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[Variety] Invincible Saturday 천하무적 토요일

Guest fanda4000

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i think the side arm pitching is usually used by asian players. usually in the states it's all about power pitching vs the breaking pitches you see asian players have like lim chang jung and lee haneul's delivery. as for lim chang jung's baseball ability, i think that he, kim chang ryul, and lee haneul (the concept makers of the show) have probably played in a celebrity league. and lim chang jung was pretty athletic as seen in the original dream team show back in the day.

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Yes, so far they managed to win 1 game against Zoma Zoma - it was Mario who caught the foul ball that sealed their victory - they couldn't believe themselves then, they were overjoyed, thrilled, exuberant, etc... and kept hugging each other. Cannot remember which episode now.

i think it was 3-4 episodes back~ i think the team have already improved tremendously~ this week was bad luck and some poor judgement by the players~ but pfft,what do i know.i only watch this at first bcoz kim C got in~ and of course theres han min gwan~ i dont know anything about baseball and learning from watching this and some comments in this thread~ XD keep it coming~

Okay, I caught that episode where they are auditioning the gals for a place on the support squad.

Someone mentioned they were surprised they left that Chinese girl from f (x) off the team & after watching her audition, I was too. :o

She is freaking hot & so agile and flexible. Think she mentioned she had 10 yrs training or something & it showed.

I had the same expression as Han Min Gwan watching her performance. :lol:

yeah she has great skills, and if this is a cheerleading squad in US,she would probably be the best candidate..but the cheerleading team had to communicate with the audience and so on~ it would be hard since her korean is hard to understand and she would probably have difficulties understanding as well~

i seriously liked the LPG girl that did her cheerleading routine right before HJY though~as usual HJY came prepared with her squad and song and outfit,but the LPG girl was good~

and i cant believe the girl that said she wanted to bring a fresh face for the man,instead of the men looking at the "old" BJY(which made her mad and kim chang ryul and the guys had to almost hold her from scratching that girls face) got picked~ she was boring~ -.- maybe bcoz of her face?

and yeah sori was goooooooood~ maybe they would do a rotation for the cheerleading squad? who knows~ han min gwan's reaction thru out the whole audition was the best~ XD

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That LPG gal was good. Wish she came on IaSF instead of that other member. :P

ironically,that IS the girl i said back in ISF~ the one i wished to come instead of the other girl XD

Oh! is that what that one gal said haha...I was wondering why she apologized & bowed and the guys jumped from their seats. :lol: I was surprised she made the final squad too. She was okay but nothing stood out about her, other than her ability to richard simmons BJY off. But I guess she has that small, moon face that Korean men love (sort of like Bomi).

Which one was Sori? The one who was dancing all crazy to that Norazo song? :unsure: I wish the 'boy boy' SoRi tried out.

she actually said she wants to bring the freshness of the 20s~ which makes BJY mad~ ROFL~ and seriously,i would too~ what a rude thing to say~

and sori was the one who did the b-boy move~ the second last cap in your last post~ answered by xman150

Yeah it would be cool if they rotated these girls. If I was in charge I would expand the support squad from 4 to at least 8. :D

LOL~ i guess not all of them is THAT free~ t-ara is starting to promote a new song~ which is why i am astounded as of why LPG is not on since they are not active right now~

so tell me,why do the players have to wait when fly ball?? i mean the other players who are at the base..like oh ji oh always does~ if he was running when the ball is caught then he is out?? or how is it?

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the fly ball catch counts as an out, which would cancel out any moves the offense makes before the catch. so that's why they have to tag up on the base again after the catch to resume play. and yes, if OJH didn't tag up the run would have not counted if they were to throw the ball back to 3rd base and OJH would have been called out.

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i know what you are talking about. the 1 next to his name represented the position he played. basically it goes like this:



3-First Base

4-Second Base

5-Third Base

6-Shortstop (between 2nd and 3rd base)

7-Left Field

8-Center Field

9- Right Field

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most fields they played so far usually dirt like that in asia, cause in Rookies (japanese drama) they played on a similar styled dirt field that doesn't get watered down. lee haneul already got messed up cause of that, trying to head slide into 3rd and got banged up pretty bad. the only times they played on grass/field turf fields was when they played with the pro teams and that last episode in Jeju.

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Source : KBS Global Entertainment News

From the show's start, cast members worked for themselves to recruit new teammates and showcased the competitive world of baseball. It should become even more interesting as the team tours the country in the preliminary rounds for the November tournament.

Does this mean that they are in a practice mode, or they must complete a certain number of wins to enter the November tournament?

