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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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I'm sorry that I said to ignore you, but you know, I have been reading your comments and other's replies, they are mostly the same. You don't seemed to want to buy into it, and neither are they, so why bother with it?

But you can't deny that Shinhwa is still known. Because they are still known. And if I remembered correctly, they were still popular when they break away from SME, it is just now that each member focus more on their solo project than as a group.

Others do work as hard, but they have a choice in whether they want break or not. DBSK doesn't seemed to be having that choice. I hope that is clear to you. Epik High work just as hard, but they have the choice of breaking away from their company and created their own label and creating their own music. DBSK however doesn't seemed to have that choice. And if they are to be writing and publishing their own music, it then became SME's possession. Since it's the exclusivity clauses in their contract state so. This is their hard work, but it will belong to someone else and after they break away from SME, it still belong to SME, while they wrote it. This is an example of it.

And if you're going to say that SME has the right to own the song since they published it with their own money, shouldn't they pay DBSK for their credit in writing the song. Take PhraseDifferently for example. They wrote song for people to buy. SME payed them for a right to a song. So now the song belong to SME. However, in DBSK's case, they don't get pay for it.

And if you going to say that dbsk don't need to be pay for it because they promote the song and will earn money from it. They earn money, but they still have to work probably 5x harder and yet, the money doesn't come as rightfully to what they deserves.

And about the doctors thing.... O_O ok.... I know dbsk arent doctors but dont you think Doctors contribute and accomplish so much more than DBSK and yet dont get paid as much? How much has DBSK contributed to our society? Did they change it or anything? Have they made new laws and policies? Hmmm....

Hahahaha, this is like the case of argument about Teachers and Athletes earnings. What's the point exactly? Society has been f'd up since long ago. Why bother dragging that topic into this? Oh, wait, it is money.

Now, when you say doctor, what kind of doctor are you referring to? Because different field has different earnings.

In a year.

* Brain/doctor:$450,00-$650,000

* Anesthesiology: $306,964

* Surgery, general: $255,438

* Obstetrics/gynecology: $233,061

* Psychiatry: $163,144

* Internal medicine: $155,530

* Pediatrics/adolescent medicine: $152,690

* Family practice (without obstetrics): $150,267

DBSK's members = 400,000 a year for each member.

American Stars, since someone also compared them to American stars. Hahahaha, OMG, you'll be so surprise :rolleyes:

This is in 2008 alone.

Tiger Woods: $115 million

• Jeff Foxworthy: $10 million

• Oprah Winfrey: $260 million

• Mary-Kate Olsen: $17 million

• Gisele Bundchen: $33 million

• Scarlett Johansson: $5 million

• Eli Manning: $11.5 million

• 50 Cent: $33 million

• Carrie Underwood: $7 million

• