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[N.G] Kissed By You


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Guest LoveItLiveIt

Saving My Spot;

Will Be Back To Read In A Bit :]

Oh gosh, I can't believe it either Yekyung,

That SeeDuk is..In love with his sister.

But, it..really can't be helped. They didn't know.

And OMFG. I cannot believe the nerve of HeeJoo and AeRin!!

Oh my! Poor SeungHoo. I totally just wanted to beat the two up.

How could they do that!?! He's just a kid!! I mean.

Could they be any more cruel, Well, I think they could, But how could they!!

JaeHo and SeeDuk's friendship. Damn, It seems really strong.

Sucks they gotta keep it a secret from everyone.

But,AHHH, Damn it, I hope SeungHoo doesn't get hurt again.

I just hope none of the good people get hurt anymore. It's just to painful to read about!

Ahhaa. Anywho. Hooray, You posted, but what a late post. '=D

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Guest tainted.skies

Ahh! I`m sorry i didn`t reply for the last chapter, and replying with such a late one! I haven`t been on soompi for quite a while due to school.

Woow. Moreee drama, haha. How sad that SeeDuk still loves YeKyung in a way more than sister&brother love. >.<; I can`t imagine the pain that SeeDuk has loving someone in that way, that turns out to be his own sister. & I feel so sad for YeKyung to have to face the pain that SeeDuk holds of their past & his feelings for her now. Very sad, very sad. x_x

I wish I had a boyfriend like YuHwan. Though she goes through so much drama and pain, and things that include YuHwan, he still stands by her. & even with issues like SeeDuk`s feelings for YeKyung, he just deals with it! >.<; Wahhhh, can I have YuHwan? :3 Hahaha. :]

& as if YeKyung doesn`t have enough trouble, -sarcasm- HeeJoo & AeRim come to the rescue! Lol. Wow, can`t believe they have the guts to do such a thing as taking a child and beating him for such a small prank. Speeeeeechless upon their actions. =-=; I`d like to have a kick at HeeJoo & AeRim myself, haha.

Patiently waiting for the next chapter! :] -hopefully I won`t miss it by like a month again.- x-x

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Guest xblueswirlsx

oh nice updateSS

haha i missed some D:

AHH those girls are soo annoying!

they got what they deserved...

lol yup, yuhwan does sounds like a nice bf to have

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Guest Junanni

omg...how sad is that....he fell in love with the girl who turned out to be his sister =( I feel so bad for SeeDuk!

Can't wait for the next chapter, I wonder if Yekyung ever tells YuHwan about SeeDuk.

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Guest undeniablystubborn


this fic is so good!!!

i wanna read more and more of it....

please add me on your pm list...





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Those girls, I swear $#&%#^* T___T

Maybe I should slap some sense into them? TT"

Though incest is wrong I completely understand SeeDuk's

situation..simple, He.didn't.know. But hopefully he'll fall out of that

kind of love and fall in a sibling love with Yekyung =) instead.

- Lenaa

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Guest undeniablystubborn

this story has an exciting plot...

I absolutely love it!!! :lol:

if you can can you add me to your pm list?


thanks a lot.

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Guest reesilove

new reader~


this is so freaking good;


jaeho's last comment made me laugh;


she has so much drama;

how does she cope with it?

if i had that much drama...

i wouldnt know what to do with myself


can i be added to the pm list too?

update soon please~

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credits to x.lovinglife


“Well, let’s head back. YuHwan will get suspicious.”

“Does YuHwan control you or something? You seem rather afraid of him,” I said in amusement.

He turned to me. “Trust me, he’s like a worrying hen. If we don’t get back soon, he’ll start clucking over the phone.”

A cell phone started to ring and he gave me an ‘i-told-you-so’ look.

We both headed back as quickly as we could.

Kissed By You || 70

JaeHo and I got back just as YuHwan and the rest were going to enter the apartment building. He raised an eyebrow as the two of us approached the group.

“Where were you two?” He asked, looking most directly at me.

I shrugged. “I was walking and found him. Don’t know what he was skipping for.”

He shoved his hands into his pockets and said, “I was catching you.”

My jaw dropped open in disbelief. Obviously, he wanted me to get in trouble for no reason. “Tch, please. You were the one that was skipping.” Turning back to look at the group, I realized KyungHee was missing. “Umm, where is KyungHee?”

