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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest asdfhjkl;


Love After Love from their Rising Sun album :]

So glad to hear that Xiahzart had a successful debut! I admit I didn't like the screams during the fancam when I watched it, but now I know it was curtain call I'm okay with it. As long as the fans were quiet during everything else. Junsu's high note was so great. Hopefully more fancams come!

Also, Happy Birthday Jae!!

I wonder how much Break Out will sell! -crossing fingers- Today is such an exciting today :D

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Guest Honey_KizZ

100124 Hero Festival 2010

HERO Festival 2010

This time Hero Jaejoong’s dad, mom, and 4th sister attended. It was very interesting.


Jaejoong is scared of ants T_T

When the 4th sister went to Jaejoong’s house, he saw there were ants in the kitchen. So she told Jaejoong: “Jaejoong, there are ants in the house. Go buy the spray to get rid of them.”

Jaejoong replies: “Those aren’t ants.” (= =) His sister shouts back “Are you an idiot? I told you go to by the spray!”

“Ah… What to do…… How can I go out…… to buy the spray……”

Jaejoong’s sister says: Fine, forget it.” So his sister decides to kill the ants her self. Jaejoong, who stood on the side watching, says, “Then I’ll find the ants, when I find them, you can kill them!” (- -) Just for find ants, Jaejoong went to his room to get the magnify glass~~~

As eh was finding, he says to his sister, “Just find the ants, after capturing the ants, everything will be fine!”

In the end, his sister went to by the spray.

Jaejoong said jokingly, “Even those ants that use to like me are leaving me now~~~”


Jaejoong moving

When the host asked about Jaejoong’s recent moving (to a new apartment), his sister said at first (when he moved out) he always lived his sisters, but he recently moved in with a friend. (That friend is probably Hyunjoong)

The day he was moving, Jaejoong’s 4th, 6th, and youngest sister when to help. When moving they have to eat noodles . That day, Jaejoong and his sisters ordered in. His 4th and 6th sister both ordered Jjajangmyeon. , while he and his 6th sister order something else. Soon their orders arrived, but sadly, what Jaejoong and his 6th sister ordered looked terrible.

When the forth sister came back after getting side dish, Jaejoong was eating Jjajangmyeon. . ~~~4th sister thought: “Did I order wrong?” But continued eating (what Jaejoong had ordered), but it tasted terrible. So she asked “Yah! Wasn’t I the one that ordered Jjajangmyeon. ?” Jaejoong replied: “Yes.”

So the forth sister gave Jaejoong back his order, and Jaejoong couldn’t do anything but eat it.

After taking one bite, he said his mouth hurts when eating spicy stuff, his sister thought he looked really hurt and offered him water. So he said “its alright” and ate while drinking water. With every bite, he drank some water. His 4th sister thought he was very pitiful, so she said, “Jaejoong, why don’t you eat Jjajangmyeon. ~” At first Jaejoong rejected saying “Its alright, I’m fine eating this.” In the end, he finished all the Jjajangmyeon.……


Jaejoong and medicine

In this past half year, because of all the bad stuff happening, Jaejoong always have a headache and liver problems. (T T) Jaejoong is the kind that if its not some big problem then he wouldn’t take medicine. But this time, he felt really terrible and believe it was serious and called his mom telling him where it hurts and asked her to prepare some medicien. His mom hurriedly found and prepared the medicine for him, but Jaejoong was in Japan at that time. So his mom as his 4th sister and his youngest sister to bring it to Jaejoong when he returns soon. In the end when Jaejoong came back to Korea, a lot of fans asked to give their gifts to Jaejoong, so they had a big pile of gifts. And Jaejoong himself fell asleep right away when he came back. So his sister helped him get settled and forgot to give him the medicine…… They didn’t know Jaejoong was going to Japan again just a few days after. (T T) The two sisters discussed what they should do, in the end deciding to tell their mom that they already gave the medicine to Jaejoong, and will actually give it to him next time he came back. The two sisters called Jaejoong telling him that they were both busy and forgot, and will give him the medicine next time.

