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Chat With A Stranger


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Guest o________O

Stranger: hi

You: herro

Stranger: rice

You: mmmmmmm

Stranger: rearry?

You: i rove rice

Stranger: i rike it

You: me too, it dericious

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: ppl are constantly disconnecting me from Omegle video chat :'(

You: im sorry to hear that

Stranger: :(

Stranger: thx

Stranger: it makes me feel bad

Stranger: =''(

You: what can i do for you?

Stranger: nothing but talk lol

Stranger: :P

Stranger: asl?

You: goodbye

You have disconnected.

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Guest kirstie


it was quite possibly one of the best conversations ive ever had :)

<3 you amy

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Guest brinyblue

Lol, pretty weird, definitely not trying that again. My partners all seem uninteresting, though. :/


Stranger: hi

Stranger: u mad bro?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Stranger: hi

Stranger: you watch pokemon? how random is pikachu?

Stranger: like seriously, he sturrers


Stranger: stutters*


You: woops caps

Stranger: i swear he must get off on zapping him self

Stranger: thats a pretty john teshed up fetish

You: they all need insurance, i tell you

Stranger: insurance? understatement, maybe a partner

You: No matter, voldemort will vanquish them, no need for intercourse

You: as soon as he is resurrected

You: as a zombie.

You: but he has a brain

Stranger: i was thinking moreso robocop myself

Stranger: or maybe getting hold of chuck norris

You: Pff Chuck Norris.

You: Pai Mei OWNS Chuck Norris, as a sex slave

Stranger: Pai Mei? naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Guest I.is.Happy

Stranger: I don't want to talk to any horny freaks.

You: hi

You: LOL


Stranger: hello

You: hi theree

Stranger: so wazzap?





Stranger: YO HOMIE


Stranger: COOL BRO


You: bloooopp

Stranger: YA ROCK


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Guest -khunnie

LOL oh god i've done this so many times. just two days ago i had a talk with Minho *nods* yeah i said minho. lol its so funny when you start talking kpop and they're all confused like WTH. ♥

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Guest chvietnk

Stranger: rawr

You: monkeys are great

Stranger: cool

You: do you like bananas?

Stranger: yesh

You: are you a monkey?

Stranger: no im a dinasaur

You: my mommy told me if you like bananas than you are a monkey

Stranger: sure why not

Stranger: im guessing your like 11 years old

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Stranger: heyy

You: hi

Stranger: asl ?

You: 1001. f. yoshi's island

You: you?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hiiii!

Stranger: asl !?

You: that beats the whole talking to a "stranger" thing dont you think?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hi

You: hey

Stranger: M 21 canada

Stranger: where are you from?

You: I'm from Hogwarts :)

Stranger: COOL

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Here's mine

You: hi

Stranger: hey asl?

You: you first, asl?

Stranger: 17 m aus

Stranger: u???????

You: 21 f phil

You: can I ask you something?

Stranger: yea sure what ?

Stranger: btw u sound pretty

You: are you a robot or a human? do you work on omegle?

Stranger: im a human an im just a guy on omegle

You: Oh, I thought you're a robot. Anyway what's your name?

Stranger: its nick

Stranger: do u have msn?

You: No, sorry.

Stranger: :( oh well umm wanna play dirty 20 Q?

You: what's that?

Stranger: 20 questions but dirty

You: I don't want to. You're young to play dirty.

Stranger: haha no im not

You: No. Can we talk about something else?

Stranger: ok u bring something up?

You: are you still studying? you're too young to work on omegle.

Stranger: haha i dont work on omegle

Stranger: im just a bloke in a chatroom

You: really? I thought you were a robot. Someone told me strangers here were actually robots

Stranger: lol there weird im no robot

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

:sweatingbullets: haha!

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  • 1 month later...

Hahaha!~ Interesting site! *O*

at first I was paired with creepers, but this last guy was really sweet, ahhaha!~

This was how our chat started:

Stranger: yikes

You: yikkeessssss

You: lol

You: hello there stranger! hahaha

Stranger: marry me?

Stranger: lol

You: where's the ringgggggggggg?!

