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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Guest 5bchm

I wish that you all stop pestering me about coming back, I have no intention to. Stop trying to force me to do anything, its irritating...all of you, you are just causing me to get all guilty and feeling selfish as if I can't make my own decision. Just stop!

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Guest abviolinplayer

argh why is soompi still not working right for me?? and it asks me to log in even though I'm already logged in...and then it gives me an error message >_>

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Guest Radish

I hate it when people say that someone is "overreacting" when really, it was a normal reaction. And when people take things too far (gawsh, stop somewhere, please).

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Guest Frozy

On topic: I hate myself. (Just to serve the purpose of my post).

In a way, I'm a huge richard simmons bag that has to say everything straight-forwardly, no pretty words, no mush, all meat. I find myself commenting on the personalities of my friends quite often. Social reclusiveness, that's wrong!!! Being a Richard, that's wrong!!! Differentiating the difference between everything, while at the same time, be careful on what you say!!! There is nothing wrong with the way people are as long as they themselves don't believe so. Of course, the exception of mental people like Hitler, lol. I will emphasize this again, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THE WAY ANYONE ELSE AS LONG AS YOU FEEL THAT WAY. But for those of you who do feel you have flaws, why? Determine your reason, then question your reasoning. Do you really have to feel this way? Are you not okay with the way you are? This is something that I now completely understand.

I am the biggest hypocrite out of everyone I know. Ideally, I am always thinking this is the way to go. I am also the biggest preacher out of everyone I know. Of course, I never directly say anything to anyone in the face, but that's just the kind of person I am. If someone can't figure out something on their own, there's no point in me telling them at all. They don't learn like that. However, I am speaking in terms of being the IDEAL human. I have yet to realize that is something no one can ever be, but it is quite possible to be close to it. I (notice how I keep referring to myself) understand that people are not perfect, as they do not have to be. There is no shame in that, yet I keep poking that out whenever I can. I am immensely disappointed in myself. Of course, if I feel it is way too Richard-like to say, of course I won't say it. Most people, if not all, will only hear what they like to hear, and when they hear something they find quite questionable, they will not hesitate to defend their position.

However, what needs to be noted is that I care for the people around me more than they can ever imagine. I can guarantee that much. People have their own attributes, and I have clearly missed that point. I have learned a long time ago that humans can never be perfect. But today, I have finally learned that piece of information completely. It used to be a phrase I say lightly, but today, I value it's true meaning.

Now, I am discussing what my other flaws are. I can't take criticism, and when I do, I RAGE, and believe me, do I rage. However, do I do it in the manner commonly associated with fury, not so much. Learning restraint is something I've started learning when I was barely a teenager. Speaking my mind, I can only do so when it's not to the person in question. I was the one to question everything. Then when I find those answers, I question those answers, and the cycle repeats itself. So much time have I wasted pondering these ponders. So much time i have wasted indeed. But I have learned plenty by doing so. I guess this time is not all for naught.

In fact, I am the epitome of contradiction, everything I say, I am not. I am not nice, but I really do consider people's well being, especially their emotional state. My whole life has been contradiction piled by contradiction, I am probably the worst person to ever exist.

And this lastly, is a shout out for K.S. Please know that what I say, I say it as sincere as I can really say it. My intentions for doing so is not to say I am better than anyone else, as clearly, that is not the case, striving for human perfection has always been on my mind ever since I learned what it was. That contradicts my previous statements, but so be it. There will always be contradiction in everything I say, and when it does happen. I am quite aware of it. I am posting all of this intentionally on this forum, to show my humility. I know I am not always right and yes you can say that I am trying to prove myself, but then again, isn't that the main reason why everyone tries to give their piece of mind? I believe this is the case.

So now, I apoligize to you, quite formally, as it seems, redundant as all of this sounds, I am also doing it for me.

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Guest xdeathberry

I'm having a horrible night.

The people I trustED and never showed any signs of annoyance or anger at me just..

totally stabbed me in the back.

Or rather in the heart.

Even the teacher was talking about me?

Wth is wrong with that teacher?

i miss the other teacher.

At least he would try to see my point of view and NOT LISTEN TO STUPID HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS.

