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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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This is loved <33 Their voice harmonized perfectly and loving JaeChun's rapping in here. It was so good to see them both performed. I missed them so much.

As much as I love them both performing this song, yes, I have the same thought as you in this. They did sing this song beautifully, but when they are five, their harmonized is better because they are the brightest when they are 5 <33 Good job, Soulmate!

ONE thing, I'm tired with some users who lazy or have not read the previous posts..then they just freak out without REASON...AHH!!!OH no!!! they will disband...and then this forums becomes HOT again and jump for SOOO MANY PAGES.. I KNOW all of US HERE Scared, Afraid, and feel INSECURE...BUT PLEASE...THEY NEED US!!! MEDIA CAN SHOW WHATEVER THEY WANT< WHATEVER THEY THINK IT CAN MAKE IT HOT!!! I we as fan shakes our thought..where they can get their strength..How they can stay strong....If you freak out with certain article DONT JUST EXPLODE!!! THINK RATIONALLY!!!! THE BOYS ALWAYS SAID THEY DONT WANT TO DISBAND!!!!! PLEASE BELIEVE IT!!!aigoooo i've become granny now

It seems to me that you're one of those who freak out in here. Calm down. If that post really irritates you, then why don't you just ignore it. If you can't ignore it, then why don't you just simply give the answer to them. Just say no, they won't disband. No, they're not and they will never be. I believe the simple answer like that will actually make them feel better and cool down. They already freak out and I don't think we need more people to freak out. Sure do, we need to be calm and not to explode, but who did actually explode here?

my ideas (warning: may richard simmons some people off) but this is just what i think.

i'm not gonna focus on my extreme displeasure with SME right now because everyone pretty much feels the

same way and voicing that again and again would just be... well useless. so i'm gonna focus on something else

right now which might really richard simmons some fans off. i would really like to support jaesuchun all the way through this

but if it's true that they just want to cancel their entire contract and move to a different company whilst working

with the other two members as DBSK, i think it's a little... well it pisses me off basically. like the court said, i

think the best way in dealing with all this is to have both sides come to a MUTUAL agreement and if jaesuchun

only wants to leave then i don't think that's mutual and i think it's quite unfair to changmin and yunho, and the

fans. again i think it's quite unrealistic for the 3 members to switch companies and still work like nothing happened

with yunho and changmin, SOMETHING will be different. so i think the BEST SOLUTION is for SME to get out of

their little world and give DBSK a humane contract and jaesuchun will also give in a little and STAY in SME with

their members. together.

Sorry to cut you post in here, Rebecca. But, I agree with you here. The best way to deal with this situation for now is to have both side to come to mutual agreement. Both side need to compromise, even if that seem quite hard right now, but I believe nothing is impossible. The boys just want sm to revise their contract. They just want their human's right, their work to be paid off accordingly to what they have worked for. If sm can change this, both part will not lose anything more.

Hi everyone!

I have been a nuna fan of DBSK for a while now and been silent reader. Just wanted to express my opinion as objectively as possible since the first hearing is over. I know it's long but hopefully, some of you will take the time to read it.

1. At this point, I don't think SME and JaeChunSu can work together as before. Too much has happened since the filing of the lawsuit and both sides have been hurt by it. I believe 100% that SME and JaeChunSu DO NOT WANT DBSK TO DISBAND...

Sorry to cut your post, but kudos to you for the whole post. I read it all, and you really got the point there (:

After all, I really hope they can stay together as five in the same company, with a better contract. We all want the best thing for the all five of them because for some of us, the boys themselves is one of the best things that happened in our life (: They deserve to get what they really deserved. Always keep the faith <33

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Guest lovelyunho

Ahh! Colors album art is really really pretty. xD makes me want to get my hands on the single even more. :o and all the boy pop factory fancams = <333. Somehow, I like seeing them perform in intimate venues.

edit: HTG gifs! I can't wait for the drama to air 8D 8D.

@lovelyunho: I agree that Crebeau might be a source of conflict or one of the motivating factors for the lawsuit, but to go so far as to say that "CreBeau is the reason why the lawsuit was filed in the first place and why HoMin did not" seems to be overboard to me. What we fans know and can speculate about is probably only the tip of the iceberg. It seems like you're oversimplifying things. And I can't see JaeChunSu being willing to risk disbandment just for a cosmetics company that represents just one part of their personal financial investments.

