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The Sims 3

Guest melzbellz

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

Did anyone else get that update the other day? It fixed the slower fast forward speeds; I definitely noticed a difference. And I don't know if I'm speaking too soon, but supposedly the update was supposed to help with the game crashing, and ever since I got the update my game hasn't crashed. Yet. I'm a happy camper though. :D

i have this game and i hate how the common glitch/bug in sims 3 is that some sims spawn babies regardless of gender and any other parents.

Rofl what o___o

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Guest Novaculite

Am I the only one who isn't bothered by the speed? I know it's slower but I really don't think it takes that long to fast forward... <<;;

Yup, it's not just you! They fixed it in the patch as mentioned above, but I can't even download it. Glitchy, rawr.

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AHHH I love this game so much :x I got addicted like right after I bought it >< . I hope they make this wifi applicable ~ or like lan play. Whenever my brother plays he just makes his character run around the park waiting for people to harass them *sigh* lol

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Guest melzbellz

^^ your sims are cute!

ugh i haven't even started the game yet because my laptop nor my computer can handle it :fury:

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Guest chiimin

i'm getting this game only in september! - my birthday, new totally wild pc. so i can play it without problems.

i want so much the collector's edition. because of the pendrive it comes with. (: i've played this game for 7 years already, NEVER get tired of it.

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Guest rawwwr

It's not only one active family per town. You can make tons of families in one town, you just have to go to "Edit Town" on the options menu then hit the +sims button thingy.

Am I the only one who isn't bothered by the speed? I know it's slower but I really don't think it takes that long to fast forward... <<;;

Anyway, what I think is dumb is how you have to switch active housholds. You have to go to the last family you were playing (even if you don't wanna play that one this time), click "Edit Town" then click "Switch active household." I can't for the life of me figure out why they did it this way.

This is what I meant by the whole 'one family per town' haha.

I really don't like switching households because the sims that I left disappear! ><

They would either move in with another family or disappear completely... :/

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I don't get how it wouldn't make sense with story progression. :(

Because some wishes need to be satisfied quickly? So if you use story progression, the Sims in your neighbourhood will keep going and eventually fail/pass that wish... Like meeting someone new, or eating certain meals...

That's how I see it. :3

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

^ Ooooh, I get what you mean.

I haven't really experienced too much change in story progression when switching back and forth from households. But I have aging off too.

This is what I meant by the whole 'one family per town' haha.

I really don't like switching households because the sims that I left disappear! ><

They would either move in with another family or disappear completely... :/

Move in with another family or disappear completely? That's not normal. I don't really understand what you mean. Like if you try to switch households BACK they just aren't there anymore?

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Guest HeartOnHerSleeve

Cute Sims are much more easier to make with the "Asian skins" available on modthesims.info =)

I have a lot of fun with the Paris Hilton sim Stefan made... I made one of her traits angler (no particular reason). When she's not doing business or party stuff, she's fishing for anchovies. I really like to play the Sims 3 now...I guess it wasn't a very easy transition from the Sims 2, haha~

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Guest Razzii

I'm super excited about the Sims3 release~

So expensive though.

I'm still saving up for it... >o<;

Hear many good things though so hopefully it will be worth it.

Mmm, addiction feeding timez.

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

Has anyone hired a maid yet?

If so, is it possible to just get a crappy maid? My bf was playing, and some random guy walked into his house and we were really confused. One of the actions on him was "Fire" so we assumed it was his maid he hired. But all he did was put a book away, eat FOUR BOWLS OF HIS CEREAL, and left without cleaning up after himself.

Our jaws dropped. Keep in mind this "maid" was a full grown man with a stereotypical middle aged beer belly on him.

I guess he'll have to fire him and get a better one? o_o Anyone else experience this? XD

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Guest emkijamo

I bought the sims 3 a few weeks ago i haven't played it much yet so far i just made my self sim and some randoms

i actually think the sims aren't as good looking :huh: i think the toddlers and children look freakishly like little adults

I think its not as good as the sims 2. but i do like how you can customize everything.

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Guest cantthinkofaname

it's a good game overall...just not up to my expectations

i thought it would be like WOW

although i do like how you can follow yourself when going to work and such, it's pretty cool

but then there's those...that aren't so great

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Guest hephaestion


I'm still playing the Sims2 though the Sims3 is interesting so.

Currently i had installed the Sims3, then my monitor when went blank.

It might be that my videocard doesnt support or else, i dont know.

In my little opinion, I think I like characters from the Sims2 more than the Sims3.


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Guest x__harlequin

Has anyone hired a maid yet?

If so, is it possible to just get a crappy maid? My bf was playing, and some random guy walked into his house and we were really confused. One of the actions on him was "Fire" so we assumed it was his maid he hired. But all he did was put a book away, eat FOUR BOWLS OF HIS CEREAL, and left without cleaning up after himself.

Our jaws dropped. Keep in mind this "maid" was a full grown man with a stereotypical middle aged beer belly on him.

I guess he'll have to fire him and get a better one? o_o Anyone else experience this? XD

i have a maid and they recycle the old newspapers, clean up bad food and stuff

maybe that dude was a babysitter? you can fire babysitters too

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Guest Malice_Kaiser


Maybe he accidentally clicked on babysitter? He definitely does not have a baby in that house. o.o;;

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Guest lovemelody.



that's why there's an option that says "stop doing that"

in the manual,

they tell you to "watch" the people you hire over the phone

cus they don't always do their job (or something like that:])

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