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Chat With A Stranger


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Guest panda1212

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Is it just me, or is it horny in here?

You: its just you

Stranger: damn

You: yeah sorry about that

Stranger: not even a little bit?

You: nope sorry

Stranger: well, it was worth a try

Stranger: so... whats up?

You: nothing

You: what about you

Stranger: horny

You: why dont you go jerk off to porn

Stranger: I think I will

You: thats nice

Stranger: thanks for the suggestion

You: tell me how that goes

You: afterwards

You: on second thought

You: i dont want to know

Stranger: you sure?

You: pretty positive

You: so how is life

Stranger: not bad

Stranger: kinda lonely though

You: why is that

Stranger: I'm all alone

You: what about friends

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Guest JASON;

You: i fly at the speed of light

Stranger: oh wow

Stranger: i wish i could fly.

You: you cannot?!

Stranger: nope, just a lowly human

You: do you want to be bestowed the powers of a lemur?

Stranger: i thought you were superman.

You: im a lemur superman.

Stranger: thats fancy

You: indeed, fancy is my middle name

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LOL this girl makes no sense after a while.

Stranger: 17/f/london

You: 17/f/US

You: how is london?

Stranger: really? wow didnt see that one coming

You: lol

Stranger: wet right now

Stranger: john teshing wet

You: o same here. well i live in texas and the weather is hella bipolar

Stranger: im from Bama so i remember... we caught everything you threw up

You: i've always wanted to visit london

You: so you've been born and raised in london?

Stranger: depending on where you are = how much you enjoy it

You: lol i agree

Stranger: but no matter where you are the constables are always a joke

then i disconnected. iono what she's talking about.

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Guest jnnifer

Chat 1:

Stranger: yo!

You: hEY

Stranger: watup?

You: nothin. u?

Stranger: just chilling

Stranger: where are u from?

You: Cali :D what about you?

Stranger: what's cali? u mean like california or what?

Stranger: i'm from finland

You: yea California :) WOAH! Finland...thats far

Stranger: yeah! is it warm over there?

You: T_T i wish its pretty cold for spring....what finland

Stranger: well something like +5 c

You: ohhh....

Stranger: getting warmer and warmer! which is nice

You: lol maybe global warming

Stranger: haha


You: xD

Stranger: winter is just too long and snowy and cold an DARK here

You: :( awww

You: its okay

Stranger: but how old are u?

Stranger: are you a boy or a girl?

You: .....how old are you??

You: .... a girl

Stranger: i'm 19, girl!

You: woah.

You: im 8 years younger than you

Stranger: that makes you 11?

You: maybe

Stranger: are u really that young?

You: yea....

Stranger: that's awsome! you've got like everything ahead of you!

You: ^^ thank you

You: do u have a job?

Stranger: well not actually, i look after some kids and direct some theatre groups, so yes i do have a job but nothing permanent or stable

Stranger: i think you go to school?

You: yup

You: thats nice of you :D

Chat 2:


You: O.O

You: thank you

Stranger: you have won a dance exhibition

Stranger: :D/-<

Stranger: :D|-<

You: uh...thanks :D

Stranger: :D/-<

Stranger: np

You: ummm okay

Stranger: so whats up?

You: the ceiling

You: what about you?

Stranger: pretty much the same

You: woah...thats cool

Stranger: yup, such a coincidence

You: yesh..yesh it is ^o^

Stranger: so where are you from?

You: California :) what about you?

Stranger: Iceland

You: hm.....is it cold there?

Stranger: most of the time, yeah

You: :( ^^ Dont worry it will probably get warmer xD global warming

Stranger: haha yeah, the summer here is kinda warm, so Im not worried =D

You: :T thats good

Stranger: so how old are you?

You: umm...how old are you?

Stranger: 17

You: im 6 years younger than you

Stranger: o_O

You: 11

You: ....

Stranger: haha, yeah, I see

Stranger: So you had fun this easter?

You: -_-;; uhh not really it was pretty boring

You: what about you?

Stranger: yeah, just ate and slept a lot, which is fun in it's own way

You: xD okay

Stranger: take care

Stranger: but hey, gotta go

Chat 3:

Stranger: hey

You: Hi

Stranger: asl?