I do agree with what you wrote about statements from JaeChunSu's lawyer and SM. Information from neither side is entirely trustworthy. At the end of the day, this is a lawsuit ... it's all about putting a spin on things and trying to build a stronger case for your side so you can win. Actually, I'm not inclined to take anything news articles are reporting seriously because both sides can make all the unsupported statements they want through the press, but the case's outcome is only going to be decided on the arguments their legal reps make to the court itself.

First of all, thank you for being civil :) I know this thread can sometimes get very heated and I was kind of bracing myself for some angry replies.

You're right, the case is far more complicated now than any of us could probably imagine since we're not SME or JaeChunSu. The lawsuit has opened up a whole can of "worms" and it will probably get more nasty. However, if it wasn't for their conflict with CreBeau and needing some immediate resolution, I wonder if they would have filed the dispostion or continued to try to work things out quietly. I guess we'll never know unless the boys themselves say something about it later on. I think they filed the lawsuit because SME gave them no other choice being greedy SME that they are and they had to get a resolution regarding CreBeau.

I don't think JaeChunSu would risk DBSK disbandment b/c of a cosmetics company. I don't think it was ever about disbandmentt even though that's what the media keeps referring to. JaeChunSu had a conflict with the exclusivity clause and they took action to remedy that after their attempts at negotiations failed. I don't think it has anything to do with conflict within the group or SME wanting to disband DBSK. As for HoMin not joining the lawsuit, I don't think it's just because they weren't involved in CreBeau (although I think that's part of the reason). I have my opinions as to some other reasons. So as not to make this a longer essay than it already is, let me just say this:

In a Japanese (magazine?) interview not too long ago, HoMin were asked what they thought being a "man" meant?

Changmin's answer: being responsible- (perhaps accepting the consequences of the decisions you make even though it turns out that it is not fair and trying to work it out quietly)

Yunho's answer: being able to protect-(protect not just his members and immediate family but the fans, the staff that have worked with them from debut and friends by trying to work it out quietly)

I think their answers might give some light as to why they may not have joined in the lawsuit. I'm sure there are lots of other reasons but I think their answers are at the core of who they are as people and what they firmly believe in. It's not a matter of the boys not supporting each other or not wanting to be together as a group but they are all adults now and they have to do what they feel is right for each of them as individuals. I don't think any of them are being selfish, disloyal, etc. as they are being portrayed by various people. Maybe JaeChunSu felt they can't/won't wait any longer trying to make SME give in to some of their requests and HoMin felt they should keep trying w/o lawsuit.

EDIT: `cookies. thank you for taking the time to read my post even though it was really long :)

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Guest fin123

[TRANS] 090821 a-nation "Always Keep the Faith" Silent Protest

Source: ameblo.jp

Translation: Wynniie @ OneTVXQ.com

Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

TVXQ fans:

As heard in Osaka and Tokyo, at the A-Nation venues, we are planning to have a silent protest campaign. If you are participating in the Osaka or Tokyo A-Nation event, please join in!

If you want to do something for TVXQ...

We should have the same idea as the Korean Cassies who had a silent protest; their theme was "Cassieopeia Together".

We, as big fans as TVXQ, have decided to have a silent protest against SME with red ribbons!

Participate in this event, it is really simple; Please have a red ribbon with white text that says "Always Keep The Faith!" If you are able to include a message to DBSK on the ribbon, the better it is. The ribbon can be worn on your wrist. It is also preferred that everyone has bags and t-shirts that says "Always Keep The Faith!"

If you have thoughts such as "I love TVXQ"... "I really want to do something for TVXQ"... Such thoughts, please, let's join hands and let this message travel from mouth or by writing in blogs.

If you are going to join in this silent protest:

In any case, please do not give any trouble to TVXQ.

If you have friends that are going to participate in this action, we would be very glad.

This activity may seem simple, but it may have more impact than any direct activites against SME. We will be able to give TVXQ visual communications.

Please try to visually communicate that we will always support the five of them and the remaining firm that awaits them.