You: hahahahahhaa

You: we haven't even met yet V_V

You: \roflmaoooooooo

You: interesting site yo!~ XD

Stranger: yeah and we don't even know each other gender either

You: ahhaaaaaa, sooo true! hahahahhaa

You: so, when's our marriage?

You: :D

You: roflmaooooooo

Stranger: tonight

You: wwhhuuutttt? hahhahahaha

Stranger: this is all going to fast!!

You: yyeeaaahhh, so fast V_V lol

You: hahhahahahaa

Stranger: ..... I do

You: and the venue? =D

You: ....I do

You: roflmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Stranger: hahahah

You: ok, this is weird

Stranger: yeah

You: we are now married, hahahahhahahaha

Stranger: I hope it's a straight mariage

You: so, who's teh bride?

You: hahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaa

Stranger: let's not ruin it

You: my thoughts exactly

You: roflmaooooooooooo

Stranger: this is actually really fun

it's really very long, so to cut it short, her's the last part:

Stranger: so sleepy

You: ooohh...u should sleep then, stranger!

You: =D

You: finally, non-creeper on omegle *____*

You: lol

Stranger: so what are our genders?

You: hahahahhahaaahaha

You: guess stranger! lol

Stranger: I don't know

Stranger: it's hard to tell

You: hahahhahaha

You: would u like to know mine? roflmaoooo

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: i'll tell you mine aswell\

You: who goes first? lol

Stranger: on three!

Stranger: ok?

You: ddaaaaaannngggg!~ straight marriage* *crosses fingers*

You: ok

You: lol

Stranger: 1

Stranger: 2

Stranger: 3 !!!

You: f

You: hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaha

Stranger: Im

Stranger: m

You: wwwwwwhheeeeeeewwww

You: it's a straight marriage after all

You: roflmaaaooooo

Stranger: so what country are you in?

You: hahahahahhahaha

You: somewhere in Asia =D

You: lalalalalala~

Stranger: china?

You: nah

Stranger: japan?

You: beep* wrong again~

You: give up on guessing?

Stranger: yeah

You: Philippines, hahhaa

You: had a nice time chatting with u stranger! :D

Stranger: I marries a Philippine girl

Stranger: married*

Stranger: sweeeeeetttt!!!

You: hahahahhahaa yeah u did *____* lol

You: hahahahahaha

You: do u have a name stranger?

You: lol

Stranger: David

You: hello David *hand shakes*

You: I'm Angeli *waves* =D

Stranger: I get a handshake and wave from my wife?

Stranger: hhahahaa

Stranger: just kidding

You: hahahhahhahahahahahahahhahahahahaha

You: a hug will do? lol

You: oh, and what's ur age btw?

You: hahahahaha

Stranger: 18

You: I have a feeling I'm older *O* lol

You: yeah, I am V_V

You: roflmaooooooooooooooooooo

Stranger: how much older?

You: I'm a pedophileeeeeeeee

You: nooooooooo X______________X lol

You: 4 yrs older, roflmaoooooooooooooooo

Stranger: age doesn't matter

You: wait, is our marrige even legal?

You: lol

You: hahahhahahaha

Stranger: I'm 18

Stranger: which makes me an adult

You: hahahahaha yeah, lol

You: you have a class tomorrow? u should go to sleep *O*

You: lol

Stranger: I wish I could meet a girl like you

You: aawww....that's so sweet of you David! lol

You: you're a good guy too! hahahaa

Stranger: thanks

You: =D

Stranger: Well goodnight angeli

You: hahhaa goodnigh to you David! sleep well! :D

Stranger: olive juice

You: olive juice? O_O lol

Stranger: olive juice you too

You: eeehhh? still don't get it x__x lol

Stranger: it's a joke because olive juice sounds like "i love you"

You: ooohhhh...in which language? O_O

You: lol XD

Stranger: English

You: yeah, olive juice you too, hubby O_O roflmaooooo

You: ooohh...hahhahahahahaha

Stranger: lol

Stranger: I'll miss you

You: goodnight David! *pinches cheeks* =D

You: aawww...wifey will miss u too! :P lol~

Stranger: goodnight

Stranger: and thank you

You: nytnyt, thanks too ^_____^

Stranger: okay now I'm turning the computer off

Stranger: goodnight

You: okies~ nytnyt! :D

He's really a cool person! hahaha!~ Glad I met at least one normal person there *__* lol~

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  • 2 months later...