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marco needs more practice~ they changed his position of batting and stance and stuff but changes needs time..habits are die hard..people keeps telling him to do something new when he is already in position to bat~ -.- i wonder how many hours do they spend to practice each week~

i know what you are talking about. the 1 next to his name represented the position he played. basically it goes like this:



3-First Base

4-Second Base

5-Third Base

6-Shortstop (between 2nd and 3rd base)

7-Left Field

8-Center Field

9- Right Field

owh IC~ understood~ is this position fixed? or do they change every game?

The Invincible team has some tall players (well at least on TV, Oh Ji Ho & Kim Joon look tall) but the disparity between them & the "Friends" team was glaring. OJH, KJ, & Mario looked a foot taller than anyone on the other team. :lol:

LOL~ OJH and KJ is the example of flower/popular boys..with height and looks(well KJ not so much -.-) kim chang ryul is tall too to my observation and marco is a proffesional model..he got heights and looks of course..but kim ha neul,han min gwan ROFL..they are not that tall..and little dong ho <33 haha~ well he is still young have room for growth..

Did anyone else notice when HJY was holding that megaphone while that one gal was cheering on the crowd, she accidentally hit her in the mouth with it? It looked like HJY was trying to apologize but that gal just covered her mouth & ran off. :o

lol~ its hard to miss..especially when the show repeated it twice~ XD haha~

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no that's just the position number and it doesn't change, it really has nothing to do with the actual game itself besides in stats. if you are referring to the batting order which goes from 1-9, that's up to the coach on when they want the player to hit in the order. usually the quickest guy bats first so that's where Kim C puts HMG all the time, and the 4th batter (clean up hitter) is usually the power hitter, OJH for this team.


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marco started batting righty and was making decent contact in the first few episodes when they went to the batting cages. then on one episode when their pitching/batting coach came in as a guest, they tried making him go lefty. he was making good contact and seemed comfortable in practice, but when it came to game time, he only took ONE pitch at lefty, then switched back to righty, and that's when he started going downhill.

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no that's just the position number and it doesn't change, it really has nothing to do with the actual game itself besides in stats. if you are referring to the batting order which goes from 1-9, that's up to the coach on when they want the player to hit in the order. usually the quickest guy bats first so that's where Kim C puts HMG all the time, and the 4th batter (clean up hitter) is usually the power hitter, OJH for this team.


god no wonder marco is having such a hard t ime with the rules and terms used in baseball..-.- and korean is not even his first language~ its going to be a lot harder to learn

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oh, no.. my access to aja-aja is denied. have u all heard that lee ha neul got injured in a match that is to be aired tomorrow (26sept'09)? and they are negotiating so that kim sung su to temporarily play for invincible team while lee haneul takes his rest for treatment. i wonder how it'll turn out.

Marco is a very determined man. he'll practice well, i'm sure. he did fine batting in ep21.


and mario, he was hurt too.


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^ wow, seems like the players are dropping like flies now lol. Well from that article, Mario's injury doesn't appear that serious & he may still play right? But Haneul's ankle is in a cast(?), so he is definitely out.

I haven't seen all the back episodes yet but I read that Kim Sung Soo already appeared on this show as a pitcher in Ep. 10 as a member of rival celeb team, Albatross. How did he do & how does he stack up against OJH? From what little I've seen, OJH is certainly the best hitter, if not the most complete player on this team. I read that OJH was actually a member of that team before joining Invincible.

yeah Marco applied Kim C's advice about widening his stance at the plate & got a solid single & everyone looked so shocked & relieved at the same time. :lol: Too bad it didn't carry over to the last game.

A runner cannot advance on a foul ball that is hit on the ground, so the run will not count if the base runner comes home. But if a foul ball is hit in the air, a player on base can attempt to advance a base if he tags up. For example, Oh Ji Ho is on third base & Mario hits a fly ball that is caught by the fielder in foul territory, Oh Ji Ho can try & come home to score a run but he must wait until the fielder has the ball in glove first before leaving third base to cross home plate.

Yes, Kim Sung Soo ("KSS") and Oh Ji Ho were teammates of Albatross (Albatross is made up of celebrity players) and KSS seems like a good pitcher to me. Was also glad when Marco managed at last to hit that ball but it was a pity like you said.

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where did you see that lee haneul got hurt? just wondering..

but if KSS is his "replacement" for the time being, he and LCJ would make a good 1-2 starting rotation, the thing is, is KSS going to be playing at 1st base since there was that one pic of OJH at playing at 3rd??

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