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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest some1gurl

Same like others..at first when i know the news that he going to be in drama..i'm not quite happy....i'm really worried on his health....i'm so sad watching jae so dead tired with his drama last year..but i think its okay since it just miniseries...which means the drama dont have such a long episode right????...after all...maybe they just wanna show something different....wish him all the best....

one thing...jae's drama also in october but SBS right????while Yunho on MBC....i wish they dont broadcast on the same date... :ph34r: :ph34r:

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Yunho's Drama.

i am really happy for yunho :D lol.i'm actually glad the boys are branching out to do some solo activities. After all the achievement in dbsk for the past six years i think its time to step back a bit and kind of grow individually. i always believe that the bond between the boys are strong, so no matter what,no matter where they are they are still the same dbsk/toho and would always support each other. Its part of growing up i guess.

Since their schedule is not as hectic as when they were promoting mirotic, i guess yunho is going to be fine. I am sure SM/AVEX has considered his schedule before hand.jaeminchunsu must be looking forward to leadershii's debut :) lol.if its true han ga in is a part of this min would probably be on set everyday. :D

I wish him the best of luck. as fans knowing leadershii he will not dissapoint us. He never did. so Yunho fighting!

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Guest thasaranaki

Yunho for Heading to The Ground

after it’s said yes by CBS news, said no by Newsen…

finally today the final article (or at least for now it’s considered as final article) is released.

Yunho will be casted in replacement of Kim Rae Won who has his enlistment for military service in “Head to The Ground” — a new drama from MBC.

I seriously cant translate the news appropriately right now but let me give the main points for you:

>> Title: “Heading to The Ground”

>> Airing date: September 9th

>> Main Actors & Actresses: Jung Yunho, Lee Dae Hee, Han Ga In

>> Storyline: Yunho’s role is a soccer player named Cha Bong Gun who lives his life with passion regardless the many crisis he’s going through to achieve his impossible dream, to be national representative football player in international world.

>> Others: Yunho got his face to face marathon meeting with drama staffs for 5 hours on July 19th.

He showed sincere and modest attitude as a rookie in acting department. From the first time he read his script, he seemed to make a deep understandings to Cha Bong Gun character, excellent concentration, honest representation, and rich in expression that surprised the rest of drama staffs themselves.

Now all casts of “Heading to The Ground” are starting to practice.

source: newsen

rough trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress

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Guest Natsumi_sshi

[TRANS] 090722 Kim Brothers Work Together To Create Kim Junho's Single "I Love You"

OMG. The Kim brothers are going to work together and release a single? I can honeslty say that I was so suprised

to see this. Omo, Junho is so lucky to have the support of Junsu in releasing his debut single. And I love how he's

releasing it as a dedication to his fans. I really wanna hear how this turns out, with both of their talents, I'm sure

singing capabilites runs in the family :)

090723 Jaejoong Won Over Lee Minho : #1 ” The Artist That I Would Like To Date For A Day”

Now this I wasn't surprised to see. Of course Jaejoong would place top in the ranking of who people would want to date

for a day. I mean I can't comprehend how it could possibly be someone else :lol:. Fans indeed have good taste. Go Soeul


[iNFO] 090723 TVXQ's Yunho to Make Acting Debut

So this is finally confirmed is it? After all the speculation and rumours and denying, Yunho's really going to act in

a drama this time? From the plot, the soccer player would've reminded me of Junsu more in the group, however

I'm glad that Yunnie will be able to show us his acting skills outside the shows of DBSK. YunJae are taking us to

the small screen :D Now there are TWO dramas to look forward to. I hope Yunnie takes good care of himself

and doesn't overwork. Regardless of all their work, he said that TVXQ would always be their first priority so I'm

confident that DBSK's work will never be jeopardised. Good luck to him. The cast looks great too. If Go Ara

appears in it, it'll be like an SM family :)

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Guest eirelavenna

hey everyone! :D

im new here but i've been reading the thread for some time now.

i really want to ask where i can buy some dbsk/tohoshinki/tvxq merchandise.

especially cds, dvds, and their photobooks.

is it safe to buy from online sites?

which sites would you recommend?

how do i do that?

how do you pay?