I've actually met someone decent on there this morning. :')

You know, after the hoard of horny teenage girls and boys, pedophiles and weirdos.. and boring people.

I'll be back to post a funny if I come across one.

But I remember them saying, "If you don't use proper grammar and punctuation, I probably won't talk to you. I'm pretentious like that."

Then when they asked for my name, I thought they were still a troll so I lied and said my name was Kate... after Kate Middleton. Then I found out they're from England. HAHA. So ironic. :')

Then I gave this person relationship advice. Omegle is such an interesting place sometimes. *__*

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Guest I_play_with_dolls

I do this when I'm bored. I know I have no life but it kills me each time because I could be quite a successful troll. There are a lot of creeps on here, this is probably the cleanest convo I saved. :U


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Guest spiritnature

Stranger: Greetings.

You: Did I summon for you?

You: Back into the chambers underling

Stranger: I believe you did, though perhaps not me specifically.

You: exactly what I mean. back into the pen

Stranger: The pen?!

You: I would assume you are from a lower status

You: I.

Stranger: How about YOU go into the pen, and I stay here.

You: no, I am the summoner

You: heed my commands

You: bow to me

Stranger: Consider yourself the summonee. Begone.

You have disconnected.

LOL I wanted to be random. But the convo started to get boring :P

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Guest dreamy21

I do this when I'm bored. I know I have no life but it kills me each time because I could be quite a successful troll. There are a lot of creeps on here, this is probably the cleanest convo I saved. :U

*quoted image*


"My name is Adam, and I'm a dude."


Like 20 minutes after convo started

You: So, what do you do?

Stranger: I'm a shaman.

You: What?? Really? How

Stranger: I take care of dead bodies. Usually atleast 2 in the basement

You: Whoa~ So do you like music?

Stranger: Yes, in particular, I am quite a keen to jazz music.

Great a shaman who likes jazz w00t.gif

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Guest leeseohae

I was being the catalyst of weirdness in this conversation:

Stranger: Hello :P

You: Hello there, I come in peace.

Stranger: Female 17 Hungary

Stranger: How about you?

You: I'm 50. From planet Saturn.

Stranger: What's up? :)

You: I'm awesome.

Stranger: Whats your name?

You: Not much. Just learning how to build nuclear weapons and atomic bombs. My fellow aliens are out to destroy Earth. Have you heard of that planet?

Stranger: Angela.

You: My name. I am Aswerdafg.

Stranger: Nice to meet you.

You: Nice to meet you too.

You: What planet are you from?

Stranger: I'm bored and lonely. Wanna cam?

You: I've never heard of the planet Hungary before.

You: What is a cam?

Stranger: Here is my profile.

Stranger: http://onprofiles.com/id=8i67

Stranger: You can add me there.

Stranger: My name there is Angelabackson.

You: What? I don't understand a word you are saying. Are you trying to manipulate me?

You: Which planet are you from?

You: I'm guessing you came from planet Mars. Those aliens there never understand.

You: Stay away Martian! I don't want to be associated with you.

You: Bye!

For the first time, I actually had a decent conversation with a guy. It's amazing how you can open up to some random stranger who you would probably never meet in your entire life:

Stranger: Howdy

You: Hello there, mate!

Stranger: How are you?

You: I'm doing fine. You?

Stranger: Doing good

You: That' nice to know.

Stranger: So where ya from?

You: From somewhere you don't know of.

You: Hahaha. Let's keep the identification a secret.

Stranger: You sure?

You: :)

You: Yes.

Stranger: Well, what do you wanna talk about then?

You: Random things. You pick!

Stranger: Um, favorite sport?

You: I'm not the athletic type but I have always taken an interest in soccer.

You: I love those soccer players. And oh, basketball.

You: But I can't play both. -.-

Stranger: Why do you love them? and why can't you play them?

You: Why do I love them? Well, they just seem so buff and all. I like how they keep their physique in shape. And why can't I play them? I'm a girl. Hahaha. I'm not really good in those kind of area.

