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Chat With A Stranger


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Guest TheAsianLady

i didnt like this person. I got offensive and started giving him attitude, if you could call it that.


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: sup

Stranger: n****** say sup

You: racists says n******

Stranger: very ture

Stranger: true

You: oh

Stranger: where you from?

You: and you must be happening to call my best friend a n*****

You: butttt

You: hes actually american

You: :o

You: shocker!

Stranger: feels good man

You: are you high?

Stranger: high on life, and fingering my anus too

You: oh

You: so youre a pedophile

You: ahhh gotcha

Stranger: i'm in califorrnia

You: and your point is?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Guest BootyFulMeh

Stranger: hi

You: im bored

You: and hi

Stranger: stop pinkberrying and do something fun

You: i can't....

Stranger: like jump out the nearest window

You: ur soo mean...

You: gosh go john tesh yourself

Stranger: thats rude

You: stupid john teshing rainbow...

Stranger: i dont have a rainbow

Stranger: \

You: you're rude

Stranger: you called me a rainbow!

You: telling me to jump out the nearest window

Stranger: you said you were bored

You: i was...

Stranger: was

You: still is

Stranger: you is bored

You: yes..but you're chattin with me

You: so i'm still kinda bored

Stranger: how was your day

You: okay....

You: yours?

Stranger: i launched some model rockets

You: sound fun..

Stranger: do you always type like this...

You: no...just today

You: cause its raining

Stranger: where do you live

You: some where far away from you...

You: why?

Stranger: how do you know that

Stranger: i could be down the street

You: yea right

You: i know cause you're a stranger

Stranger: youre a stranger

Stranger: im you

You: no im me not you

Stranger: nonsense

Stranger: im me

You: you're stranger 1 and i'm stanger 2

You: haha

You: stranger*

Stranger: my mom told me not to talk to stangers

You: mine did too and here i am talking to u

Stranger: im going to get grounded when my mom finds out


Stranger: she caught me talking to an old man at the park once

Stranger: and i didnt leave the house for months

You: omg wtf


Stranger: well my mom loves me

You: o well

You: you sure she loves you

You: ?

Stranger: yea she once touched me in my special parts

You: okay....

Stranger: that is love

You: do you always talk like this?

Stranger: like what

You: no that ain't

You: you know what

Stranger: just because i was homeschooled and talk funny doesnt mean you can make fun of me

You: who said i was making fun of you?

Stranger: you said i talk like "that"

You: you ask me the same DAMN question

Stranger: when

You: like a long long time ago

Stranger: liar

Stranger: first you call me a rainbow then you lie to my face

You: you're the liar

You: hahhahaha

You: fine sorry

You: you're not a rainbow

You: and i did not lie

Stranger: thank you

You: so wat are you then if you are not a rainbow

You: ?

Stranger: an bubble gum

You: really?

You: how nice

Stranger: yea poop slides across my face everyday

Stranger: i dont like it

You: i bet u like it..

You: stupid rainbow

Stranger: my mom says its good for me




Stranger: dont make me come to your house and beat you up

Stranger: i will

You: I DARE YOU, rainbow!


"it" left after sayin that....haha...

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Guest Crispy

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: HAI

* 10 minutes elapse. *

Stranger: HAI

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

Stranger: whats goin on?

* 5 minutes elapse. *

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi!

* 5 minutes elapse. *

Stranger: would you shut the john tesh up for one second?!

Stranger: god!

Stranger: you talk too much

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

* 3 minutes elapse. *

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: It is happenig.

* 5 minutes elapse. *

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: Hello. I am very shy.

Stranger: me to

Stranger: asl?

