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Chat With A Stranger


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Damn, this thing is hilarious lol I think I scared alot of ppl =.="

1st Chat:

Stranger: i hate u

You: i love you too

Stranger: :)

You: how old are you?

Stranger: 44

You: o.O

You: im 60 =}

Stranger: yay

You: i guess you like old ladies right?

You: =]

2nd Chat:

Stranger: 你好

You: hey

You: your chinese huh?

You: male?

Stranger: 也是

Stranger: 你也是中国人么

You: i seriously don't understand mini cooper =.="

Stranger: 。。。。。。。。。so you are not chinese?

You: okay let's pretend i do understand

You: o.O you know english???

You: sure im chinese

You: yah, did you die???

Stranger: no i am just try to chat on this web while i am playing wow? hoh

You: playing what?

Stranger: playing a game named WOW~ you are female?

You: NO, I'm a man =]

You: lol

You: male?

Stranger: .......... why you donot know WOW, the famous game. yes i am a man

You: I do

You: warcraft right??

Stranger: yes

You: how old are you?

Stranger: war of wordcraft lol

Stranger: i am 22

You: LOL

Stranger: and u?

You: I'm 17 *wink*

You: where are you from?

Stranger: come from china

Stranger: lol

You: oh yea

You: you were speaking chinese before

You: are you a machine?

Stranger: no! lol

You: you don't seem like a human =.="

You: are you sure?

You: what's your name then?

Stranger: ...

Stranger: coka

You: LOL

You: me too

You: such a pretty name right?

Stranger: .....realy?

Stranger: your name is Coka?

You: yep =]

You: nice name huh?

Stranger: ........I have another name which is Sven

You: what's your chinese name?

Stranger: chen

You: oh

Stranger: /////////// little Coka so where are you from

You: actually im female =]

You: how am I little???

Stranger: you are 17 and i am 22 so you are little lol

You: =.="

Stranger: where are you from

You: .........

Stranger: really so you are student

You: I graduate in november

You: your in uni?

You: damn i gotta jet\

Stranger: yes

You: so bye stranger

I think some convo is with real ppl o.O

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Guest jiwoneex3


You: ann young.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

all i did was say hi in korean ):

and another one

Stranger: HI


Stranger: IT'S NICE :D

You: okay, two people just disconnected on me before i even typed.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Stranger: gumwen

You: okay, so now four people in a row just disconnected on me.

Stranger: bye

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Guest HelloTharrTiff


You: HELLO?@?@

Stranger: Hi


Stranger: are u ok?

You: Sadly no.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Did I scare him :o

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haha this is so amusing! i got this guy to google DBSK & he's watching the TRIANGLE MV & SNSD's GEE.

Stranger: hi

You: hi :D

You: how are you?

Stranger: fine

Stranger: where you come from

You: US

You: you?

Stranger: germany

You: cool

You: do you like dbsk?

Stranger: what?

You: dbsk google it

You: are you a guy or girl?

Stranger: guy

Stranger: never saw them

You: you should check them out

You: good music

You: how old are you?

Stranger: looks like tekken

You: haha they do

Stranger: i like the classic part

You: the what?

Stranger: trinangl

Stranger: the beginning

You: oh you're listening to triangle?

You: thats a good song

You: how old are you?

Stranger: do you understand it?

Stranger: 30

You: yup

Stranger: strange

You: what's strange?

Stranger: the band

You: maybe you'll like this one better

You: hold on

You: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E77r2hvgU8o

You: it's a girl group

Stranger: i like the girls without sound! ;-=

You: hahaha

Stranger: ;-)

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Guest litoaznbabix91

Stranger: Hey

You: can i have yo numba ?

Stranger: Depends what country your in

You: iraq

Stranger: too bad

You: why not man ?

Stranger: australia

You: we can call da long distance, collect call you pay

Stranger: hahahahaha nahhhh

You: i will move to da austrailia

Stranger: i'm sure you will

You: you pay for plane ticket ?