You: How about you?

Stranger: Well i like football cause i used to play it lol

You: Nice.

You: I'm guessing you're a guy? Am I correct?

Stranger: Ding ding ding, you are correct

You: Ahahaha. Okay then.

You: So, what's up with your life right now?

You: Mine's pretty boring. -_-

Stranger: same here, back home from college

You: A college guy. Interesting.

Stranger: why is that?

You: I'm still in high school.

You: Hahaha. Never associated with college guys before actually.

You: I feel intimidated.

Stranger: well, how old are you? lol

You: That is a secret. :P

You: Identification, private. Remember?

You: We're just strangers anyway.

Stranger: just tell me your age lol

You: We'll never meet in this lifetime. Haha.

You: Okay fine. 17.

Stranger: Well I am 20

You: You're 3 years older than me. Is that considered illegal? Hahaha.

Stranger: Woah, who said we were gonna do that stuff lol

You: I didn't mean it that way!

You: You're thinking of crazy things. :P

Stranger: you implied it heavily lol

You: Whatever. Hahaha.

Stranger: So what do you wanna know about me?

You: Uh, single or taken? ;)

Stranger: single, you?

You: Single. Never dated. Parents are strict.

Stranger: aw that stinks

You: But I'm not complaining.

You: I think it's better that way? Haha. To secure for my future and whatnot?

You: Hahahaha.

Stranger: but guys can be quite fun lol

You: Fun in what way are you implying? Haha.

Stranger: Oh, you know lol

You: Oh no I don't know. Care to enlighten me?

Stranger: Well, when a guy likes a girl and stuff lol

You: So when a guy likes a girl and stuff? Then? That should be fun? Hahahaha.

Stranger: well, they gotta be alone and then the magic happends

You: Magic. Hahaha.

You: I like how you associated the term magic.

Stranger: well, the feeling is magical lol

You: I guess. I couldn't quite tell now since you know, I've never been in one.

You: But, if I will, I'll let you know if it's magical. Haha.

You: So, you've been in one, I assume?

Stranger: yes, and the feeling is magical, especially the physical aspect

You: Hahahaha. Okay then. Let's not elaborate more. I don't want my thoughts tainted.

You: Kidding. :P

Stranger: haha so keep going? lol

You: Let's talk about something else.

Stranger: alright

You: I don't wanna go yet. You're the first decent conversation I have in omegle.

You: The people here are rude. -.-

Stranger: Well, they tend to be that way

You: Sooooo. Are there any facts about you that you would never in your whole life reveal to anyone? You could tell me, since I'm a nice stranger. :)

You: I know. Creeps the hell out of me.

Stranger: Idk really, i am a pretty open person lol

You: There's really nothing? Nada?

Stranger: i mean, not that i can think of

You: Oh well. Hahaha.

You: I guess we're the opposite. I'm a pretty introverted kind of person.

Stranger: well what are some facts about yourself then

You: Facts that I'll never ever reveal to anyone?

Stranger: yup

You: I get intimidated easily. Especially to my parents.

You: Maybe that's why I never had good connection around each other.

You: I'm fantasize more other than living in reality.

You: I live in pretense when I'm around with a close tight of friends.

Stranger: what do fantasize about?

You: Things out of the ordinary. I know, I think I'm on crack sometimes.

You: I'm a frustrated wannabe writer. I've written lots of stories which are either unpublished or incomplete.

You: No one knows that I write though. They think it's lame.

Stranger: Well, all writers have to start somewhere

You: I've got lots of insecurities especially to other girls which I think who are good looking and whatever.

You: I know. But I guess they just don't understand.

Stranger: Well, you will find people who understand

You: I think you're the first person I've ever opened up to.

You: Thanks. And thank you for listening or in our case, reading.

Stranger: No problem

You: How about you? Facts about you that you'd like to share?

Stranger: eh, i can be shy sometimes

You: Haha. Tell me about it. But shy guys, I find them cute.

Stranger: well, i am trying to work on it

You: Try harder! :>

Stranger: I will lol

You: So was that the only oh so amazing fact this kind stranger have?