[TRANS] 090821 SM's Side of the Lawsuit


Translation: Wynniie @ OneTVXQ.com

Credits: OneTVXQ.com { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

According to South Korean media, it is reported that at the Seoul Central Court, at 10:20 a.m., a session of the JaeSuYoo lawsuit took place.

SME's lawyer had stated in court that SM never forced TVXQ to star in ads or unwillingly made them perform and had always timely paid DBSK the income they deserved. SM had said in court, that because of this dispute, they had suffered from 150 billion won in direct economic losses and had made a serious blow to the company's image. So, SME hopes to resolve the dispute as soon as possible.

SME's lawyer had said that SM had wanted to stop them from promoting the cosmetic company because they were mainly worried about DBSK's image, not other goals.

The problem about DBSK belonging to SM for an excessive amount of time was talked about. SM's lawyer had said that the Korean Fair Trade Commission had recently released a respective agreement about the companies owning singers for an unlimited amount of time.

SM's lawyer had also stated that they would, every six months, have an income distribution reciept issued to the DBSK members and allowed them to sign to confirm.

SME and JaeSuYoo, though both sides were against each other in the morning, they both indicated that they did NOT want DBSK to disolve/disband.

The previous day, there had been about an estimated amount of 120 000 TVXQ fans that were also signing a petition to the court and asking for agreements to DBSK's favours.

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Guest shuureigirl

However, if it wasn't for their conflict with CreBeau and needing some immediate resolution, I wonder if they would have filed the dispostion or continued to try to work things out quietly

If it wasn't CreBeau, it would have been something else. SM wants to be able to control most or all of their income so they can take their cut from the money that's generated. Nothing outside of SM would have ever gotten approval by SM. Period. Let's not even kid ourselves.

If you control an artist that turns everything they touch into gold, why would you want that artist to be off creating gold that you can't in some way get a percentage of? Or why would you want them creating gold for someone else? You'd look for any reason to keep them from doing it.

If it weren't CreBeau, it would be something else. I wouldn't be surprised if SM is ticked off because the skincare company ruined SM's plans for a company like that which SM would control and use TVXQ to promote. (SM of course would get most of the money.) This could be why they keep talking about it as if it were the reason.

According to the guys, they were trying to work this issue out and were totally ignored. This entire situation, IMO, is SM's fault. If they figured out a way to assuage the guys, they may not have been faced with this public battle. It would have been nothing for them to quietly change the contract terms and none of us would have known anything about it.

Latest: TVXQ Lawyer Angry over 45M False Rumor

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Guest DarkAngelInLove

totally agree

pure stuff/deep stuff by young asians in a boyband who don't speak fluent english (unless u count in micky's 4 years of "engrish" skills) definitely is a big problem for american advancement

i LOLed at the gay comment

asians tend to be more touchy feely

americans would FOR SURE think of gay and be more repulsed

but then again, if the wondergirls can do it and actually make it to itunes, i'm sure our boys could make it to big time radio and daytime talk shows if they learn english like they learned japanese

plus the beautiful faces, charismatic stage presence, REAL SINGING TALENT and catchy dance songs could be a big factor in their success

anyway, the boys would succeed in basically everything if they put their hearts to... THIS I CAN GUARANTEE

but i doubt SM would put them out here in the US after they have been dealing with such a big case

china would be a more realistic goal since they already have quite a huge fanbase there

(and they know that)

but we never what SM is thinking these days *sighs*

I gotta totally disagree with the both of you. First of all Hollywood doesn't equal US music industry. Hollywood is movies not music. Also you really shouldn't overgeneralize all Americans like that. The thing you guys are saying about Americans not wanting to listen to anything that is not in English is not 100% true. How do you explain all the American DBSK fans that are not Asian and do not speak Korean or Japanese? The fact that I am an African American who speaks, reads and writes in Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese (because those are the common languages spoken in the area of Florida where I live) proves that what you guys are saying is not all true. Besides Kpop, I also listen to Jpop, Mexican pop, and Brazilian baile funk.My twin sister and our friends have no clue what the boys sing about in other languages and we still buy all of their merchandise. It's the same for other fans in non-Asian countries that I have meant. And FYI, the US does not have an official language and are not the only country that speaks majority English. It' s called "English" because it's from England. And over 337 different languages are spoken here. I don't know where you are from but I live a very diverse community where many do not know how to speak English at all. Since it is the global language, I don't think it will effect "America's advancement" at all since we are living in a more global environment where people like me who are on the other side of the world and still be an active fan of a Korean group.