Then, Jaejoong immediately called his mom! He told his mom his sisters prepared eveyrthing except for giving him the medicine, they lied to him and they actually ate it themselves!! Jaejoong tattled on his sisters saying that they think he is not young anymore and doesn’t care for him anymore. After that, Jaejoong’s mom immediately arrived in Seoul!


Jaejoong’s food incident

Jaejoong’s mom prepared Jaejoong a lot of food, and told him she brought a lot so she most share with his sisters. Jaejoong replied saying he understand and would share. That was his exact answer! Soon after, his sister came to ask for her share, Jaejoong said I need to eat to, why should I give it to my sister (==)


Jaejoong’s “fly” incident

After Jaejoong moved, one day when his 4th sister was working, Jaejoong send her a text asking: “can you come over~what time can you com?” So his sister replied about 9 to 10. Jaejoong replied saying he understands, and that there’s soup at home. That night, Jaejoong went to his house, and saw him waiting with his youngest sister, the soup was not touched at all. His 4th sister thought it was weird, thinking that it was not like the 2 of them to act that way. And when she got the spoon to drink the soup, the two of them still wouldn’t touch it. She thought it was weird but didn’t think too much about it. Later, Jaejoong’s roommate came in, Jaejoong asked him to have some soup as well. In the end it was only his 4th sister and Jaejoong’s roommate that drank the soup. Very weird! Later the found out, when Jaejoong and his youngest sister bought the soup, they found a fly in the soup. Even after they called and got the replacement, Jaejoong and his youngest sister still felt weird and would not drink the soup no matter what.


What Jaejoong asked his sister to not share: When Jaejoong’s composing……. haha

4th sister says: “When I told Jaejoong I would come to this festival, Jaejoong asked me to never share this…… WHen Jaejoong’s composing, he would wear a big shirt that covers half of his legs, and only wear boxers (T/N: not sure if she meant underwear or boxers) underneath……. Sometimes its skin colored……”

During this time of break, Jaejoong wrote 3 slow songs (T/N: not positive), and 1 dance song. One day when Jaejoong was in the middle of composing, his 4th and youngest sister were outside. Jaejoong suddenly shouts for his youngest sister to come in. Not even minding his 4th sister. He only let his youngest sister listen to his songs and the two of them chatted happily. When they were chatting, the youngest sister says she has trouble going to sleep lately, so Jaejoong made his new song into a CD and gave it to his youngest sister saying if she has trouble sleeping, she should listen to this song. So the 4th sister says: “Jaejoong, give me the dance song, I can listen to it while I’m exercising~~~~~”


This year, Jaejoong’s 4th sister’s popular saying is “Someone like Jaejoong, XXXXXX, don’t like him too much!” His dad was like usual and doesn’t talk too much. Jaejoong’s mom is like all mothers. All in all, this year was lots more interesting than the previous year.


For this festival, there were 15 signed CDs, and 4th sister brought a collection of Jaejoong’s jewelry, and gave out 18 Jaejoong’s private pictures. To tell you the truth, the question they asked were really hard.

In the end, Jaejoong’s mom said, this time next year, I will definitely make Jaejoong come!

At the very end, there was the message Jaejoong asked his 4th sister to must tell the fans.

“I will always keep the faith. Please wait for me. Everything will be better.

Thank you all for believing me and waiting for me, I love you all”

source: Korean blog

credit: baidutvxq

trans+shared by: sharingyoochun.net


thanks! i'll edit it.

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^^ awww Jae's family are so sweet. Happy bday once again to Jae. I swear I've wished him a happy bday so many times today. lol

Congrats to Su on a successful debut! May he continue till the end without any hitches.

Fingers crossed for BreakOut! tomorrow.

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Guest flyaway.

100124 Hero Festival 2010

This time Hero Jaejoong’s dad, mom, and 4th sister attended. It was very interesting.

WWhen moving they have to eat noodles (T/N: 炸酱面, anyone know what that is?).

炸酱面 = Jjajangmyeon.

Thanks for sharing! I was laughing throughout the whole fanaccount. Oh, the dirty little secrets. Jae's one spoiled little brother, isn't he? XD Hahaha. But I bet all his sisters love him nonetheless. And he moved in with a friend and wrote 4 songs during his break? Very productive. I hope we'll get to hear the songs someday soon!