You: eggs

Stranger: i love eggs

You: ohhh...okay ^^

Chat 4:

Stranger: hi im looking for a hot bisexual guy

O.O lol im not talking to her....or maybe a him xD

Chat 5:

Stranger: hi

You: hi

Stranger: how are you ?

You: im good ^^ wat about you?

Stranger: good goodd

Stranger: whats your name ?

You: Jennifer....

Stranger: aight where u from ?

You: California

Stranger: ok what u doin on this site if i may ask .. ?

You: um...im just bored xD

Stranger: ok that makes 2 of us

Stranger: u like weed ?

You: no

Stranger: hmm why not ?

You: becuz

You: im too young

Stranger: how young r u ?

You: ....11

Stranger: hmnm

Stranger: whut ur parents think about that ur on this site ?

Chat 6:

You: o.O hi

Stranger: ^.^hey

You: .......

You: UHH.....

Stranger: asl

You: Age: 11

You: s:girl

Stranger: u r really young

You: l:.....uhhhh im asian xD

You: ...how old are you?

Stranger: 19..

Stranger: what country u from

You: California

Stranger: ur in Carliforni?!

You: yea xD what about you

Stranger: Im in Miami

You: ohh...

Stranger: what nationality r u

You: Chinese

You: you?

Stranger: Korean

You: COOL!!!!

You: i know a bit korean xD

Stranger: i've been taken chinese class before for one year

You: cool! isnt it hard to memorize

You: the characters

Stranger: yes...it got me headache

You: T-T same here

Stranger: but i know how to say...

You: :D thats good

Stranger: jian dao ni hen gao xing

Stranger: is it right?

You: lol yea xD

You: so....are a oppa or unnie??

Stranger: jaja

Stranger: oppa

Stranger: nice ...u know korean also

You: oh...so your boy ^^

Stranger: why? u dont want me be a boy?

You: o.o!!!! no! its okay

You: :D

You: im fine with any kind of gender :)

Stranger: what r u doing in california

You: umm..im on spring break right now..but....theres nothing to do so i just went a this website called soompi and......yea.... :D....what about you?

Stranger: spring break? r u in middle school?im in the university...i finished my break really early

You: ..no..im in elementry school :D

Stranger: u r really a young kitto

You: ^^ i know

Stranger: when u move to california

You: i was born in California :D where you born in Miami

Stranger: no..i borned in Korea

Stranger: then u parents must be chinese

You: yea they were born in China

Stranger: i've been to China before..jaja

Stranger: Hainan

You: ohhh...I wanna go to Seoul ^^ especially Lotte World

Stranger: yOu should ..it's really nice place

You: :)

You: i might go for summer vacation

Stranger: alone?

You: o.o no with my mom probably .....i wish i could go alone

You: my mom probably wont let me go on the fun stuff -_______-

Stranger: caz u r too young...

You: T-T;;....who says so...age is just a number :D

Stranger: do you have chinese name...but experiences come alone with the age..u dont have much though

You: ...... yea i do

Stranger: jaja...really

Stranger: like what

You: um...........i dont know....

You: oh yea...whats your name??

Stranger: Jae

Stranger: what's urs

You: Jennifer ^^

Stranger: do u have chinese name

You: ....what your last name then?? I wanna try to figure out your Korean name ^^

You: yea i do

Stranger: Jae Huan

You: I dont like my chinese name...its sooo short xD

Stranger: can i know

You: sure T-T why not

You: Li Xi

You: see short >.<

Stranger: that's easy to remember

You: xD

Stranger: do u know how to type chinese

You: yea

You: hmm... your korean...

You: wait...is Huan your last name

Stranger: yes

You: okay ^^

You: so it might me..... Huan Jaewook????

You: be

You: i dont know xD

Stranger: what's that?!

You: .....i dont know xD it was random

Stranger: let me to find chinese way of my name

You: okay ^^

Stranger: 桓郑

You: hmm....

Stranger: can u read it?

You: i dont think so xD...my chinese is lacking

You: i will try though

Stranger: okay

You: Huan Zheng?? Am I right??

Stranger: which city r u living in ca

You: Fremont

Stranger: yes.

You: :D

Stranger: close to LA?

You: nope :( I wish it was so then I maybe audition for JYP Entertainment xD

Stranger: it's close to sanfrancisco

You: yea I guess so ^^

Stranger: do you have bf?

