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Chat With A Stranger


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Guest OhKaren

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi!

You: hi !

Stranger: omena

You: what

Stranger: DOG

You: youre a dog?

Stranger: YES

Stranger: from?

You: cool

You: im from my mother

You: are you from your mother?

Stranger: ihape hugger

Stranger: no, i am from my father


Connecting to server...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hiiiiiiii

Stranger: hi

Stranger: boy or girl

You: both

Stranger: richard simmons

You: ikr

Stranger: from tailand

You: tailand

Stranger: richard simmons

You: you have tails there?

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Guest .flyhigh

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: yo

Stranger: hey

Stranger: where r u from?

You: mike?

Stranger: yes

You: mike? omg do u remember me???


Stranger: of course i remember u

You: ahhh its been so long! how are the kids?

You: hows janet?

Stranger: pretty good

Stranger: and u?

You: ohh thats good to hear!

You: o you know, patrick is just being an richard simmons

Stranger: really?

You: yes but you know thats how he is

Stranger: yes, i know

You: yeah...how are the kids taking the divorce?

Stranger: better than expected

You: ah, thats really geart to hear!

You: *great

Stranger: :D

You: oh god the dog is peeing on the baby again, I'll catch up to you again alright!

You have disconnected.

LOL first person to play along xD

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Guest r-obotix

posting.. again rotfl.

You: hi

Stranger: r u a girl and do you want to cyber?

You: no, im gay

( partner disconnects thingy}

i met a soompier also.. she exit out on me when we were just talking -.-

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Wow this is depressing. T_T

Stranger: scene kids

Stranger: ghetto jeans.

You: Hi

Stranger: homies.

You: MOTHER john teshER.


Stranger: DO IT!




Stranger: SPANK EM!

Stranger: DO IT!


Stranger: DO IT!


Stranger: AWESOME!

Stranger: Procuro por DUDA,FERNANDA E AMANDA!!

You: HEY.


Your conversational partner has disconnected.

or send us feedback.


Stranger: 刚才装B那北京美女出来来

Stranger: 刚才装B那北京美女出来来




Your conversational partner has disconnected.


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Guest pinay101

Stranger: His

Stranger: Hi*

You: haro

Stranger: can I get yo numba?

You: 7

Stranger: go on

You: 891011

Stranger: go on

You: 1213141516

Stranger: richard simmons

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haha here's mine:

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: hi

Stranger: where u from

You: how's life?

Stranger: boring

You: im from texas

Stranger: Houston?

You: yes, we're the fattest city in the nation... you know how it is

Stranger: did u go out and watch the flowers

Stranger: blue bonnet

You: i can't im obese

Stranger: u joker

You: they have to tear down my walls just for me to get out of the house

You: you think being obese is a joke?!

Stranger: no, I think you've been joking

You: ive been obese since i was a month old, its a serious epidemic

You: im like 1k lbs now, you think im kidding?

Stranger: Houston got pretty good medical center

You: im too fat to get health insurance, get with the program man

Stranger: poor guy

Stranger: then do u have anybody live with u?

You: i have a cat... i think...

Stranger: how do u get food?

You: i have a bucket that I lower down my window

You: and i have an extra large telephone you know with the big numbers... my fingers are HUMUNGO!!

Stranger: wow...then your keyboard is huge too, since u can type so fast

You: typing is the only exercise i can do

Stranger: i see, you got slim fingers then

You: well, they lost about 10 lbs, 100 lbs to go!

Stranger: :P

Stranger: u r fun

You: how am i fun?

You: what, are fat people funny to yoU??

Stranger: sorry...change the tone...poor guy

You: what you think you can pity me cuz im fat

You: i have a good life you know

You: i dont need anyone's pity

Stranger: I'm so so sorry

You: they're you go again

Stranger: yes yes

You: you know what, the one i should pity is you

Stranger: u r a strong man, both inside and outside

You: are you mocking me?

Stranger: no, u didn't say that

You: my heart just palpitated just now... and you know whose fault that is?

Stranger: so what do u do for fun? except chat on the internet

Stranger: yes , it's my fault

You: i used to play with my cat

Stranger: where is she/he?

You: i haven't seen him in a while, and i'm too fat to go post up "my cat's missing" posters

You: i was just petting him one day and i fell asleep

Stranger: that's too bad, u can let me know his/her name, and I can post for u

You: her name's Mr. Tinkles

Stranger: her? Mr.?

You: yes

Stranger: ok, that's fine

You: what are you questioning my ability to name my own pet??

