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[N.G] Kissed By You


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Guest alwayz_kay



i love your fanfic!!!

just soooo interesting!!

i hope you'll update soon!!

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Hahah, that was one of your cutest chapters ever! Yekyung calls Yuhwan a perv and he doesn't even deny it! Hahah, that perverted damned hottie! Hah the couple is TOO cute. xb Seunghoo, oh my gosh, that boy has got to be the cutest little thing ever! Jaeho, well the guy's just cute! And um Hee Joo and SungHwan together?! Uh-uh! No way! I don't think Heejoo likes him! Who does that evil h*e even care about besides herself!? I think she's up to something! She's evil! But evil makes the story all the better! Kekeee! SeeDuk and Yekyung feeling tension. TSK TSK TSK! I hate tension! It always makes things so awkward! @______@ And Heejoo's parents?! OH MY GODD! They are some mother freakin' cavemen! OR WORSE! Heheh, okay I believe this comment is going to get too long. -___-" Well update soon! Lahh the story! ;]

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Guest Yuna N.


It`s me, x3 DiNOTASTiC (username change ;D hahaha~)

I haven`t been following your story lately, tsk tsk me!

Stupid Junior year is conquering every aspect of my life, gaaah.

Aww, I`m seeing cutesy progress between Yekyung & Yuhwan!

When will they be at the final level !?!? ;O

You have a knack for keeping your readers on the edge of their seats, don`t you? D;

I love your style, and your creativity (which, i`m pretty sure I`ve mentioned quite numerous times)

DEFINITELY looking forward to your next update. ;)

- Yuna (formerly known as x3 DiNOTASTiC) :)

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credits to x.lovinglife


I laughed as his hair became even messier from my attempts to tug it out of his roots.

“YeKyung,” he growled and started to tickle me.

“Stop—I SURRENDER!—hahha…stop!”

He stopped and looked down at me. “Surrender, do you?”

I nodded, wiping a tear from the strain of laughing. “Yes, I do.”

He leaned down and gently pressed a kiss to my cheek. My skin tingled as he slowly kissed a trail from my cheek to my ear. Breathing against me, he said, “its useless surrendering.”

“Why?” I breathed out.

“Because…you’re already mine.”

And all I could think was, You’ve got me…heart and all.

Kissed By You || 72

The next morning, I woke up with an awful shaking. Someone was sobbing while they called my name, wailing frightfully. I sat up with blurry eyes and a bumbling person trying to tell me something.

When my eyes cleared, JungRoo had rivers streaming down her face. She tried to point to the door and talk at the same time. Her cries were too distressful for me to understand however.

“JungRoo! What’s wrong?”

“S-S—“ she sobbed.

I gently placed my hands on her shoulders as I swung my legs over the side of the bed. “Calm down and tell me what you want.”

“SeungHoo’s gone!”

My grip turned to steel on her shoulders. The kids had obviously gone out early in the morning and someone had been keeping watch, waiting to catch SeungHoo unexpected.

I got up and together with YuHwan, the three of us went to SeungHoo’s place to get him back.


“This is where he lives?”

I nodded my head and walked ahead, leaving JungRoo and YuHwan behind to marvel at the large, white mansion.

Instead of making our presence known right away, I peeked in through the windows. There was little activity around the house. Walking to the front door, I jiggled the door knob to find it unlocked. With as little noise as possible, I stepped into the house with the other two following closely behind. Yes, we can be charged for breaking and entering. However, SeungHoo is worth is. Besides, I didn’t “break” into anything. It was open already; sort of.

Inside, it was dead silent. The atmosphere felt cold and uninviting.

“Where is everyone?” YuHwan asked.

“They might be—“


YuHwan and I jerked our heads to JungRoo, who was now sprinting up the stairs. We ran after her, shocked to find her so shocked.

At the top of the stairs, SeungHoo was hugging a babbling JungRoo. I smiled when I saw that he was fine. A little frazzled, but otherwise, completely unharmed.

“Noona, what are you doing here?” He asked.

I bent down and hugged him around JungRoo, who refused to let him go. “I heard you were taken home.”

SeungHoo frowned. “Umma forced me. I couldn’t get away.”

“Mean old lady,” JungRoo mumbled. She tightened her grasp around SeungHoo. “You should’ve popped her one.”

“JungRoo!” I exclaimed.

“She’s evil,” JungRoo commented.

“She is mean sometimes,” SeungHoo added quietly.

