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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Guest petrine

feeling so upset today for NO REASON :( i just broke down the moment i got off the bus.. and i couldnt stop crying even when i was already home.

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Guest happypiano

so if i stay home and spend tons of time with you, you're happy and dandy... and when i come home at like 11:30 pm, you flip out and get all queen bee on me like a little girl?? i'm about to turn 22 for crying out loud! are you planning on putting a 10:00 curfew on me forever or what? make some friends and stop being so immature.

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Guest vip_gd

i wish she dies in hell

.... no wait

i wish she dies now

john teshing wasting my motherjohn teshing time that prick

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Guest 5bchm

Yet another rant...gosh this is becoming so bothersome!!!! I'm the one who should be pissed, not you, so stop acting like it was me who was wrong. I don't feel like talking to you because you will just start your breakup crap and me not caring! Its you and your attitude that will cause me to not care anymore. You are taking me for granted....and it wasn't me who changed.. it was YOU!!! And stop saying all this "whatever" crap, its irritating and it shows that YOU are the one that doesn't care....immature my "....." :angry:

And...why is that if I am or you are mad that insinuates a break up? What, do I really mean that little to you?? You are a true persona of a jerk. I hate how you make me feel.

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you spoiled kid, you're the most annoying person i've ever met in my life.

you were treated too nicely, you do nothing, all you do is boss people around.

grow up and stop being such a whiny person.

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Guest crackers&cheese

Don't like how I always have to deal with the complex/bad timing situations. Seriously, idk what to do.

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Guest lli_a

i sometimes wonder what he would do when one of us slips out of his life.

will he even grieve? will he realise how much time he would have regretted not spending time with her?

but i wish her a happy birthday and all the joy in the world.. i will try harder to be a good daughter.

mannn i feel so emotionallll

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Guest witchery

It seems like every few days some new mini cooper pops up, and I go through a fresh new phase of emotional eating, and when I finally do get past it I hear about some new crap, and binge again and the cycle just continues....argh and now I'm really sick and I have no voice. FML >=(

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Guest ninyaah

Gosh. Freaking close-minded people richard simmons me so much. And I'm not even going to argue with them because they won't be able to accept opinions from others. No amount of explanation would get through that hard head of his.

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Guest ovaltinejenkins

i hate my youth group.

esp. this one girl who doesn't have the balls to say crap about me to my face.

the thought of me keying her car puts me in a better mood :)

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1. I hate working in customer service. I had this one customer who was a total prick. Even the lady beside him said, "I don't know how you can stand this. Some people are just so rude."

2. Supervisor is a prick.

3. It's my turn to do the dishes and the sink is loaded with dirty dishes. Screw it, I'm not doing it. I have ONE plastic container and ONE dish in there.

4. Registration starts on Wednesday and most of the classes I need/want have already been filled.

I'm so pissy right now. I wish someone would start something with me right now - I john teshing dare them. I will rip their goddamn head off.

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Guest krYstIi

Arggg I'm so richard simmons off with my bf. I been richard simmons off at him all day because we were suppose to spend time together. But no he wants to do what he wants to do. He's always playing his stupid game and all I do is sit and watch him play all day long. Everytime we do what I want to do, he brings along his friends. He never wants alone time whatsoever. Because of him, I been yelling at everybody else at the party we went to. Plus, I was sick and his stupid self didnt even notice since he left me alone to hang out with his friends. Gah I hate today and I defiantly will hate tomorrow!!!

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Guest hamdainvincible

i just gave my opinion on suicide. -o-

and alex, it's stupid that you stepped in just to tell people to chill, need to learn how to stay out of things guy.

honestly, what i planned on saying was...

stfu stfu stfu stfu stfu stfu

( this is why i was always so annoyed with all of you little guys besides matt and edwin back in 8th grade,

get a life and grow up, crapload -- you honestly pissed me off, i could've gone to sleep in peace )

> koonmin, i don't think you're worth my 5 months of infatuation,

fail, han, always falling for the wrong guy -o-

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Guest lovenotee

i john teshing hate my family.

u never supported me with this mini cooper. then you talk mini cooper about me to other relatives.

act like u dont know. shut the john tesh up.

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