You: no

You: Do you have a gf??

Stranger: i forget u r in elementary....

Stranger: i had two...they were all chinese

You: ohh.....wat a coisidence xD

You: in 3rd grade i had a really huge on crush on this guy....and he Korean xD

Stranger: and they tought me a lot of chinese...hehe

Stranger: 3rd?

You: yea

You: im in 6th right now

Stranger: okay.....when i was in 3rd...i didnt know anything about crush

You: yea neither did i....i just knew i liked guy really much

Stranger: do u think u r pretty

You: .....no not really T-T...my brother calls me ugly and my friends call me average..so....I just im average ^^

Stranger: u have brother

You: yea

You: but he likes my little sister better than me T-T

Stranger: hahaha........how many children do u have in ur family

Stranger: i dont have any sister or brother

You: 2 inculding me 3

You: :( its okay.....i can be your pretend dongsaeng xD

Stranger: how old is ur brother

You: 19

You: like you :T

Stranger: wo.nice...is he in university

You: yea

Stranger: do u know which one

You: like you ^^ except 1 thing....you nicer xD

You: Ohlone college

Stranger: does he speak chinese

You: yea

Stranger: so three of ur guys born in US right?

You: no my brother was born in China and me and my little sis were born in the US

Stranger: you guys are lucky...which province u brother were born

You: ...i dont really remember T-T;; sorry

Stranger: it's okay

Stranger: so what r u doing now

You: talking to a friend

Stranger: do u have facebook or sth

You: no but i have an email :D.....

Stranger: oh...okay...im gonna go...so...nice to meet u

You: okay bye ^^

Stranger: 很高兴认识你

and many more xD

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Guest lonely_rain...

heres mine...

I pretended to be Edogawa Conan

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi

Stranger: hi there

You: my name is edogawa conan

Stranger: hows it going?

You: I was a well known High School Detective who helped solved cases which the police could not.

Stranger: lol

You: One day, I was investigating a suspicious man.

Stranger: my name is theory arbogast...i was and still am a giant scorpion comander of the 8th battlion of corton

You: Later I was attacked and forced to swallow a a poison called the APTX 4869 which turned me back into a child.

Stranger: that is awesome

Stranger: cause i'm sure you would want to try and get laid before you died

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Its really FUN!!

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That was pretty fun! lOL! I think I scare my stranger! LMFAO!

I was joking, hopefully he didn't took it too seriously! LMFAO

You: hii!

Stranger: hello you!!

You: what up?!

Stranger: nothing. how was your day?

You: it's was pretty good i guess, not much happen...you?

Stranger: oh fine . my day suckeddddd

You: ohh really why that?

Stranger: because of some things that happened

You: i'm sorry, hope tomorrow will be better ^_^

Stranger: where are you from?

Stranger: tnx

You: me i'm from an affordable home lol

You: how about you?

Stranger: i live under a nice bridge

You: really? should invite me sometime ahaha

Stranger: yes its nice!!

Stranger: with the river floating, and some fresh air

You: really i was about to ask !

You: so you live on like a boathouse?

Stranger: no i am homeless

You: ohh bad economy ehh?

Stranger: yess damn

You: are you a guy or a female?

Stranger: a MAN

Stranger: you

Stranger: ?



You: Scary huh? I got a gender change in Tawian.

You: so you can say Transexual ehh?

Stranger: so now you can fap in front of the mirror

You: Fap? what? I got change into a female

Stranger: did they took your wiener?

You: yeah, that's why it's called transexual

Stranger: oh.. i see

Stranger: then good luck

2nd try

Stranger: hi

You: what up!?

Stranger: asl?

You: seriously already?

You: how about you?

Stranger: 18 female ireland and you?

You: ohhh i was hoping for a male but okay xD

3rd try

What up with the A/S/L thing. ahaha

Stranger: hi

You: HEY!

Stranger: asl?

You: are you that female 18 ireland person?

Stranger: no

Stranger: why?

You: i just talked to one awhile ago and she asked me a same question

You: 17/F/CA

You: how about you?

Stranger: 18/F/Brazil

You: oh another female

You: nice to meet you yoo!

Stranger: nice to meet you too

Stranger: do you study?