JungRoo stepped back from SeungHoo and said, “Next time, we’ll make sure to not get caught. If she tries to get you again, scream REALLY loud okay? I’ll help you get away.”

YuHwan ssunshineed behind his hand. I slapped his arm, finding it immature that he was being so giggly. It’s cute that they’re getting along.

“Hwang SeungHoo.”

We all looked up to find a man standing at the bottom of the stairs with a tight face. SeungHoo immediately tensed up and pushed JungRoo behind his back as this man ascended the steps.

“Who are they?” His tone was rough and indicated no room for jokes.

“This is my Noona and Hyung and this is JungRoo. She’s my friend,” SeungHoo mumbled, keeping his eyes on the floor.

I frowned. This man bothered me. He made my sweet SeungHoo extremely introvert. Something was causing SeungHoo to behave oddly.

“You shouldn’t be hanging around with these low lives.”

My jaw dropped. There is nothing wrong with hanging out with us!

“Appa, they’re not low lives!”

Ah, so that’s who he is. It figures that that dragon lady would marry a dragon man.

He sneered. “They’re low lives. Nothing but cheap people who like to use you for your money.”

“You’re the low life!”

We all looked down at JungRoo, who had stepped out from behind SeungHoo to stand with her hands on her hips. “Who are you to tell him who to be friends with or not? You don’t know a single thing about your own son. You act like you want the best for him, but in reality, you just want to keep him snobby and stringent. He’s not an adult! He’s only a child and you take the fun out of everything. Do you know he wishes you’d spend more time with him? Do you know he cries at night because he can’t have parents who at least acknowledge him when they see him? You’re nothing; lower than beggars!” JungRoo cried out, tears of indignation in her eyes.

SeungHoo’s father stared down at JungRoo with contempt. “Ignorant child. You know nothing about the real world. SeungHoo, I do wonder why I must tell you constantly never to be involved with such rude imbeciles.”

“JungRoo is not an imbecile!” SeungHoo suddenly cried out. “She’s a prodigy!”

“Hwang SeungHoo, are you going against me?”

Silence fell. SeungHoo looked down at his feet, his fists trembling on either side of him.

“I thought—“

“Yes, Appa! I am. I hate that you don’t care enough. I hate that you and Umma always worry about money. I hate that you don’t want to hug me like other dads. I hate that—“

YuHwan yanked me behind him, holding me tightly to his back.

“What are you doing?” I hissed.

“Don’t look.”

My heart froze. Something fell to the floor. My grip tightened on YuHwan’s shirt.

“Let me go,” I said, my voice trembling on its own accord.

YuHwan didn’t say anything. He fought against me, holding me behind him as I heard each whimper, each cry. I could hear JungRoo crying out as she tried hopelessly to stop.

What a monster. I…I can’t believe someone can be so cruel. He…he’s a child…

Tears fell as I struggled against YuHwan, my heart breaking as SeungHoo’s body fell to the ground. I broke free of YuHwan’s grip and covered SeungHoo’s body with my own. His face was swelling up. I gently touched his face where the bruises were starting. My body wracked with sobs as I stared up at the man that afflicted this damage with hatred.

“Take these people away,” He said gruffly, turning to walk down the stairs.

I tightened my grip on SeungHoo, struggling against the guards that tried to separate me and him.

“Stop!” I cried. “You monster! How could you touch him? How dare you?!”

YuHwan had to tug me away as they carried SeungHoo’s helpless body away. I let out another cry as I watched him limply hanging in the guard’s arms. Though I could have fought my way out of the guard’s arms, I couldn’t, letting my sobs take control.

We were deposited outside and shut out with a slam. JungRoo and I sat together, holding each other and crying as YuHwan angrily told one of the guards off.


We sat on the couch with teary faces and clenched fists. I wiped my tears away roughly as I bit on my lower lip in anxiousness. Who knew what they were doing to SeungHoo?!

“YeKyung, let’s go get SeungHoo,” JungRoo said. “Let’s go take him far away from there.”

“Don’t worry; I’ll go get him later,” I whispered to her. “Just go take a nap.”

I watched as she disappeared into the bedroom then turned back to YuHwan.

“You’re messing with more than you can handle,” He told me.

I shrugged. “I love that kid like my own brother. There’s no way I can just sit here and let what happened to him earlier continue.”

“He’s not your child. You can be charged with kidnapping.”

“I know.”

YuHwan sighed and dropped onto the couch next to me. “You’re too stubborn.”

“So what, stubbornness is good.”

“Only sometimes. Other times, it’s quite a fatal attribute.”

