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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest mandasoh


post by : Steph07Youngwoong @ AF

no doubt in his talent ^O^ he's always amazing and so sweet ^///^

Uhm, I know you're just sharing the news, but how reliable is this?

Cos I checked on the supposed source ent163.com, and it's an unregistered domain. I've also been through heyJJ, tvxqbaidu, Toho's official website, chosunonline, and a ton of Japanese fanblogs/Bigeast fanblogs and none of them mentioned this at all.

In fact, Chosunonline just reported about Taegoon and Jaejoong, so I think something as significant as this would make news over Taegoon?

I'm just checking, cos I know that fans, like me, will get excited thinking that Junsu composed/wrote the song. Would be great if the original translater could provide the actual source link? :D


//EDIT: @Sheilapiglet, unfortunately the drama version only shows artiste, director and producer. :( Good point though! I just dunno how reliable this news is. :x

//EDIT 2: Okay. I found the original source, here. It's an entertainment portal and they wrote the article themselves, without citing any Japanese spokesperson/source whatsoever, so I dunno how reliable it is. Also, it's a Chinese site, mainly dedicated to Chinese entertainment. I find it weird that the Japanese sites are not saying anything, but a Chinese site is? O.O

<3 amanda

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Guest meimei4ever

[NEWS] Taephoong to be a daddy of 8

Isn't Taephoong too young to be dad??.. how old is he??

if he is less than a year old i hope his puppies born really healthy...

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Guest loveprincemax

090601 Bigeastation photo upload


Why oppa this much funny, I do not know>ㅇ<아이고~~~야야야


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Guest fobbiyo

Uhm, I know you're just sharing the news, but how reliable is this?

lol. I knew something was fishy when I saw the credits. I was a bit excited myself, but these things would be out like what someone said. Shouldn't the Japanese people know first? I know that is not true all the time, but it seems more logic that way. I hope this is true, but for now, it is just a rumor.

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Guest 432521


Can someone post up the lotte calander picture for June. It was just released like 1 or 2 weeks ago, but I forgot to save the June one. Thanks ahead of time

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Uhm, I know you're just sharing the news, but how reliable is this?

Cos I checked on the supposed source ent163.com, and it's an unregistered domain. I've also been through heyJJ, tvxqbaidu, Toho's official website, chosunonline, and a ton of Japanese fanblogs/Bigeast fanblogs and none of them mentioned this at all.

Yeah, good point. I cheked the site and it is really unregistered. I dont want to ruin anyone's mood, but i think it would be unfair for fans if we get news like this and then find out in the end that those are just rumors. That irks me a lot... XD And it is in the rules on the first post as well, only news with reliable sources should be credited and posted.

But anyway, it will be so great if Junsu really were the composer of SBU. It's a great song, like really. :D

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Guest inatlum

Uhm, I know you're just sharing the news, but how reliable is this?

Cos I checked on the supposed source ent163.com

//EDIT: @Sheilapiglet, unfortunately the drama version only shows artiste, director and producer. :( Good point though! I just dunno how reliable this news is. :x

<3 amanda

I checked the source, and the source is working for me. But the thing is that I can not read chinese.

but the source works:


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Guest sweetfig

HONGKI talking about DBSK

- this is just really short. it starts at 0:44. Its okay hongki, you will get your limelight back!-hehe

edit: ^ its actually in chinese, not japanese.

edit2: [NEWS]Lee HongKi, “Because of Dong Bang Shin Ki, FT Island do not get any limelight”

FT Island member Lee Hong Ki talks about having to promote the same time as other popular seonbae singers.

He was KBS 2TV ‘Star Golden Bell’ on 3oth May when he said, “We have a bad affinity not with the people but with the time period. Because we promote at the same time as other seonbae singers like Rain and Dong Bang Shin Ki, FT Island do not get any limelight.”

After which actress Yoon Hae Yeong, who proclaims to be FT Island’s fan, said, “I’m very curious how you can sing such emotional songs at such a young age. When I listen to your songs, I will really cry.”

