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Guest esoteric.

*graceless;soul. hi rosemary! yeah, I did ditch it actually ): I just haven't felt like making banners lately. you're already rocking mai's amazing banner though; I just felt that if I finished the requests and made your banner, you'd have to use mine lol. & ya, it's a shame that there aren't a lot of wallie tr threads around. always gotta make my own or hunt for some on deviantart .. but usually, I just leave it black since I'm just that freaking lazy. anyway, I'm sorry for not having your wallie up atm. it'll be in the next half of the batch that I'll be posting later on today. <3

aw that sucks ): but yeah I know what you mean about ditching threads and LOL what are you talking about? 'have' to use yours? I'd absolutely LOVE to use your banners, they're amazing <3 I do admit, I'm pretty infatuated with the Jay banner Mai gave to me but your banner would've gone up right when I decided to change it (on my own free will if that reassures you ^^)! Deviantart is so hard to find nice, high quality wallpapers these days. & searching is pretty tedious sometimes, especially if you're not in the mood D: ohh nono it's fine, post whenever it's convenient for you (as long as you don't ditch t__t) because god knows I need a Jay wallpaper. It's a bit embarrassing to say, actually, that I'm pretty ... possessive of Jay. LOL! It's so insane because I've never actually been like this regarding any celebrity before so yeaaaaah. and there's been a crazy influx in Jay fans recently in the past 2-3 months so :/ makes me want to go "haaands off beezy!" but yea LOL I'd look crazy. I realize that when you're a true fan of a certain group, a lot more things tend to bug you. Like fake fans who are inconsiderate and only judge the boys on their looks/voices and not their personalities. But I digress ... The next best thing after a Jay wallpaper would be just a 2PM wp because 2PM is seriously just the best <333333 foeaifjsda yeah (: I'm so stoked for my wp though, Salee you're so amazing. I love all those other ones you've posted but I'm sure mine will be the sexiest ;D 'nameeeen? ..... yea, LOL! I'm done now~

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oh gao .. that comment about chansung hurt :( </3 looool. but thank you for the compliment! <3

rofl, you have his love, so he will be okay <3. rofl. goshdannggg ggiirrrlll-- those wallpapers are

so freakin' amazing. I just wanna watch you p.s. forever~ haha that sounded.. . . creepy rofl.

go take banner requests in 2 weeks or so :P

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I said I'd post the rest "later on today", but I actually ended up falling asleep early haha. my apologies. anyway, I'm done with the rest of batch #1; I hope all of you like your wallpapers n-n;



hi cara ! I really like that particular wallpaper as well; jay looks so adorable in it, haha. thank you for stopping by. <3


hi yeonjae ! I'm glad you like the wallies. thanks you for stopping by ^^;


hi kelli ! I actually really like the first wallpaper as well, and mainly because of the things you've pointed out haha. and it's only 2PM just because ! totally understandable that you don't know who the boys are T T;; you only have your eyes on lee minho, haha.


rebecca, I'm sure you are very capable of making an amazing JJ wallie on your own, lol. and what are you talking about? I should be the one asking you for your skills instead. have fun at the dbsk concert, you lucky girl you haha.


hi mimi (: of course I remember you. you've been using the banner I made you for a while now so it's hard to miss, haha. I'm very grateful for that; I always like it when I see people use what I've made for them for a period of time ^^; anyway, thank you for stopping by to leave me a comment! and yeaaah, the 2PM are serious business when it comes to being hot haha.

nom de plume.

kimkim, you write a lot don't you, haha. I'm glad you're doing better now; curse the rain for making you feel down T T;; I've been doing quite dandy, I suppose. everything's very routine-like though .. I really hope summer will spice things up a bit ! and aw, thank you kim <3 I never really know how to take compliments, haha .. but thank you (:

& omg, speaking of taec and chansung, did you see the fancam of taec accidentally hitting chan in the eye? gosh, I was so heartbroken watching him in pain the entire performance. he's so strong for making it through til the end of it T T;; makes me love chansung even more.


lol, moving on .. ah really? junsu doesn't have wallpaper material pictures? what about fan-taken pictures or something. those girls really have some freaky hi-tech cameras that literally capture all the pores on the boys' faces, LOL. I always rely on those when people ask for HQ pictures XD & yeah, I really love all the 2PM member as well. I think I'm going to rewatch some Idol Army episodes after I make this reply cause you know, you can never get enough of them. once is just not enough; must rewatch another 40294 times to feel satisfied, lol. anyway, I'm glad you like not only your wallie, but the others as well <3 thanks for stopping by, thanks for requesting, and feel free to stop by again to request a wallpaper again.