I just.. can't believe it.

screw them.

They might as well spit in my face while they're at it.

Who are they to judge me?

Who are they to talk about me?

Who are they to say ANYTHING to me now?

Pathetic low lives.

They don't know how much crap I'm going through / went through.

You guys go enjoy your nice, easy lives.

Don't even attempt to apologize.

just get the frack out of my face.

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all my songs from phreaken itunes are gone.

damn b%^ch@$s. gosh

and sh!^ty @s^ comp lost all my big bang pictures.

phuhken horrible day.


i got in trouble for using the comp. when i just got on.

and my brother has been using since he got up.

and they're not saying anythign to him.

like FAWK MAN.

& wtf? i already changed my avi to wooyoung how come it's mason again.

wth man wth. shet richard simmons day today.

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Guest tranceeee

if Shakespeare was alive today i would kill and mangle him. THEN chop him into pieces and feed him to the ducks. <_<

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Guest getawaycar

Wow girl your posts on his FB are really irritating. Do you own him to call him those names? Are you getting married soon? I WANT TO FLIPPIN GRILL YOU. You know that?

And you, yes you, other girl, it's not always about you, what you do or what happened to you. Sometimes you gotta give the stage to somebody else also. Be sensitive. Stop being conceited.

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Guest sixthkiss

is there anything else you can do besides yell and complain? you always blame mini cooper on me when it's YOUR fault. you john teshing let the dog out this morning and you wanted me to go outside and john teshing chase him when it was YOUR FAULT?! and here you are, still john teshing yelling at me. I SAID I'LL DO IT, SO JUST STFU!!

just john teshing chill out.

you never do mini cooper yourself.

john tesh man. just ughhh. i hate living here. i can't wait to move out.

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Guest shining_star-:

wtf im pissed my freaken brother blocked my aim and facebook wtf currently im about to go in a hate mode to him if he doesnt unblock my facebook and aim

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Ugh, I was at T-mobile and needed to grab some groceries... Wal-mart was right next door so I figured hey... two birds with one stone right?

OMGGGGGG. SOOO freaking ghetto and dirty. And especially that store since it's like, a cesspool of ghetto/trailer trashy people.

I'm in line and this lady is taking forever with her WIC vouchers (big surprise I bet the rest of her groceries were going to be paid with food stamps rofl) so I switched over to the self check out line and there's a register open but no one seemed to notice. I ask the lady in front of me if she was in line for that register (there's one merging line and 4 registers) and she turns around, gives me a dirty look with her GHETTO richard simmons self and is like, "YES."

I JUST came back from Boston yesterday. This was like, ugh, welcome back to the south.

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I want to sleep yet I can't. I go to sleep at 4 and wake up at 6. Then I have to deal with someone who I lost all respect, love, admiration for.... Ugh, I just wish school would start so I don't have to see this every single day -______-

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I'm such a idiot. I was swinging my foot with my knees bent on my chest while my mom was feeding our puppy. Just as I lift my face up, I smashed my head on my mom's chin. She started bleeding like hell and I watched there with my sister, panicing. My dad rushed into the kitchen, hearing our scream and bought my mom to the room. I was uberly scared in the thought of my mom having to go see the dentist and suffering. Plus, we're peniless atm. I started bursting in tears, not to avoid getting in trouble, because I felt so sorry. Glady, there was no big problem in her teeth but her bottom lip ripped and now it's bloated. But my dad said bruises in lips heal fast so she's atleast fortunate, i'm still very sorry.

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Guest ima_robot

^ im sorry about that =[ ahh that sounds painful for your mom but atleast it was an accident!

well today i just realized that ive wasted 8 precious months of my life in my so called" relationship" -________- ive been thinking about breaking up with him a lot and people tell me i can do 1,000x better.

the sad part is i know its true ._.

so im thinking of how to tell him that im breaking up with him, and it sucks!

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Guest Hongki.love

I don't know whether to quit or not.

The district jazz band might be canceled. And that's the only thing I looked forward to during the school year.

My friend isn't going to my school next year.

My other friend is moving across the country in three days.

I was waiting for my final and last lesson with my private teacher and he left to Europe already...hopefully when he comes back & before he goes to college I can see him.

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