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Illegal Downloading Of Music, Movies, Etc.


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Guest emceej

UHM. it's wrong.

but i only buy CD's that are actually worth my money and support the artist.

money doesn't grow on trees. as much as i love to buy all the CD's i downloaded,

i just don't have the money for it.

i respect the artist and the management. but let's all be frank here.

some people like me just don't have the money.

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Guest uh-ohxev

When I was in elementary, I use to download songs illegaly, because I didn't see what was so bad. But, then I was watching something on TV explaining it and I felt really bad, so I started buying songs. But, there is times where I download illegaly... like for some stars. For ex. I don't buy Akons songs, because when I saw that video where he carried the kid and threw him into the audience, I was disgusted... so yes, I admit I do download illegaly here and there. BUT, 99% of the time I buy the songs. Only exception is a celebrity that I lost respect for.

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u know what u are just trying to shove ur thinking down ppl throats !

u can kiss my richard simmons...ok

my morals are just fine

my mom lost her job my child support will go way in just 4 months!

i dont have a job! i concern about how im going to pay for college and your complaining about songwriters and teir money!

i cant believe you

i is not my problem that u can make enough money

you might be young to remeber but when CD's frist came out the said it would be 15 - 20 because its new technology now its 10-12 years later and its still that price they said after a yr or 2 the would lower the price to 5 dollars did they? no

and im not going to buy a cd so i can listen to one song!

george bush knowingly hurt the lively hood of millions of americans but are you complaining about that? no

i dont care about u when i busy trying to fix my life trying to stay in my house trying to pay my bills!

how dare you criticize my morals! think about your own

you maybe be struggling but get a job

like the rest of us!

despite what u say here ppl are still going to download the music they want

instead of telling ppl that they should pay you for ur song why do you tell the ppl in charge to lower the price of cds and downloading

and i listen to alot of kpop and im not go to pay 40 to ship a cd

and ur actors bit.....

thery still make money becuz ppl still buy dvds and movies

and u dont know anything about movies

actors dont get royalties they get one flat salary

they still get payed even if the movie flops k?

its not my fault that you ppl chose a profession where money is not guaranteed

it maybe wrong but i dont feel guilty at all......

actors do make royalties

but I believe it's called Residuals instead of royalties

Anyways, it's called ILLEGAL downloading, so how can it NOT be wrong....

why bother having LAWS if you're only going to follow the laws that are convenient for you, but not the other laws....

so you are doing something illegal, but you don't feel guitly?

You can always just stop illegal downloading as of right now....

If you can't do that, that means music has VALUE to you....right?

if music has value to you, isn't it FAIR to PAY for it?

Imagine your life without music....and then think about the creators of music, the composers and songwriters, who make this music that people love, and then you'll understand why songwriters/composers are so distraught over what's happening....

I remember seeing a survey with people stating that their music collection was their most prized possesion, above even movies, books....

Why should music be free then??

and songwriters ARE being affected

maybe you haven't read every post in this thread, but I already posted a link in a previous post about how songwriters are being affected by piracy.

and here it is again:


and recently Lamont Dozier has said his royalties have been cut in half by piracy....

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Guest gfoo1

didn't thoroughly read through all the posts, but i gotta say it's wrong to illegally download music..gotta support your artists(local or major! sorry if my post is a repeat of what others have said haha.

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Guest kellykim10

i always buy the albums/cds of the artists i love

mainly snsd, super junior, dbsk etc. (SM Artists) lol

but it is wrong to download

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Guest lol^_^

actors do make royalties

but I believe it's called Residuals instead of royalties

Anyways, it's called ILLEGAL downloading, so how can it NOT be wrong....

why bother having LAWS if you're only going to follow the laws that are convenient for you, but not the other laws....

so you are doing something illegal, but you don't feel guitly?

You can always just stop illegal downloading as of right now....

If you can't do that, that means music has VALUE to you....right?

if music has value to you, isn't it FAIR to PAY for it?

Imagine your life without music....and then think about the creators of music, the composers and songwriters, who make this music that people love, and then you'll understand why songwriters/composers are so distraught over what's happening....

I remember seeing a survey with people stating that their music collection was their most prized possesion, above even movies, books....