Lee HongKi also revealed that he is famous for his singing and billiard when he was still schooling, “Coincidentally I began to like playing billiard, I thought it was really fun. Even in school, I see the blackboard as the billiard table.”

credits: kbites

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^Haha, Hongki's so cute! XD


Can someone post up the lotte calander picture for June. It was just released like 1 or 2 weeks ago, but I forgot to save the June one. Thanks ahead of time

June Lotte Pics <3



... I'm trying to restrain myself from watching miroticon on utube because I wanna watch it on DVD! XP

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Guest 432521

^Haha, Hongki's so cute! XD

June Lotte Pics <



... I'm trying to restrain myself from watching miroticon on utube because I wanna watch it on DVD! XP

Thanks these are the ones I am talking about, but I was wondering if anyone has bigger versions because on my laptop it gets all grainy and pixulated when i put it as my desktop

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Guest enahh

hello! hope everyone's doin' well :)

was away for like a month and it's no good! i've been here like for hours now reading the pages i missed! :crazy:

though it's a bit tiring, i'm still happy coz i get to read all your thoughts on different things^^, plus all the news, info, pics, videos, etc. whoah! i just don't want to miss a single thing! and big thanks to all of you guys! *hugs*

on Taephoong to be a daddy of 8,

i bet his master, Yunho is very excited on this one...well, i'd be if taephoong was my dog^^ wish i could have one of those puppies! :P

on Stand By U,

i'm loving it! :wub:

i'm not a japanese but i personally think that they're giving justice to every japanese song they recorded...it's just awesome...the feelings they put in their singing...gee, can't get any better than that! well, they're not called Tohoshinki for nothing, right? ;) fighting!

the PV's a sad one, but it's beautifully filmed^^ kudos to the people responsible to it! :)

can't wait for the THSK's PV version...hope it'll be soon! ^_^

on the lip-synch issue

ok, i bet many of us here are already sick of this issue...i'm one...but this isn't really an issue for me...i know what our boys can do...end of story :D

btw, right now i'm worried about the H1N1 virus...i just hope that our boys are taking extra care...reported cases of the virus are everywhere...and they're in the middle of their TSC tour...don't want anyone of them getting sick and all...and there's still Tokyo Dome in July...let's just always pray for their health and safety! and for the fans too who are going to watch the concerts...we don't want a single fan missing TSC con because of an illness...

oh well, just my few-cent-worth of blabbing...hehe :P

again, thanks to all my fellow dongbang lovers here! ^^ (wish i could call myself a cassie...dying to be an official member *sigh*)

take care everyone!

God bless!


i sent you a PM :)


thanks for June Lotte pics^^

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Guest Senorita_

Yunho's Taephoong soon to be a daddy of 8 puppies

Really? Lol, if he's going to be a dad I doubt they bred it with Changmin's Mandung, I think it's more likely they bred it with a female Siberian Husky =)

Well lol, I'm refraining myself from watching Miroticon, I'm going to wait for the DVD - though I'm not sure if there will be a big difference between the one that was broadcasted or the one on the DVD -_- But, I hope it comes out by Christmas.

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Guest teeniebliss


Same here. I don't want to watch the concert yet until the DVD's out. But I couldn't help it and already spoil it for myself with watching the beginning performances><


Can someone post up the lotte calander picture for June. It was just released like 1 or 2 weeks ago, but I forgot to save the June one. Thanks ahead of time

Thanks these are the ones I am talking about, but I was wondering if anyone has bigger versions because on my laptop it gets all grainy and pixulated when i put it as my desktop



Here you go 432521. These are a bit bigger. Hope it's better for ya =)

Oh! and Taephoong being a daddy to 8 pups! Wonder if the other members will find a mate for their dogs as well? :P

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Guest lil' zen

I juz love songs composed by Xiah...No wonder I liked this too...tho I just got to know Xiah composed it...I used to be only a fan of Xiah but now the rest of the members n I can't believe I'm saving up to buy AADBSK!! O.o I've been listening to Bigeastation too and it's extra HILARIOUS whenever Junsu's ard...

I luv their doggies and...how did the fans noe tat Taepung was gonna have 8 puppies? Yunho announced it?

I hope u guys dun mind fulfilling my lil request tho...being a first timer here...Can I request for the picture of Xiah in a red chef's hat doing his cute pose? The picture is also found at Crebeau Belle...

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Guest lyphta

Since we've been on discussion about concerts and stuff, I was watching the tbs airing of Five in the Black and I thought it was VERY interesting hearing name chants from the Japanese fans during The Way U Are. (unless Cassies came and cheered? but I'd like to think it's the Japanese fans XD)

Here's the link!

DBSK - The Way U Are Live 2nd Live Tour Five in the Black 07

credit: uploader

I wasn't expecting fan chants from the fans since we know how Japanese fans don't really chant and do all that stuff during DBSK's tours nowadays. So it's kinda nice hearing them do it for them in the past, especially at Budokan, which of course everyone knows was super big for the boys :D

Sounds just like Cassies cheering in Korea ^^

(it was funny cause when I heard the fan chants, I was like, "Wait, aren't I listening to the Japanese The Way U Are not the Korean one?" XDD Totally wan't expecting it, but it was nice!)

Taepoong being a dad

awwww! I bet Yunho is REALLY happy hearing that his doggie is a dad! And since Taepoong is having like 8 pups, that is like, exactly the number of kids Yunho wants LOL! He can call Taepoong's babies his children~ <3

Seriously Taepoong is gonna have some cuteeeee puppies!