im sorry. im kinda naive about this.

this is my first time being a fan of a foreign group.

it's sad that i can't purchase their goods from local stores here in my country (philippines).

and i feel guilty everytime i illegally download their songs or pictures from random sites.

i should show my support to the boys by buying their officially released goods right?

please help me.

many thanks in advance :)

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Guest sheilapiglet

^^^I don't think the news article about HanGaIn and LeeDaHae being in it is true...it's going to be Go Ara for sure I think.....it's funny to know that they've both been in the same MV before...at least they "know each other" already so the chemistry will be easier to spark=P I'm glad to hear that it'll be a miniseries and not a full drama....it's funny how JJ's drama is going to be aired one year after he filmed it!...while on the other hand, YH's will air RIGHT AWAY!.....weird...I'm sure that August will be super stressful for him....they only have one month before the airing date!....hopefully he won't fall ill and get sent to the hospital like HJ from SS501...I hope that they'll finish filming before they broadcast and it won't be those "catch up and film the episode a few days before it airs" type thing...that'll be unbearable especially since there's still so much to do as a group....I'm starting to see the guys do more and more "solo" activities nowadays and it worries me, but at the same time, I'm happy to see them get more individual spotlight=)

here's a cute fanvid of the guys goofing around=P:

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Guest marose270


thanks for the pics and info...

sorry for the late thanks...

wasnt able to go online for the past week...

soo many uPdates...

thanks guySS!!!!

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Guest mandasoh

[TRANS] 090724 TVXQ's Yunho Challenges First Drama

It has been decided that Yunho, from popular idol group TVXQ, will be participating in a drama.

On the 24th, MBC revealed that Yunho has been casted in the new drama "Heading To The Ground" (Script: Kim Solji & Kim Aeri, Director: Park Song Soo), as the character Cha Bong Gun, who has to face countless setbacks to try and fulfill his dream of becoming a soccer player that represents his country.

A drama representative said, "Yunho and the charactr Cha Bong Gun are similar as they both work hard, putting in sweat and blood until they can make their dreams a reality. A star of Asia, we are confident that we can see the likeness of Cha Bong Gun in him."

Meanwhile, Yunho, who has been casted in the drama, said, "As I was reading the script, my chest swelled (with pride) and I felt really good about being casted as Cha Bong Gun. I want to express this feeling through my acting."

Source: [WoW!Korea.jp]

Translation credits: mandasoh@iscreamshinki.net

Shared by: iscreamshinki.net

Do not remove/add any credits

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Guest kinkie_lass

ahhhh YUNHO + SOCCER (down here we called it football XD) is my two favorites in this world! omg i'm so excited! i hope fans aren't freaking out just because Yunho is going to try his hands in acting and support him. solo activities are needed for a group to keep growing. they need a short break from each other after working together for more than 5 years. and i think of this as a reward for Korean Cassiopeia. since Yunho is going to be in a drama, at least fans will be happy that their idols are back focusing their career in Korea.

i think i like Go Ara's best as the potential on-screen love interest for the drama. funny that the rumors of Yunho's possible acting gig went from a robot lover, member of a fictional idol group to finally a soccer player XDDD i just wish they will feature Junsu as a cameo at least, that boy lives and breathes soccer all his life.

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Yunho acting- Congratulations to him! It's good he's branching out. I'm happy he's got the chance to lead in a miniseries. 16 or so episodes of Yunho as lead character! Plus the character sounds a lot like DBSK... passion, dreams and working hard. I'm confident Yunho will be able to portray his character well. And like everyone else here, I hope he's able to cope with his solo and group activities. Hopefully he doesn't have to miss out any major group activities for his drama.

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Guest intan

This thread is alive again! :w00t: :w00t: :lol::P

I think now I can finally digest all sort of news about the boys activities. First, it is about Jaechun single~COLORS, Melody & Harmony. Honestly I was quite shock when the news about Jaechun single will be coming out on late September. Although I really like Jaechun singing together, I was quite surprised to found out only two members will be involved. I mean, they NEVER done this before right? Some questions popped in my head like..really? only Jaechun will sing in this single? what about the promotions? while Jaechun is singing on shows, what about the other members? What Junsu, Yunho and Changmin will do in the mean time. Okay, so now I know what Yunho will be doing. I saw the airing date is on the 9th of September. That is quite early right (although they always change the airing date). I was wondering whether Yunho will start filming his drama in the nearest time.