Everyone was quiet. I frowned. “What’s wrong?”

WooRi came forward, sputtering and spitting with worry. “She went off and I tried to stop her but she wouldn’t stop for anyone! I couldn’t get her to—“

I stopped him with a shove. “What? Stop spitting like an idiot and tell me what you’re trying to say!”

“She went off for AeRim,” YuHwan supplied the answer.

All I could think was ‘what the fcuk’? “WooRi, are you not her boyfriend? Why are you letting her tell you what to do?!”

He looked away. Now, KyungHee is usually very obedient when it comes to her boyfriends. I’m actually surprised that she actually went against WooRi.

“Go watch SeungHoo for me. I’m going after her,” I told them. I was angry that no one attempted to go with my best friend and protect her. Honestly, what good were they for if they couldn’t even have common sense?

“YeKyung we didn’t go because we couldn’t.”

I turned to face WooRi. “What do you mean you can’t?”

“It’s a fight between girls. As guys, we can’t interfere.”

Exasperated, I shook my head. “But you know she can’t handle herself. Why would you let her go by herself?!”

WooRi looked me in the eye and said, in a very solemn tone, “It was a fight over me.”

Instantly, I knew what he meant. As guys, they couldn’t get in the way of something between girls. If WooRi got in between them, it’d only make it worse. Without a second’s thought, I ran in the direction of the school. AeRim must’ve done something to set KyungHee off.

“WATCH YOURSELF!” I heard YuHwan yell from behind me.

I just waved my hand and turned the corner.


Panting, I started to slow down as I got into the school. The roof was the first place that came into mind. That’s the best place for any kind of brawl to go down in this school. Especially since everyone knew it was AeRim and HeeJoo’s favorite place to have meetings.

I heard voices that were screaming as I slowly made my way up the stairs. KyungHee’s was distinguishable as well as the other two. It sounded like they were just arguing.

“You’re such a fcuking richard simmons. How else would he want someone like you?”

“Please, you stand here acting like a queen and royalty. Who wouldn’t be turned off by that? WooRi’s made his choice; why don’t you accept it?”

“Maybe because I know he’s mistaken. He knows he wants me. The only reason he wastes his time with you is because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.”

I slammed the door open and saw AeRim and KyungHee standing face-to-face with HeeJoo off to the side.

AeRim turned to me and sneered. “Why, if it isn’t the great hero. Came to break up the fun?”

Stomping over to her, I stood with my hands on my hip and said, “Go ahead. Say what you have to say. KyungHee can fight for herself.”

“Then why don’t you stay out of it richard simmons,” AeRim spat.

I almost retaliated but KyungHee put her hand on my elbow and shook her head. Backing up, I watched as they continued their argument. Obviously, AeRim had a hard time understanding what the word no meant. WooRi didn’t want her, so why did she persist? The whole situation was too childish.

Looking over at HeeJoo, who stuck her middle finger at me, I raised an eyebrow. Don’t tell me she was looking for a fight too. I still didn’t get her enough this afternoon. However, my anger had left me and logic ruled me for the moment. They’d get their punishment soon enough.

HeeJoo and I looked towards the fighting pair when a sudden slap resounded throughout the area. AeRim’s head was turned to the side and I could see KyungHee’s face was extremely red. Her fists were clenched on either side. Calmly walking over, I inspected AeRim over.

“Had enough yet?” I asked. “Are you done arguing? KyungHee and I have a lot of other things we could be doing right now. We really don’t need to deal with your childish tantrums.”

AeRim threw daggers at me as she restored her posture. Her left cheek was a little red, but otherwise, fine.

“You know it’s true,” she hissed at KyungHee, who was shaking with rage. “Think it over.”

With that said, AeRim and HeeJoo left the rooftop. Looking over at KyungHee, I knew we needed to get wasted. She looked so mad, she was going to cry. KyungHee’s not like me. When her anger gets really bad, she’ll start crying. It’s like something about being angry just makes her so sad, she can’t help but bawl her eyes out.

“Let’s go,” I mumbled and pulled her along.


At the club, I pulled out three tissue boxes I’d bought from a convenience store and ordered a bunch of soju. KyungHee’s first tears were already making their way down her cheeks. She took the first bottle and downed it all. I shook my head. We’re so going to die of alcohol poisoning with the type of comfort system we have.

