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Hana Yori Dango, Meteor Garden or Boys Before Flowers?

Guest ritahui

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DANG. I only watched BOF. (I'd have to agree with some of you, Hyun Joong's acting was stiff.)

But all the comments on HYD are completely changing my mind.

I attempted to watch HYD but I didn't like how MatsuJun looked, so I stopped completely.

But hearing that his acting changed your minds, I'd like to experience that before I comment.

MySoju is being an richard simmons, so I'll have to watch HYD later. But as of this moment, BOF ALL THE WAY.

I'll be back to edit once I start/finish watching HYD.


I have been blinded by hot guys and I have now seen the true light to great acting. (GOSH, I SOUND SO RETARDED.)

Hana Yori Dango is way better than BOF. But I have to say, Boys over Flowers is better in the comedy department. ._.

ANYWAYS! I'm only on Episode 3, and so far I love it. :)

I can see the differences between HYD and BOF.

I'm not trying to say BOF sucks, but I just think HYD is better in some ways and another.


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Guest Evol Ecallaw

HYD all the way. My favorite and will always remain that way. When I first watch this in 2005 my first reaction was Domyouji is not pretty but the more I watch the more I like Domyouji and now my ichiban is Matsujun.

So for all of you who still haven't watch HYD, what are you waiting for? It's the best version.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Jooliyah

I think the Japanese one is the best because it's the closest to the manga and the acting's spot on. I haven't watched the Taiwanese one in a while, but the Korean one was a bit strange. I'm not saying it wasn't entertaining, but I didn't like how they changed vital parts of the storyline and the acting wasn't as good as the Japanese one. Really, the only good thing I can say about the Korean one was that the guys were good looking.

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Guest vanessa1988

i cant judge too much because i;m still seeing hyd

never seen meteor garden (so i can't judge that for sure)

so far

1. i like makino more, jandi was sometimes...very annoying

2. minho and matsumoto are great

i think minho could have won; if the script would have been better. he could only do so much...

3. oguri shun nailed rui's role. hj (as much i love him) was bad. one of the worst scene was when he was "mad" at the model, or whenever he showed anger (it looked really bad. he got better along the way though.

i saw the first two episodes of hyd, and i thought shun was great. i loved the way he potrayed the character(wish hj would have done the character justice)

4. kimbum

love this boy.

he did a good job, he has that babyface that will make you trust him, but then he breaks your heart because he's an a-hole lol

during the second season when he was going through his "drama" was probably the only time i didn't like him

5. joon

this guy had potential.

i believed he was woobin. just they didnt give him many lines!!!! i was like wtf?

remove jihoo/jandi scenes, and they could have somehting something for his character

and that little story he had, that was terrible.

overall bof could have beaten hyd.

1. if they didn't use hyun joong

2. had a better script

3. not have horrible transitions (the second season seemed rushed)

4. remove so MANY jihoo/jandi scenes <_< (would have helped point above this one)

one of the things i loved most of bof were the settings

i believed that they had that money/rich,

and the guys were eye-candy (something the other's didn't really have)

the main reason i watched bof was because of hyun joong(then i realized it would have been better w/o him)

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HYD all the way. My favorite and will always remain that way. When I first watch this in 2005 my first reaction was Domyouji is not pretty but the more I watch the more I like Domyouji and now my ichiban is Matsujun.

So for all of you who still haven't watch HYD, what are you waiting for? It's the best version.


I watched BOF, but the acting made me cringe. I wasn't emotional watching it. I didn't cry like I did in HYD LOL.

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Guest athena_dt

hana yori dango. the characters were more developed and the acting was a lot better. the story just flowed a lot better than BOF, in my opinion. i haven't seen meteor garden so i can't judge that one..

however, the guys in BOF were by far hotter. thats probably like 95% of why it was such a big hit.

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Guest miniejungle

i think most of us here agree Hana Yori is by far the best version. I love everything abt this version, the actors, actresses, the pace, the story line. Absolutely love it.

The Korean version has the boys as eye-candies, but then the story sucks, and Jandi was terrible. The Taiwan version is too draggy for me too.

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Guest Stolen_waters

I don't remember if I've already posted here, but anyway, I love Meteor Garden for the drama and Hanadan for the comedy. BoF was....ehh.....I didn't even finish it.

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Guest bubblepeach

BOF has more good-looking casts but acting wise, the Japanese version is better.