I was thinking, maybe Yunho did get an offer to act in "Absolute Boyfriend" too as there's picture showing the "Absolute Boyfriend" manga in Yunho's car. Perhaps..perhaps he declined the offer because he didn't like the story line? hehe..I don't know, just my guess. Anyway, the story line for "Heading to the Ground" sounds really interesting. Really fits Yunho. ;)

Now the way that I see it, they will offer drama that fits the members' character. Jaejoong is acting in "Heaven Postman" which involves some mysterious character & storyline, we know that Jaejoong always has that mysterious looking image in Korea since his debut days. Yunho will be acting in sporty drama and of course we know how competitive and sporty Yunho is. I wish Chunnie will act too. Although the picture that come into my head about Yoochun's acting is him being in a romantic drama. Being a sweet lover or something. Owh! Chunnie, why are you such a lover boy! lol. Lover boy and kissing scene. kyaaaaa!!..cannot imagine that. For Junsu, I dunno, perhaps comedy or funny story. Who knows, there's possibilities there. I think even now in Korea Junsu character has been slowly accepted as a funny guy. haha. Or maybe he will get the character of a passionate and outstanding singer? hurm..for Changmin, I'm not really sure. A quiet, studious cute guy that will turn out as a remarkable character? haha..

And for now. Go Yunho! Go Yunho! Yunho has the aura as the male lead. hehe. I was really impressed with his acting in vacation. When he cries when the girl is about to die~~Good take!

Lastly, I know many of us are worried about Yunho going to be exhausted because of the drama. But I believed that it is part of being an artist. It is not an easy job. They work hard for it. So lets just support Yunho and the members in their activities. It will be worth it when the drama came out :lol: They get to expand and improve their career. Hope he will take care of himself, and also the staff, members and family will look after him. :)

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a lot of us must be in the happy and worry mode right now.

I know i am.

Happy for leadershi and his new drama, but worry about his health.

If dbsk didnt have any activites at the moment i would not be worrying.

But when do they ever stop working? i dont remember anything like that.

Except for that one week off in the beginning of every year.

Carrying a career in both korea and japan is so hard.

sigh but this is leadershi, and he is very strong, in and out.

so i hope the best for him.

Leadershi fighting!!!

I am curious on the character Cha Bong Gun, because thats why leadershi took this drama.

^I was kinda shock at the jaechun single duet also.

I mean i didnt mind them singing it during the concert but yea it was a shock.

But i guess its ok.

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Guest merlyunho

Yunho for Heading to The Ground

>> Title: “Heading to The Ground”

>> Airing date: September 9th

>> Main Actors & Actresses: Jung Yunho, Lee Dae Hee, Han Ga In

first of all, sorry to cut ur post, dear.

I was drinking a carton full of milk and when I read this being confirmed and actresses and all, I swore I was close to spilling a mouthful amount of milk.


This is what I call with exposure to the max. BRAVO, SM!!!!

I honestly knew that Yunho is somehow destined to act. When I first saw their acting skills in Banjun dramas, i know he got a talent hid under a rock. I have to say I was quite impressed with his acting on Tokyo Holiday and Vacation. I know his acting is not that oh-my-god-he's going to win an oscar but still, he could act.

end of question.

AND MORE OVER!!!! If this news about him working with Han Gain and Lee Dahae is true, that I'm sure i'll be the first shipper to whatever couple the drama would create. I'm always excited to the max everytime I see the DB boys got to work with female entertainers.

bet changmin is now beating the hell into yunho for getting to work with Han Gain. I simply can't imagine how the maknae would react watching his hyung being all close and flirty and everything to Gain. ROFL

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WOWWW!!!!!! i am definately happy for uknow for his acting debut....i am super excited now, both hero and uknow's dramas!!

a soccer player, that character would soooo fit junsu, that boy can pull off that soccer loving image...but uknow will definatly do great as well, there will be lots of supporters.

watching thier banjun mini drama it wasnt even that bad, i really enjoyed it so i'm really looking forward to these two dramas.

dong bang shin ki is lovveeee!!! :wub::wub::wub:

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Guest kashmier

yunho congrats. i hope he willll do well.

another rumour now, Junsu will release an album or possibly a mini album.

solo activities are coming up, and the members will gain and learn new experiences and would prove that they can do it all. good job boys.