I'm so lame, looool.


yes! chansung's hair is so freaking hot right now, especially the hairstyle that he rocked during again & again promotions <3 I do miss his long hair occasionally though; he looked so pretty back then, haha. good to know you're doing well n-n and yeah, summer's here but I'm hoping it'll go by quickly because I want winter to come already! I hate it when it gets hot u-u; I'd probably be saying otherwise during winter though when it's freezing out. ah, I'm so indecisive when it comes to weather and seasons haha. well I hope you'll have an amazing summer regardless; it's always nice to have time off from school XD thank you for stopping by <3


ah seriously, cheannie. I was on dafonts to download fonts today and I ended up downloading way too many san serif fonts that practically all look the same, haha. I'll probably just browse around the fonts thread in this section since people always ask for/upload interesting fonts. and thank you for your offer; I'll definitely ask you when I need a specific font XD & thank you for the compliments, haha. now that you've mentioned it, ally's wallpaper really does remind me of spring (: and requests were open after I made my second post but I guess people are prone to requesting after a batch is done. I should've made myself more clear anyway, haha. it's all good. feel free to request if you'd like <3


f'serious. 2PM is THE group! you are not a weirdo because I feel the exact same way! but if people think it's strange to love a boy group so much, then fine! we will be weirdos together, ally! XD & chansung is adorable when he eats his banana (lol, that sounds so wrong /pervertpervert) actually, the bear boy is adorable when he's eating anything haha. and omg, did you see yesterday's performance?! I died, ally. I literally died when I saw http://i42.tinypic.com/30hn9n6.gif part. I was like "daaang boy, you've totally out done yourself!!!!!!!" it was so freaking sexy; I'd probably be screaming my head off if I were watching the performance live. anyway, I'm glad you like the wallpaper ! & it's better if the other wallpaper stays in the dark because it came out really weird looking, and the quality was bad for some reason. but if you want a second wallie, you can always request again (: and I'm sorry for being all fangirl like in my responses to you. I really can't help myself, lol.


you make me want to know 2PM just to request lol

omg, yes. please do! go watch them on some variety shows or something! they are so amazing; you'll love them haha <3 and thank you, once again, for stopping by to leave me a comment. n-n~


oh, I'm so glad you like it ! your's was definitely one of the faves that I've made (:


haha, thank you <3


I hope you like it, phoung (:


without text


I hope you like it, fika (:



thank you for providing me with a password n-n; I really liked the pictures of wooyoung, haha. he's so adorable ! I hope you like the outcome of the wallie !


b a n g!

oh, I'm so glad rosemary got you into 2PM haha. and it's totally understandable why you're having a hard time choosing between nick and taec (: they're both so charming in their individual ways <3 I'll get crackin' on your request soon.


shreeya, I reread your first post and I felt so stupid because you introduced yourself to me there but I completely missed it, and looked for your name in your 411 instead haha n-n; and yes, photoshop is way expensive. upgrading probably won't cost as much as buying cs4 but it's still going to burn a big hole on my wallet u-u; I definitely have to think about it like ten million times before deciding on getting it. gotta save up and all since my job doesn't pay me much, and like figure out how to live with a few hundred bucks less for the next month or so. oh, the sacrifices I'd go through for photoshop LOL. I'm actually more comfortable using ps7, but that's probably because I've used it for a long time. I think it'll be much easier to learn on that version rather than cs4 since cs4 has so much more new stuff. then again, work with whatever you're comfortable with haha. I've always thought you make graphics. you do, don't you? then what's all this talk about learning PS, shreeya?!?! lool.

chansung's hair is so freaking hot now, haha. I do miss his long hair from time to time though. and yes, I did watch the interview! he so adorable in it but he seems a bit uncomfortable and awkward XD unlike his usual bubbly self <3


yes, junho looks amazing in that picture! I'm sorry I've disappointed you by not using a picture of wooyoung ): I actually did start off with a wooyoung picture (the third one) but I trashed the wallie because I didn't like the outcome. I'm glad you like the wallie regardless (: and lol ! I actually thought it was really clever and cute that you put seven 'links', cause ye know, 2PM ain't complete without 7, hehe XD


aw, thank you jessa <3 and LOL your gif is sooo adorable. when I first watched it, I was like "okay, the guy's twirling a hula-hoop. what's so fail about that?" and then I watch it a couple more times and see that he hits himself in the face with it, roooofl ! who is it btw? it kinda looks like jaejoong but I can't tell u-u;


