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Why Do Most Girls Like Pretty Boys?

Guest surlee

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Guest xVERON

Hmm, a lot of the girls I know actually dislike pretty boys.. if you're referring to the ones that have feminine-looking features and such, that is, like maybe Jaejoong of DBSK and many Japanese male celebs?

Personally I like them because they seem less threatening than the super masculine ones. I also feel that their features make them seem gentler.. perhaps more fitting of that Prince Charming stereotype many girls have somewhere in the depths of their subconscious?

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Guest caocao

hmmm i ve been thinking about this before too and i wonder if its just a trend?

for ex. at my univ. i would say that most(not all) of the male international students are thin and light skinned and look clean...anyways, i think it may be because these "pretty boys" have very good personal hygeine and i can say that i know some girls who actually envy that and because they have what lots of girls want to have...

the big eyes, clear blemish free skin, and they are cute. However i would not want a guy that is more feminine than i am nor if i fet like he would need protection..=P i prefer guys who look strong, masculine, have good personality and good personal hygeine ^^

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Guest rachilde

I don't know any pretty boys in real life who are straight. I have a lot of very pretty male friends who are gay and it's fun to be with them because you can primp and pose and shop with them. But, as for sexual attraction, I usually go for someone who can exhibit signs of power and mastery because I am myself a very strong and intelligent person. It doesn't always have to be physical power (muscles, for example); it can be social power (strong influence in a social circle) or intellectual power. It wouldn't make sense for me to be attracted to someone who looks like they're about to break--and this goes for members of both genders. I am always attracted to extremely bold individuals. I don't find the pretty boy factor very enticing at all, really.

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Hmm.... I find G-dragon a little awkward sometimes with his headband. o_O

Has anyone seen the parody Big Bang made for Coffee Prince? LOL G-dragon was the girl hahaha.

Personally, I like TOP > GD ^_^...as you can probably tell from my current signature. >;D

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Guest hyunnibun

pretty boys are very huggable =]

they just seem cuter xP

hahaha i disagree!!!

i feel like.. they might be so vain that they might not even like being touched >.> idk, i guess they're sort of intimidating in a way to me

well i guess same goes for manlier guys cause.. they're manly, but it feels nicer when you hug bigger guys.. haha.. xDDD cause they 'wrap' around you better LOL if that makes sense! makes you feel more protected.. haha <33 ^^;

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Guest <milk.BOX>

i like pretty boys too.

but it's more like, I like them just to kind of look at.

I don't think I'd ever marry one? (well there are SOME exceptions xD)

but to tell you the truth, i'd rather have a man who is manly then one who is completely girly lookin'

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Guest Tofu_Cloud

I dont see the problem of girls like pretty boys... are guys really suppose to be like "the hunters and girls hiding in the cave... " ok i dunno what im talking about

Well why the heck would girls want manly guys?

Its simple.... i know alot of majority dont like manly guys... lets see.... MEN are suppose to be like thick and buff (barfs) so unattrctive

i dont like MANLY men with super deep tone voices, hairy chest thick arms and legs... and whatnot.. oh and no cuteness to there face... i would fall out of love so easily.

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When I think about pretty boys I think of gay guys. Well maybe because all my guy friends are mostly gay. And to top it off they DRESSED and LOOK better than I do. Btw, I do not have a problem with my self-esteem but my guy friends can really dressed-styled themselves. Pretty boys also reminds me of pretty girls.... the eye candies. :lol:

ANyway, I perfer guys like Van Disel or the ROCK.

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Guest xo_pfft_xo

i don't really know. haha maybe because i like pretty things?

theres a pretty boy at my school and i like to stare at him a

lot. LOL. i am so not a creep ;]

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Guest vectorzz

I think it's because pretty boys look like a prince!!

Manly muscular guys look like any soldier/warrior in the olden days that was all brawn and were associated with stupidity and lack of emotions

Pretty boys look like prince charming with their good looks and smile

Of course I'm trying to speak from a psychological point of view

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Guest anonlee

Pretty boys are okay on television...but in real life it's a bit strange and unnatural.

I prefer guys to look more masculine...

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i think cause they're pretty.. o.o

i dunno, i was attracted before to a lot when i was younger, but it kinda changed after i grew up..

now i like manly men, though i still find pretty boys attractive but i'd go for manly men.. ^^;;

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Guest sweetiexpie098

I like pretty guys too! :D

haha but sometimes I like just cute guys too, that aren't necessarily 'pretty'

Idk why though....Your reason makes sense now xD

Why do guys like cute and pretty girls??

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