you, once again, for stopping by to leave me a comment. n-n~


Do you have any special recommendations? Lol, coz I'm kind of behind of Kpop stuffs. x3

I love stopping by to see your sexy results ;)

And the latest batch... GORGEOUS COLOURS<333 GAAHH *.*

Any colour you work with just turns out so beautiful!

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aaahhh!!! hot wallie maker + 2PM lover = you just gained a new stalker, luv :lol: i'm lily!

would request channie but i'm already feeling guilty for looking at his bod too much these days... :phew:

so i'm gonna request a wallie with my lovah if you don't mind ~


+ Text: love me in slow motion

+ Pictures: H O T T E S T

+ Size: 1024x768

+ Colors to avoid: none, whatever fits the mood of the picture

+ Extras: make him fall in love with me. muahahaha.

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oh yay ! some colored wallies ! :D i was wondering why your wallies were always black and white :o LOL


lol ! I see the avatar ! whenever I'm browsing and I see one of your posts, I always stop to watch jaejoong hahaha. it was really sweet of ally to make you a gif of it even if she doesn't like making them, lol. I'd totally me like 'hellsssss no' if someone asked me to make something I don't like making XD and yes jessa, you seriously need an obsession with 2PM. you go ahead and watch some idol army episodes and some performances right now! haha. anyway, thank you for stopping by again <3 I appreciate your comments (:

LOOOL , yeah its pretty amusing XDD sometimes i catch myself watching it too LOL aha , yeah i know T__T <3 she spoils me too much LOL awww , do you make gifs? :) and yeah , i'd do that too T_T; unless it was someone very special LOLOL . AHAHA i watch some idol shows already XDD the one with snsd & afterschool LOOOOOL , theyre hilarious ! <3 and i keep an eye on their performances too :3 i love how they're promoting'hateu' right now *Q* favorite song favorite song <3 and aww , no problem salee :) i love seeing your works !

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