aw, thank you rosemary <3 I actually love browsing around and spotting that jaebum banner by mai, haha. definitely one of the most amazing banners that she has ever made to date XD and noo, I don't think I'll ditch this thread any time soon. I'm actually enjoying myself while making these wallpapers because unlike banners, the canvas is so much bigger and allows me to have more space to work on (: and it's totally understandable for you to say you're quite possessive of jay; I actually think I've never been so infatuated by a boy group before. 2PM really has something special, haha .. that x factor, you know. I freaking rofled when I read up to the "hands off beezy" part because I actually imagined you fighting off crazy fan girls who are trying to get their hands on jay. it's okay; we can work together to protect our boys, haha. & for real, 2PM's individual personalities are actually what I love most about them. they're so real, how can you not love them. anyway, I hope you like the wallpapers. I actually made three but the other one is real fugly lol, which is why I didn't have yours up when I posted the first half of the batch. so really rosemary, you have to like these or else! lol, I'm just kidding. oh btw, I hope there's enough room on the right for your shortcuts. if anything, I can fix it or even remake it. (:

thum09.jpg thum10.jpg


loooooool gao, you are so freaking funny. fo real ok. I have his love, so he will be okay! hahaha <3 and that just sounded creepy cute, so it's okay hahaha. but if I allow you do to that, you have to allow me to watch you PS forever in return. banner requests? okay, I will. you look out for it, gao.


gosh dang, these replies take forever. maybe I should go back to being lazy and not replying at all, lol. but no! that wouldn't be fair. so thank you for your lovely replies. <3

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i've secretly stalked a thread or two of your artwork before, i'm pretty sure because i recognize the banners. and now wallpapers! haha i couldn't just secretly stalk anymore because i was almost bursting to comment. i'm in love with your wallpapers. i love the glowing effects--the swirls and squares compliment eachother nicely and the colors! everything's just so soft and pretty. definitely added to the list of amazing artists to keep an eye out for. and the love for 2PM ahh they are amazing. i love them! my love for them is slowly taking over my love for big bang haha and i didn't even know that it was possible. but each and every one of the boys are just so unique and talented--so charismatic on stage it's not even funny. i fangirl over these boys so much hahaha :P and i don't think we've met before so, hello salee! i'm yaelynn, nice to meet you.

and ohmygahh i'm not missing out on a chance for your lovely wallpapers (:

+ Text: inspiring inyeon

+ Pictures: one. two. three. four. five. six.

+ Size: 1024x768

+ Colors to avoid: pink&purple please! i'm more of a blue&green, orange&yellow person :P

+ Extras: if you need more pictures, i have more! please tell me (: or please feel free to reject if you cannot work with the pictures.

pretty please and thank you so much in advanced! i'm looking forward to the results for batch two :D

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Guest xi_luv_u

saleeeee OMFG!!!!!! i love the first one!! the colors are just simply beautiful *Q*!

makes yj drool! PUHAHAHAHAH! ohhhh!!! saleeee remembers yj!!! >W<!!!!!

<333 teehee

seriously u gotta make a tut *Q*!!!!! love the effects~ <3

and the light colors~ very refreshing! and warm~


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Guest `gamekyu.

Okay, I lied, my love for 2PM has seriously grown over the past 24 hours.

I shall be back to request something from you once I get pictures.

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Guest talksound

i love the simplicity, and the ... lack of color. i don't think it makes the wp dull, but it makes it more appealing. but i still see traces of classic salee style. =] so that's goooooooood!

you're the first one i know whose favorite is chansung. although i do like him way more since his haircut. i hate that i'm so superficial, but the long hair just HAD to disappear or ELSE... lol.

and i know there's so many jay lovers here, and i'm one of them, but i'm not sure if i like him BEST, it's kind of like a two-way tie between him and wooyoung. then it'd be another two-way tie for second place- taek (i like spelling it with a k, i think he himself spells it with a c, but it looks ... i dunno, unnatural? lol) and junho. it's hard to pick. =/ lol

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Guest esoteric.


