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Guest supa'Wanki

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^ Well, white is the traditional dress code at Wimbledon, it's a rule set by the All England Club, so you see all the players' attires are (mostly) in white. Federer is probably just deferring to tradition. I dunno about the long speeches, I guess that's better than being monosyllabic!

Safina doesn't seem to know the word exhaustion! I didn't expect Kuznetsova to crumble so easily, but kudos to Dinara for being in her first Grand Slam final. And Ivanovic is certainly a different player from last year when she collapsed against Henin. She's now the new world No 1 too, wow. This should be a good final.

Now for the men's tomorrow :sweatingbullets: definitely on tenterhooks!

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And now I'm worried that Gael is really athletic(although, he is an athlete. oh, god. XD).What I mean is, Fed isn't playing like he used to. Monfils will probably soak up energy from the French crowd and really use that to his advantage.

Yeah I really hope it's going to be a good match. I want him to start climbing to the top to start beating Djoko especially since he cheated Monfils badly several years ago at the US Open. I want to see a match in which Gael gets revenge. lol

He is very athletic, almost too athletic that he relies too much on his speed and not on his shots. He's almost borderline pusher (for pro standards.) XD Which is quite frustrating since he is very much capable of wacking the schmitt out of the ball.

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Guest crystal_t33rs

This was from the article dOotsiez posted earlier.

It should be abundantly clear by now that on any surface, against any man (but one), Roger don't need no stinkin' strategy. He can let an opponent set the table, serve the meal, pour the wine, choose the desert - and guess who ends up getting stuck with the check?

HECK YES! lol.

I hope TMF's versatility will outshine Gael's athleticism. ^^;

Kuzzie, what the heck happened?! Jeez, she was actually my fave among the semis, but sometimes she frustrates me because she seems to hold back. Like she can be so~ much more aggressive, but she never does it. WHY?!

Dinara vs Ana! The fighter or the steam-roller? lol. Sorry, bad metaphors. Sue me, why don't you? :)

Djoke's gonna have to do a lot tomorrow, me thinks. Rafa FTW!!!!!

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Guest wonderbang
Risking misfiring jinxes here, but hey, my Russia v Serbia prediction came true. :D


Federer vs. Monfils - Federer (in four?). Monfils beating Ferrer was a surprise. Sure he's athletic, strong, and moves incredibly well. But at the end of the day, Federer has far more variety in his game, and if he's in form, there's no question who will win.

Nadal vs. Djokovic - the real question is whether Djokovic will lose in 3, 4, or 5 sets (c'mon Nadal, I'm putting my faith in you). I think the joker's probably good enough for 4 sets, maybe even 5. But trying to outlast Nadal in a 5 setter is like diving into a suicide pool. Hope Nadal gives the joker a THUMPIN'

Ivanovic vs. Jankovic - Ivanovic in two. She's on a roll here. Jankovic has a little injury, which is not a big deal until you play the no.1-to-be. But I hope Jankovic wins, simply because I'd find her a little more entertaining to watch.

Kuznetsova vs. Safina - I hope: Kuzzy in 3 (risky risky), but a part of me is just glad that we're not seeing something entirely wacky, like Cornet v Kanepi or something. We've had enough wacky tennis this year.

Looks like we picked the same ones wonderbang. And here I was moaning about Aussie losses in Round 3. Just realised Dellacqua and her partner beat the Bodarenko sisters in the doubles semi. Not that into doubles, but WOOOO! :D :D

and talk about literary excellence. peter bodo's the absolute best.


Well I guess we're both one for two dOotsiez. At least I've met my expecations lol......now if Roger and Rafa win....hmmm.

Anyhow, I subscribe to Peter Bodo's blog so I'm always reading his entries....I love his writing and he and Jon Wertheim are my favorite tennis journalists.

And congrats for some Australian presence in the women's doubles final.....that reminds me that one of the Bryan twins made it to the mixed doubles final so can't say we don't have any Americans left right? :D;)

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Guest dOotsiez

^ yes the Bryan twins, I was a little disgusted by their refusal to shake their opponents hands when they lost in the men's doubles. :tongue2:

some of the expressions Peter Bodo uses just cracks me up completely, like that quote crystal_t33rs put in, classic. Jon Wertheim too, great mailbox on SI.