You: im there

Stranger: nope

Stranger: you're where?

You: then how can i get yo numba cheepo ?

Stranger: you cant

You: tell me

Stranger: nuhhh

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

This one was the best. Just to clear things up. I was just playing around I love president Obama. :)

And I'm a girl and I don't watch porn. lol

haha I think the guy thought I was serious though. Poor thing. lol

Stranger: Hello there.

Stranger: Whats up?

You: our president is blackk

Stranger: Oh, you're american?

You: there's a black man in the white house

You: yea

You: are you

Stranger: And that's a problem for you?

You: course nott

Stranger: No sorry, im from Sweden.


Stranger: Yeapp, wanna get married so I can get a green-card?

You: hell yeaa

You: how old are youu

You: ?

Stranger: Awesome, im blonde and got blue eyes.

Stranger: Im 20, and you?

You: m/f?

Stranger: Take a shot, tihihi

You: nahh

You: tell me

Stranger: Im male, lol. And no, im not gay.

You: damn and I was getting excited

Stranger: rofl, you can't get chicks in the u.s.?

You: i was hoping for a girl, hot blonde with a sexy body and blue eyes

Stranger: Well, im a hot blonde with a sexy body and blue eyes.

Stranger: Im just male.

You: these americans chicks are butt

You: the're nothing like your sweden girls

Stranger: Haha, nah.. I don't think so, though, swedish girls are perfect.

You: you guys got

You: some hot richard simmons chicks

Stranger: I knowz

Stranger: it ownz

You: totallyy

Stranger: So where in the u.s. do you live stranger?

You: the NYC babyyy

Stranger: Oh man! Really?

You: hell yeaa

Stranger: Wanna get married? :D

You: we have a hell of a time everynight

Stranger: I bet you have!

You: nah man i dont roll that wayy

Stranger: Neither do I, but I want a green-card! Oh and I want to join the us army : )

You: your wanna support the black president?

Stranger: No, I want to do military service, since I wasn't allowed here in Sweden.

Stranger: And I don't hold any grudge against black people.

You: neither do I

You: i love that hello kittya

Stranger: Aha...?

Stranger: Awesome.

You: Shoot I voted for him

Stranger: How old are you btw?

Stranger: Nice

You: im 21

Stranger: Oh, sweet.

Stranger: You're watching How I met Your mother?

You: no

You: what's that?

Stranger: You should. It's on CBS. :)

Stranger: Comedy show about some people in NYC

You: nah it's don't play here

Stranger: Erh, it's on CBS.

Stranger: So yes, it does play there.

You: we'll I don't really watch much TV anyways

Stranger: Oh, how come?

You: i usually spend all my time on the computer or out clubingg

You: i just turned 21 last month

Stranger: Oh, you're nerdy? :)

You: offically legal babyy

You: hahah

You: helll nahh

Stranger: Haha, people in Sweden start drinking when they are about 15 :) Legal when you are 18.

Stranger: But you spend your time on the computer? :P

You: duhhh

You: PORNNN babyyy

You: lol

Stranger: lol

You: you know what I mean

Stranger: You should hook up with someone, dude.

You: don't tell me your not into that kinda stuff

Stranger: Call someone over for a cup of coffee, and then KABLAME

Stranger: happi happi time

You: i pick up all my chicks at clubs and bars

You: but most of them are ugly chicks

Stranger: lol, that sucks man

You: there's not like the ones you see in porns

You: you know hat I mean

You: *what

Stranger: We have alot of em here in Sweden :)

Stranger: Everyone is hooooot!

Stranger: Not slutty enough though

You: I bet soo

You: that's ok though

You: i can make any kinda of girls slutyy

Stranger: Well, the ugly ones never get laid, so it aint that surprising that they are slutty.