* 10 minutes elapse. *

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: did u get some

You: Hello. My name is Jeremy Mendez. I am 37 years old. I work as a computer analyst and network technician. I have not missed a day of work since February 11th, 1997. I live in Arkansas; I went to high school in the Texarkana school district. I enjoy meeting new people and foot massages. I am currently single; my ex-wife, Heather Guidry, divorced me on April 27th, 2005. My ex-wife is a professor at the state university. I have a rare form of eczema, in which my skin is susceptible to rashes after any form of love-making or sexual activity. I have a German Sheperd named Conquistador. I own nine DVD movies. Speaking of second cousins, I have one named Phil Thomas. He enjoys pornography. Eating popcorn is a talent of mine. I do not believe in bathroom amenities, such as floss and toilet paper. My aunt sexually molested me on July 3rd, 1981. It is nice to meet you.

Stranger: ?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hello random person.

You: Hello. My name is Jeremy Mendez. I am 37 years old. I work as a computer analyst and network technician. I have not missed a day of work since February 11th, 1997. I live in Arkansas; I went to high school in the Texarkana school district. I enjoy meeting new people and foot massages. I am currently single; my ex-wife, Heather Guidry, divorced me on April 27th, 2005. My ex-wife is a professor at the state university. I have a rare form of eczema, in which my skin is susceptible to rashes after any form of love-making or sexual activity. I have a German Sheperd named Conquistador. I own nine DVD movies. Speaking of second cousins, I have one named Phil Thomas. He enjoys pornography. Eating popcorn is a talent of mine. I do not believe in bathroom amenities, such as floss and toilet paper. My aunt sexually molested me on July 3rd, 1981. It is nice to meet you.

Stranger: Neat.

Stranger: My name is Fred. My life is OF NO CONCERN TO YOU.

You: Hello, Fred.

You: My name is Jeremy Mendez.

You: I am 37 years old.

You: I work as a computer analyst and network technician.

You: I have not missed a day of work since February 11th, 1997.

You: I live in Arkansas; I went to high school in the Texarkana school district.

You: I enjoy meeting new people and foot massages.

You: I am currently single; my ex-wife, Heather Guidry, divorced me on April 27th, 2005.

You: My ex-wife is a professor at the state university.

You: I have a rare form of eczema, in which my skin is susceptible to rashes after any form of love-making or sexual activity.

You: I have a German Sheperd named Conquistador.

You: I own nine DVD movies.

Connection imploded.

Kiss my richard simmons, Comcast.

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Guest 0oyokisuo0

You: wuuuduuupppp

Stranger: pullupwu

You: hows life

Stranger: did someone move the letters on ya keyboard?

Stranger: good hey hows yours

You: maybe

Stranger: off to the bush tomorrow - work ya know

Stranger: boy or girl?

You: guess

Stranger: 45 yo pedo?


You: oh yeaaa totallyyyyy

Stranger: OK, 44?

You: im not even half of that

You: but okay you can say im 60

Stranger: oh yeah that's right, us grannies dont do the 'net

Stranger: me 86

You: niiiice

Stranger: so you a 21 yo nice strong boy hey?

Stranger: goota go, boss comn


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Guest silverchainsaw

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: if you were a girl

Stranger: would you let me b*** you?

You: im a dude

You: too bad

Stranger: i said

Stranger: if you were a chick

You: but im not

Stranger: yes

Stranger: thats where the IF comes in

You: i dont believe in the word 'IF'

Stranger: why not?

You: coz its useless

Stranger: okay you know what


[i rather not paste the image lol]

You: thats ugly

lol that was funny.and im a girl XD

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Guest .liDo`Silva`Wun.

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!




Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: whats up sweety?

Stranger: ;)

You: er i'm a guy

Stranger: damn

Stranger: just hoping

Stranger: bye

You: wanna have some fun ;)'

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

hahaha. poor guy. im a girl :P

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Guest MyLovelyBlondie

I had very much fun, actually.

The two first were idiots (to say it in a nice way.)

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hello

Stranger: hi

You: Male or female?

Stranger: male u?

You: Female

You: Age?

Stranger: 19

Stranger: u/

Stranger: ?

You: 17

You: Name?

Stranger: Xavier

Stranger: u?

You: Christina

You: Country?

Stranger: usa

Stranger: miami

Stranger: u?