But I like Jandi more than Makino though.

Overall, I think I like HYD a bit better than BOF.

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Guest whatever0024

Hana Yori Dango is my favorite for several reasons. First, Inoue Mao and Matsumoto Jun have incredible chemistry. Whenever they're in a scene together, you can feel their sparks fly. Second, Mao doesn't shout and yell like Koo Hye Sun who I just feel acts really young and immature to compensate for her age. She's spunky, yet cute at the same time without going overboard. Jandi is beyond annoying and is borderline pathetic. She's too weak. Third, Jun also really sells Domyouji. I was able to sympathize with his character, despite his flaws. He may not be as "good-looking" or as tall as Jerry or Min Ho, but his acting definitely more than made up for it. Both Mao and Jun complement each other and, overall, they're strong actors. Futhermore, Makino has a dream and a future, and is really intelligent. In the Korean version, they dumbed her down. Oguri Shun is the best Rui. He just inhibits the introverted character perfectly and looks like the manga character. The F4 camaraderie was established early on, and I just didn't feel that in the Korean version. What I also liked most about it is the cinematography. It's breathtakingly beautiful. And, the OST is fantastic. I finished both Seasons in one sitting. It was just THAT good.

I posted my thoughts on BOF before in the overrated dramas thread. I'll repost it here: Anyway, as 2009 is coming to an end, the most overrated drama of the year goes to BOF. I still cannot believe I got swept up in the BOF craze. It is only because of the superior Japanese version, Hana Yori Dango, that I watched as many episodes of the Korean version as I did. I only watched up to episode 15 before I became bored with it. Everything got too draggy and it just became a typical Korean melodrama with angst and turmoil. It has numerous flaws, but what I dislike most about it is the non-existent chemistry between the two leads. It's because of the excellent pairing of Makino and Domyoji that I expected too much of BOF. Unfortunately, I was left disappointed. I really wished I had never watched BOF. The lead actress was too weak and Ha Jae Kyung was damn annoying. When you've got a mediocre script, bad direction, terrible and over-the-top acting, you pretty it up with good-looking F4 actors, flashy cars, and cool gadgets to hide those flaws.

I gave up on Meteor Garden after two episodes. The quality was poor and the acting was mediocre.

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i prefer BOF over HYD. though the 3 dramas are good.

BOF all the way.

lol. all this time, i thought So YiJeong was the Vanness Wu character. :)

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all i know is that the best looking F4 is the korean f4, best makino is Mao and best HYD version is the Japanese version. just because the acting was the most superb in the Japanese version.

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  • 1 month later...

okey i have been dying to say my opinion about the meteor garden vs hana yori dango vs boys over flowers




1. male lead

Dau Ming Sz is the best for me.

okey i got to admit that there were parts of his acting that just was off,

but for the ultimate character of the F4 leader who was arrogant, selfish & rowdy young male he fit all.

i love all the scene where he expressed his love for Shacai, from the giving of the necklace, the 'i believe you' scene, the raining scene, the crying scenes...

I espcially remember some of his beautiful lines

"i will follow you anywhere, even if it is hell i will follow you"

"even if your love for me is just 1/10 of how i love you, then I will fill the rest of the 9/10"

"what can i do, i cant just give her up, it would be easier to die"

that really made me love him so much...

I'll also say some good thing about the other version.

For Tsukasa, all I can say is that I love Matsumoto Jun. anything he does for me is just purely Great. i like his version of the F4 leader, he was funny and adorable. but still i got to go for Asz

for JunPyo, I will admit that he is the most handsome among the guy playing the male lead. but one thing I realized is, among the 3 he is has no backbone. he has no guts to fight for the girl. he let jandi hide in his closet, he let her be bullied by her mom and he just stood and watch. that was just low. and to think I liked him so much at the start of the drama... :(



2. supporting role, autistic violin playing flower boy

JiHoo sunbae, well kinda biased in this choice

cause i am in this Triple S, HYunnie, greenpea princess. so i couldnt be objective in this category. i am too obsessed with hyun joong oppa. anything he does is just stellar for me...

for ryu, will I like Shun, but i sometimes feel that he doesnt talk much or show emotion much. i was waiting for that JJang moment where he will show his WILL. but it was just okey for me. but i still love him

for lei, will he is the best example of the autistic rich heir. he is the most autistic among the 3 guys. from sleeping 15 hours, to stopping tears by doing inverted stand, to liking coffee & going to hot spring in the middle of summer, and flying a kite during rainy season. he is just plain weird...


so-yi-jung.jpg vs Ken_Zhu.jpg

3. playboy-casanova (redundant right)

actually for this i am torn between Xi Men and Yi Jung...