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Yunho acting?

Well that's exciting!!

I believe most of us have a few underlying anxieties regarding the boys engaging in all their recent individual activities while still following their schedule.

But we all know they're pros at taking full doses of whatever's thrown at them.

And yeah, sometimes it seems like they go into overdrive and they really do need to step it down a bit. But their will to take it all on is strong. There's really no stopping them lol (our hard-headed boys~)

They're tough because they're committed. They'll get through.

Also I'm sure Yunho accepted the part because he had an interest in doing it. I'm excited to see how he'll do!!

Anyways, about solo acitivities and all..really no worries everyone ^^

never any worries.

I think we all know where the boys first priorities stand. Group first.

All five.



p.s. Can't wait til' Sm Town..I dunno..is it just me or does this summer seem so..dull? Activity wise I mean..regarding the boys.

And lol! Yunho's playing the role of a soccer player. I bet Junsu's jealous keke :P

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Guest sof666

yunho congrats. i hope he willll do well.

another rumour now, Junsu will release an album or possibly a mini album.

solo activities are coming up, and the members will gain and learn new experiences and would prove that they can do it all. good job boys.

i dunno what to say about junsu's mini album..(if the rumour's true)

i mean that man seriously has a VERY good voice..

but music is the one thing that i prefer them NOT to go solo..

i had a hard time liking TPL because of this..

I mean DBSK music is SACRED!!

it won't feel complete without all of them singing..

im even having mixed feelings about jaechun duet!

and they're one of my fave pair!!!!!!

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The thread is alive again! :w00t: :w00t: :lol::P

HAHAHHA Yeah i know!Less news abt the guys these past few days & now Yunho acting in a drama?! :o

Im going to be positive abt this one :) He's very talented & hardworking so i think venturing into acting is a good decision.I just wish this will not start launch their solo careersnever gonna happen XDXD Goodluck Yunho!!!!

090723 Oricon Style Magazine August Issue Interview

Near! Their own personality and charm are coming fast!!


Birthday: 18th February 1988

Height: 186CM

Weight: 61

Blood Type: B

A shy gentlemen who holds a passion

Changmin is in charge of the higher range when singing. A check on his personality “Even if he’s shy and scared of strangers, but once he decided to do something, he’ll do it.” Has a very mature personality. A very humble person who treats others gentle, (it was written in 2008 2nd July Issue) “He has a passion to become better”, he’s a strong person who has a will to move forward.


Birthday: 6th February 1986

Height: 184CM

Weight: 66KG

Blood Type: A

Has a charm of being a leader to let everyone depend on. Once focused, he becomes really cool!

TVXQ’s leader, has to listen to the members’ view, then come out with a conclusion when in trouble. His own personality is that “No matter what, I’ll achieve my goals, once you focus on something, there’s sure to be some benefits somewhere” (Written in 14th July 2008 Issue)


Birthday: 4th June 1986

Height: 180CM

Weight: 64KG

Blood Type: O

Have a gentle heart, believing in others and moving towards his goals

In the past Yoochun was said that he was unable to believe anyone. (Written in 28th July 2008 Issue) “However, because of his members and staffs support, he now changed and starts to believe in people”. “In TVXQ, he’ll care more about everyone’s, that kind of balance” and he loves to worry about the others.


Birthday: 26th January 1986

Height: 178CM

Weight: 63KG

Blood Type: O

Straight forward and innocent!

A curiosity heart that refuse to lose to anyone

Jaejoong’s personality could be considered as straight forward and innocent. In the past interview, it was mentioned, “I’am always thinking that sleeping is a waste of time~ once the sun is up, I have to wake up!”