Taking a bottle for myself, I took a sip and cringed as the alcohol went down my throat. That’s when she started to talk.

“I don’t care what they did,” she mumbled.

I nodded my head. The past is the past.

“It doesn’t matter to me if he did more for her…”

An hour turned into three and KyungHee was now simply crying and drinking. I looked at her extremely disheveled appearance. It was so sad. WooRi just didn’t know how much of a front KyungHee put up to protect their love. Men always say we don’t know how much they sacrifice for us. Well, it’s also the other way around. He just didn’t see how much KyungHee sacrificed her peace and happiness for him. He just didn’t see it…

“Let’s go,” I said as I got up.

KyungHee refused to budge. She held onto her soju bottle and the edge of her seat with a determined look.

I put my hands on my hips and with a stern expression, told her to move. She refused once more. This was always the worst part. Nothing would get her to move if she didn’t want to. When drunk, Kim KyungHee is a brick to move.

“KyungHee, we really need to get going. They’re closing for the night.”

She shook her head once more. I pulled out my cell phone and called WooRi.


“Choi WooRi, get your as$ to Club EunByul right now. You need to take your drunk as$ girlfriend home.”

He hung up without answering. I sat back down in my chair and crossed my arms in front of me. I’ll just have to wait it out I suppose.

Before long, WooRi burst through the door, looking for us. I held my hand up and he walked over to stand beside KyungHee. She took one look at him and laughed. Unable to believe how stupid she looked, I got up and stood beside WooRi.

“Come on KyungHee, let’s get going.”

She leaned against the back of her chair and looked up at him with lidded eyes. “So, how far?”

WooRi frowned. “What are you talking about?”

“How far did it go? You and AeRim?”

The last part of the question made WooRi roll his eyes. Obviously AeRim had convinced KyungHee of some ridiculous notion that the two had been together.

“KyungHee, it’s not true whatever she told you. We’ve never done anything together.”

Deciding to use force, WooRi bent down and grabbed KyungHee’s arms with his hands and pulled her up. I stood at the side watching as the two stumbled out of the club. I followed behind them as they walked out of the door.

KyungHee threw her arms all over the place as she drunkenly slurred her words. WooRi sounded extremely frustrated as he told her to keep still.

Finally, when we were about ten minutes away from YuHwan’s, WooRi threw KyungHee off of him, who stumbled and leaned against a building. I looked at WooRi in disbelief. He’d just thrown her to the side!

“Fcuking sh!t,” he ground out of gritted teeth. Spitting on the floor, he turned to KyungHee and walked up to her, his anger evident in his eyes. “What the fcuk did AeRim tell you to make you doubt me so much?”

KyungHee, obviously extremely drunk, smiled and leaned forward precariously. Pointing an unsteady finger at his face, she said, “You’re extremely naughty. Very, very naughty.” Then, she threw her head back and laughed before hiccupping.

WooRi clenched his fists on either side of him. “Fcuk, Kim KyungHee! Why don’t you trust me?! Are her words so important to you that you’d rather listen to them than stand up for me?!”

I was somewhat shocked by his words. Honestly, I’d never thought of it that way. Usually, AeRim and HeeJoo use reliable facts when making an argument. They’d only make up sh!t when it’s a small fight. What KyungHee and AeRim had today was definitely a big deal. However, whatever AeRim had said must’ve really been blown up.

In a moment of struggle between anger and pain, WooRi grabbed KyungHee by her shoulders and pulled her face closer to his so that they were staring into each other’s eyes. “I need you to trust me,” he whispered. “I need you to stand up for us, for this relationship. We can’t let every obstacle we cross become a fight. I can’t do that,” he finished, pain evident in the way his voice cracked slightly at the end.

I crossed my arms, staring intently at KyungHee. Hell, if YuHwan had given me a speech like that, I might immediately give up fighting all together! Might.

KyungHee seemed to have sobered up, because her eyes filled with tears and she wrapped her arms around him, sobbing into his chest. Seeing that they needed their privacy, I walked around them and headed the rest of the way home.

When I walked in the front door, JaeHo and YuHwan seemed to be arguing about something. They both looked up at me and YuHwan wasted no time in coming over and dragging me over to JaeHo.

“Tell him he’s insane.”

“Why?” I asked, perplexed about what was going on.

