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MTV's The Hills


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Guest mochamist

I love Lauren. She has a mind of her own, and I'm glad she's starting to speak out (in contrast to her Laguna days). I think she's really growing up to be a great person. Her fight with Heidi reminds me so much of my own fight with a friend. And YES, Heidi is an airhead and a bad person. She got what she deserved, and she certainly doesn't deserve Lauren's friendship after what she did (not only the sex-tape, but how she let her psycho bf treat Lauren like crap and threaten her in Season 2...that alone is worth cutting off ties) Everyone needs to learn that not all the friends you've had are really your friends, esp. in middle, high school where everything is utterly plastic and fake. Friend is only a word until you use it. You need to cut out the ones dragging you down.

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Guest <3goesDOKIDOKI
My favorite part of last night's episode

Heidi: Spencer doesn't hate you!

Lauren: <_<

hahaha what world is Heidi living in?

lol seriously!

is she joking?

the whole confrontation was really awkward.

altho heidi is trying to make amends, just not very well...

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For some reason, I feel bad for Heidi :mellow: And part of me's thinking she really didn't do anything wrong. But then again we don't really know what happened..

Even before this season Heidi did something wrong. She choose a boy over her best-friend, she let Lauren hanging so many times because of Spencer. If I was Lauren I'd be pissed too.

I've not been into this show as much anymore when I found out it was fake/stagged. You never know what's true and what's not.

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Guest makemyday
I've not been into this show as much anymore when I found out it was fake/stagged. You never know what's true and what's not.

haha eh i dont care that its fake/staged. i dont mean any offense though. i get why people are turned off by the fact but

i watch the hills not because its real life drama. i watch cause either way, it entertains me haha

in any case, i have not heard any good words to be said about spencer. i wonder what heidi sees in him.

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Guest x___diamond_eye

so your thoughts on tonight's episode?

spencer and his sister are stupid

justin bobby is so out of it...but he looks decent cleaned-up

these episodes need to last a little longer...

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Guest makemyday
so your thoughts on tonight's episode?

spencer and his sister are stupid

justin bobby is so out of it...but he looks decent cleaned-up

these episodes need to last a little longer...

i havent watched the most recent episode

but audrina's not with justin bobby anymore right?

i saw in a magazine that she's dating someone else.

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Guest Paper Wings

^ Yea, I would also like to know song was playing at the end of the episode.

Anyhoo, I don't get She-Pratt. In this episode she's defending Heidi then in the preview of the next episode she tell's Spencer than Heidi isn't serious about the wedding!? And I was so disappointed that Audrina got in the car with Justin after they left the Opera...but thankfully the episode ended the way it did.

Is it me or does this season seem longer than past ones? Whenever I see a preview for the upcomming episode I keep expecting to hear "Next time on the season finale of The Hills..." but it never happens lol.

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Guest alainachen_604

woww i really do not like spencer's sister she was just soo goofy

coming up to lauren and saying richard simmons to her face T.T"

and justin bobby is weird lol i dont like him

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Guest krankee

i can't wait for the next episode. seems like spence and heidi is gettin in another fight. he always leaves her. so mean..

justin doesn't deserve audrina. <_<

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1. wtf is up with spencer's sister? she should seriously mind her own business - - ;; so irritating.

2. heidi doenst look right with spencer.

3. justin bobby is js .. SO WRONG. everything about him i just dont like. he seems like a total airhead.

4. audrina deserves someone better.

5. justin bobby DID look decent looking when he had his hair up.

6. liking brody more and more, he actually seems smart LOL

cant wait for next weeks episode :)

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Guest just jess

i loved the look on spencers sister and her friends face when they got totally moded by lc and brody. ahahahaahah! so wonderful! those two loser girls def. just wanted to be on tv.

and justin bobby... was talking so much ish to audrina outside the club. i wanted to punch him! im so glad audrina is finally over that loser. ugh!

next weeks ep. looks good, cant wait!

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Guest aizutto

I love this show!!Lauren and Audrina is my favourites!

I dislike Heidi and Spencer because of the way how they always want themself to be right and Lauren is in wrong.And what's with Spencer's sister trying to be involve?

I am glad that Audrina broke up with Justin Bobby in the recent episode.I don't think Audrina should be dating him..

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Guest Carmen.



But I don't know,

I don't really like She-Pratt. Heidi obviously told her, because she doesn't really have anybody to really talk to, and she didn't want to tell Spencer,


And like the whole Britney Canada rainbow thing that Lauren found on Brody's phone was HILARIOUS.

It came up on The Aftershow,

And some chick from Edmonton called in.

and I was like LOLOL.

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