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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Guest feelthebeat

did craptacular in my Japanese finals | iPhone headphones broke | hairdresser cut my hair waaay to short | my dog has HORRIBLE breath for some reason lately and keeps breathing it on me D: | mum keeps bugging me.

screw you, world ~

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Pftt, whatever. You're nothing but a sucked up pinkberry, where do you even get that john teshing ego if you can't realize how teeny your own brain is. Do I even give a damn at your theory? NO. Wth are you being so educative to me? Did I even said I want you to be my teacher? Even toddlers can be smarter than you are so stfu before the words come after you!

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sigh, you're being too emotional over alot of things. and you're being very cheesy most of the time too.

i'm grown up enough to understand everything. i don't like being thrown around, and move around this weekend or that weekend.

i am tired of you guys' arguments and i don't like it when one of you blame it on me.

it might be my fault but not completely, so don't argue, and then add my name into your convo and blame it all on me.

i just want to be alone and have an independant life, why can't you understand?

i dont like it when you start crying and say that you miss me.

it was you who made me wait, made us wait. you were ignorant at first, and now you're trying to be all kind and gentle. i know you're not a bad person but it's just, you're giving me alot of hard time.

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Guest Fred_A

good girls never gets the guys..*sigh* i should just drown in my pool of fat

Don't worry but there's many guys that would love to meet good girls especially when its guys who are fed up with people who lie, cheat, and are impatient.

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Guest meilove

wtf u little....sdlfjsldkjf

anger problem much?

just doin my job. you trouble causing sldkjsldfsdf

hmph! loser

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Guest rawwwr

I'm stuck in a summer program, something about youth leadership. The class is great and all, but jakhdgkadfgdfkvjndv! The kids! OMG, the kids are so annoying and immature and think they know everything! What kind of 12 year old brags about sex?! WTF

"Oh, look at me~ I go to a private school! I'm sooooo much better than you!"

"OH EM GEE~ Your school sucks, no wonder why you go there, ehehehehehehe!"

"I go to a rich school, and I'm a figure skater! Give me back my ice rink!"

Blah Blah Blah, ok, I know I don't go to the most privileged school, but going to a private school/better school DOES NOT make you better than other people! I always feel like slamming my head against a wall or something whenever someone starts talking...

Ugh... just one more week, one more week!

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Guest xMYOOx

nothing is going right for me!!!!

family problems.. my grades sucks... my friends arent around..

i feel so alone these days

i just want my boyfriend to be here with me but he's not

i feel like i have nobody

i have no one to confide in, no one to trust, i can't even talk to someone right now



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Guest getawaycar

she still hadn't changed.

still the same ole loud and boastful her.

when will she ever change?

the distance between us has grown so much over summer

it's not even funny anymore.

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Guest dudeilovefood


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Guest runtoyou989


i do NOT what to do my ap euro summer assignment

i have to read a +400 pg novel about the history of war

and proceed to write an essay about some insanely complicated prompt.

and this is all due by the end of july. ahh!

i shouldnt procrastinate -__-


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Guest cher amour

All was going well until a little something happened and fcuked everything else up.

UGH. FML. I.. I cant even believe it right now. this better be some kind of sick joke.

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