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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest blackelement_ice

Malaysian Cassiopeia Meet & Greet Gathering

Date : 25 July 2009

Time : 11.00 a.m - 2.00 p.m *subject to change*

Activity :

- bowling session

- fun chit chat

Venue : Mid Valley Mega Mall

Fee :RM30

for more info:

click the link below

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Guest rach03

Seeing the boys in Thailand just makes me wanna ask....

Is the Mirotic Tour in Taipei confirmed? And any news of the ticket sale?

I really almost hopped onto the plane to Bangkok. On where can we see them on stage at a public place?! lol.

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Guest japjoong


umm.. i need to ask you guys.. does junsu wear a fake teeth ??

cause i just saw his teeth clearly and his teeth colors are not the same....

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Guest forgivenx


After reading through the rankings, and my current interest in Yoochun, I just want to ask Yoochun's fans that what makes you guys still love him and a loyal fan for so long?


Yoochun's voice is really lovely. The ballads, the dance songs...his voice just adds a punch of sexiness which makes you fall in love with him again and again. His dancing is not the best in the world, but he makes it sexy~~ :P His style is forever changing and it is refreshing to see, like a plus point. The annoying parts of mr park shows that he is still a human and has his flaws. People just compare him with the other members and because he doesn't offer fan service, he is being slammed by many :/ His annoying acts will be forgotten once moi listen to his music or see him play the piano. Hahaha, but he hardly annoys me though. I love this man and will continue to love him<3

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Guest junshi


umm.. i need to ask you guys.. does junsu wear a fake teeth ??

cause i just saw his teeth clearly and his teeth colors are not the same....

Uhm...I think it's his real teeth.And it's not perfect ...I think he don't care much about his look ^^ but it's ok to me ^^ I find him so pure haha

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Guest shyheart

B Pass Magazine 8 scans











credits: as tagged

090626 B-PASS Magazine Photoshoot - August 2009 Issue


Couple for the day

After the official photo shoot ended, the photographer took his own camera and said, "(I heard you can play now) Come closer", and Junsu immediately ran to Jejung's side. The staff standing at the side laughed and said, "These 2 look like lovers" (laugh).


On 27th May (Tues), 4pm~5.30pm, the interview took place in a recording studio. Many thanks to everyone. Writer Ebisawa, photographer Yamada, office personnel, AVEX representative and make up artist.

This month, in order to complement their summer single 『Stand By U』the 5 of them portrayed quiet and mature expressions. This explains the usage of dark lighting and the large couch.

The photo shoot started off from individual shots to group shots. The first is Jejung. The staff got Jejung to sit at the corner of the wall for a few test shots.

While the photographer adjusted the lighting and angle, Jejung kept his position and hummed the tune to the song. Yunho kept standing at the side to secretly peak at this sight of Jejung. (laugh). Actually, when it comes to the individual shots, everyone will peek at whoever is doing the shots.

Changmin who was at the make up room in front of the shoot area, suddenly popped his head out and looked around at the table. After spotting the donuts on the table, he thought about it for awhile before grabbing one and dashed back to the make up room. (laugh). The manager who saw this laughed embarrassedly and said, "Everyone, please pretend you didn't see that." It feels like that's the second donut. On the other hand, Yuchun who was on the phone while waiting for his shoot, has been having a cold lately, and coughed often.

During the interview, Yunho was holding on to the July issue of B-PASS, and when he saw that Jejung was number 5 in that issue's ranking for "Sleeveless Top 5", he passed it to Changmin, who passed it to Jejung, and in this way, everyone read the magazine. (laugh)

Source: [demonhome]

Picture: [ameblo.jp/xiahyu-ri]

Translation credits: mandasoh@iscreamshinki.net

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Guest Senorita_

^ Thanks for the scans. The person's so lucky to get hold of the CD first..lol. The boys look handsome nevertheless.


umm.. i need to ask you guys.. does junsu wear a fake teeth ??

cause i just saw his teeth clearly and his teeth colors are not the same....

I'm pretty sure the teeth he has now is real. I think it's just the bit of stain on a some teeth.

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Guest zii.r

Mirotic concert in BKK now !



and Thai cassiopeia in Mirotic con today


Credit ; Nett@TTF

Re upload ; `,Yoosu.kyuhyun.__;D@siamzone.com

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Guest Honey_KizZ

[News] Mirotic in Bangkok updates by SYC

Chompoo smsed and said:

Yoochun did look at our banner at the hotel!