And that thing you said about Asians being more touchy feely is false. I was chatting with a Korean DBSK fanboy the other day and he was telling me that he and his friends are nothing like that with each other but that is something that he likes about DBSK. And also that is the reason why it is seen as a little rude when Americans go up to strangers in Asian and hug them or say "Hi" to people that they do not know well. We are seen as too touchy feely. And if anything, being gay is a lot more accepted here than it is in Asia. If I had a dollar for every Asian guy that I had to bash on YouTube for calling DBSK gay, then I would be rich right now. I think that since there are more openly gay people here like celebs, singers, authors and even people's family members, that Americans are less likely to be "repulsed" by the word gay than places where it is still widely unaccepted. I am curious, exactly how many gay marriages have there been in Asia? Is it legal in some places there?

But I do agree that DBSK should not debut in America. I think the time for boybands is coming back soon but I wouldn't want them to have to "change their image" to fit with the trends here. Also, the language barrier thing is harsh. My friends have been through it and it's not fun. But they should debut somewhere outside of Asia at some point. I read an article that SM wanted to send them to Europe in the future.

Anyways, I am praying for the boys as they go through this tough trial. Hopefully everything works out fine and they get what they want out of this. DBSK fighting!!!

I agree with all three of you. Wonder Girls and BoA are able to premiere here because sex does sell and they are HOT! I'm not saying that DBSK are not HOT, you have to be blind to not see how hot they are (no offense to anyone). In America a group of chicks are hotter than a group of hot guys (for some reason. I wouldn't mind a group of hot guys ;) )

If they want to target American IN GENERAL, then it will be difficult since the whole "boy band" culture in America disappeared in 1990s. If they want to do America IN GENERAL, then learning English will definitely benefit them. However, I think they sound just fine singing here in Korean. HOWEVER, there are these completely racist people that I have met that kept telling people of color "If you want to do stuff in America, why don't you learn English?" I find that so offensive when I hear it because I'm a born and raise American and if I want to speak Viet, japanese, or Kor I'll speak it.

DBSK are still well known around the world, however, I do not believe they should debut in America just yet unless they truly believe in bringing the "boy band" culture back to America. America can be harsh with it criticisms, I mean the stars here they go crazy after a while.

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Guest some1gurl


I guess BIGEAST now slowly merge with cassie but with silent protest..GO BIGEAST!!!!

sorry for explode out of no where last night....I'm cool now...

I'm anticipate for their a-nation performance today...I MISS THEM ....I DO REALLY MISS THEM

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Guest miss_h

[TRANS] 090821 a-nation "Always Keep the Faith" Silent Protest

If you are going to join in this silent protest:

In any case, please do not give any trouble to TVXQ.

[TRANS] 090821 SM's Side of the Lawsuit


I like this statement A LOT...

Do it in a way that it wouldn't be a burden to DBSK :)

SME's lawyer had stated in court that SM never forced TVXQ to star in ads or unwillingly made them perform and had always timely paid DBSK the income they deserved. SM had said in court, that because of this dispute, they had suffered from 150 billion won in direct economic losses and had made a serious blow to the company's image. So, SME hopes to resolve the dispute as soon as possible.

I really want to say it this time.. remember when they have a performance for Korean Air Anniversary early this year despite the fact that they have TWO concert going on at the same time??? I really want to know if DBSK members is such a money seeker or such a workaholic to agree to perform in such small stage with insufficient sound system without any TV coverage. Not belittle any job or any stage but the fact that they have to do that stage in the middle of their ASIAN TOUR and ARENA TOUR has been bothering me the whole time.


I agree with some of you, there has to be a mutual agreement and negotiation between the two party. But it can only happen in both party show their good intention. We can not tell JaeChunSu to forgive and forget about everything, SM has to agree with their term or at least some of that.

Maybe it can just settle if SM agree to fulfill their demand of revising the contract and JaeChunSu can just forget all their loses (money) over the pass 5 years and start a new accounting book with SM. If only thing is as easy as this.