Wouldn't it be funny if Ana gets thwarted (yet again!) at a Grand slam final. But I'll take the steam-roller thank you very much. She's long overdue for a GS. ;)

sometimes fed just irritates me! lol cos he seems to be yearning for perfection even outside the courts!

the white suit at wimbeldon?? the whole long speech to please people? and does he have his own organization now??

TMF doesn't need to 'yearn' for perfection, he's perfection personified :blush:

...Okay, how 'die-hard' am I? But I agree with you about the white blazer at Wimbledon. I know it's oh-so-British to wear a blazer, but Federer and Nadal standing together at the final last year was like banker vs bicep man. :ph34r:

As for the long speeches, thank God for them. The whole tennis circuit is full of mono-syllabic jocks these days, at least someone's being eloquent. You gotta give it up to a man who's so fluently trilingual. Plus I find Nadal ending every single sentence with a rhetoric 'no?' rather bizarre. No? :sweatingbullets:

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Guest dOotsiez

Djokovic upset?

Im watching now 6-4, 6-2, 3-0. And Djokovic is looking quite upset indeed. It's bad to taunt a player when he's being steamrolled. One thing for sure, Verdasco and Amalgro are probably feeling quite redeemed right now. :D

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Guest crystal_t33rs

AND YEAH~ RAFA'S GONNA BE AT THE FINALS :) I know, it was pretty much a sure thing from the start, but still. I was nervous. ^__^;; Now I just hope Fed can beat Gael in straights as well. lol. XD

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Guest symphonee.

woooohoooo its so gonna be a nadal-fed final!!!

current score so far (fed-monfils)

6-2, 2-3 (fed)

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Guest wonderbang

fed dropped the second set but everything looks ok as of now.....

bring on nadal and federeeeeeeer.......though it's hard to think nadal won't be winning his fourth straight title....the guy is invincible at RG! :D

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Guest symphonee.

gahhh.. he seems as though he's struggling now. i really hope this doesn't extend to a five setter. that could get dangerous.

edit 1:

gahh.. the crowd is getting so rowdy!

the french are going crazy since monfils saved a match point. really hope fed can wrap this up in 4sets!

edit 2:

finally i can sleep knowing fed's won!

6-2, 5-7, 6-3, 7-5

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Guest wonderbang

monfils put up a good fight........i'm sure playing in your home grand slam on one of the biggest stages against the number one player can really get you going...it's amazing how crowd support can help (or hurt in some cases lol) a player....

but now on to the mouth-watering final between nadal and federer! i'm thinking nadal is the favorite on this court but you can't discount mr. perfection either. either way, i know i'll be happy for the winner. :D

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Guest dOotsiez

I don't mind either of them winning. Just happy to see both of them in the final. From last night, it doesn't seem like Federer will be able to stop Nadal, in fact, it doesn't seem like anyone will be able to stop Nadal on clay. So if I had to bet, my money's on Rafa.

Still, there's a glimmer of hope for Federer somewhere in there. I'd say 70% Nadal and 30% Federer.

bohemian_sprite, I could write a whole thesis on why I dislike Djokovic, but it all comes down to his foul-mouth, arrogance, history of just retiring when he's losing, and the fact that Federer and Nadal had a quite amicable rivalry at the top, and Novak just had to bring something nasty into it. Well, it looks like I gave him way to much credit on clay, 4 sets? 5 sets? He was lucky to bring the score up in the 3rd, otherwise, it would have been humiliating. Nadal was like 'here's how you play tennis on my planet'. :D

is it just me or does Monfils play tennis like some kind of NBA basketball player. Interesting game he's got.

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Guest wonderbang

lol @ the monfils' comment...

just from his sheer height you would think he had some kind of aggressive, intimidating game but he is one of the most defensive player i've seen......and that says a lot considering the other day he played against ferrer who's as defensive as you can get....

anyhow, monfils needs to learn that he has to do more than use his athleticism to chase down every ball...he's got to use some of that height, leverage, and wingspan to win easier points.....he expends way too much effort in the early rounds and although he gave federer some problems, you could tell monfils was fatiguing big time.

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Guest dOotsiez

Yeah Monfils defends like a wall, doesn't matter where you hit it, he could just get to it. So athletic. If he develops a good offense game, he could be dangerous, but before then, I think Federer has him figured out.

I love Yahoo Sport's captions.