And someone interviewed us about our site.


Concert is going on right now. Here are some stuff that have happened:


Yunho pinched Minnie’s cheek and slapped his butt.

Now, Yoochun is performing is solo.

He is speaking in english.

Love his red shoes and white shirt.

credit: sharingyoochun@wordpress


Yoochun did a feat. with Junsu for Xiahtic.

Key of Shinee didn’t make it for the concert.

Therefore, Yoochun took over his place.

He was seen wearing purple.

Chompoo and Legra note: Ultimate YOOSU!

credit: sharingyoochun@wordpress

Another Fanaccount 090626 Bangkok Press Conference and Other Stuff

I’m dead tired and really sleepy, so please forgive my liutypos T_T

Our flight was delayed by two hours and I was already panicking because I wanted to get to the press conference venue early to get good spots. We arrived in Bangkok at about 3:00 pm and my sisters and I were really in a hurry to get through immigration, get our bags, have our money changed, buy Thai sim cards and so on.

I noticed this lady that was holding up a sign that says, “東方神起 3rd Asia Tour Concert MIROTIC in Bangkok.” We saw that some fans (Japanese, I think) were approaching the lady. More and more people came after them O_O

We went outside so we can ride the van and get to Pathumwan asap and wow… We saw them boarding a huge bus with the sign mentioned above. I think they’re ALL from Japan. The fans inside were… both young and old ^^; A lot of Bigeast members will be watching the MIROTIC Concert x:

We checked into our hotel, fixed ourselves up a bit and rushed out. We took the Sky Train at the National Stadium and we were pretty much lost D: Omg, Thais are so nice. I was getting desperate and was asking people, “Do you speak English?” and they were all, “No…” or “No English…” This girl beside me called her friend (who knew English) and she let her talk to me so she can give us the directions. So nice <3 People wouldn’t do that in my country :|

akfdhsk there were so many people at the conference XD Some fans were already standing on chairs and they were all singing the lyrics of “MIROTIC” and “Wrong Number.” They were still in their uniforms XD So cute, hahaha~ We pushed our way through the crowd and ended up somewhere in the middle. I was tall, so I had no problems viewing the stage *shot* But there were people holding up banners and stuff, so it got a bit annoying. The screams of “Dong Bang Shin Ki! Dong Bang Shin Ki!” were getting louder and louder by the moment, so we knew they were coming *dies*

When the boys came out, we were all D: D: D: I almost cried because Chunface got rid of his ugly hairstyle!! *spazzes* Yunho was stunning as always (guh at those arms XDDD <3) and Jae + glasses = just… wow XD

[ Pictures will be posted up at OneTVXQ [legra: which i have psted already]~ I’m still uploading them so Tee could fix them up, but my connection’s being a richard simmons :/ ]

The boys said some words and the crowd went wild XD

Yoochun: Don’t wear miniskirts~

Jaejoong: Is it hot??

Yunho: Love you -kiss kiss-

And Yunho was being the awesome leader that he is by repeating what the other members were saying XD Like, Chun would say something and Ho would be all, “What he said is this… *explains*” (According to my friend) LULZ. That’s why one of the MCs in HEY!HEY!HEY! told him off at one time XD *squishes him*

And the rest of it… We didn’t understand anymore XD

People were already rushing to the side of the stage in hopes of touching the boys or something. I think.

Oh yeah! I saw Yuu (suke33), Rella unnie (ohluluvoodoo), Dawn unnie and Sazzy from OneTVXQ (: We were supposed to do some forum business *coughs* but things didn’t go as planned XD My Thai sim ran out of credits and this girl offered to let me use her mobile. afdjfdks so nice, right? D:

After that, we went into Central World, bought some CDs and glowsticks at B2S and met up with [info]srisin unnie for dinner. She gave us our SK tickets already ^_^ I finally met her after three years *raises TVfXQForever banner* After that, one of her friends (I don’t know how to spell her name T_T) dropped us off at 7-Eleven so we could buy prepaid cards.