Stranger: I said that's fine, pepper

You: even though i'm fat, i think im fully capable of naming a cat

Stranger: ok ok

You: pepper? are you calling a food spice cuz im fat?

Stranger: u don't have families with u? then who take care of u?

You: as i said i have a bucket that i lower down my window for food

You: i dont need anyone's help

Stranger: yeah, since u r strong from inside

Stranger: so do u watch TV

You: omg i feel something scratching between my rolls

You: omg its scratching me... WTF

You: i think it's Mr. Tinkles

You: omg ouch... effing pinkberry

You: i need help

Stranger: call 911

You: shoot i dropped my phone... omg it hurts soo bad

Stranger: do u have something long, like a pole or something

You: damn it didn't i tell you i can't walk cuz im effing obese! Goddamn ITTT

Stranger: that's why u need some tools handy to use

You: omg Mr. Tinkles is suffocating!!!

Stranger: where do u live? actually, I'm in Houston, I can stop by and see what's going on

You: he's the only one who understands me!!

You: Noo, mr. tinkles!! noOO

You: omg he's not moving

You: he's not moving!@!@@@

You: Mr. Tinkles!!!!! omg

You: damn cat why'd you have to die like this

You: how can you live me alone

Stranger: ok, boy, I'd go ...

You: damn it stinks

Stranger: it's fun to chat with u

You: ok have a good life :D

You: im a girl btw

Stranger: then u r a real fun girl

Stranger: and u made my day

You: thanks for the laughs

You: ttyl homie

Stranger: btw r u really in Houston?

You: lol no california

You: where the happy cows live

Stranger: ok, enjoy your sun shine everyday

You: kk ttyl

Your conversational partner has disconnected


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Guest kiralz0mg

Stranger: hi

You: *giggles*

You: sup bro

Stranger: just trollin

Stranger: hbu

You: oh damn

You: i love feedan trolls...

Stranger: hay guess what

You: wut

Stranger: THE GAME



Stranger: I GOT YOU

You: this game you speak of..

You: i know of many games


You: oh that one LOL

Stranger: LOL YA



You: i used to troll and send my friends links that says "i lost" and it pissed them off sooo much

Stranger: LOL

You: im davif

You: david*

Stranger: OH mini cooper

Stranger: IM DAVID TOO

Stranger: LOL

You: oh ma gawd no waiiii

Stranger: NO WHAY BRO

You: hawt dayumm


You: omg lyk i do o: !!!


You: LOL you know what.. me and my friend were drawing mudkipz and pedobear during chem class D:

Stranger: O SHI

Stranger: UNDERAGE V&?

You: omgomgomg girugamesh is like THEEEEE best jrock band like.. everr

You: lawls

Stranger: >chem class

Stranger: >drawing

Stranger: >class

Stranger: underage v&

You: wut

Stranger: GTFO

You: :)

Stranger: LOL O WOW

You: wut D:

Stranger: JUST richard simmons BRIX

You: oh damn D:

Stranger: MINDjohn tesh>ME

You: heh.

You: omgomg

Stranger: yeah so do you wanna cyber nao?

You: look what i just found D:

You: http://www.flickr.com/groups/humandolls/di...57613126090392/

You: LOL no cybering for me pls

Stranger: no ty i dont click on links from anon

You: im not anon..

You: its friend and lil sis influences..

You: but i'll tell you what its about :D

Stranger: so why does not want to cyber?

You: a guy posted up an ad for wanting a live in doll o: !!

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Guest loveabella♥

LOL this site is so weird/funny!

I felt super uncomfortable and didn't know what to say so when the person asked my asl I said isn't that what pervy internet pedobears ask and then he disconnected our convo </3 ): LOLOL

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Guest .Demy


Did anybody else get somebody who spoke a different language?

You: O.o

You: Hiiiiii?

Stranger: 。。。。

Stranger: 气死我了。。

Stranger: 刚碰见一分裂分子。。

You: Oh my... Language barrier...

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Guest afqh25

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hey

You: male?

Stranger: where u from

Stranger: yep

You: asian!

You: u?

Stranger: usa

You: finally male!~

You: i've been talking to chick all over

Stranger: u m of f

You: what am i? lesbo?

You: how was obama?

Stranger: well hes still here but cant complain hasnt messed up yet haha

You: hahah..he's hot. send him my kisses

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

puahahhaha...he got scared?

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Guest gunso

Yea I recently talked to a couple Chinese too, they are from the mainland, some are university students.

Omegle is getting popular haha.

Good place to advertise, haha!

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Guest afqh25

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: male?

Stranger: no

You: ok..