You: it's the rare ones that are harrd

Stranger: lol

Stranger: Nice talking too you mister

Stranger: Cya someday in NYC

You: i hope so

You: btw i did catch your name

Stranger: My name is Alexander

Stranger: and yours?

You: Justinn

Stranger: With two 'n's ?

You: nah just one

You: lol

You: typeos

Stranger: rofl, you americans are such laxy-bums

Stranger: lazy*

You: lol

You: we been told

Stranger: Haha, well well

Stranger: Cya later Justin

You: yea later

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Guest bhebie9

LOL me fooling around

Stranger: HEY!


You: :D

You: ASL?

Stranger: Brazil

Stranger: You?

You: Canada

Stranger: You have vagina?

You: Do you want me to have a vagina?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

or send us feedback.

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Guest lilaznanime

Stranger: ¡hola!

You: peep!

Stranger: aiai

You: XP

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

It was really hard to connect. And I couldn't reconnect.


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i had some rly interesting convos xD

didnt get to meet any soompiers tho =[[

Stranger: hi

You: hey

Stranger: whats up?

You: omg! how are you!?!?! havent seen you in ages

Stranger: its been so damn long!

Stranger: i thought you were gone forever

You: i know!!! how have you been? how was india?

Stranger: but seriously though i feel like having a grilled cheese sandwich

You: no im back now

You: lol

You: go make one

Stranger: to lazy

Stranger: and i dont think i have cheese

You: too bad then..better go grocery shopping

Stranger: dude you have been gone for so long the least you can do is make me a sandwich

You: but i dont have cheese too. you should give me some money to buy cheese. and then i'll make you your sandwich

Stranger: do you accpet paypal?

You: no sorry...only snail mail

Stranger: can i send you a check for $10,000 then have you cash it and send me back $5000?

You: okay sure

You: but why do you want me to cash it? thats kinda dumb

Stranger: ps my name is kwame bendobo and i'm from nigeria

Stranger: dude thats what all the nigerian scammers do

Stranger: omg you didn't know that?

You: hiii...my name is nargarish bumboo and i'm from indonesia

You: oh really? how smart of you nigerians

Stranger: yup

Stranger: they send fake checks to dumb americans

Stranger: then they cash the checks and send the money back to nigeria

Stranger: free money!

You: ahhh i seeee...no wonder nigerians are getting so wealthy..too bad im indonesian

You: and not american

Stranger: are you seriously indonesian?

You: of course...but i'm originally from yugoslavia

You: are you seriously nigerian?

Stranger: no i was joking

Stranger: i'm an american

Stranger: i live in los angeles

You: a dumb american? did you get fooled by the nigerians?

Stranger: nope

Stranger: i am dumb at times

Stranger: but not that dumb

You: lol

Stranger: so wait why are you in indonesia?

Stranger: isn't that place all poor?

You: because i got kicked out of yugoslavia

Stranger: did you kill someone?

Stranger: or throw a shoe at the president?

You: no i threw bread at the president's wife

Stranger: did she eat it?

You: i thought she was hungry...

Stranger: what a heartless pinkberry

You: yeah..and then they kicked me out

You: i know!

Stranger: so wait why is your english so good?

You: i helped tutor canadian children

Stranger: in yugoslavia?

Stranger: why the hell were canadian kids in yugoslavia or indonesia that needed tutoring in english???

You: of course not. in canada. there are no canadian children in yugoslavia. yugoslavians dont like canadians


Stranger: so wait are you a boy or a girl?

You: im from yugoslavia. now in indonesia. but i spent a few years in canada tutoring canadian children english

You: i'm a girl. what are you?

Stranger: a boy

Stranger: so how is indonesia?

You: it is very nice. we are in the middle of a thunder storm. there is no electricity in my city

Stranger: then how are you on the internet?

Stranger: magic?

...then he signed off on me lol...

You: hey

Stranger: howdy, stranger

You: i love you

You: i miss you

Stranger: love you too

Stranger: but you know we can't be together

You: how was new zealand?