Xi Men fits the category of playboy especially his motto "girls have a n expiration date of 2 weeks (or was it 2month, don't really remember)". he looks like a preppy guy but he is dead set as a playboy. he epitomizes the character of the rich


for Yi Jung, i liked the depth of the character, I like his struggle, his pain, his weakness and of course beacuse i am Seoul-Biased.

okay final Xi Men

for Sujiro;, he had this old japan royalty aura and he was just this lady attention getter. i men all women were attracted to him but he was 'royalty' to touch them. women were like bees attracted to hone to him.. it was like he had this aura of you can look but you can never touch...


f41906ae776c30_full.png vs vaness_wu.jpg

4. laid back fighter

they are tied for me. i guess is more handsome than akira. but i like both their characters in the drama. they look the part in the drama.

woobin is okey but, his parts were just so small in BOF that i really felt sorry for him.



5. leading lady

Makino... she acted the part of tough girl really nicely. i like her courage, tenacity, spirit. i think she really is pretty...

she really looks the part and she gives of the aura of the tough girl.

shanchai was okay, but for me the acting was lacking. i mean she doesnt give off the tough girl image.

but i was impressed with Shanchai with the Asz birthday-playing the piano scene. hands down one of the greatest moment of meteor garden.

Jandi was just too wavering. she doesnt know what she wants, and he hurt JiHoo sunbae too much with her undecided mind. if i were her i would pick JiHoo sunbae over JunPyo



6. necklace

explanation behind the necklaces....i am not really sure if i am right. it has been a while since the last time i saw the drama

a. taiwan:meteor shower - its where they could wish. and if they wish to be together at the same time they would be together forever

b. planet saturn - both of them are meant to be together since their sign is planet Saturn. they are the only people that came from saturn.

c.moon & star - the moon(jandi) that will forever be circling around inside the star (Junpyo)



well obviously....

the one where i have so many favorite characters: meteor garden...

but if you ask me if i was given a choice if in my life i coould only get to see one of the 3 drama i'd go for boys over flowers...as i have I am obsessed with KIM HYUN JOONG... so BOF for me..

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MG First Version I watched was Meteor Garden and it became one of my fave dramas even though the ending was rushed. Meteor Garden 2. ewww.. I just watched the 1st episode of it. I was really disappointed, How I wish they just didnt continue it.

HYD I heard Japan was doing its own version and also the reason I want to watch it was because of Jun Matsumoto. I became addicted to him because of GOKUSEN :P When I finally watched the 1st ep, I was kinda disappointed because of not-good-looking F4 in this version but I continued watching it because of Matsumoto eventhough i find him ugly in this one haha. but after season 1 my opinion completely changed! I totally love it. It was funny and dramatic at the same time. The acting was superb. You can feel their emotion and all the endings of the episodes are cliffhangers . And of course the chemistry between the two leads was GREAT. I became a MaoJun shipper hahaha. About HYD season 2 all I can say is W-O-W. I like season2 better than season 1. The HYD movie was Okay. and I love Oguri shun Best rui!

BOF when I heard korea will gonna do its own version, I was really excited. I watched the 1st episode I was hooked but after a few episodes I was bored. First, Junpyo and Jandi = no chemistry. Jandi = was...i dont know..overrated? haha. she looked a college student. and she was like whining all the time very weak. Jihoo = even though i like his hair; he just know 3 expression. happy, sad and stone face haha. KIMBUM = he was the reason I finished watching this. Their lovestory was better than junpyo and jandi haha. But the f4 here was most handsome f4 of all of the versions

This was like my 2nd review haha

FEMALE LEAD = Makino Tsukushi = Inoue Mao (Japan)

MALE LEAD = Domyouji Tsukasa = Matsumoto Jun (Japan)

F2 Emo = Hanazawa Rui = Oguri Shun (Japan)

F3 Playboy = So Yi Jung = Kim Bum (Korea)

F4 who like cougars hehe = Mei Zhuo = Vaness Wu (Taiwan)


Ratings = 5 highest

HYD JAPAN = 5.5! haha 5

BOF KOREA = 3.25


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