aw, thank you rosemary <3 I actually love browsing around and spotting that jaebum banner by mai, haha. definitely one of the most amazing banners that she has ever made to date XD and noo, I don't think I'll ditch this thread any time soon. I'm actually enjoying myself while making these wallpapers because unlike banners, the canvas is so much bigger and allows me to have more space to work on (: and it's totally understandable for you to say you're quite possessive of jay; I actually think I've never been so infatuated by a boy group before. 2PM really has something special, haha .. that x factor, you know. I freaking rofled when I read up to the "hands off beezy" part because I actually imagined you fighting off crazy fan girls who are trying to get their hands on jay. it's okay; we can work together to protect our boys, haha. & for real, 2PM's individual personalities are actually what I love most about them. they're so real, how can you not love them. anyway, I hope you like the wallpapers. I actually made three but the other one is real fugly lol, which is why I didn't have yours up when I posted the first half of the batch. so really rosemary, you have to like these or else! lol, I'm just kidding. oh btw, I hope there's enough room on the right for your shortcuts. if anything, I can fix it or even remake it. (:


You should've seen my jaw drop when: 1) I saw the size of your LOVE LETTER <3, 2) I saw that I got TWWWOOOOOO (yes I can count ;D) wallpapers! @*#$(&#*@! and 3) how freaking gorgeous they are! -insertkeyboardsmashing- wowwww <333 I love them. I had the hardest time choosing which one to use because lmao wow. I love those two pictures like crazy mad. I'm so glad you used them because they're seriously two of my most favorite pictures of him currently (because who can resist Jay baby in bunny ears?!) bahahaaa. dude for sureeeee I know right? I was so scared when I asked her if I could have it and afraid that she'd either say no or that she already gave it away to someone ): ohh I see. The only thing I can make are gifs :| because for some reason icons are too small for me and wps/posters are too large. I have no creativity so the canvas is so vast that I have no idea what I should do or where I should get started first D: I'm so indecisive ... ahhhh I know right? ajowfida <3 you seriously like hit the nail on the head. There's just something about them that is so lovable and so down to earth and real that you just can't resist them <3 I think this is the first time that I've seriously been able to honestly say that I love all of the members in a group. Big Bang comes close and I love all five of them but sometimes I don't care much for certain members, youknowwhatImean ('nameen?). LOLLL gonna fight me some Jay fans, thaaas'right! >;D ahahaha omg Salee. You don't have to threaten me because I absolutely LOVEEEE my wallpapers <3333333333 I love the colors you used and how you positioned the font and just everything feoaifjsd (: ahhh ... remake? maybe I should lie and say "YEA I DON'T LIKE THEM" so I can get my hands on some more wps ... HAHAH I'm sorry. My greedy green monster is coming out of her cave and rearing her ugly head D: yesyes, there's enough room! It actually fits perfectly on my screen because literally there are all these shortcuts on the left side and nothing on the right LOL! If someone ends up stealing my wps you made for me (because I know there are wallpaper jackers <_<) I swear I'm going to kill someone ._. that's how much I love them. bleh!

... I'm sorry for writing so much haha! You're probably thinking "... omg I have to reply to THIS?!" <333

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loooooool gao, you are so freaking funny. fo real ok. I have his love, so he will be okay! hahaha <3 and that just sounded creepy cute, so it's okay hahaha. but if I allow you do to that, you have to allow me to watch you PS forever in return. banner requests? okay, I will. you look out for it, gao.

How do you know I'm not behind you right now?! ROFL. okay, I'll stop. Gahd I hope your legal. lmfao,

or else that would be pedophile-ish! AHHAHAHAHAH XD.

YAY! Banner requests in 2 weeks?! WHOOOOOOOOO!!! Wait -- how bout later this week?! LOL;

Haha but hey! The new hair cut looks WAYY better than that long-ish hair Chansung had going on . . that was just

. . a no no. rofl. everyone is taking Wooyoung, Jaebum and Okcat wallpapers! I'm super surprised no one is

taking Nick requests! Its really hard to find photos of him though . . or good ones. . haha of him.

I love all the wallpapers; esp. phoung's! personally, I love Star005's more in b&w! It looks so hot girl!

AND AND AND - Rosemarys 2nd wallpaper of Jay! On the right side of the wallpaper; I loved the effect

girl! <3 freakin' amazing!

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Guest last love.


f'serious. 2PM is THE group! you are not a weirdo because I feel the exact same way! but if people think it's strange to love a boy group so much, then fine! we will be weirdos together, ally! XD & chansung is adorable when he eats his banana (lol, that sounds so wrong /pervertpervert) actually, the bear boy is adorable when he's eating anything haha. and omg, did you see yesterday's performance?! I died, ally. I literally died when I saw http://i42.tinypic.com/30hn9n6.gif part. I was like "daaang boy, you've totally out done yourself!!!!!!!" it was so freaking sexy; I'd probably be screaming my head off if I were watching the performance live. anyway, I'm glad you like the wallpaper ! & it's better if the other wallpaper stays in the dark because it came out really weird looking, and the quality was bad for some reason. but if you want a second wallie, you can always request again (: and I'm sorry for being all fangirl like in my responses to you. I really can't help myself, lol.