Stranger: society just isn't ready

Stranger: we've discussed this

You: i know.. sorry

You: just cant believe it

Stranger: yes well

Stranger: we can't hang out if you're gonna make it weird

You: it tears me apart everyday..why do you have to be in new zealand?

You: you should come back to switzerland

Stranger: what we had was amazing, but it's in the past now

Stranger: I have a new love in New Zealand

You: i know.. i need to accept that

You: but its hard

You: a new love? better than me?

Stranger: the moonlight shines on her fleece

Stranger: her baa is low and melodious

You: what about me? dont you miss me at all?

Stranger: of course I do

You: whats so special about her baa?

Stranger: but you know long-distance relationships never work

Stranger: not even in the movies

Stranger: you wouldn't ask that question if you'd heard her baa

You: i guesss not

You: so when are you gonna come back to switzerland?

You: we all miss you

Stranger: i know, I know

Stranger: maybe someday

You: just leave your new love. what is there for you in new zealand anyways?

Stranger: rocks

Stranger: lots of rocks

You: we have lots of rocks here too

You: we have swiss cheese and swiss chocolate

Stranger: and the accents aren't too grating, if you tape bricks to the sides of your head

You: but you wouldnt need that for switzerland...you would only need pebbles

Stranger: i don't know

Stranger: i just need some time and/or space

Stranger: and there's lots of space here

You: hasnt 80 years been enough?

Stranger: the population is like - seven

Stranger: don't rush me

Stranger: you always do this

You: im sorry.. i just cant help myself

You: you know i just miss you too much

Stranger: maybe you should try to move on

You: theres no meaning in life without you here beside me

You: i should..i tried. his neighh just wasnt good enough

Stranger: of course there is

Stranger: you just need to look harder

Stranger: meet other horses

Stranger: live your life

You: i know. i need to. there is a lot of horses here. population is 10

Stranger: well hit the bars

You: they've all closed. no bartenders now that you're gone

Stranger: damnit

Stranger: what about all those classes I ran before I left?

Stranger: surely SOMEONE remembers how to make a gin and tonic

You: i dont know...they seem to all have ran away with the drinks


You: all i can make is a bloody mary

You: i guess no one else is smart enough without your influence

Stranger: maybe I will come back

Stranger: no wonder you're having difficulty moving on, with no decent alcohol in reach

You: you should. you have to rescue us. some are going crazy w/o their gin and tonic fix

You: all i have is the bottle of vodka you left me

Stranger: jesus

Stranger: alright

Stranger: i'll book the flights

You: okay thank you...im sure everyone will be thrilled when they hear the news

Stranger: mmkay

Stranger: meet me at the airport tomorrow

Stranger: leaving now

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

last one xD...my roommate contributed for this one ...i dont even know what i said to him @_@

You: hello

Stranger: hi

You: hi

Stranger: where u from

You: where you from?

Stranger: i asked first

You: thats why you should answer first

Stranger: im swedish

Stranger: you?

You: i like swedish fish

You: i'm hawaiian

Stranger: john tesh NO

Stranger: idont belive u

You: john tesh YES

Stranger: FINLAND

You: why not?

You: are you dissing finland now?

Stranger: ppl here arent serious

You: huh?

You: but i am hawaiian

Stranger: yes if u come from there

You: ...o.O

Stranger: which part?

You: whats there

You: oahu

Stranger: no way? which city?

You: how do i know ur not being serious about being swedish

You: honolulu

You: its technically the only city. the other are just counties and whatnot

Stranger: ok.. why sholud i lie?

Stranger: i know

You: why should i lie? better yet, why WOULD i lie?

You: really now? bc most ppl dont..not even my friends ...who live in hawaii

Stranger: because everyone lies to me

You: you have a sad life then

Stranger: i just wanna meet new people

Stranger: and they just saying

You: you are meeting new ppl

Stranger: john tesh you swedes

You: thats not very nice of them

Stranger: so what are u doing in hawaii

You: surfing of course

You: surfing the USA

Stranger: kk

Stranger: i still think ur a finn

You: whattt? what makes you think that?