And just because of this, could conclude that “Because of his curiosity, whatever is in his mind, he’ll just speak it all out”


1st January 1987

Height: 178CM

Weight: 60KG

Blood Type: B

He’s a professional in intimidating others and creating a very warm atmosphere

Because he had said before “Within TVXQ, I’m a mood maker” therefore he’s able to bring everything around him to a high tension. Having a strong service attitude(?). had said before “Even if i was to abandon myself, I wish to make everyone beside me smile”

Source :Never End 未完- Shim Changmin Site

Trans : Mel@OneTVXQ

Credit : OneTVXQ

Shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

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Guest fin123

[TRANS] 090724 Kindai Magazine August Issue

Credits: DBSKnights

Translation: Sakurako @ DBSKnights

Shared by: OneTVXQ.com

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Kindai August 09

[Tohoshinki 4th LIVE TOUR 2009 ~The Secret Code~]

Tour Final started in Tokyo Dome (for 2 days). On July 5th (Sunday), when the stage was surrounded in Cyalume (T/N: glow sticks) of Tohoshinki’s colour red, the 5 rose onto the platform with three piece tuxedos (T/N: tux with trousers, waistcoat and jacket). The lead number from their new album [secret Game] began the performance!

Jaejoong: (T/N: said in the tour) [is everybody happy?! Is everybody excited? (After hearing tremendous cheers from 50,000 people) Great!]

Changmin: [5 years ago it was very tough learning Japanese. Now, we are able to speak it! I think we have matured a lot.]

For the Tokyo Dome concert, what was not included in the tour before was also added to the performance. Junsu and Yunho performed [XIAHTIC] and [CHECKMATE] which was first revealed in their Asia Tour. They danced and sang very passionately. Also for Changmin, he sang [WILD SOUL] which is in a hard rock style. As for Jaejoong and Yoochun, they performed a song that they had written especially for that day, which was [~COLORS~ Melody and Harmony].

Jaejoong: [When we debuted in Japanese, I remember clearly that only around 200 people came to our first live to support us while we sang. Us now and us then is so different right? To be able to sing and dance in such a huge venue…I was very happy!]

Just before the encore when Tohoshinki were about to sing their new song [stand By U], the Dome suddenly swept into a blue colour from blue Cyalumes. This surprise left the 5 members expressions of deep gratitude.

Jaejoong: [Thanks so much for that present. Everyone, today I felt extremely happy!]

After the 2nd encore of [Love in the Ice], the 5 members’ eyes started watering…

Jaejoong: [From that point on, I wanted to run and embrace everyone’s vigour and energy. That strong power, I felt it thoroughly!]

Tohoshinki as they are walking around thanking their fans for the support: [Kamsahamnidda! (thank you!)]



DBSK's 6th year is approaching us and to think we only just celebrated their 5th year anniversary! 5 years, 5 men and 1 love. Soon it's going to be 6 years, still the same 5 men and still the same 1 love!

The theme for this project is "Internationally DBSK," simply because we want to show / give the boys the full-blown international love that we have for them.

O! has been given the chance, the opportunity to work with 6 [how coincidental] international DBSK forums who have the same goal as us for this project,

which is to show the boys the international DBSK fever we all have right now.

This project is early simply because this is going to be one of our biggest project ever and we want to make sure that things go 100% or at least 99.98% right. We've opened up a suggestion thread here

for you guys to suggest ideas for the project. After all, we need to plan this together ^^

Let us show the boys that there is...

One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ!

I hope you guys join in this project one way or another.

Advertise this project:



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Guest jer_sweety

Again goodluck yunho and congrats.

So after A-nation, they are going to be busy with their

individual activities/projects, right? I think SM had planned

this out for so long. Yunho in his acting debut, jaechun

with their color single, jaejae for his HP promotion,

susu for possible solo album or minialbum, but what about

minnie? Any news about his solo activities too? I just hope

they had also planned something for minnie too :):)

Actually, i also hope chunnie will be doing some acting project .

He's great in acting honestly. B) B) B)

Let's just wait for the coming updates and then surprise us on their

group activities...


And about jaejae's HP, it took almost a year to be broadcast maybe

because the other episodes of the telecinema are not yet ready,

so since HP is only a part of it, this might be the reason why until now

it is not yet aired... So let's just wait for it. :D :D

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