You: lets be girlfrineds

You: girlfriends*

Stranger: if you wanna

You: great!

You: how was today?

Stranger: it was good. i went shopping and such

Stranger: how about your self

You: i met a dream guy of mine

Stranger: what did he look like

You: normal?

You: he's really sweet

Stranger: lol how?

You: i dont know..

You: it seems that he could attach to me

Stranger: does he compliment you

You: because people keep saying that im 4D

You: wwell....

You: not really compliment

Stranger: 4D? interdimensional?

You: yea

You: hahah

Stranger: lol good as

You: hahha

You: i dont know..

Stranger: i sometimes like to travel between dimensions

You: woah...

You: then lets go together!

Stranger: check out a parallel universe

Stranger: yeah lets do it

You: oh cool!!

You: but i like mars!

You: it seems so like my home

Stranger: we should travel into the past and win the lottery then go on a world trip and live it up large

You: i hate lottery!

You: i've always have some bad luck with me

Stranger: do you have a gambling problem lol

You: sort of..

You: i hate gamble..

Stranger: what race are you?

You: maybe we should rob bank..

Stranger: asian? they love to gamble?

You: im marsian~~

You: yea im asian..

Stranger: hows the weather in mars

You: its been raining there

You: my clothes didnt dry that well

Stranger: aw yeah, i had a friend who was asian and gambled alot

You: it smells~

You: hahah

Stranger: hows the gravity? lol

You: gravity is going down abit..

You: but its okay..

You: at least i can swim in air

You: u should come and visit me!

Stranger: well it is pretty intense compared to earth ya know

You: i like earth but there's to many guys trying to get me on bed

Stranger: i would if i had a rocket, i need to enter a vortex

You: mars man are more polite

You: nahh...go to NASA

You: they give discount

You: up to 64%

Stranger: who needs nasa when i can go into other dimensions

Stranger: meet a different version of my self.

You: oh yeah~ i forget~

Stranger: we live in the reflection of a black hole

You: u are wizards?

You: black hole?

You: how did u see in the dark then?

You: special eye?

Stranger: xrays

Stranger: pick them up

You: u should use something better

Stranger: they emit energy which can be seen through a xray telescope

You: like betha-ray

You: they are very useful to me

Stranger: betta-ray lol

You: hahaha

You: i cant spell that well

You: earth corrupts me

Stranger: i dont mind. lol

Stranger: do u drink?

You: not really

You: i get sore throat often

Stranger: neiter, i quit

You: ahhahahahahhah

Stranger: wonder what thats from lol ;)

Stranger: to many earth men? hah

You: i think so

You: earth man is useless

Stranger: maybe you should use another hole instead of that 1 then lol

You: they always point that weird thing down their pants

You: i cant!

You: i'll get constipated

Stranger: laxatives?

You: whats that?

You: im uneducated mars people

Stranger: gets rid of being constipated

You: we learn in our terms

You: ohhh..i eat a lot of meat

You: to get rid of constipated

Stranger: come to my country in a ship and we can travel the universe

You: how much does it cost?

You: i cant spend much..

Stranger: meat can constipate you. lol to get rid of it, eat high fibre things like bread and such

Stranger: i dunno a couple billion i'm assuming

You: mars people eat a lot of meat to get rid of it..

You: maybe earth people it fibre

You: wow..billion?

You: thas cheap

You: thats*

Stranger: yeah i know. so cmon lets do it

Stranger: would you eat me? im made of meat

You: how can it be the cheap?

You: nahh..i cant eat human

Stranger: hy?

Stranger: why?

You: they taste so presercatives

You: preservatives*

Stranger: cook them and add seasoning

You: seasoning is bad for my hair

You: and cooking took a lot of my time

Stranger: salt and pepper?

You: pepper?

You: thats a good idea!

Stranger: lol it adds flavor to things

You: how did u become so clever!

You: hahah

You: must have eat that fibre a lot

Stranger: i gained the knowledge of humans from devouring them when i was younger

You: wow..

You: i think u are cool..

You: why not we build a company..

You: lets conquer earth

Stranger: their brains are delicious

You: put bush in mini coopers

Stranger: earth is futile, might as well blow it up

You: ahh..but i love sauna!

You: i cant find one in mars

Stranger: just move closer to the sun

You: hahaha

Stranger: or build 1, lol

You: greal idea

You: great*

You: maybe i should just move to the sun

Stranger: i know

You: care to join?

