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Guest mimsgoyangi

Hallooo~ I updated my blog with my 2nd shopping haul ^^ My blog is still empty and a little...colorless of content right now xD
Check the update out here.


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Guest lilacmakeupartist

I am a makeup artist and have a makeup portfolio.

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Guest gisellaaa

Just reviewed this super cute princessy lip gloss from Jill Stuart. Check it out here: http://carbon-and-diamonds.blogspot.com/2014/05/review-jill-stuart-jelly-lip-gloss-in.htmlI follow back on GFC, so comment on my post to let me know so I could follow you back! :)

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Guest Kokolala

My friend and I just  started this blog  ;) check it out!  we are just starting but we will post more things soon 


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Guest explosive11

At Explosivefashion Blog section you can also get most fashion blogs news of popular Indian fashion celebrities.

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Guest jolive213

Kokolala said: My friend and I just  started this blog  ;) check it out!  we are just starting but we will post more things soon 


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Guest MangoR

Is anyone ready for the SUMMER?  For a summer makeup + outfit idea on a date, please check out my video.  I would love love love it if someone subscribed to my channel too but you don't have toooo~~~ T_T


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Guest SitaG

Just started my blog a few weeks ago, hope you enjoy it Women Work Outfits

I post daily when I have time and I am not at work, feel free to comment.

I had to buy the logo for my blog, I don't know how to design. lol.

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Guest gisellaaa

Just did a review on CANMAKE's Marshmallow Finish Powder. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this stuff, I swear it's now my new HG compact / finishing powder. And the super cute packaging makes me feel like a princess LOL. Check it out here: http://carbon-and-diamonds.blogspot.com/2014/05/review-canmake-marshmallow-finish.html#more


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Guest gisellaaa

Just did another review on CANMAKE's Candy Wrap Lip in [04] Lady Strawberry! :) Check it out HERE --> http://carbon-and-diamonds.blogspot.com/2014/06/review-canmake-candy-wrap-lip-in-04.html#more


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Guest missyblue

hey all! just updated my blog with a post about what's in my makeup bag.

check it out! : ]


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Guest radenayu

I just updated my blog with 2 beauty posts:

Korean Makeup Look Inspired by CL 2NE1



REVIEW : Menard's Facial Salon - Clean Pack


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Guest GabrielleC

here's a scoop of the latest go-to coffee cafes for the coffee addicts. An ounce of juicy beauty reviews for those who love yourself. A sprinkle of life adventures for those who needs an escapade. And finally, a dash of fashion for garnishing. ENJOY!


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