Why should music be free then??

and songwriters ARE being affected

maybe you haven't read every post in this thread, but I already posted a link in a previous post about how songwriters are being affected by piracy.

and here it is again:


and recently Lamont Dozier has said his royalties have been cut in half by piracy....

im sick of you

fine it's illegal it wrong w/e but alot of things are illegal that arent wrong " gay marriage " for example

are you going to complain about that?

we had law that kept ppl in slaved segregated we had laws that kept asian immigrants out of the country we had laws allowed ppl to by shot by bounty hunters......but r u complianing about that NO ur complianing about illegal downloading.


music may have value to me however this is not the 90's where every song on a cd was a hit!

im not paying to listen to one song

im not paying 40 dollars to ship a cd overseas

i might buy it if it's reallllly realllly good

most music is not.....more so american music

your acting like im murdering someone

like im chopping off your head and bury ing pieces

even if ididnt have music to download i know how to play 3 instruments and can sing

and you know what i would let ppl download my mini cooper for free!

i dont think you get my point MAKAHA MUSIC!


i will support those who i feel need supporting but i dont know who u are!

according to u im a john teshing bad person well john tesh you!

please call 911 on me lets see what they do

why dont you pay my missing salary then i will pay for your music

last time i checked it was the chinese downloading 74 millions dollars worth of music last year not americans~

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Guest yooboo710

Seriously, it's illegal...

But I only buy original CDs of my favorites...

If you do have the money why download? Buy the original one...

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Guest colloquy

Of course, I think that there are very few people that don't illegally download. A lot of people in Japan don't, that's why the music industry isn't as hard hit. But unlike the U.S, it's easy to just walk down to Book-off and buy a used CD. Unfortunately, I haven't really found a good secondhand store like Book-off that doesn't have items that are trashed, and also relatively released CD's. Most of the music I listen to is Japanese. I do have quite a few Japanese CD's, but the exchange rate now is terrible.

Plus, if you play the internet card right, you can launch a successful career, like Lily Allen.

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Hmm... i think it's wrong but i still do it anyways.

I used to buy lots and lots of CDs before i found out the way to download music.

It's wrong but i do buy stuffs that i want if i can't find them online.... through itunes and yesasia.

I support those artists that are my favorites. Through downloads, i'm introduced to indie music and believe me, i do buy them sometimes.

I don't really like pop music as much as i used to so i don't really wanna buy them except for some.

I bought quite a lot of jazz, indie music from itunes.... after listening to them through downloads.

I guess downloads have their bad and good side, you can't really stop anyone from downloading unless the CD have some kind of anti-copy function.

Without downloads, i don't think there will be hallyu.....

This is a hard topic....

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Guest icepak

its wrong, but i only do it coz most of the music shops in australia and online shops havent got the music im looking for.

I buy the cds that i know that are sold in australia though

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Guest lemoncake0910

im sick of you

fine it's illegal it wrong w/e but alot of things are illegal that arent wrong " gay marriage " for example

are you going to complain about that?

we had law that kept ppl in slaved segregated we had laws that kept asian immigrants out of the country we had laws allowed ppl to by shot by bounty hunters......but r u complianing about that NO ur complianing about illegal downloading.


music may have value to me however this is not the 90's where every song on a cd was a hit!

im not paying to listen to one song

im not paying 40 dollars to ship a cd overseas

i might buy it if it's reallllly realllly good

most music is not.....more so american music

your acting like im murdering someone

like im chopping off your head and bury ing pieces

even if ididnt have music to download i know how to play 3 instruments and can sing

and you know what i would let ppl download my mini cooper for free!

i dont think you get my point MAKAHA MUSIC!


i will support those who i feel need supporting but i dont know who u are!

according to u im a john teshing bad person well john tesh you!

please call 911 on me lets see what they do

why dont you pay my missing salary then i will pay for your music

last time i checked it was the chinese downloading 74 millions dollars worth of music last year not americans~

OK, chill out.

The topic starter is just letting people know that illegal downloading such as music, is actually HURTING songwriters/composers/musicians, since he/she is a songwriter him/herself... (NOTE the first sentence of the topic's post.). Are you implying that you "do not care" that something like this is actually happening to songwriters/composers/musicians??

There's no reason to go "john tesh you" on your posting. If you don't like this topic, or don't like reading other people's opinions about the topic, then don't bother coming to this thread or post in it.