You: California

You: USA

You: What do you like to do on your freetime?

Stranger: cool

Stranger: write music, videogames, hang out

Stranger: u?

You: Read, shopping.

You: Of course.

Stranger: lol

Stranger: u got a myspace

Stranger: ?

You: No.

You: I dont go there.

You: What music do you like=

You: ?

Stranger: hip hop, some rock

You: I like hard rock

You: and RnB

Stranger: mostly hip hop

Stranger: fave band?

You: I think...

You: Breaking Benjamin

You: What about you?

Stranger: i have alot

You: Like

Stranger: Incubus is up there though

You: Never heard of it.

Stranger: im pretty sure u have

Stranger: everyone has heard of Incubus

You: Not me

You: I guess im not everyone

Stranger: =O

You: I know

You: Have you heard of DBSK?


Stranger: great song

You: Okay

You: Just wait

Stranger: yeah

You: It sounds good

You: :)

Stranger: =D

Stranger: lol

You: What are you listening to now?

Stranger: the tv next to me lol

Stranger: u?

You: Song?

You: I am listening to "Eat You Up" - Boa (pumashock's "twilight" remix)


Stranger: holy mini cooper she sounds like christina aguilera

You: Is that a compliment?

Stranger: yeah i guess

You: But anyway, the song is actually from Boa

You: Have you heard of her?

Stranger: nope

You: Well, she is korean and has had a english album.

You: Eat You Up is my favorite song from it.

Stranger: nice

You: Yeah

You: I guess.

You: Well, what other music do you like?

Stranger: like i said hip hop but underground hip hop

You: Okay

You: Do you like Flo Rida?

Stranger: ewww no

Stranger: lol

You: Why not?

You: He sings hip hop.

Stranger: i think his lyrics are terrible

You: Okay

Stranger: they have no depth or meaning

You: True

Stranger: just booty shaking music

You: Some songs are very bad because it is all about money and women and cars.

Stranger: its like what he makes into a money making song

You: Tru

You: True

Stranger: take about 5 mins and no talent to write

You: True

Stranger: thats whats wrong with the hip hop culture =/

You: I know!

Stranger: its like a fashion show not an art

You: I know

You: I like art.

Stranger: i like that u get what i mean =)

You: Me too :)

Stranger: ur pretty cool

You: Thank you.

You: So are you.

Stranger: thx =)

You: Okay, what do we talk about now?

Stranger: i have no idea o_o

Stranger: i guess ask me something and ill answer?

You: Okay

You: Uhm...

You: Have you heard of DBSK?

Stranger: nope what is that?

You: A korean group

Stranger: rock?

You: They have the BIGGEST official fanclub with over 800 000 members.

You: And they are a k-pop group.

You: Plus they are the most photographed celebrities.

Stranger: o wow

You: Can you believe that?

You: They are more photographed then Britney Spears or Madonna.

Stranger: damn

You: I know.

Stranger: lemme google em

You: Oki

Stranger: so its like boy band

You: Kinda

You: Just with a more older audience.

You: My favorite is Changmin (the youngest)!

Stranger: lol

You: I know.

You: He is only 4 years older then me.

Stranger: only foreign band even close to them is

Stranger: Girugamesh

Stranger: and theyre j-rock

You: J-rock?

Stranger: japanese rock

You: I think that j-rock groups are SO cool!

Stranger: i think theyre hair is badass

You: They look cool.

Stranger: like honestly all emo/scene kids jacked theyre style

You: Yeah.

Stranger: look good so i cant blame em'

You: Me neither.

Stranger: so u into anime?

You: A little.

You: I used to read Ranma

You: And I have read a little Rave

Stranger: thats cool

You: What have you read?

Stranger: hardly any manga's mostly graphic novels and comic books

You: Okay

Stranger: yeah

You: A guy in my class loves japan, so he reads manga and draws anime.

You: He is very good.

Stranger: is it 5am over there?

You: Yeah.

Stranger: whats keeping u up?

You: I dont know.