And now, I’m still spazzing at OneTVXQ when I’m supposed to be sleeping XD *dies*

credit: xxtranscendence@lj

shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

All about DBSK3 Taiwan edition


Open for preorders on 26/6/2009, due to fan request, Avex has actually specially produce Taiwan version that comes with Chinese subtitles!!

6 DVD includes Dong Bang Shin Ki activities in Korea, videoshoot @ Saipan Island, exclusive behind the music video shoot, members intimate talk, Korea KTV shops etc etc.

Credits: DBSKnights

Shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

[TRANS] 090627 American Musician Marty Friedman On TVXQ


Marty Friedman, American, is the lead/rhythm guitarist for thrash metal band, Magadeth.

*They would sell even if they weren’t good looking! TVXQ’s singing ability is worth its value in money

TVXQ, an accapella dance group from Korea, and who attended last year’s Kouhaku Uta Gassen, can be said to be the representative of “Global J-pop” with their impressive harmonizing.

Maybe fans will say it’s my happy poopoo, but to me, if you can sing, you’ll be able to sell even if you weren’t good looking, right?

*Their new song [bolero], is a great ballad that showcases their super vocals.

What surprised me was that compared to other J-pop ballads, the feeling for this song is dark. The beat is slow, and there was no usage of guitars etc. Even so, the song gave off a dark and haunting vibe to me.

I like K-pop too, and I listen to it often, and there are of course other songs with dark vibes too. The difference with J-pop is that K-pop uses Classic music as it’s foundation, thus naturally creating a melody with a dramatic feel.

At the “ending climax”, one person (Jaejoong) uses an almost feminine pitch to produce the effect of harmonizing between men and women; the harmonization from the 5 of them is amazing!

Source: [大吧 + heyjj]

Translation credits: mandasoh@iscreamshinki.net

Shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

Please do not remove without full credits.

@bpass mag

lol...yoochun and flipflops!!

love his laid back style~

Why i like yoochun?

he is one of the dorkiest person out there!

i like how honest he is. he cant really hold back his emotions,

and when i see him smile or cry i feel that it is sincere.

he has this genuine love for music and for making music.

i really love his songs, although i think that they're really underrated.

to me, they truly express his emotions and convey strong messages about how he

feels inside.

i fell for him when i saw him singing "Love by Love" at the mirotic concert.

the way he sung the song seemed like he was letting his real thoughts out,

it was as if he was trying to call out to someone.

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Guest laurassjj87


After reading through the rankings, and my current interest in Yoochun, I just want to ask Yoochun's fans that what makes you guys still love him and a loyal fan for so long? coz his sining and dancing, all his sweet personalities all depends on condition, like some of you mentioned here. His singing and dacing depends on his health, and he's in a good mood, he's a sweetheart but when he's in a bad mood it's a really shock. and he's stylish but he dress as the way he wants and cut his hair like he doesn't care the whole world. As his fans don't you guys feel frustrated? Have you ever changed your love for him to other members? sorry my question is not appropreate, but in korea and japan, he has a lot of fans and he has a lot of fanboys too, and I think his popularity still growing in Japan. I can't ask the fans in korea and Japan so I just asked fans here in soompi...thanks. he's just really interesting to me :)

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Guest JJ.biased

YooChun's Pics Galore From Press Con

omgsh deNain ! Thanks for that huge spam X]

does micky has acne or something on the side of his face? .__.

i like the new hair but true his hair does look like his mum's :D

AADBSK3 photobook: It's available to preorder in Yesasia for $53

omgshhh.. i want it D;. But DBSK has been releasing so many expensive stuff =[ wahaha...

DBSK at Miroticon Press Conference

our boys really look hot T___________T" so hot.

LOL look at Junsu! Standing far from the other 4 /giggles.


wows.. another new single T_T ogmshh please stop releasing so much goodies D;

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Guest chyna


As much as I love yoochun, I must have a shoutout to the hairstylist for the concert: WHY DID YOU MAKE CHUN's HAIR LOOK LIKE A MOP?!? *CRIES* :tears: there are tons of other styles that they can do for him, but why must he always be the victim of the ultra permed frizzy style?? just look at him.. poor chunnie. *CRIES*

EDIT: oooh changmin looks REALLY good.. and jae looks angelic. okay i think i have calmed down now from the yoochun shock. BUT still, please make chun's hair better!!