“Because he’s telling me that SeeDuk should be forgiven! I can’t believe he even brought that guy’s name up,” YuHwan said in disgust.

I turned around to face YuHwan with my hands on my hips. “This guy is my brother. And you know, JaeHo is actually right.”

YuHwan looked from JaeHo to me with disbelief. “I can’t believe this! The guy becomes your brother and you’re instantly going to side with him?!”

“You know full well that’s not what I said. I said you should forgive him. Siding with him is different.”

Stubbornly, he refused to hear me and walked into the kitchen with a pout on his face. JaeHo rolled his eyes and sat on the couch.

“We’ll never change his mind. Once someone is on his bad list, they’re on his bad list.”

I sat down beside him, “Yea, well, he’s going to have to deal. SeeDuk’s my brother. I can’t tolerate name calling and the blame game, no matter what.”

JaeHo smirked. “So everything he’s done is suddenly out the window?”

My answer eluded me. I wasn’t sure how to reply. SeeDuk hurt me a lot, but I’m sure he’s hurting just as much. No one chooses the fates we have.

“I feel sorry for him,” I whispered. “There’s just so much cruelty someone can take. It can’t be easy for him to be in the position he is in.”

JaeHo nodded. “He and I are drawn to each other because of our similar situations. We’ve always been able to understand one another’s pain.”

I patted his hand. “I’m glad he had someone to vent to. If he didn’t have you for a friend, he’d probably go insane.”

He chuckled. “Even with me, he breaks out in insanity randomly.”

“So, where is SeungHoo?” I asked, looking around for him.

“He’s sleeping. The kid got quite a beating.”


A moment of silence enveloped us as we sat there. YuHwan’s rummaging in the kitchen was a distant sound as a question popped into my head.

“JaeHo,” I started hesitantly. “What did you mean when you said if only AeRim hadn’t been there for you?”

JaeHo sighed and leaned further back against the couch. “When I first moved here, we didn’t settle in very well. I got into a lot of fights at school and at home, it was even worse with all of us arguing. It just seemed to going down the drain rather quickly. AeRim lived next door to me. She came over one day to welcome us and walked in on a really bad argument. My dad hit me and when I hit the wall in the foyer, she ran over and helped me up.” He chuckled. “I wasn’t really nice. I just pushed her aside, got up, yelled some sh!t at my dad, and left. She followed me. It was strange at first, but eventually, we got closer. Every time I got upset, I’d go over to her house.” He stopped talking and then said, in a quieter voice, “I never knew she was really so awful. All those times that I’d been with her, she was an angel.

Then, when she met WooRi that day…I lost all of her attention. She completely ignored me. It was hard for me to grasp that she had changed so quickly. I deluded myself into thinking it was my fault, that I needed to move out and prove to her my strength. That left me worst off. WooRi scolded me quite a lot. YuHwan never said anything, but I knew he disapproved. Still, it beats listening to arguments every day,” he said.

His explanation made me speechless. He’d been through quite a lot. It still boggled me that AeRim would seem like an angel, but I guess maybe she even has her nicer moments. Still, she’s an evil hag through and through to me. It was all an act. Her kindness to JaeHo isn’t anything but that. With the way she changed so suddenly, it has to be.

“What are you two whispering about over there?” YuHwan yelled from where he was.

We turned around and grinned. “Nothing,” was our unison answer.

YuHwan walked over and squeezed himself between JaeHo and YeKyung. In his hand, he had a bowl of popcorn.

“Since WooRi is probably having the time of his life right now, let’s watch a movie and sulk,” YuHwan said cheerfully. Then, he glared at me before pressing the play button.

I slapped his arm. “Hey! What are you trying to say?”

He shrugged. “Oh nothing, just that my very prude girlfriend is keeping very deprived.”

Both JaeHo and I burst into laughter. The rest of the night was full of light argument and laughs as we wasted the night away with fun.

And throughout the night, I couldn’t help but feel jumpy whenever YuHwan’s hand touched mine. The beating of my heart always got a little faster, my cheeks got a little redder, and my love, a little bigger.



PalBokEe I’m glad it was interesting. I’m trying to keep it that way ;]

kimone lol, that’s good. Sometimes, though, incest can be a touchy subject is all

a nice day. I try to make their moments cute. EY+SY!