You: yeah, i study

You: you?

Stranger: yeah I'm in college

4th try


Stranger: Whats ur name?

Stranger: Im hello kittymini cooperpinkberry

You: My name is Euna

You: so you're black?

Stranger: Its like NigagshaHORE

Stranger: No. But you are

You: hard to spell

You: nahhh


You: that's soo mean of you

Stranger: Are you brown?

You: i'm pale as a ghose

You: ghost*


Stranger: Learn how to spell sunshine aka Curry Breath go back 2 ur home

You: hello kitty you need to learn how to spell

You: john teshing bubble gum

You: go suck a Richard

Stranger: Hore, Get your father to lay you

Stranger: pinkberry suck my dogs Richard

You: mini cooperhead go john tesh your mama yo!

Stranger: Sorry, Ur john teshin her

You: say that again?

Stranger: No

You: i can't understand your damn english

Stranger: I cant understand you sunshine Curry breath

You: who want to john tesh that rather infelicitous trash of your

Stranger: Your boyfriend did

You: oh my really?

Stranger: Yeah

You: i feel sorry for your boyfriend

You: should have stop him before he john tesh your mamma

Stranger: You mean You feel sorry for Your Ex?

You: why would i yo?

You: why are you trying so hard to go for black style?

You: i know you're a loner and mini cooper

Stranger: Just go suck a richard simmons and comeback when your done john teshing richard simmons licking You

Stranger: FATHER

You: but don't go so harsh on yourself

You: what father?

You: what the hell is a richard simmons?

Stranger: Only gay richard simmons hores people are named Euna




Stranger: Ohh sorry to smart for your 13 year old brain

You: MAN YOU ARE A rainbow

Stranger: Your the sunshine GO BACK HOME

You: I'm actually 5

You: I never say i was

Stranger: Wow, You must get LAIIDD

You: what a mini cooper kool-aidgot

You: Laid? for what?

You: I don't do that mini cooper hello kitty

Stranger: mini cooper kool-aidgot? Why do you talk bout your mom bout that

You: go see a threapist

You: What mom?

Stranger: She aint going to john tesh you anymore

You: ohh really? that be really gross though

Stranger: Cuz you gave her Herpies

You: wtf is herpies? >.<

Stranger: Wow.

You: i know

You: i'm sooo amazing

You: what do you expect from a 5 year old pinkberry

Stranger: No. Your a richard simmons sucker

You: you mean cocktail those drinks

You: i'm still underage

Stranger: No. I mean you Vagina

You: vagina? wth?

Stranger: That your dad likes?

You: ohh your face is a vagina?

You: or your name is a vagina?

Stranger: Ohh yeah, your a sunshine CURRY BREATH so you only have a Richard

You: it's fit you very well

You: sunshine curry breath?

You: can you like think of something more creative ?

Stranger: Like you mom

You: gahhh you're worster then me

You: oh course i look like my mom!

Stranger: Go suck your Richard

You: richard simmons pinkberry

You: why won't you?

Stranger: Cuz im not the Man

You: i'm not the man either

You: ohhhh

Stranger: Sure


You: HOLYMOTHERjohn teshER!


Stranger: No. Im straight your the Lesbo

You: You don't act like it

You: T____T

You: I'm sorry, I didn't know you were a lesbian

Stranger: john tesh your dog, pinkberry,Oh wait, your dog is to john teshing scared your your richard simmons man lion king

You: go ahead and john tesh your mom

You: I won't say anything

You: Promise :D

Stranger: My moms in bed with you gay richard simmons

You: why would she be in bed with me?

You: you're the one john teshing her

You: it's not nice to talk about your parent like that

You: you're going to hell!

Stranger: lion king face go john tesh the wall, It would be the ONLY thing you have ever john teshed

You: best wishes to you

You: there is no wall here

Stranger: Hell? Like i care, I can say DIE GOD john tesh YOU MARRY

You: you want to marry god?

You: why are you getting so mad?

Stranger: god sucks dicksss

You: i won't stop you

Stranger: Lalalallalalala I dont care

You: oooo i know that song!