Nobody is making you buy music, not everyone has the $$$ to buy every single music album, especially if a CD has only 1 or 2 great songs, but it makes sense that if somebody has a huge collection of music on the computer hard drive (like, of every single albums & singles released) of a favorite artist and they did not buy at least a single album from that artist, then that kinda makes them... look kinda bad, right?

Imagine IF everybody gets music from downloading off the internet and nobody buys the CD, the artist will not be able to make sales/money from their music. And if they don't make money from their music (since it's their JOB), then they'll go bankrupt.

BUt like somebody else stated in their posting, this topic may be difficult to talk or debate about, so I'll just let it go here. :]

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im sick of you

fine it's illegal it wrong w/e but alot of things are illegal that arent wrong " gay marriage " for example

are you going to complain about that?

we had law that kept ppl in slaved segregated we had laws that kept asian immigrants out of the country we had laws allowed ppl to by shot by bounty hunters......but r u complianing about that NO ur complianing about illegal downloading.


music may have value to me however this is not the 90's where every song on a cd was a hit!

im not paying to listen to one song

im not paying 40 dollars to ship a cd overseas

i might buy it if it's reallllly realllly good

most music is not.....more so american music

your acting like im murdering someone

like im chopping off your head and bury ing pieces

even if ididnt have music to download i know how to play 3 instruments and can sing

and you know what i would let ppl download my mini cooper for free!

i dont think you get my point MAKAHA MUSIC!


i will support those who i feel need supporting but i dont know who u are!

according to u im a john teshing bad person well john tesh you!

please call 911 on me lets see what they do

why dont you pay my missing salary then i will pay for your music

last time i checked it was the chinese downloading 74 millions dollars worth of music last year not americans~

that's kinda racist, the remark about the chinese, because I'm chinese?


Regarding your comments above in large bold, if you want a piece of candy in a store, but you don't have any money for it, do you take it and leave without paying for it??

If I took something from you and I didn't pay for it, wouldn't you be a bit upset?

Is it because it's done online, and you know you won't get caught?

it's still wrong regardless....

There's music I would love to have, and some DVDs too, but I don't have them, because I can't afford them, but I won't download them illegally because it's wrong, so I just do without them....

I'll wait for when I have enough money to buy them....whenever that is

I guess I'm just trying to make people more aware of what they are doing, and how it's affecting other people....

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lol^_^ and MakahaMusic

I'm going to ask both of you to stop arguing with each other immediately.

lol^_^: you are taking this far too personally, so I will ask that you either post in a more respectable mature manner or remove yourself from this thread before you receive an actual warning.

MakahaMusic: Others are entitled to have different views. They are entitled to present them for this should not be a one-sided view of discussion. If you disagree with them, do not push your views because you won't persuade people on the Internet like that. Do not insist your views to those who disagree because that may cause further disruption within this thread. If you don't comply with this verbal warning, further action may be taken including an actual warning and/or having your thread closed.

Likewise this goes for everyone.

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Guest the sweetest prince

im sick of you

fine it's illegal it wrong w/e but alot of things are illegal that arent wrong " gay marriage " for example

are you going to complain about that?

we had law that kept ppl in slaved segregated we had laws that kept asian immigrants out of the country we had laws allowed ppl to by shot by bounty hunters......but r u complianing about that NO ur complianing about illegal downloading.


music may have value to me however this is not the 90's where every song on a cd was a hit!

im not paying to listen to one song

im not paying 40 dollars to ship a cd overseas

i might buy it if it's reallllly realllly good

most music is not.....more so american music

your acting like im murdering someone

like im chopping off your head and bury ing pieces

even if ididnt have music to download i know how to play 3 instruments and can sing

and you know what i would let ppl download my mini cooper for free!

i dont think you get my point MAKAHA MUSIC!


i will support those who i feel need supporting but i dont know who u are!

according to u im a john teshing bad person well john tesh you!

please call 911 on me lets see what they do

why dont you pay my missing salary then i will pay for your music

last time i checked it was the chinese downloading 74 millions dollars worth of music last year not americans~

-I really cant believe you compared you stealing music to gay marriage and slavery.

-No one says ur murdering people, but you are keeping them from making a living off their music. Most musicians dont want to be working their crappy jobs and want to make a living through their music and you illegally downloading their music doesnt help.

-You dont care if people stole yourr music because youre not trying to make a living off of it.