Stranger: yeah might aswell, its like summer 24/7

Stranger: i will need some sun tan lotion

Stranger: spf 90000

You: nahh

You: i think SPF10 will do

You: cuz u eat a lo of human

You: lot*

You: their meat protect u

Stranger: ill go on a binge and eat at least 500 humans before we take off to the sun so i have enough proteins in my system to survive the trip

You: yeah...dont forget to keep some for me..

You: i think my suntan lotion is running out

Stranger: 1000 then, 500 each

Stranger: theirs over 6 billion so im sure they wont mind 1000 gone

You: isnt it to little..

You: im greedy

You: a billion each?

Stranger: our greed needs to be fed

You: humans can make a lot of babies

You: they sex 24/7

Stranger: 50/50, 3 billion each

You: okay then..

Stranger: we shall create farms and harvest them

You: buy them a lot of porn

Stranger: they will replenish daily and we will have an endless smorgasboard

You: since they are a bit of idiot

You: wow~

You: u speaks like CEO

Stranger: we would be gods

You: more than that

Stranger: they would worship us and lick the dog mini cooper from our boots

You: if the humans are rebellious..

Stranger: then we would smash their skulls and feast apon them

You: we should send them to pluto

You: let them suffer

Stranger: send them to planet x

You: new planet then?

Stranger: which should be arriving in 2012 december

You: can u make it faster?

Stranger: to end the earth, we need to act fast before they are wiped out

You: i cant wait for out vacation!

You: our*

Stranger: we should start feasting tomorrow

You: okay...

You: where are u going then?

You: i think i'll go to india

Stranger: no where, but i will start the planning phases soon

You: they have a lot of people there

Stranger: i might go to australia

You: australia?!

You: no no no...

Stranger: their accents are annoying and i want to wipe them out quickly

You: go to japan then!

You: they speaks bloody japanese..

You: can they just speak english?!

Stranger: lets both go, it can be a warm up to our supreme domination we will unleash on them

You: okay..i want japanese..

You: too healthy!

You: how can they live without mcD

Stranger: mc donalds?

You: yup~

Stranger: that mini cooper is dog food, waste of time and waste of money

You: then what do u prefer?!

Stranger: we will reinvent mc donalds, except human burgers

You: ohh yeah..

You: americans love the bacon mcdonalds

Stranger: we will have an empire of robots to work for us for nothing

You: i think im going to eat all the pigs

Stranger: you do that

You: since human are eating too much of pics

You: pigs*

Stranger: theres always more to go around

You: put on hol on the robots

You: they uses a lot of our money

Stranger: we will make 10, and they will assemble others for free

You: and they spoil fast

You: i say..go for the cows

Stranger: we will wipe out the banks and there wont be currency

Stranger: everything will be free

You: hahah

You: bush will be crying

You: all his hardwork~~

Stranger: i will smash bushes stupid head on a rock

You: u dont have too.,,,

You: eat him up

Stranger: but i want 2

Stranger: he would taste disgusting

You: maybe like mini cooper

Stranger: i would prefer to end him

You: yea

You: burn him then

You: or shoot him slowly

You: let him suffer

Stranger: it would be broad casted throughout the world for all to see, i will make an example out of him

You: yes2

You: cut his Richard

Stranger: cut off his Richard and feed it to him

Stranger: then smash him to death with it

You: wow...

You: he'll be please

You: i bet u millions

Stranger: rip out his spine and play golf with it and kick his head across a field into a rubbish bin

Stranger: :D

You: maybe we should cut all the richard simmons in the world and make sausage out of it

You: i love sausage"!

You: his head should be our potty

Stranger: possibly

You: or maybe as a decoration to our new house

Stranger: i want to rape something

You: then u can have all the man~

Stranger: i wanna rape a mans richard simmons

You: stuck some bones in it..

You: see how they'll feel

Stranger: i want to fist it

Stranger: show him how it feels to be loved

You: maybe they will thank us

You: i feel so loved!

Stranger: he will love it when i stick my head up there and start spinning

You: hahah

Stranger: lol

You: spinning wont do

You: knock to the rocks

Stranger: ill put a spiked helmet on

Stranger: and start twirling

You: and they'll be thankful in millions years!

You: i just cant get enough..

Stranger: to successfully destroy something you have to do it from within

You: how about all the pretty girls

You: esp the bean pie ones

You: the plastic faces

Stranger: line them up to a death pitt to be raped by dogs and horses and beheaded and put into bathes of acid

You: woah~

You: they must be happy

Stranger: wear their skin, as if it is a new fashion statement

You: and the skinny girls...