Stranger: lol

You: I just dont feel tired.

Stranger: no school?

You: No.

You: A day off.

Stranger: awesome

You: I know.

Stranger: wats ur nationality?

You: What do you mean?

Stranger: where were u or ur parents born?

You: My parents actually come from Korea, so I am actually korean.

You: But I was born in USA.

You: What about u?

Stranger: i was born in Cali actually

You: Okay

Stranger: but my parents are from Nicaragua

You: Never heard of it.

Stranger: yeah i bet lol

You: :)

Stranger: =)

You: So...

You: What is your favorite subject?

Stranger: it was and probably still is science

You: Mine is english.

Stranger: i like english too

Stranger: math is death though

You: :)

You: I also like science though.

Stranger: =) awesome

You: I know.

You: I am very fascinated by mythology too.

Stranger: greek?

You: Yeah.

You: And norwegian, egyptian and all others, actually.

Stranger: egyptian sounds awesome

You: I know

You: It is.

Stranger: like it talks about Osiris?

Stranger: and Ra

You: I have heard about Ra.

Stranger: Osiris is the god of the dead

You: Cool.

You: It is very fun talking to you.

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: THANK YOU!

Stranger: =)

Stranger: same to u

You: Where did you hear about Omegle?

Stranger: some site there

You: I heard about it on Soompi

Stranger: 4chan

Stranger: for me

You: Cool

Stranger: how many a$$holes have u met on this site?

You: A couple

You: What about you?

Stranger: same but theyre fun to mess with

You: True

Stranger: u just play along and they eventually get board

You: Yeah

You: Or try acting like a robot.

You: It pisses them off.

Stranger: lol

Stranger: like how:?

You: Well, you just say things like: I dont understand. I agree.

You: And stuff.

Stranger: ooo ok

Stranger: yeah ive spoken to those

You: You have to have big letter in the front and a dot in the end.

Stranger: o

You: Try me now.

Stranger: how?

Stranger: example

You: Just... try acting like a robot.

Stranger: ok

Stranger: say something

You: What are you doing?

Stranger: Hmm. Doing. Thats Interesting.

You: Great!

You: You are learning.

Stranger: lol

Stranger: thanks

Stranger: teacher

You: Your welcome, student.

Stranger: =D

You: So...

Stranger: so...

You: You ask me a question, and I`ll answer it.


You: Because I Don`t Fancy Humans.

Stranger: lo

Stranger: l

You: l

You: o

You: l

Stranger: just like one

You: Good

Stranger: like Smarter Child

Stranger: its an aim bot

You: I think it`s very annoying.

You: Not to be rude.

You: Have you heard of Spleak?

Stranger: yeah

You: What do you think about her?

Stranger: meh

You: I know.

Stranger: so do u have aim

Stranger: ?

You: No

You: :(

Stranger: damn that sux

You: Yeah...

Stranger: cuz i have to go

Stranger: =/

You: Bye then!

You: See you later

Stranger: goodbye

You: ...maybe...

You: Farewell

You: Just kidding.

Stranger: it was awesome talking to u

You: U too

You: Bye!

Stranger: bye

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Guest MyLovelyBlondie

Stranger: wanna come over

You: sure, give me the directions.

Stranger: north

Stranger: i have candy

You: you gotta be more specific than that.

You: i prefer chocolate.

Stranger: it's always about what YOU want isnt it?

Stranger: this is why it would never work between us

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


That was hilarious.

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Guest .liDo`Silva`Wun.


Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

You: me :(

You: i'm sorry


You: *starts crying*

Stranger: how could you?

You: ..it looked so yummyy

You: i couldnt resist!

Stranger: >:(

Stranger: the cookie was for me!

Stranger: my mom made it for me

You: i'll make u a MASSSIVE COOKIE!

Stranger: sounds good :)

Stranger: when can i have it?

You: okayy. i make u one :)

You: uhmmm.

Stranger: thank you, stranger :)

You: now? i can make one now.

You: what would you like in it?