Stranger: I guess lol

You: Meh. :P

You: Okay. I am left with nothing to say. Hahaha.

Stranger: haha well i am getting tired

You: Okay okay! Bye kind stranger! Nice chatting with you.

You: See you in our next lifetime! Hahahaha.

Stranger: Peace stranger!

I guess Omegle isn't only infested with horny and crazy beings. You can also find some strangers who would be willing to listen to you in any time of the day. Otherwise, if they bother the heck out of you, rattle their brains out. Good luck, mates.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest iiloveyou

Stranger: Hi

Stranger: are you a girl ??

You: Ello

You: No I'm a gorilla

You: =]

Stranger: Coool

Stranger: im a monkey too

You: I like bananas

Stranger: i like cakes

Stranger: and clumbing trees

You: Really what family ? Chimps ?

You: I live in the jungle

You: where the lion sleeps

Stranger: Yes i think we are in the same jugle

Stranger: jungle

You: Cool

You: the one in Africa ?!?#@

Stranger: Yes in south africa newt to england !!


Stranger: See We are Close

You: Very

You: the lion king brought us together

You: Simba is my best friend ! You know him ?

Stranger: do you remembre when the crocodile eat us ?

Stranger: yes


Stranger: si,ba


Stranger: simba 9adem simba jé

You: I still have the scars

You: Luckily we got barfed out

You: and didn't come out the other end ; )

Stranger: i forgot my richard simmons in his mouth

You: That's too bad . . .

You: We shall find it !


Stranger: i know


You: Do you have the cart ?

Stranger: You know im the dragon ball monkey



Stranger: i know

Stranger: im the monkeys master

Stranger: im monkeys gooD

You: Hakuna Matata

You: =]

Stranger: Bomba yes

Stranger: bomba

You: Yessss

Stranger: bomba is my little brother

You: I know him !

You: I have a big sister geliath

You: you know her ?

Stranger: YEssssssssss che is reallu pretty

Stranger: really

Stranger: like a frog

Stranger: a handsome frog

You: yes she croaks like one too

Stranger: Oh noo !! Realy sexy

You: ya

Stranger: Ok Ciao you wast my time rally :P im looking for a girl :P

You: ok buddio

You: peace out

Stranger: see a

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

LOL weirdest convo ever...

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: asl

You: why, are you a creep?

Stranger: cause i wanna seee your vagina

You: yup, a creep

You have disconnected

just wanted to disconnect someone(:

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Guest greentambourine1

mine conversation...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi guy here looking for a girl or a guy who wants to do some omegle role play!

You: hi

Stranger: hi

Stranger: you down?

You: what?

Stranger: wanna roleplay

You: yeah.sure

Stranger: g or m

You: g

Stranger: what do you look like

Stranger: 'age

You: 26

You: pretty

Stranger: thin

Stranger: be honest

You: average

Stranger: dont mind a big git

Stranger: girl

Stranger: big boobs

Stranger: ?

You: aw..

You have disconnected.

ahaha,..lol.. i just disconnect, i might spank this guy if he says something more.. i was a bit afraid..

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Guest NinjaRain

Ehh, I guess I tried LOL.

Stranger: HI  :D


You: ;DDD


Stranger: i'm great !

Stranger: & you ? (:

You: im great as well~ ^^

You: just talking to random ppl online lol

Stranger: haha , me too ! :D

You: lol you must be bored right?

You: ;O

Stranger: A little xD & u ?

You: same :P

You: lalalalalalaalala

Stranger: na na na na naa C:


You: omg i hate perverted ppl on here LOL

You: you?

Stranger: me too !

You: haha we have so much in common already

You: sorry im a creeper o-o

Stranger: where are you from ? :D

You: boston, usa

You: C:

Stranger: nice (:

You: yupp hbu?

Stranger: belgium

You: cool ;D

You: well it was nice talking to someone decent haha

You: everyone else seems soo freaky o-o

Stranger: really ? ;d

You: yup~

You: how old are you? ^^

Stranger: 16 & u ?

You: ooh i guess i'm younger lol

Stranger: haha ;d

You: well, talk to you soon? :D

You: PEACE~~~~

I'm such a noob xD.

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