You: feed them to the dogs please

Stranger: they will smile knowing that they are getting what they always wanted

You: not only smile...laugh out loud~

Stranger: snap them in half and put them into a wood chipper

Stranger: like a huge meat grinder, to feed our pets

You: or burn them in the fireplace

You: like the woods..

You: they are better off that way

Stranger: decapitate them and boil them up to be soft and tender for our dogs to feed on

You: our dogs wont eat such mini cooper..

You: they eat fat girls only..

Stranger: they will do as their told

You: they need to live!

You: how about those cute act girls?

Stranger: sex slaves

You: owwww

You: with whom?

Stranger: our pets

You: our pets are getting a lot..

You: they should be thankful..

Stranger: they will also go towards making a new type of soap

You: i was thinking of making soap from sperms

You: how do u feel bout it?

Stranger: do as you like, we are gods we do what we want when we want

You: yes2...

You: i think i'll open some business for eat

You: it*

You: hahha

You: wtf..

Stranger: feed them back to the community

You: i think im going crazy

You: too much to do..

You: can we get some slaves for us?

Stranger: yes

Stranger: unlimited

Stranger: why are you going crazy?

Stranger: are you excited about our plans for world domination

You: more than excited!

You: i feel alive!

You: finally the world have some mercy on me

Stranger: i am quite excited

then the connection exploded~

we are about to dominate the world! dayumm~~

btw, sorry for the racism ;)

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Guest benchi101

Whoa, mines were funny and weird. xD

Stranger: hello

You: ello

Stranger: what is your name

You: pikachu

You: yours?

Stranger: hello pikachu my name is said

Stranger: pikachu is strange name

Stranger: are you chinese

After that, she/he signed out. >.> That was weird.

I'm not Chinese. His/Her name is Said?

Stranger: hi

You: hi!

You: xD

Stranger: what's up?

You: the sky is

You: how did u get in here?

Stranger: dark~

Stranger: 0:42 AM

You: eh?

You: o.o

Stranger: 4.13

You: are u human?

Signed out also^

You: TT^TT

Stranger: Hello

You: ello

Stranger: o.o

Stranger: Whut's wrong?

You: lee min ho kissed jessica!! TT^TT

Stranger: :o

You: do u know who lee min ho is?

Stranger: No idea

You: you dont?

You: damn

Stranger: I dont

Stranger: Should I?

Stranger: o.o

Then I signed out. Shoo. How could they not know who Lee Min Ho is? xD LOL

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Guest ~happyhappyoink

Stranger: LOLOLOL

Stranger: HEHEHEHHEe

Stranger: Are you drunk?

You: uhm, no

You: i wouldn't be on if i was

Stranger: Well you'd be a lot more intresting if ya was!

Stranger: I'm gonna go take a mini cooper now

Stranger: Bye

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Next convo:

You: hiyaaa

Stranger: helloo.

You: whatcha doingggg

Stranger: mongool.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

tf ;_;

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Guest ~happyhappyoink

oh and this one was awesome!


Stranger: WOOF

You: MOO

You: i win

Stranger: richard simmons

Stranger: I was trying really hard

You: probably hurting yourself too

You: i like cher

You: do you?

Stranger: Turn back time was quite good

You: yeah i agree

You: i'm charizard

You: whats your name?

Stranger: If I said Mudkip would you be pleased?

You: yes, indeed i would.

You: so it is?


You: i like commanding

Stranger: SOrry

You: it makes me feel in charge

Stranger: Yes it is

You: i'm never in charge

Stranger: you will be one day

You: ;_;

You: yes, i'll be the new hitler

You: (please dont be a jew and be offended_

You: )*

Stranger: I'm not a jew

You: good

Stranger: or offended

You: i hate offending people when i dont mean to

Stranger: Barack Obama is the new hitler if you ask me

You: hey! he's my cousin!

Stranger: really?

You: and so is george bush!

Stranger: I dont believe you

You: yes!

You: and why is barack obama the new hitler?

Stranger: Because he's a young, charismatic leader with fanatical followers that has come into power during an economic crisis and uis promising to solve it

You: oh...

You: that was an intelligent answer...

Stranger: well yeah, its quite a serious situation if you ask me

You: yeah, i only just realized it is.

Stranger: its just my opinion though

Stranger: If he offered solutions, i think the american people would believe him without considering t, which gives hm a lot of power

he disconnected after :(

wasn't he smart!

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Guest Fanoo

Stranger: heloo

You: hi

Stranger: asl

You: tell me yours first ;p

Stranger: NO WAY

You: same...

Stranger: ok. nice to meet. u

Stranger: and bye

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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