& I can't wait for the oricon chart update tonight! I hope Break Out sells a lot. ^^ I already got mine today, yay!

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Guest Kasumi08

And he can't eat spicy things anymore or that particular dish? Take care of yourself Jaejoong T_T.

And excuse me but liver problems? Oh hell no! That's really pissing me off. I hope he's feeling better now. And I felt bad when he said that even the ants that used to like him are leaving him. I'm not leaving you JJ, we're still here boo.

I'm really glad that he's not living by himself and that he is surrounded with people that care about him (and I feel like his family spoils him and showers him with love lol)

I hope the fans bought him a bunch of Louis Vuitton goods (and the usual money to charity that fans tend to do)!

I'm Junsu biased so I honestly cannot contain myself concerning Mozart. I feel like a mother proud of her son (and he's just a year younger than me lol); Su Mama and Papa must be very proud of him. He looks so happy and young and cute. As long as he is happy then I'm happy. I'm praying for a DVD.

And Junsu made it on the Ameba search ranking; it's usually only JJ and YC (and THSK) :lol: .

Break Out tomorrow! It's a busy week (well not ccompared to what we used to have pre lawsuit but still good).

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Guest afterglow.

[TRANS] 100126 BREAK OUT! Bigeast Version's Messages

[click to enlarge]


Please get some strength from listening to BREAK OUT!

I will also do my best. Yosh~!!


For the sake of everyone and the sake of us,

I want to try harder and harder. ^^

Happy New Year Everyone!!


We tried our best making it~!


Please listen to it over and over again!



It's cold isn't it~

Please be careful not to catch a cold.


To Everyone in Bigeast~☆

Please have fun listening to BREAK OUT!

and enjoy its high-spirited dance.


At shooting location for jacket cover


Yoochun cut his hair sharply short to fit the image of the song.

When he got praises from the staff saying that "You're so handsome~!!", he got very embarrassed!

This is Yoochun's embarrassed expression☆


Junsu had his hair styled the opposite side from usual.

He said, "It's the first time since I was born that I styled my hair on the opposite side, it's so weird~~!!"; and while he was taking a break, he styled his hair back to the usual side at his convenience, and got scolded by the hair stylist (LOL).


When he had some spare time, Changmin were busy writing Christmas messages to fans!

When we praised him that he was good at drawing, he asked us, "Is it…… unexpected?" (LOL)


Since he had to pose on one leg for the whole time and wasn't able to rest on two legs, Jaejoong was having a hard time.

When he was having a break, he kind of… shrunk into a corner and looked dejected (>_<) Fighting, Jaejoong!!


Since his shooting was the last of all, Yunho said, "Let's end this quickly and go eat with everyone!" and really did his best.

His posing was as expected! He's definitely a leader that can be depended on♪

From Bigeast Staff

Source: TVXQ Baidu

Translation: linhkawaii @ OneTVXQ.com

Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

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Guest Eltoshen

Here's to hoping that they'll release the DVD version of Mozart in HD one day...

I hate not being able to attend something as huge as his musical debut. :[

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Here's to hoping that they'll release the DVD version of Mozart in HD one day...

I hate not being able to attend something as huge as his musical debut. :[

Me too. I really want to attend Junsu's musical also. I'm sure that they will come

up with a DVD version considering how popular it has been and how quickly the tickets were

sold. I just don't want to have to wait forever before that happens. I'm wondering how soon they

will start selling the soundtrack because usually when you go to a musical, they sell all the

goods there which includes the soundtrack.

Last but not least, thank you everyone for sharing Xiahzart pictures and videos. Junsu looks so

happy, like a little boy after getting a piece of candy that he really wanted. :D

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^Awh, I totally agree with you two on that. I would SOOOOOOOOOOO purchase one to support him. Let's keep hoping!!! xD

^^Thanks for sharing the pictures Q-Girl!


Awh, it was incredible to see him on stage singing like that again. It looked like he had one heck of a time doing so. I'm so happy for him and very proud as well. When he hit that high note, Cassies screamed and if anyone else noticed, the actor right behind Su in the black attire laughed/smiled at their reaction. XD That moment was totally priceless!

I hope all the other Dong Bang guys saw him in his debut show. It's such a wonderful and special moment for him.