RainySeasons haha, nah, JaeHo is just a name. I never made it from JaeJoong and YunHo xD

wfl lol, totally ruins YuHwan’s image, eh?

x f l y ` sorta settled =]

x_JaeHee haha, yea, the days when they messed around like kids<3 but we’ve got to get to the drama! Hhaha open fire xD gosh, I love listening to “torture” plans<3 they can be pretty convincing, but not enough ;] lol

AzureBlue123 she’s very heartless

lovely.in.pink* actually, SeeDuk and YeKyung are blood related. It’s SungHwan that’s not related; he’s adopted.

x Sim pli city x a punch is better? lol

mina27 np

cathyy LOL, nah, I’m not going to make it end like that.

LonelyGurlo it really is sick

jellyace695 lol, I’ll keep the incest to as much of a minimum as possible then =) I knew some readers would be uncomfortable with it, so I understand.

Sophi.e* thanks =) It’s not the greatest though lol

liltoazndevil they do need a doctor’s check-up

XoxoSarang Welcome! I don’t have anymore room on my PM list though =X

mangolover lol many more secrets to be revealed!

shinhwa_knives LOL, you wish, right?

-SK haha, it’s a hard thing to cope with

starnight131 lots of hateful characters x)

jocepi a very low thing

khmer_chick2010 Yep. She’s seriously a tough chick. Ahha, yea, SungHwan and YeKyung were sorta together when they were younger. Not a true relationship, but they did know of their crushes for each other =)

lilliannnnn I’ll check =]

chng234 HeeJoo can be obsessively scary

w00dchild.jnR They have to be enemies because YuHwan’s gang is against SeeDuk’s =) So JaeHo only does it to keep up appearances. Otherwise, he’s friends with SeeDuk first before all else.

dakoreanhamster Everyone wants one ;]

JungPilGyo lol very good

kaneki LOL. SeungHoo is a brave kid when he does do things. He’s sweet, but faces down more than you know

mzclumzie ahah, the kid hostage puzzles everyone

Gullwings haha, nice

*.:AnGeL*BAbII:.* nah, lol, their relationship won’t be messed up

~Karamel~ better sorta…x)

helena_hue haha, it’s unexpected, yes

Whatevers yea, so much suffering is sad

MaYa^^ lol, poke indeed

blaise7259 they should

indelible_sin haha, they deserve to be screwed in life!

shronie_x3 mental institution is too good for them =X

jusplainmeh it is embarrassing

TheShyGirl lol, beat them yourself?

leebabe007 water is so harmless, it’s crazy that they’d actually get revenge eh? But it’s more like they hurt YeKyung through SeungHoo =]

heyesther lol, I have! =X JaeHo is YuHwan’s friend, yes. And yea, JaeHo loves/likes AeRim.

sharleen VERY f-ed up

sweetie246 there are some girls at school that can equal these girls.

eunhyung no care at all!

pinkslippers lol, yes, sorry for my spelling mistake. I thought it looked weird =_= haha. But yea, incest is such a hard topic to deal with. I was afraid of putting it in here, but I gained up courage haha.

thatLALALA Welcome! They are hot, eh? ;]

raven You’ll see what SeeDuk gave JaeHo =)

twist&fall- haha, yea, YuHwan doesn’t really approve, but what can he do? JaeHo and SeeDuk met first. YuHwan is like a secondary best friend.

xsweeetzx yep, psychos

HYPERGURLY^^ haha, JaeHo is quite a cute one when he talks =]

&MiCHELLe lmao, SeeDuk’s name has reminded a lot of people of different things actually. I never thought of his name as all of the random comments people have come up with. It’s actually pretty funny =) haha. And yea, well, 100 chapters might be what it takes to cover EVERYTHING that I need. As you can see, I’m focusing more on JaeHo’s story right now. Which is why I’m trying (but successfully failing) to post faster haha. I must finish before the 2year marker! *determined*

Miss_van These situations call for a closer relationship.

angel_gurl Welcome! Lol, I will finish my story =)

rwtoast Welcome! Haha, you’re so sweet =)

msxadina yep, it’s almost like gender roles switched =X haha

phat mole yes, hoooooes!

KrnGirL5892 Welcome. Yea, SeeDuk has captured a few readers’ hearts ;] but light will come soon. It will.