Stranger: why would you else eat swedish fish?

Stranger: we dont eat hawaiian fish

You: i'm actually from norway. helvete

You: swedish fish is a type of candy


Stranger: hahaha

You: you should eat hawaiian fish. the humuhumu nukunuku apua'a is delicious

Stranger: so what did u get hawaii from

You: i am in hawaii

Stranger: my happy poopoo

Stranger: fb?

You: fb?

Stranger: okey i guess not

Stranger: say something funny in norwegian then

You: fisk kan svømme

Stranger: true

Stranger: so why are u lying

You: NOW do you believe me when i see i'm a norwegian in hawaii

You: when did i lie to you?

Stranger: thats john teshing wierd wtf are u doing there

You: i'm surfing

Stranger: how long are u being there

You: i like hawaii. it has pretty beaches

Stranger: yeah

You: for the next 5 years

You: hvor er dessen

You: sorry that was my brother

Stranger: dude, 5 years?

You: yeah gotta win all the surfing contests

Stranger: tell him to john tesh off before he gets it in tvåan

Stranger: haha sure

You: he is laughing

You: rompis

Stranger: wtf

Stranger: hehe

You: ssorry he was dropped on the head alot when he was little

Stranger: yeah too many starts life like that

You: its tragic really

Stranger: yeah

You: but i am hoping he will get over mentality sometime soon

Stranger: so surfing contest, 5 years, this sounds john teshed

Stranger: u know that right

You: no 5 years is good. i hope its enough for me to be the best

Stranger: how old are you?

You: 18. how old are you?

Stranger: 20

You: okay i shall talk to you later. i need to go surf now. the waves are pretty good today

Stranger: tsss

Stranger: keep surfing the web

You: of course . that too. you have fun with your surfing

i had some pretty interesting convos in japanese and chinese too =]] but no point in posting those..bc its like 50% or more..in another language xP

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Guest kimeunjiiiii

hehe... okay.... I got all guys... disconnected on all of them. It was kind of weird... but fun


haha nope....

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

shortest convo ever

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Guest rasengan741

holy crap LMFAOOO

Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hi

You: ..................................... ........................................,-~~'''''''~~--,,_

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.................................................. .............................'''~-,|: : : : : : ~---': : : :,'--NEVER GONNA

.................................................. .................................|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ -----GIVE YOU UP!

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Stranger: uh oh

Stranger: ive been rick rolled

You: i knooww

You: sucks dont it?

Stranger: yes

You: any way

You: can i ask you somthing?

Stranger: i guess so lol

You: are..

You: are you a yoshi?

Stranger: mario's friend?

You: yeah

You: you know

Stranger: no, i find him quite annoying.

You: the green john teshing dinosawr who eats eggs

You: well, mini coopers eggs

Stranger: and mini coopers them out?

Stranger: yeah

You: yeah

Stranger: i know the john tesher

You: crazy bastard isn't he?

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: i wish bowser killed him when he had the chance

You: yup

You: damm john teshing green dinosawr

You have disconnected.

these people are great . . . cept for the pedos O____o

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Guest balloons*

Stranger: what is 'the game'?

You: lol i think im talking to robot right now. am i correct?

Stranger: you have to guess

You: guess. lol i did. :] and i think i a

You: m

You: am*

Stranger: you are mistaken

You: oh really?

Stranger: yes

You: lol then tell me your name :]

Stranger: chris

You: lol i honestly am not buying this D: but hahah

You: its nice to waste some time

You: ^_____^;

Stranger: I am not a robot, ask me anything

You: hmmmmmm what sud i ask

You: lol

You: what is your favorite food? hahah

Stranger: probably tortellini, or pizza

Stranger: hmmmm

You: :T lol interesting i like pizza toooo

Stranger: i think everyone does

You: lol true true.