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what makes me love Yoochun...

Admittedly, at first, I thought Yoochun was the least attractive...that's my first impression.

But when I got to know them more, his charm blinded me..hehe..

What I really like about him is that he is honest to his emotions...

when he feels happy, it radiates in his smile, his expression, his whole being..you can feel it too and it seems really pure...like expressing something without thinking, simply unadulterated..

when he's sad, angry or pissed off, you'll know too coz he can't seem to hide his feelings...

at those times, i may not agree with his actions but i can certainly understand..he's human, he errs..

what matters is that he learns from it..

He's not the perfect dancer(he's too lazy sometimes), nor the perfect singer(he's unstable sometimes) but he's passionate with his music...

I'll probably hate him at times, but I like him most of the time..

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Guest deNain

Mirotic concert in BKK now !



Omo!! For real!

Chun rap for Xiahtic?!

AHHHHH! I need fancam!

Why I have to go back to my college tomorrow! I wanna see fancam!


Sexy Yunho~





Ahhh!Jung Gun Young!

I miss to see you too~!

Happy to see you back with Dong Bang!

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Guest niocz

OMG this thread is moving sooooooooo freakin fast >_<

lol... finally i graduated so im now legal n i have some free time on hand so i was wondering..cuz someone asked before... are we doing the tokyo dome banner thingy?_? or is it just a tokyo dome sig thing?_? please enlighten me on the matter cuz i need 2 test my pts skills =P

oh and THANK YOU everyone for fan accounts and pictures from Thailand =D Yunho looks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo freakin AMAZIN [x100000]

so does Changmin..OMFG...Changmin totally overshadowed hot JJ =P and Micky and his new hair is awesome =D

since i've got nothin to share =[ ... here are my 1st impression of the boys and how it's changed ^^

Yunho = i saw him from xman...before seing the whole dbsk =P i was totally swayed by his cuteness [back then he was soooooooo freeakin cute with his teeth and all XD ] and his dancing skills <3 such charms... it was because of Yunho that i got interested in dbsk so im very thankful for that ^^

now..he's still my fav..i havent yet found a circumstance where i dislike/wanna kick him =P..and im like...really protective of him XP.. i always defend him..and i hate it wen ppl talk bad bout leader-sshi >_<

i think he's gotten hotter and hotter by day.. he's so elegant n charmin yet still so cute and dorky sometimes XD

[i'll end my spazzin over YH now =]] ]

Changmin = i lik him...i noticed him at first cuz he was the maknae... i thought he spoke ALOT more back then wen dbsk debuted comparing to now..i like his voice alot too..he seemed funny and cute at first

now...funny is still here..cute is gone XP he's soooo sexy now it makes me drool =]] sometimes im scared i'll betray YH cuz of him =]]

JJ = he's my bestfriend's favorite..i didnt really remember him until he dyed his hair platinum blond >_< i remember heroine 6 only cuz he was in it XD

now..i notice his voice alot more..i really feel he has a natural voice which is prettier than JS's..however JS has more skills...plus he's so hilarious and goofy he's become one of my most fav too ^^

Micky = the 1st time i saw him i thought...hes too thin XD and i found it cute wen he acted cheesy...i liked his english..cuz i like ppl with good english accents so i thought his was pretty nice...

now..micky's lost his english XD even though the accent's still there...the english is kinda gone >_< but his live singing skills have improved ALOT n im very impressed ^^ sometimes i think micky's also too funny =]] [i found it funny that i cant NEVER call him yoochun ^^]

JS = i found JS the most handsome during balloons days... at first wen dbsk debuted i thought he wasnt good lookin at all >_< but he's the king of live singing =D

now JS's still the king of live singing..he's such an all-rounder..both of his dancing and singing skills are awesome... JS's really cute and i really adore him for being the target of dbsk's bullying =]]

---im done with my rambling lol =P


i couldnt leave without sharing something cuz i topped a page XD

here are some pix of my the sexy Yunho







...and changmin who keeps getting hotter XD


[i dunno where this pic is from but i like it =D]



i really lik CM with his long hair...especially in couple talk AADBSK2...he's sooooo freakin sexy + buff *drools*


..and cuz yunjae makes me happy as always =P



[i actually dunno if i've shared this pic or not XD]

*credits on pix

--end of spammin =P

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