You: it's from telitubbies

You: you're so childish

You: hehehehehe

Stranger: Yeah its by you, The first lines are, I dont care if i dont get john teshked ever

You: you never experience sex how sad

Stranger: I have but a lion king face like you would have NEVER

You: ohh you john teshed a girl

You: no wonder you're an outcast in school

Stranger: No. I would never, unlike you

You: maybe rent porn

You: you won't be as loney

You: richard simmons pinkberry

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Guest Luu-who

Mine was really long.. i had to edit it to make it shorter XD

The whole conversation was much much more entertaining

it lasted like 20mins XD

this is just how it endeddd.

Stranger: my girlfriend of 8 years dumped me today

Stranger: i asked her if there was another guy. she told me i was the other guy :(

You: the other guy was me

You: boom chicka boomboomm

You: okay

You: see you again soon .

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Guest linuhhparkk

You: HAI!

Stranger: hi

You: wuzgoood

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

wow, fail.

Stranger: hey

You: hi

Stranger: what's going on?

You: ohhhh yah know, the usual. and you?

Stranger: home sick today

Stranger: lying naked on the couch

You: nicee.

Stranger: I guess so

Stranger: I'm overheated

Stranger: soooo hot

You: maybe you need a fan? some a/c?

Stranger: all the windows are open

Stranger: so I am hoping that helps

Stranger: I'm also hoping the neighbors are all at work

You: hahaha, i was just gonna ask you about them

You: so how was the day

Stranger: lame

Stranger: so tired

Stranger: so hot

You: i'm super cold

Stranger: put more clothes on

You: yuuup.

You: so where you from?

Stranger: I heard once that a thighter bra makes you warmer

Stranger: Colorado, US

You: well, i wouldn't know

You: lol

Stranger: why wouldn't you know

Stranger: /

Stranger: ?

You: poland ftw!

You: because...i'm a guy...

Stranger: put a bra on

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

totally random.

haha that was fun.

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Guest Miss.Understood

Stranger: who is number one on your favorite all time artist?

You: Bill Clinton

then he/she disconnected. D: lame.

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Guest suupeerr

Stranger: hi

You: hi

Stranger: how are you

You: fine ^^ hbu

Stranger: btw i am a boy

You: ok xD

Stranger: boys dont wanna talk with me

Stranger: you?

You: im a girl

Stranger: wanna have cyber?

You: um

You: no ty :\

Stranger: please


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Guest vee.pee

LOL that was random O_O I just had 3 conversations

You: heyyzzz

Stranger: OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000 OVER 9000

You: get bent

Stranger: I will

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: Hi

You: heYYYZZZZzzz

Stranger: did you see THE GAME tonight?

You: whAT ze john tesh you on ze BOUT

Stranger: you just lost THE GAME

You: get bent

Stranger: lol

You: dont LOL me

You: sayonara

You have disconnected.

You: heyzzz

Stranger: wahzzzzzup

You: how zee yoUzzz?

You: waNNa dO it?

Stranger: yes

You: whaT sEx are yoUU?

Stranger: does it matter?

You: yeZZZ it doeSSS

Stranger: what are you?

You: penis

You: i want vagina

Stranger: me too

Stranger: sorry

You: oh thATTS ze fine

You: we can stiLL do Itt

Stranger: oh yeah

You: Give MEE yoUr email addREsszz

Stranger: no

You: aznboystar45@hotmail.com

You: add ZEE yeAhhhszzz?

Stranger: i'm gonna blow up your computer tomorrow

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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I wonder if anyone finds their stranger RIGHT HERE on Soompi.

Now That'd be interesting.

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hello.

Stranger: how are you?

You: Pretty darn good.

Stranger: yeah?

Stranger: how so?

Stranger: ....?

You: I just am~

Stranger: huh

You: How are you~

Stranger: why whatd you do?

Stranger: im good

Stranger: are you crazy?

You: NAW.

Stranger: haha

You: "Let's let's let's burn it up on this hypnotic dancefloor"

Stranger: i cant deside whether thats sarcasm or just the honest to goodness lie

Stranger: lol




Stranger: HIGH VOLTAGE!!

Stranger: lol have yo heard of electric six?

You: Naw.

Stranger: look it up. you tube.

Stranger: electric six

Stranger: danger

Stranger: high voltage

Stranger: NOW

Stranger: :D

Stranger: or i'll smex you up

Stranger: and you wont like it

Stranger: ...


Stranger: YES!!!