You: so let me re-confirm whether you are a robot or not LOL .

You: what is the "game" you were talking bout

You: o_o;

Stranger: i am not a robot

You: hmmm so what is the game?

Stranger: just trying to work out what this new meme is where people start conversations with 'THE GAME'

You: eh? lol you just lost me there.

Stranger: wondering what the point is

You: the point of talking to a stranger? lol

You: im wondering too. good thing to do to pass time i assume

Stranger: I do enjoy omegle

Stranger: although i find it hard to lie to people

Stranger: even though it is anonymous

You: lol why lie to strangers?

Stranger: dunno, that seems to be what people expect on here

You: hahha i was expecting a robot :T

You: you know hahah like smarterchild on AIM >_>:

You: hahahha well you don't seem to be a robot .... >_>; but erk what do i know

Stranger: I would like to be a robot though, then i could shoot lasers and be friends with Wall-e and Eva

You: LOL

You: i rather be a treee :D

Stranger: But trees don't have flashing LEDs on them

You: lol its okay :] hahhaah a treeee is living

You: a robot is not

You: HA

You: :]

Stranger: not yet...

You: lol woah hahaha are you saying they will be in the future? :o

You: scary scary

Stranger: yep

Stranger: no, not scary, exciting

LOL that was a good waste of 10 min? 5 min ? IDK XD


Stranger: ambo

You: hello

Stranger: i dont think you're my boyfriend

Stranger: /sigh

Stranger: bye


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Guest clownface

i got nervous, but here's my convo


You: OMG



Stranger: WAHT



You: >__<

Stranger: TELL ME MAN



Stranger: TELL ME







You: !!!!


Stranger: OKAY, I'M ON MY WAY

then he disconnected

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Guest souries_Xd

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!


You: im a man

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: zhuyin fuhao

Stranger: hakka

Stranger: ming

You: choa

Stranger: wong

Stranger: dong

You: chang

You: wu

You: general tsao chicken

Stranger: 'ching mu

You: pupu platter

You: egg drop soup?

Stranger: hue che

Stranger: se

You: dogs toungue

You: pig intestine

Stranger: la cabasa

You: tortilla!

Stranger: ching wong

Stranger: dong

Stranger: ping

You: sensei owl

Stranger: ling

You: mushu

You: mulan

You: mao ze dong

You: sun yat sen

Stranger: i dont speak chinese

You: me no speekii engrishy

Stranger: aw

Stranger: :(

Stranger: beittchhhh

You: sowwee

Stranger: give me la cabasa

You: gau

You: lah

You: mao

You: cha

You: diew

You: le

You: lo

You: mo

You: noa

You: paw

Stranger: pusssy

You: sao

You: law

Stranger: i have o go. . .

Stranger: iloveyou

You: i love you too

You have disconnected.

i have so much more lmao convos

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Guest BU_RP

You: hello

Stranger: ayo soulja girl can I get a minute ay

Stranger: wassap

You: waddup waddaup

Stranger: I ask u furst so u answer furst k

Stranger: so u go

You: not in my world

You: you go

Stranger: no

Stranger: how about u suk on ma lion king

Stranger: how bout dat

Stranger: ur turn 2 answer

You: not until you suck on mine~!

Stranger: U HAV A lion king?


Stranger: NOOOOOO

Stranger: I LIKE GUYS

Stranger: OH MY GOD

Stranger: EW

Stranger: r u a lesbo

You: are you ? ;)

Stranger: NO

You: chill man LOL

Stranger: k

You: you act like a 10 year old

Stranger: im twelve

You: really?

Stranger: no

Stranger: im 15

You: (Y)

Stranger: im in it for the lolz

Stranger: I dont want to suck on your lion king

Stranger: I like Richard

Stranger: You're a really great conversationalist

Stranger: bye


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