Yunho and Ara: B E A U T I F U L...

They both stunning but when they are put together like that I just left in owe. Can't wait for Yunho drama ro aired. Yunho Fighting!!!!

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Guest BlaisePaige

If it wasn't CreBeau, it would have been something else. SM wants to be able to control most or all of their income so they can take their cut from the money that's generated. Nothing outside of SM would have ever gotten approval by SM. Period. Let's not even kid ourselves.

If you control an artist that turns everything they touch into gold, why would you want that artist to be off creating gold that you can't in some way get a percentage of? Or why would you want them creating gold for someone else? You'd look for any reason to keep them from doing it.

If it weren't CreBeau, it would be something else. I wouldn't be surprised if SM is ticked off because the skincare company ruined SM's plans for a company like that which SM would control and use TVXQ to promote. (SM of course would get most of the money.) This could be why they keep talking about it as if it were the reason.

According to the guys, they were trying to work this issue out and were totally ignored. This entire situation, IMO, is SM's fault. If they figured out a way to assuage the guys, they may not have been faced with this public battle. It would have been nothing for them to quietly change the contract terms and none of us would have known anything about it.

Hence, in this instance it was about CreBeau? Then, it was not just a 'coincidence' that the other two were not party to the lawsuit. This logic makes sense if you view it from that perspective that's why perhaps SME included it in their allegations and JaeChunSu's lawyer did not. Adding that would be tantamount to putting the other two in a position where they have to break their silence. But there is always a time for everything, ne? It could also be one way of protecting their relationship as assuaged by the judge below:

Seoul District Court's Judge Park Byungdae, after listening to both sides, said, "We think the best way to solve this dispute is for the two sides come to a mutual agreement, when we put the responsibility for biggest fan club in the world and the relationship with the other two members into consideration."

Excerpt from Source: [yeonhap news+DNBN]

Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net

Shared by: tohosomnia.net

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Guest likelove8993

i hope all this things gooing well

m streessout n so tired

i hope more good news will come then

n they keep stronger inside as god`s rise of the east

*the name so meaningfull*

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Guest Honey_KizZ

Evisu’s Sales Boom After U-Know Yunho Endorses

After Asia’s highest idol group TVXQ’s leader, Jung Yunho, became a model of Evisu, the T-shirt, that contains a kind of memory, was released and has since then, received a lot of response.

This T-shirt received this comments: Using Evisu and Hills logo together, as well as a picture that has the feel of U-Know Yunho dancing has brought out active-ness very and well and also has the image of active U-Know Yunho.

After the T-shirt, that has 2 colors, black and white and has both female and male style, has been released, the sales broke 5000 within 2 weeks. The daily record is also constantly jumping. The shops has also been constantly requesting for more pieces from the main company.

source: [u-Know King]

translations: thesexy-orange@tohosomnia

the reason that yunho and changmin didnt join in the law suit was that they thought

there was a better way to solve the problem w/o suing sm.

they also have their drama contracts that they can not back out on.

090821 TVXQ vs SM Debate at Court

◇ Exclusive contract .. “lifetime contract” vs “for overseas expansion”

DBSK side: “Other famous agencies only have 5-7 years contract with their artists, in coherence with Korea Fair Trade Commissions which allows maximum 7 years for exclusive contact period, not as many as SM which lasts until 13 years.”

“Most idol singers’ active period is during the prime of their life. Therefore 13 years contract can be viewed as a lifetime contract.”

“In addition, if they terminate the contract during half way period, the penalty of sum of total investment and loss will cost up to 100 billion won which is the long term contract device to not allowing the artist to escape.”

SM side: “We already made several times modifications at the contract, in each and every points FTC can not accept. Also, if the artist wants to go international, they can’t choose but to have a long term contract.”

“We already had plan in our hand to do S.E.S record expansion with Japanese famous label back then, but it’s failed since they couldn’t take SM exclusive contract.”

“BoA, Kang Ta, and other artists engaged in overseas activities have exclusive contract period for 15 years. In order to get a result for overseas activities, we need a long period of time, we cant help it.”

◇ Revenue distribution .. “it should be proportional to income” vs “They’re agreed facts”

DBSK side: “The three members think that they do not get distribution revenue fairly to their proportional income. We respect SM business secret, but we also demand an exact calculation data about the income.”