SO EXCITED! :D I feel it might be the year for a sporting fairytale. Federer in 4. I can almost see him falling to the ground, and crying his little heart out. Standing ovation from those Fed-adoring French. They almost wish he was French. Mirka jumps up and down and hugs Papa and Mama Federer. Federer tries to get up, but couldn't, so Nadal hops over the net and gives him a hand. The two embrace, and Nadal is overheard saying 'you're still no 1, no?'

but alas, I dream. My heart says Fed, but my head says Nadal. But will be more than happy to eat my words come Monday. For now, I'll just wish Safina good luck, would like to see an upset today.

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Guest aeroshaastranger :)
I don't mind either of them winning. Just happy to see both of them in the final. From last night, it doesn't seem like Federer will be able to stop Nadal, in fact, it doesn't seem like anyone will be able to stop Nadal on clay. So if I had to bet, my money's on Rafa.

Still, there's a glimmer of hope for Federer somewhere in there. I'd say 70% Nadal and 30% Federer.

bohemian_sprite, I could write a whole thesis on why I dislike Djokovic, but it all comes down to his foul-mouth, arrogance, history of just retiring when he's losing, and the fact that Federer and Nadal had a quite amicable rivalry at the top, and Novak just had to bring something nasty into it. Well, it looks like I gave him way to much credit on clay, 4 sets? 5 sets? He was lucky to bring the score up in the 3rd, otherwise, it would have been humiliating. Nadal was like 'here's how you play tennis on my planet'. :D

is it just me or does Monfils play tennis like some kind of NBA basketball player. Interesting game he's got.

HAHA! yeah djerk and his arrogance just puts me off! i admit his a really talented player but the arrogance is overpowering!! lol but i think his becoming a little humble? cos he actually applauded rafa's shots yest!

okay FED is not as bad. but the fact that he had to get a towel for his bags and get a towel on the bench for his precious butt is soo.... i dk! its like he thinks his way above everyone and prob the only one qualified for some exclusive club >_> haha

VAMOS RAFA for tmr's game!!take it in 3, don't give us a heart attack yeah :D

MONFILS played a good game,aggressive at times but of cos experience truimphs! but gael did push him!

if gael ups his game, he'll be dangerous! (:

CONGRATS to IVANOVIC! was rooting for safina but of cos ana was the better of the 2! safina looked like she was going to cry. i wish safin was there to lend his support!!

Djokovic upset?

Im watching now 6-4, 6-2, 3-0. And Djokovic is looking quite upset indeed. It's bad to taunt a player when he's being steamrolled. One thing for sure, Verdasco and Amalgro are probably feeling quite redeemed right now. :D

dOotsiez: are you that ana who posts questions?

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Guest dOotsiez

^ LOL nah what I meant what that Ana Ivanovic was present to draw the men's side, and ended up drawing 4 left-handers + Novak Djokovic for Nadal. On the other hand, Nadal drew Jankovic, and the Williamses for Ivanovic. Neither did the other any favours. I can assure you I don't have any other aliases except for 'dootsiez'.

I was rooting for Safina too, but hey, may the best player win. :) Yeah I heard Safina had a fight with Safin about her tennis career just before she went on to win in Berlin. So afterwards, she was like 'HA!'

Must disagree with you there, whatever you accuse Federer of, you just simply cannot accuse him of acting superior. IMO he's conducted himself with so much humility over the last few years, and it is one of the reasons he 'converted' me. :D

It's not often Federer goes into a tournament as the underdog, but I hear the latest odds against him are 4-1? Not pretty. But if anyone is capable of beating Nadal on clay, it's Federer, and I'll be sending positive vibes his way.

Yahoo Sports and the melodramatic captions.


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Guest StealthGnome

Woo! I woke up early enough to catch the last set of the Woman's FO final. Congrats to Ivanovic. Safina was fighting soooo hard at 2-4. She double faulted twice at Ad In. >.> It was an interesting match.

ON MAN! MENS FINAL!!! Fed vs Nadal. If you guys didn't hear, it turned out Federer had Mononucleosis during the Australian Open. I'm was surprised at how well he did with Mono. Go Federer! >.> 5 Set win please! Let's see how he deals with the clay.

Yahoo Sports and the melodramatic captions.


When Ivanovic beats Sharapova, then I will recognize Ivanovic as #1. Points system is so flawed.

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