-You're over reacting. No need to bring John Tesh into this. You crying and writing in big text just shows how immature you are about this entire subject.

my morals are just fine

my mom lost her job my child support will go way in just 4 months!

i dont have a job! i concern about how im going to pay for college and your complaining about songwriters and teir money!

If you have so many problems then why are you at home downloading music? Focus on helping your mom get a job and getting that child support, not downloading the new boa album.

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Guest velvetsky

damn, I wish I could have bump into this thread sooner

I just did a debate about this topic

hrms personally I think piracy is wrong, whether its music or movies

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Guest lol^_^

that's kinda racist, the remark about the chinese, because I'm chinese?


Regarding your comments above in large bold, if you want a piece of candy in a store, but you don't have any money for it, do you take it and leave without paying for it??

If I took something from you and I didn't pay for it, wouldn't you be a bit upset?

Is it because it's done online, and you know you won't get caught?

it's still wrong regardless....

There's music I would love to have, and some DVDs too, but I don't have them, because I can't afford them, but I won't download them illegally because it's wrong, so I just do without them....

I'll wait for when I have enough money to buy them....whenever that is

I guess I'm just trying to make people more aware of what they are doing, and how it's affecting other people....

i wasnt even aware that u were chinese......

i read that the chinese in china downloaded 74 milion dollars worth of music...

how is that racist?

-I really cant believe you compared you stealing music to gay marriage and slavery.

-No one says ur murdering people, but you are keeping them from making a living off their music. Most musicians dont want to be working their crappy jobs and want to make a living through their music and you illegally downloading their music doesnt help.

-You dont care if people stole yourr music because youre not trying to make a living off of it.

-You're over reacting. No need to bring John Tesh into this. You crying and writing in big text just shows how immature you are about this entire subject.

If you have so many problems then why are you at home downloading music? Focus on helping your mom get a job and getting that child support, not downloading the new boa album.

i didnt compare i was making examples however irrelevant they may be... no one was crying ok.

i was trying to make a point

but it seems ppl on soompi only have 1 view and are not willing to listen to others

i am helping my mom thank you. once agian i wrote my post out of anger

im not normally like that i just seems like this topic is pretty small compared to other issues that needed to be discussed that what i said in my first post but she was angry

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I myself as a musician/song writer don't believe in profit off of what I love to do. I'd rather be heard than not at all. There's so much music out there worth checking out, and spending money on all those musicians is just unrealistic. I understand the struggle of being a musician, but you can't download a t-shirt. So find a different way to adapt to this day and age.

As far as Movies go, I'd be lying if I said I haven't seen an illegally downloaded movie. But at the same time I have given my fair share of profit to the cinema industry.

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Guest ebolainmemphis

-I really cant believe you compared you stealing music to gay marriage and slavery.

He's right in a sense, though. The word "illegal" makes a lot of people condemn things solely based on the fact that they are prohibited by popular law.

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Guest gzmdo

I do illegally download music and won't stop. I have a subscription but I can't find all the music I want through it and other than vinyl I have stopped buying physical music due to the way the music industry is. Obviously something is wrong when artists encourage fans to pirate music.

While I see your point from being an songwriter, why wouldn't you want your music to spread? The way I see it music piracy is only about loss of revenue, if you only want those who paid for it to hear it why let anyone hear it in the first place? And having your music used in a commercial manner (ie. "offensive movie or an adult movie")without your consent is completely different from it being pirated, then you have the right to sue or have it removed.

Call me a bad person if you want but I give my money to the artists. Directly. I hand them $20 in cash after a show. Or buy them a drink. (obviously these aren't giant stadium shows but small venues)

And I share my pictures, which are my equivalent of your songs, under creative commons for all to share.

Edit: Actors will not lose much money out of piracy. They are mainly paid up front before movies are released. There are exceptions, such as riskier movies, were they may take an initial pay cut to have a movie made and recoup it later from sales. And about movie piracy and how studios are losing copious amounts of money. 2008 was a record-setting year for box office revenues. Funny how that worked out.

I mainly listen to small bands and the "big" band I do listen to are not big in the entire scheme of things. They make fractions of what the latest pop sensation make. They write their own songs so if I do download their songs no songwriter is losing any money. Instead of complaining about how you didn't make any money from cd's or downloads maybe you should complain about how the money itself is spread a la the WGA strike.

And for some first hand information on free music and its affect on money. http://www.jonathancoulton.com/2009/03/24/payday/

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