SM side: “We released settlement data about each member publicly every six month. In fact, last February, all 5 DBSK members’ parent had signed the settlement and made an agreement about the contract.”

DBSK side: “The three members are still young men and don’t even know the content of settlement they had just signed. When our lawyer asked for re-statement of accounts, with reasons that it’s secret, the company refused to provide the data. Later on, SM only invited the members without any legal companion to look and talk about the data.”

◇ Cosmetics business .. “a common example,” vs “the nature of the case”

The lawyers of DBSK’s 3 members refused to make further comment about cosmetic business which is believed by SM side to be the nature of the case. “They do not put big investment in the cosmetic business and it’s a common incidental income among artists to have. We did not feel that money was the problem in this lawsuit so we did not talk about it on its own.”

SM side: “But the 3 members who applied this case are all the owners of cosmetic business. It proves that this is the main reason of this case.”

“As cosmetic business owners, the members will expose their image in to any events held, as well as in the homepage. And it’s considered as violation to the exclusive contract. SM should ask them to self-control regarding such kind exploitation because it has possibility to decrease the shock (exclusivity) of DBSK overall images.”

◇ DBSK will continue….

SM side: “Through this lawsuit, we hope to resolve any misunderstandings with the applicants (3 DBSK members), to deepen trust therefore we can together lead the future 2nd Korean wave. The star and agency, we want to grow together as their companion.”

“We have unlimited affection to the applicants and right now we’re seeking a long-range plan vision to debut them in Hollywood, United States. We hope this case can be resolved.”

DBSK side: “If you look at Shinhwa, although each member is in a different agency, they still perform as one group and the three members, even if they move agencies, do not wish to disband. As TVXQ, they don’t want any separation among the members.”

“The three members have a deep feeling towards SM, but they’re ready to accept any possibilities this case might leads in the future.”

source: star.mt.co.kr

summarized trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress

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Guest tpn1122

My two cents on the current situation:

I'm glad that the whole issue is moving somewhere. JaeSuChun and SM have met through their lawyers through the hearing. It's a start. From what I've read, SM and DBSK both agree that they do not want the group to disband. I hope everyone knows that. It's very frustrating to see articles floating around stating that they want to disband etc. DBSK is as strong as ever, I'm very proud to be their fan. I'm also proud of JaeSuChun taking a stand. I can't imagine how long they've prepared or thought about filing the contract revision thing. The whole process is emotionally tiring. I hope the next hearing (whenever that is) will also be moving towards a favorable direction for both parties. I want DBSK and SM to reach a mutual agreement like the Judge suggested. That is the ideal. However, if the members and SM cannot reach a compromise, this is a big IF, then I'd rather the members leave that company. I'd rather the members work with a different company for better conditions.

This whole lawsuit cut the SM & DBSK relationship deeply. The trust between the two parties is shattered. It will be hard for the members and staff to work with harmony. I mean, SM revealed its true ugly colors. The company itself is hard to believe and like anymore, so why should the members continue to be money making robots? That's not what they want or need. I'm not saying that the three members should leave and work with the other two in the future. BUT!! If that is the only choice, then it will happen. Personally, I think that's very unrealistic. Working under separate companies but somehow collaborating? Very very strange in my opinion.

I'm also peeved at what SM said about advancing into Hollywood. I understand that many Korea singers want to advance into the American market. (Se7en, Bi, Wonder Girls, & BoA) However, it is all very unrealistic. The USA is not ready for Asians. Once again, this is my opinion. America can elect an Arfican American President, however it still has a long way to go to accept that fact. Racism is still evident in the country. It will be difficult for foreign artists to enter the market if they do not speak English without a problem. Sad, but it's the truth. But the reason as to why I'm peeved about this is that SM is still trying to find more ways to suck money out of them. Saying this right now was not a good move on their part. DBSK conquered Asia, they should be able to think big, but the way SM said it....let's just say I don't feel too good about it.