Junsu's definitely still got his charisma and I miss seeing it like crazy. xD

Ps. I don't remember if I said this already but saying it again wouldn't hurt. lol


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Guest Mitakki

Thanks for Hero Festival fan account, I smiled reading it, his family is so sweet! ^^

Mozart Musical, so happy we can hear Junsu's voice again, his charisma = awesome, he seemed to enjoy it very much!!!

And what made me happy more is Korean Cassies confirmed that Jaejoong and Yoochun were there, they sat on the VIP seats. It's so sweet of them to come to support Junsu!!! :D

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Guest Natsumi_sshi

^Thanks for all the Xiahzart pictures! Junsu was breath-taking in the videos. Especially at the end his vibrato and falsetto made me melt :) Gotta love his voice. And the jeans/outfit never fail to make me lol. Even time and time again after seeing it. The kid Mozart is so cute as well, and Junsu looked really happy and there was almost a teary-eyed moment at the end no? Looking forward to seeing more of these videos!

Hope all the boys could've supported him in one way or another for the musical, even a phone call would be much loving support? And I wondered what they did for Jae's birthday too. Loving the Break Out single and I hope it does well on the charts!

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Guest Honey_KizZ

[TRANS] 100126 YooChun's Interview On ‘SPRING’ Magazine's March Issue

Credits: tvxq time

Fashion Theme: ‘Innocent College Student’ who loves ‘SPRING’ Style

YooChun: There are many types of dressing styles that I like (in the magazine). The model's make-up is light, very natural, and not bad. I would also like to be one of the models in the magazine and get published, can’t I (Laughs)? Feel like it’s really close to what I would wear normally…

YooChun, who was reading the magazine detailedly, not missing a single corner of it, wasn’t joking around. It seems like he meant everything that he said. His usual dressing style is also the casual type (liked he had mentioned).

YooChun: I like wearing beach slippers during the summer, the comfortable and simple college student's style.

As he wanted to wear something different from his performing outfits, he chose to wear a long coat that he bought a long time ago. Initially, he was still worrying whether it will be suitable or not, but after pairing it with a tie, it really suited the YooChun who is casual yet retaining a high class feel.

YooChun: I really like this shirt. Recently I bought a brown leather jacket in Japan, and during summer I would like to buy a bathing suit from Japan too. JaeJoong bought one before and I felt like getting one too!

We asked YooChun, who is well-versed in both Japanese and Japan’s culture, on what he wishes to receive during Valentine’s Day.

YooChun: I would like to get the signatures of Murakami Haruki, Yoshimoto Banana, and Tsuji Hironari (they are famous novelists in Japan). A long time ago, I read ‘1Q84’ by Murakami Haruki, the thoughts are very meaningful, but what I read is a translated version. If only I can get better at my Japanese, then I would be able to understand the meaning of the words on a deeper level, and the beauty of it. However, there are still parts that I’m not able to fully understand in the book, it’s really difficult. Keep having the thoughts of how good it will be when I can fully understand the meaning of the book by reading the Japanese version.

Other than that, I would also like to receive a letter from my brother, whom I sent a very big present to during Christmas. Though I heard from others that he ‘loves it very much!’, but he has not shown a happy expression to me when we were together (Laughs). Rather than receiving the chocolates from my brother’s girlfriend who was being polite, I would like to receive truthful thoughts from my brother.

Source: SPRING + OhMicky

Translation: sshutingg @ OneTVXQ.com

Special Thanks: linhkawaii + ミ♥ Lovedust @ OneTVXQ.com

Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

[TRANS] 100126 APPEALING Magazine 60th issue (Jan 22)

The scans is very HUGE ! So please view it in FULL size (View In another tab | Click the back border on Top | Save it to your desktop)

T/N : Because there are some parts that contain old information so we only translate the necessary part


Source : Appealing Magazine ; Scans Credit: JJ-toko + SharingYoochun.net

Translated by: smiley@OneTVXQ + linhkawaii@OneTVXQ (Break Out’s Lyric)

Special Thanks To: Lexy + xU*@OneTVXQ

Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please upload the images to your own host.

Do not remove the translations from the PS-ed scans. Thanks!