I turned to him. “You know I can’t leave it alone after what happened. SeungHoo is extremely frail! Beating him doesn’t make his father the bigger person.”

“I know. You have to understand though, what happens in someone’s home stays there. If you were to use that as an excuse, he could still come back with saying you were breaking and entering.”

Settling back into the couch in fatigue, I rested my head against his shoulder. “YuHwan, I hate drama. I wish that we could just all be happy.”

His arm came to wrap around my shoulder as he said, “Then it just wouldn’t be life. That’s the up and down about life: the unpredictability of it.”

We sat like that until dinner. When everyone was asleep that night, I snuck out to SeungHoo’s house.

It was pretty dark, but I could see that SeungHoo’s room was still lit. Picking up some rocks, I threw them at his window. It was after about three rocks that he stuck his head out of the window.


“SeungHoo! Keep your window open, I’m coming up.”

I looked over at the trellis on the side of the house and carefully made my way up to his window. When I finally crawled in, I looked at SeungHoo. He was sitting in his bed and had a bandage on his cheek. I cried out softly when I saw the bruise he had on his face. That monster…

Rushing over to his side, I took his face into my hands. “Are you alright?”

He nodded and continued to stare up at me with those big brown eyes.

“I was so worried you were hurt.”

“Appa doesn’t like my friends,” he said sadly. “I wanted him to meet you a long time ago…”

“He just doesn’t understand. We’ll make him understand.”

“Noona, I don’t like fighting. I hate when Appa is angry.”

I gently stroked his head as I crawled into bed beside him. “It’s okay SeungHoo. Things happen for a reason. We just have to try and curve them to our advantage and to make everyone happy.”

“Noona, I really, really, really like JungRoo. I want to be friends with JungRoo forever. But if Umma and Appa don’t like her, what do I do?”

“Let me tell you a story SeungHoo. Just listen; you can comment on it afterwards. So it starts like this.

“Once upon a time, there was a small village in which lived a small girl and her grandmother. The little girl never went outside much because she had to stay home and watch her sick grandmother. If she ever went outside, it was to the nearby swing set.

“One day, she met this little boy. His soccer ball had been kicked all the way to the swings. When he looked up and saw her, he introduced himself. The two sat on the swings and talked for a very long time. When it got dark, they each went their separate ways, promising to meet each other the next day.

“They met each other every single day that they could. The little boy thought the girl was extremely pretty and started to even like her. He never asked anyone about them, because he knew that being from the upper class, he wasn’t supposed to talk to people like her. So when one of his friends had seen him talking to her, he was picked on. Eventually, it got back to his parents.

“They punished him for being seen with her and he was locked in his room. Even though he tried his hardest to get out, he was stuck. The little girl waited for him at the swing set until very late.

“Both of them were upset, but that night, looking out their windows, they made a wish on a star that the other one was alright.

“They never saw each other again. He grew up to take over his father’s business and she grew up very independent and owned a hair salon.”

SeungHoo looked up at me with a frown on his face. “That wasn’t a very happy story Noona.”

“I know it wasn’t. This is what real life is like SeungHoo. Though they never saw each other again, they always wished for the other to have good health and prayed that the other was happy. Though they couldn’t love each other like they wanted to, they did so through their prayers.”

SeungHoo looked down at his hands and back up at me, his eyes full of tears. “Life sucks.”

My heart cried out to him as I wrapped my arms around him and held him close. “Nothing’s easy, SeungHoo. Just remember that.”

I rocked gently as he cried silently against my shoulder. We broke apart when the door suddenly opened.

At the doorway stood his father, his face full of anger and spite.

“What are you doing in here?”

“Coming to check on SeungHoo. More than you’re doing,” I spat.

“Why you—“


SeungHoo limped to stand in front of me with his hands outstretched. “Appa, Noona is good! She didn’t do anything to me.”

“She is entering without asking for permission. That is insolence.”

I couldn’t stay quiet for long. “You and your disrespect! I understand that my attitude doesn’t exactly live up to your standards, but that’s because you have to earn my respect! Just because you’re wealthy doesn’t make you better. You can be filthy rich and be the scum of the earth. If you had met me with a sturdy handshake and a rough hello, it would’ve been good for me! I don’t expect the world out of someone I meet.”

Silence dominated the room. We all just stared at one another as the words slowly started to sink in.

“Well,” SeungHoo’s father started off as he coughed awkwardly.

“Appa, I think we have reached a compromise,” SeungHoo said smartly.

“What?” His father looked at him like he was crazy.