About Junsu supposedly getting money early: The first thing I thought was "What freaking bullsh**" I'm not the type who usually dismisses things with swearing, but this made me really annoyed. SM is obviously trying to draw a wedge between the three members. Media play media play, I hate how that big company tries to win with dirty tricks. It pisses me off to know end because the company thinks it can win by waving its checkbook around. I hope fans don't take that article or reporter to heart. We all see the members' relationship; they are BROTHERS. I don't believe for a second that they will abandon each other in times of need (which is right now). This is like a test for them. A test to see how much they cherish each other and the company. I admit I feel pessimistic about the future once in a while, but when they are together as FIVE, I believe in them.

I really didn't want to write an essay, but here it is LOL. :D Can I say that I want to be Go Ara? I mean, Yunho just picked her up and they look so close. I'm jealous, I admit. I really want to see this drama, it looks really good.

JaeChun's performance on Boy Pop Factory is also making me anxious. I listened to the audio of Begin, and it sounds pretty good. Although I prefer the five member's harmony, JaeChun just has this other unique thing that draws me into them. I don't know if that made sense, but yeah. They're interesting xD. I got my AADBSK3 copy today and wow. It is the best thing I've ever invested it. Hahahaha, seriously. I love every single part of it. It's amusing to see five grown men act like little kids again when they're on vacation in Saipan. Junsu's "Oh my God Sun!!" cracked me up. JaeMin couple talk is interesting too. I especially like their favorite restaurants talk. It's nice to see their family side. Okay, this is getting too long. I'll post more about my AADBSK3 fangirl moments another time. LOLs...

DBSK Fighting! I believe in them!!

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Guest saya13

If you go to the HQ_TVXQ community on livejournal, they have it. They have lots of other DBSK vids in REALLY HQ too :D

You just have to join first

oooohhhhh I love you so much at this moment :P

seriously, thak u very much!!!

and thank u people for all subbed videos

With the lawsuit........mmmm I hope it ends soon and just fine, especially for the sake of the boys, they shouldn't be having a good time

I always support them, come what may :)

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Guest shuureigirl

Hence, in this instance it was about CreBeau? Then, it was not just a 'coincidence' that the other two were not party to the lawsuit.

I hope you haven't misinterpreted what I was saying. My point was that if CreBeau didn't exist and the guys wanted to start some other kind of company altogether, SM would have been against it too... whatever it is and whoever participated in creating it.

Because SM wants to keep their hands in TVXQ's pockets for as long as possible, ANY business they started would have caused SM to whine about protecting TVXQ's 'image'. SM is only interested in protecting SM's profit margin.

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Guest fobbiyo

I thought Jaechun's cover of Begin (Well, not really cover) was.. I don't know. I can't really explain it. It lost it's magic since the others are not there and but you can sense their sadness.

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Guest flyaway.

Begin was so incomplete without the other 3 members. I liked the performance, but it just felt different. This version was a lot sadder than the original. I didn't tear, but it made my heart break. =(

But then, I AM look forward to their Colors single coming out though. I really like the cover. <3

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Guest mhyra_16

in my opinoion, i want the five of them to get out of SME if SME will not grant their wishes of changes in the contract... 13 years is too much...and regarding the International plans.. i dont think they'll do better in Hollywood. I mean they are Asia's finest...better stay in ASia as "Gods of the East"...they don't need to gamble and take chances to make name in US like some other KPop stars are doing now (BoA, Se7en, WOnder Girls, Rain....). Its not like they are not known in US and other parts of the world. They are already famous globally so theres no need to try Hollywood or something. But other part of me wants to hear/see them do songs in ENglish too not just Korean&Japanese just for a change ;)


Heading to The Ground

Yunho and Ara looks so cute together..can't wait to see his drama

Yunho for Evis

lol I think any product with Yunho's face or DBSK face on it will definitely sold that big

JaeChun's Colors

omo, their version of Begin is so good too.. theyll make a good DUO but still prefer the five of them together.

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Guest BlaisePaige

I hope you haven't misinterpreted what I was saying. My point was that if CreBeau didn't exist and the guys wanted to start some other kind of company altogether, SM would have been against it too... whatever it is and whoever participated in creating it.

Because SM wants to keep their hands in TVXQ's pockets for as long as possible, ANY business they started would have caused SM to whine about protecting TVXQ's 'image'. SM is only interested in protecting SM's profit margin.

Don't worry, I got your point. :) I understood that it is a hypothetical statement.

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