Stranger: chocolate

Stranger: :)

You: nuts?

Stranger: also okay

You: okayyy

Stranger: is it finished yet?

You: yes!

Stranger: yeeha

Stranger: ill share it with you, because you were so nice to me, stranger :)

You: (^-^) <--- there. i made a happy face with icing

Stranger: wow nice

Stranger: (^- <-- here your part of the cookie

Stranger: ^) <--my part *nomnomnom*

Stranger: thank you so much, stranger :)

You: hahaha *nomononnon*

You: :D

Stranger: i got to go now

Stranger: see you :)

You: okayy bye bye! :)

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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this one my most fav one :D

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Guest .liDo`Silva`Wun.

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: password

You: username

You have disconnected.

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Guest starbleedsaway

Stranger: Hello

You: hello

You: greetings stranger

Stranger: Where are you from

You: from a farrrrr away land

You: atlantis

You: you?

Stranger: finland

You: ever heard of atlantis

You: nice

Stranger: yes I have

You: any fins there

Stranger: no

You: heaps of fins in atlantis here

Stranger: great

You: cause it's in the ocean and stuff

Stranger: in the bottom of ocean

You: i take it you're not fond of atlantis

You: yeah

Stranger: it sunk there

You: oh you get used to it

Stranger: ok

You: sometimes you want to use toilet paper but the toilet paper is all wet and you think "i hate atlantis"

You: but its ok, you have bad days and good days

Stranger: yeah

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Guest DarkWaltz

Stranger: m


Stranger: HI


Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: potato skins?

You: cout << "i dont get it";

Stranger: yes

Stranger: well, good times

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hey

You: 0101101 01001 010 1 1 01 101 110011101! ^_^

Stranger: lol

Stranger: what are you da vinci or something?

You: 0101100.... 010101 0101?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

lol, just felt like messing around. i've had some normal convos too but i won't post them up

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Guest honeyboo.

Mine are so strange O______O


: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolateI love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

: I love chocolate

Your conversational partner has disconnected.



: duurt te lang

: volgende

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

^ i didn't even get to say hi and they signed off, LMAO. & the 2nd one is just ... mentally retarded, dont cha think? :crazy:


: hi, i'd like to tell you a story

: go on

: it's my bedtime !

: ^^


: I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air

: In West Philadelfia born and raised

: On the playground where I spent most of my days

: Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool

: And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school

: When a couple of guys said "we're up in no good"

: Started making trouble in my neighbourhood

: I got in one little fight and my mom got scared

: And said "you're moving with your aunt and uncle in Bel-Air"

: (I begged and pleaded with her the other day

: But she packed my suitcase and sent me on my way

: She gave me a kissin' and she gave me my ticket

: I put my walkman on and said I might as well kick it

: First class, yo this is bad,

: Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass

: Is this what the people of Bel-Air livin' like,

: Hmm this might be alright!)

: I whistled for a cab and when it came near the

: License plate said "Fresh" and had a dice in the mirror

: If anything I could say that this cab was rare

: But I thought now forget it, yo home to Bel-Air

: I pulled up to a house about seven or eight

: And I yelled to the cabby "Yo, home smell you later"

: Looked at my kingdom I was finally there

: To settle my throne as the prince of Bel-Air

: nice story don't you think?

: whee you're a prince now !

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

& I decided to be retarded too, LOL XD


: hi

: eugygheruyetwert

: omgomgomgomgomg !

: älvsdgbs

: bsdokbfsme

: ‼█fhsgfdugfdgd !

: DX

: ♥♥

: ☺☻

: hsdfgsdgeghdfsghfdsgdfss

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

=_________=; wow. theyneedalife =X

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Guest pinkxstrawberry

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hi

Stranger: hi

You: howdy doody

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

well my convo lasted long....

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Guest spankthatFANY

k thats wired i was talkin to 45 man 11 year old boy and 2 other gay guys askin if i was gay and bi then another 1 ask in mexican if i wanna have s*x with him ill its soo nasty

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