AW, SALEE. YOU'RE CUTE. :] Okay. I'll reply laterrr. <3 In the middle of watching a drama, bahahaha. I swear, my reply will be super long. Rofl, just to make your time on replies even longerrr~ <3 BAHAHAHA. XD

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OMGGG , HOT HOT WALLIES T____T ; i really need an obsession with 2PM just so i can request ROFL those jaebum wallies for rosemary are <333 ! envious !


aw, thank you jessa <3 and LOL your gif is sooo adorable. when I first watched it, I was like "okay, the guy's twirling a hula-hoop. what's so fail about that?" and then I watch it a couple more times and see that he hits himself in the face with it, roooofl ! who is it btw? it kinda looks like jaejoong but I can't tell u-u;

LOL , aw thankyou ! i saw it and i IMMEDIATELY wanted a gif of it XDD i feel bad though cause ally hates making gifs yet she made me one anyway asfijoasf <333. LOL XDD it's cause it is jaejoong HAHA x] i know , you can't really see the face but the video wasn't zoomed in x___x , heck , i dont even know where that video came from ! LOL , lovely wallies , can't wait to see more ! :)

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Guest Star005

ahh wow this is.. wow :]

you made the sexy wooyoung look even sexier :D

hahaha you are amazing :]

i love the changsung one that you have as an example too!

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Guest bohemianheart.

wow ! omg saleee. your wallpapers are freaking sexy as ever !

i love the black and white of the wallies. it is truly amazing. love love love

the filtering. teach me buddie. ! D: nice results as always. <3


haha i just clicked on the wallies, and they were colored. goodness

i'm so dumb. D: still love them !

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Guest tastetheerainbow

Omg, you work so fast.

I really like the Jaebum one when he's wearing glasses.

I like how you have the gradient in the bg.

The Wooyoung one is nice too.

Ahhh, I'm loving all this Jaebum-ness, lols.

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nom de plume.

kimkim, you write a lot don't you, haha. I'm glad you're doing better now; curse the rain for making you feel down T T;; I've been doing quite dandy, I suppose. everything's very routine-like though .. I really hope summer will spice things up a bit ! and aw, thank you kim <3 I never really know how to take compliments, haha .. but thank you (:

& omg, speaking of taec and chansung, did you see the fancam of taec accidentally hitting chan in the eye? gosh, I was so heartbroken watching him in pain the entire performance. he's so strong for making it through til the end of it T T;; makes me love chansung even more.


lol, moving on .. ah really? junsu doesn't have wallpaper material pictures? what about fan-taken pictures or something. those girls really have some freaky hi-tech cameras that literally capture all the pores on the boys' faces, LOL. I always rely on those when people ask for HQ pictures XD & yeah, I really love all the 2PM member as well. I think I'm going to rewatch some Idol Army episodes after I make this reply cause you know, you can never get enough of them. once is just not enough; must rewatch another 40294 times to feel satisfied, lol. anyway, I'm glad you like not only your wallie, but the others as well <3 thanks for stopping by, thanks for requesting, and feel free to stop by again to request a wallpaper again.

I'm so lame, looool.

Awww you're not lame, Salee! D: NEVER LAME. Yeah, I tend to write a lot when I get excited or pretty much just really want to say something because I'm sure no one will mind reading a long comment. Although, at times I just keep it simple...but I like to say many things XD It's a good thing that you're doing well, too. Summer is hereeeeee---and I'm going to enjoy every single minute of the days that go by. But yes, it's hard to accept compliments from others, I know what you mean. I get all bashful and just.......shy :3

WHAT!? NOOOOOO I HAVEN'T SEEN IT T_T But awww poor Chansung---I swear each of these boys do so much, they keep it in and just pull through till the end. At least he's doing okay now, ne? They're fighters and strong. Hoorah! Oh my God I just saw it and I was about to bawl. Ah man that looked painful---of course Taek didn't think it was that bad at first (sticking his tongue out, the dork), but you can definitely tell it hurts like an SOB D: Poor maknae T_T;; Let Salee kiss you booboo to make you feel better, okay? <333 Hwaiting, Chansung! Someone give the boy an icepack, mannn.