K-PopFighting haha, SeungHoo is a tough one =D

tlatnwks I’ll have to check my PM list =)

TuBbieCheeKz LOL aliens aahah

snookie831 Welcome! Thank you for your long reply! Haha, I actually had a lot of fun reading it. I’m glad to see new readers comment on different chapters they weren’t there to reply at first on. I’ll try to put you on the PM list if I see an opening!

1xbuckybabey haha, butt kicking rocks!

pink<3 Welcome! Yes, he does.

1shinhwa he’ll heal<3

litoaznbbumbl definitely a crime but she gets away with it because of her wealth

xraining_astime Welcome! LOL, incest xD hahah.

xsweetiie Welcome! Thanks!

LoveItLiveIt Well, the secret will be out soon! =) They’re not going to keep hiding.

ASiANBABYGiRL lol, I wish I could have YuHwan =X hehe.

xblueswirlsx very nice

Junanni Yep, YuHwan knows about SeeDuk’s admiration for her.

undeniablystubborn Welcome! I’ll have to check the PM list =]

lenaaa._ Yea, it’s hopeful that he falls out of love in that way for YeKyung =) So much suffering would only kill the pair.

crazy for youu Welcome! I’ll have to check =)

delusionalfaerie Welcome! I’ll put you on the list if I have room =)

THTS I’ll put you on =)

reesilove Welcome! She’s extremely strong x) I’ll check it for you

Hey guys! I just finished exam week and I’m exhausted xP Been studying like crazy! This chapter is hopefully long. It’s about six pages =) JaeHo’s story is being studied more in depth at this moment with WooRi and KyungHee on the side. YeKyung is being pushed a bit to the side, but she’s still the main focus, as you’ll later see.

I’ll be back with an update soon I hope *crosses fingers* lol, I’ll wrack my imagination and force my procrastination to the side! xD


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Guest twist&fall-



those two freakin' girls should get a life. seriously.

aerim is such a player. from liking a guy ( seems

like it ) for not long and moving on so quickly to another.

gee. an angel? ..... she will only when the sky starts to fall.


gah i love the last paragraph!

i always had that kind of feeling too.

LOL. i hope you post soon and good luck with whatever you're doing!


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Guest chng234

thanks 4 the pm n update

i hope WooRi n KyungHee will make up soon.

i agree with what woori said. kyunghee must have more faith with woori. if not their relationship will not work.

i believe YuHwan will forgive SeeDuk as he is YeKyung's brother.

pls update soon

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Guest Whatevers

WooRi & KyungHee are so cute together. <3 Gawh, i feel so bad for Jaeho. That AeRim makes him suffer so much.

The power that girls have. -_-

Overall, why do i have an itch that makes me want to see SeeDuk with YeKyung? TT^TT. SeeDuk's insanity is taking

over me~! ;D

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you updated!! i love yaaaaaaa!


do you know how every update of every fic i read these days always perks me up?!!

i thank you very much for still keeping me sane in this academic madhouse!! >_<

haha.. anyway, i'll stop ranting already. <_<

WooRi is just... *sigh* <333

he's such a nice boyfriend and AeRim is such a nice richard simmons. (hope you get my point)

i hope the latter would soon rot in hell. >_<

well, for her not to be lonely rotting in there, she better bring her ever beloved b*tchfriend with her.. HeeJoo..

>________< i really really hate those two..

and yeah! i dont blame KyungHee too.. she's very vulnerable as i see it.

she and WooRi belong together. <3

as YeKyung and YuHwan..

the last line is just so..... :blush: <333

i love it! YuHwan is so cute. haha:))

i can really imagine him pouting and yelling in annoyance to JaeHo and YeKyung..

i wanna pinch his cheeks!!! XD

i hope to see more of the little kiddos.. please?

keke^^ i miss them a lot!!! <333

also, (regarding your personal reply) i am so glad you had such courage.

as for me, i'll be having that courage til i finish that fic of mine.

i think i have bottled up enough courage for that before i began writing the fic.

blunt, eccentric and disgusting as it may seem, and whether we like it or not, incest does happen.

it's part of the imperfections and realities of this world. :D


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good chapter!!!!

i m glad woori and kyunghee made up!^^ and yekyung and yuhwan are so cute here! and jaeho tooo ! hahaha i want more yekyung and yuhwan!T.T more love more love!!!!!

post soon!!!

o yea and i hope AeRim and heejoo will live in hell soon!

ummm..... happy page 174^^

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