“Appa, YeKyung Noona has said everything already. You don’t have to be friends. You two don’t even have to see each other. She’s my Noona though. And I think that my friends are my own business. Unless they interfere with my home life, then there shouldn’t be a problem. You two don’t have to interact at all.”

This was the most intelligent speech I had ever heard from SeungHoo. He usually made those cutesy little kid speeches that had me giggling. This however, had me beaming with pride. He had grown up quite a lot; becoming stronger and stronger every single day.

His father seemed to have acknowledged this as well as he put his hands into his pockets and sighed loudly.

“I will agree with you on this then, SeungHoo. However, do not test my patience. Your friend must have respect the next time she comes back to this house. I will not tolerate her insolence.”

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. He walked away after closing the door.

SeungHoo turned around to look at me with a beaming smile. “I stood up to Appa! I made him listen to me!”

With a smile like that, I had to kneel down and give him a great big hug. He was growing up so quickly. It made me extremely happy to know I’d helped him grow stronger and become more dependent. Halmoni would’ve been glad.

That night, SeungHoo told his parents he would be staying with me and coming back when they sent for him. They agreed, though not without threatening me that if any harm came to him, they’d have my head for it.

Fair enough.


First off, WOW! It has been an extremely long time and I'm sure you all were pretty mad at me =X. Extremely sorry. Nearing the end of a school year, things just become extremely chaotic. The fact that I'm even able to post is a miracle I must say.

Now, no single replies for this post because I'm just extremely busy. I'll try to provide some next time guys!

This chapter was just more on SeungHoo, who I had a feeling needed to be written about. I'll get back to SY+HY soon; no worries!

Welcome new and returning readers! I thank you all for your support of this story and me as a writer. I'll continue to update as much as possible!<3

PS My PM's are going to be a little late. I'm extremely tired and since testing is going on all this month, sleep is rare. Do forgive me guys!


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Guest rumbelle

saved much?


SeungHoo`s father is so snobby . o-o

I can`t believe he slapped his son .

“Appa, I think we have reached a compromise,” SeungHoo said smartly.

SeungHoo sounds so smart. how cutee(:

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Guest chng234

thanks 4 the update.

i m quite amazed with YeKyung.

i m glad that SeungHoo stood against his dad for his stand.

pls update soon

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Guest MisS_SuJu

Wow, you finally updated.

I asked before if I could be added to the PM list.

But I guess you don't have the time to add new readers huh?

Doesn't matter. This story is so addicting.

Yu Hwan sounds so hot puhaha

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Seunghoo is such a smart growing boy.

I'm glad that the parents reached a compromise.

let's hope he doesn't get harm xD, we don't want YeKyung head coming off LOL

Post whenever you can.

I agree, almost everyone's busy 'cus it's almost the end of school. >_<

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Guest LoveItLiveIt

AHH, UPDATE! Saving my spot xD

Oh my gawd. I cannot believe SeungHoo parents!!

How cruel and mean!!

Money and business, that's all rich people ever care about.

Most of the time anyway.

But, I'm so glad things are okay now.

I'd totally cry if you took SeungHoo out of the picture completely!

Ahha, but, I'm glad he stood up to his father,

And they compromised. But dood, how old is that kid now?!

He sounded so smart and not so little! Ahha.

But anyhoo, Glad everything turned out okay x)

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this update is really touchy.

i also feel proud for SeungHoo.

i really hope his parents would realize that they should be doing better as parents.

YeKyung even does a better job than them at parenthood, considering she's still far from being a mother, physically.

thanks for this update!

i sure enjoyed it.

im hoping to read more YeKyung and YuHwan soon!


thanks a lot!

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Guest reesilove

soo..yooh don't have to pm me!


one less person for a pm;


i freakin hate his dad.

i swear.

can i like..shoot him with a gun?




update soon pleaseee

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Guest stardust.

wee~ you finally updated!

"Appa, YeKyung Noona has said everything already. You don't have to be friends. You two don't even have to see each other. She's my Noona though. And I think that my friends are my own business. Unless they interfere with my home life, then there shouldn't be a problem. You two don't have to interact at all."

SeungHoo is so smart.. he's so young too =]

what a mean dad <_< his parents are such snobs,

thank you SeungHoo is not like that, he knows better :lol:

I'm so happy you updated, I read the story months ago

(71 chapters in a day :rolleyes: )

and I've been wondering when you would update

that was such a great chapter, even though it was mainly SeungHoo :sweatingbullets:

update asap, no rush ^^;;

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