Stranger: haha lol

Stranger: seeeeexyyy huh?

Stranger: lol

You: Haha~

Stranger: glowing penissess and such

Stranger: hahah

You: Yeah.

You: Woman's kind of..

You: Yeah

Stranger: haha yes..

Stranger: she is infact a very, very, VERY old and discusting

Stranger: lol

Stranger: old crone

Stranger: :D

Stranger: she kinda looks like my grandma-ma!! ^_________________^

You: WoW.

Stranger: hahaha

You: That's wonderful.

Stranger: i know

Stranger: :)

Stranger: well have fun. :D

Stranger: i only cum to spread the word of ELECTRIC SIX!

Stranger: :o

You: Wow.

You: I see.


Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Guest d0rksf0lyfxs

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: :(

Stranger: hi

You: hello.

Stranger: asl?

You: 85 m canada

You: lol

You: :)

Stranger: lol gg

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

lol. i lie. :)

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Guest yournumber1fan

hahahahhaha this was so amusing xD

Stranger: hi

You: hi..?

Stranger: hey where r u from ?

You: california

You: you ?

Stranger: do u believe in a world where there is a god?

You: nope.

Stranger: or r u athiest ?

You: im atheist xDD

Stranger: so u simpyly think that life is at is

Stranger: ok r u woman ?

You: yeahh..

You: are you a dude?

Stranger: yes i am a guy

You: lol how old? O:

Stranger: r u on facebook ?

Stranger: im 27

Stranger: u

You: nope. facebook is annoying

You: -_-

Stranger: msn ?

You: nope [x

You: why are you on this site anyways? [x

Stranger: someone just told me about it

Stranger: wierd

You: hahahaha

Stranger: lol

You: what city?

Stranger: i thought ok

Stranger: lets try it

Stranger: im in London

Stranger: UK

You: ooooh.


You: 8D

Stranger: u do

Stranger: do u want me to call u ?

You: hahahaha its k [x

Stranger: ok

Stranger: i got a day off today fromw ork

Stranger: so thought ok lets go online

You: ahh i see.

Stranger: yeh

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Guest Sympathetic

You: Hi

Stranger: have you seen my pink pony?

You: LOL

You: Where abouts

Stranger: i dont know

Stranger: it ran away

You: oh :(

You: I hope you find it soon

You: are you okay

You: do you need someone to comfort you

Stranger: no :(

Stranger: john tesh you

You: LOL okay

Stranger: u have my pony!

Stranger: D


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Guest AliceAristocrat

Stranger: so statistically speaking, what are the chances you are my soul mate?

.........yeah.....I didn't know what to say after that so the stranger disconnected -*-

Stranger: OH

Stranger: ARE YOU BRIAN?

You: no.......

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

this one is kinda weird......

Stranger: r u gay?

You: why?

Stranger: just ask

You: no

You: u?

Stranger: yes

You: ohhhh.....

Stranger: u r boy or girl?

You: girl......

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

.......I should have said guy......it might have been interesting haha

Stranger: Are you a Ninja, Pirate, Samurai, Hermaphrodite or Hot Blonde pinkberry?

You: ........um......

Stranger: *TIK*

Stranger: *TAK*

Stranger: *TIK*

Stranger: *TAK*

Stranger: TOO LATE

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

People on the internet....really are weird haha

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Guest plumplum

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hello, random stranger.

You: Howdy.

Stranger: If your name is not Peter, please disconnect immediately. If your name is Peter, I would like to ask you some questions.

You: ... oh my goodness.

Stranger: Well?

You: Sorry, not him.

You: Good luck.

Stranger: Thank you for your time.

You have disconnected.


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ahahaha. mine was SOO weird. XD and random... :P

You: heyyy

Stranger: Hi

Stranger: I have a quck question

You: =] i'm boreddd

You: sure...

Stranger: Did you ever wonder if your mom gave your dad a blowjob right before she kissed you goodnight?

You: rofl

You: now i will....

You: u?

Stranger: For years I just thought my mom loved mayo


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Guest NSTYLE;;

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: ronaldo!

You: david!!!

You: wait what..?

Stranger: Bria muito nu curintia!

You: wtf?

You: yo no comprend

Stranger: 嗨

You: 안녕

Stranger: 说中文 棒子


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