IDOL ARMY IS THE BOMB!!! I cannot stop LMFAO at everything the boys do. God they're such dorks, and they're so adorable---I can't say much else because what is there to say? People just need to watch them and it says all :D And I concur, once is never enough to satisfy the fangirlism and happiness when watching the 2PM hotties. Oooooooooooooooooooooooh I can request again? D: Dang I feel greedy but I'd loooooove to have one of Junsu. Yeah, some of the pictures I found aren't exactly HQ but I am looking for them as much as I can. Junsu, help meeeee.


+ Text: textless or only you

+ Pictures: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | Oh pretty new pics. x | x

+ Size: 1280x800

+ Colors to avoid: PINK

+ Extras: I liked the colors you used for my Jaebum wallie :D But anything you make is golden, Salee. End of story~

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Guest cupquakee.

you work fast salee! you deserve a bunch of kudos and e-hugs haha!

LOLS it's hard dling sans serif fonts because the majority of them DO look alike -__- and when you do dl it there's like a bunch of different kinds like bold and italic haha i went through the fonts thread too when i got my new laptop and just like dl-ed all the pretty ones i saw LOLS yeah feel free to ask me and i'll try to help if i can haha but do you mind telling me what font this is ? it's so nice and simple lols

oh my god i love that picture of jaebum in phuong's request! it's so hot ( and HQ ) LOLS *drools* and i like the colors you chose, it feels really nice (: then the one you made for enchanted, i like how it's black&white then with a little bit of pink! haha i wouldn't mind opening up my computer to that everytime :rolleyes: the blue in star's request makes it look very serene ! and lucky rosemary! she's get two from you! and i love the color scheme's for both! i'm so jealous lols

anddddd i just couldn't resist! i'm kinda excited to get my own salee-fied wallpaper XD

+ Text: it's only you

+ Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5 6

+ Size: 1280x800

+ Colors to avoid: i'm not too picky on colors (: just make it soft and dreamy! haha

+ Extras: THANK YOU SO MUCH SALEE! haha you know how much i'm in love with your wallies<3 and make sure you include an instructional guide on how to make wallpapers amazing like you! LOLS

ps. hopefully at least one of the pictures are wallpaper worthy-ish, if not just tell me!

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Guest b a n g!

oh, I'm so glad rosemary got you into 2PM haha. and it's totally understandable why you're having a hard time choosing between nick and taec (: they're both so charming in their individual ways <3 I'll get crackin' on your request soon.

hahahah yes for a while I was like who is 2PM? and then I looked at some of their MVs and their official thread and I was like boy was I missing out xD hahah but yes all of them are so very special (: lol I hope one of those pictures work and thanks! I can't wait hahah I noticed that Chansung is your fav lol did you watch unstoppable highkick? he was in it before his 2PM days what a cutie ;] that wooyoung wallie would have to be my favorite from your new results! I see why you were hoping my favorite wasn't jay hahah but the one for phoung <33 that picture is so popular I see it everywhere but soo hott LOL and rosemary lucky girl gets two! I'm sure the third was just as beautiful!

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Guest rawr! :3

hey salee (: my name is pauline *waves* lets be friends? lol i absolutely love you wallies.. ive actually been stalking this thread just to make sure you made a new batch LOL *hides* but yepp, i love the jae wallie you made for rosemary.. he's so sexy (: well i cant wait for the results.. i'll keep stalking :3


+ Text: only you, just pauline, or textless

+ Pictures: K H U N

+ Size: 1280x800

+ Colors to avoid: n/a

+ Extras: thank you salee love <3

teehee the first khunnie request? nevermind :P

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Oh my word, where have I been? T_T I must request. I love all 7 of the boys so much, it's gonna be so hard to choose.....


So basically I had this fangirl squeal moment during 2PM's 지금은 꽃미남 시대 episodes when they were taking a break and their makeup coordi was trying to put lip gloss on Khun's lips. He kept on licking his lips to keep her from putting lip gloss on him, and it was so freaking cute. I keep on going back and forth between all the boys. They're the first group where I like all 7 members pretty much equally. <3


+ Text: 쿤땡 (If you don't want to do the Korean text: Khunddeng)

+ Pictures: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

+ Size: 1024x768 (desktop) OR 1280 x 800 (laptop) But please choose whatever size you want. I'll put it up on either one of the two computers. ^^

+ Colors to avoid: none! I don't want to stem your creativity.

+ Extras: Thank you very much for doing this. I really appreciate it. <3

-- ji eun

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