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Guest sweetfig

[iNFO] Korean Songs that US people listen most to

This is the ‘topchart’ of korean songs in USA. It’s ranked by number of times people listen.

1. Super Junior – Sorry , Sorry [109,387 times]

2. TVXQ! -wrong number [100,258 times]

3. Rain – Rainism [85,458 times]

4. Wonder Girls – Nobody [67,419 times]

5. Girl’s Generation – Gee [53,748 times]

6. TVXQ! – Mirotic [51,914 times]

7. BoA – Eat You Up [28,715 times]

8. Bigbang – Number 1 [16,499 times]

9. 2NE1 – FIRE [9,834 times]

10.Bigbang – Haru Haru [8,552 times]

11.Super Junior – Why i like you [5,304 times]

12.SHInee – Noona is so pretty [ 4,078 times]


Credit :: USA Vote Asia Song+sapphirepeals+sweetfig.blogspot

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Guest fin123

090601 Tohoshinki Goes Head to Head with Arashi on 7/1

Both will release a single on the 1st of July 2009. You can check CDJapan for confirmation too~

07/01 AZU I WILL BVCL-8/9 \1,365

07/01 AZU I WILL BVCL-10 \1,020

07/01 嵐 Everything JACA-5175/6 \1,470 (ARASHI)

07/01 嵐 Everything JACA-5177 \1,000  (ARASHI)

07/01 ALiBi レッドチェリーパイ LPA-008 \735

07/01 A&D 鈍色儚 DSMCD-006 \1,260

07/01 大川栄策 浪花ことぶき COCA-16286 \1,200

07/01 加東竜次 横浜恋はぐれ YZIM-15004 \1,200

07/01 加奈&孝次郎 毎日が誕生日 POCE-3265 \1,200

07/01 Kalafina storia SECL-786/7 \1,575

07/01 Kalafina storia SECL-788 \1,223

07/01 GACKT Flower DSCD-00014 \1,200

07/01 ℃-ute 暑中お見舞い申し上げます EPCE-5642/3 \1,680

07/01 ℃-ute 暑中お見舞い申し上げます EPCE-5644 \1,050

07/01 紅晴美 じゃんがら恋唄 VICL-36517 \1,200

07/01 GLORY HILL Cosmic Fly XNUR-10013 \1,260

07/01 阪井あゆみ×twenty4-7 STRONG BODY TOCT-40258 \1,000

07/01 Jewel Paradise lost JWL-003 \1,260

07/01 ジョンフン Blue Moon PCCA-02944 \1,260

07/01 ジョンフン Blue Moon PCCA-02943 \1,680

07/01 杉山清貴 Glory Love VPCC-82273 \1,200

07/01 Celestial Garden Celesten Chevalier PCM-034 \1,575

07/01 土屋アンナ Brave vibration CTCR-40291/B \1,680

07/01 土屋アンナ Brave vibration CTCR-40292 \1,050

07/01 傳田真央 泣きたくなるけど UPCH-5598 \1,200

07/01 東方神起 Stand by U RZCD-46286/B \1,796

07/01 東方神起 Stand by U RZCD-46287 \1,050

07/01 nawii SUMMER NUDE FLCF-4288 \1,260

07/01 初音 feat.KEN THE 390 恋に出逢った夏 AVCD-31624 \1,260

07/01 一十三十一 ダイヤモンドレールウェイ GRRC-10001 \1,000

07/01 風雅なおと 千年の独奏歌 XNHT-11001 \1,500

07/01 flumpool MW~Dear Mr.& Ms.ピカレスク~/夏Dive AZCS-2004 \1,500

07/01 flumpool MW~Dear Mr.& Ms.ピカレスク~/夏Dive AZCS-2005 \1,260

07/01 ブンブンサテライツ BACK ON MY FEET SRCP-412/3 \2,200

07/01 ブンブンサテライツ BACK ON MY FEET SRCP-414 \1,529

07/01 ブンブンサテライツ BACK ON MY FEET SRCP-415/6 \1,500

07/01 Mix Speaker's,Inc. 誘ワク星リズム MXSP-0016 \1,600

07/01 山口リサ Sunshine VICL-36512 \1,050

07/01 山根康広 愛しのマリア XNTR-15025 \1,155

07/01 遊佐未森 I'm here with you YCCW-30021/B \1,575

07/01 遊佐未森 I'm here with you YCCW-30022 \1,050

07/01 LOW IQ 01 NOT ALONE CTCR-40295

Source: Kyong-ha Bigeast entry

Credits: OneTVXQ.com

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