T/N: The scans are HUGE! Please view it in FULL size (View In another tab | Click the black border on Top | Save it to your desktop)

Additional T/N: This has been far the longest and hardest translation I’ve ever done, and should have been a painful task for the proofreaders, linh-chan and diana, too. Also, it should have been a task for xU-chan to put it up to the templetes…but it is as linh-chan said during our task, "This is really long, but it is nothing compared to the 5 years of them in Japan."

Everyone, please enjoy the lovely works of our staffs!






Source: OUT of MUSIC Magazine + HEROKO

Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.com

Special thanks: linhkawaii, diana© + xU* @ OneTVXQ.com

Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please upload the images to your own host.

Do not remove the translations from the PS-ed scans. Thanks!

100127 Unique Birthday Gift To Yunho - Fans Donate KRW$3,000,000 To Gwangju

The fanclub for U-know Yunho, a member of popular group TVXQ, aroused interest when they donated KRW$3,000,000 to Gwangju, in aid of the needy.

On the 25th, according to a representative of the Gwangju Social Welfare and Fundraising Centre (T/N: name is loosely translated), a person from the fan club called a week earlier to say that they will come down to make a donation of KRW$3,000,000 in the name of U-know Yunho, who was born in Gwangju. The representative said, "To celebrate U-know Yunho's birthday, the members of the fanclub pooled their money together to come up with this sum."

Initially, the members of the fanclub wanted to use the money collected to buy gifts, but recently, Yunho expressed, "For the many people who are suffering, how about donating together instead?", and the fans decided to respond to his view and made the donation instead.

U-know Yunho, who graduated from High School in 2004, visits his alma mater every January, sponsors scholarships, as well as does charity work in the area. Also, Yunho's father recently donated a sum of KRW$5,000,000 under Yunho's name, through a programme run by a local broadcasting station, "Help the Haiti Earthquake Victims", and this caught the eye of many as well.

Source: [baidutvxq]

Translation credits: mandasoh@tohosomnia.net

Shared by: tohosomnia.net

Do not remove/add on any credits

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Guest petiteange22

Thanks for Hero Festival fan account, I smiled reading it, his family is so sweet! ^^

Mozart Musical, so happy we can hear Junsu's voice again, his charisma = awesome, he seemed to enjoy it very much!!!

And what made me happy more is Korean Cassies confirmed that Jaejoong and Yoochun were there, they sat on the VIP seats. It's so sweet of them to come to support Junsu!!! :D

omg serious?!

i've been waiting for someone to confirm this all night!!!

yay! <3

i'm happy :P

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Guest dita_Von_tesse

not sure if this had been posted before, but i just saw it on DNBN

#1-#5 are the members' selections for best album ~

1.Forever Love(ジュンス) 준수 (junsu)

2.SHINE(ユチョン) 유천 (yoochun)

3.Love in the Ice(ジェジュン) 재중 (jaejoong)

4.Beautiful you(チャンミン) 창민 (changmin)

5.HUG(ユンホ) 윤호 (yunho)



8.With All My Heart~君が踊る、夏~


source : 님과함께

credits : DNBN

is #8 a new song ? :ph34r:

edit : so jaechun (not too sure but chun brought his mom, right?), junsu's parents & junho, yeongpil (?) were there :D

heard there were some other celebs, too B) junsu is popular ^^

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Guest flyaway.

Thanks for Hero Festival fan account, I smiled reading it, his family is so sweet! ^^

Mozart Musical, so happy we can hear Junsu's voice again, his charisma = awesome, he seemed to enjoy it very much!!!

And what made me happy more is Korean Cassies confirmed that Jaejoong and Yoochun were there, they sat on the VIP seats. It's so sweet of them to come to support Junsu!!! :D

Aw! That's sweet. I wonder if they went out for a celebration afterward, for Jae's bday and for the success of Su's first show. (:

not sure if this had been posted, but i just saw it on DNBN

the members' selections for best album ~

8.With All My Heart~君が踊る、夏~

is #8 a new song ? :ph34r:

Omo! Yes, I think it is? XD That's nicee. I've been waiting for a new song.

And there's LITI, you guys. Hahaha. No need to complain about it not being there anymore.

I kind of knew that one of them would choose it though.

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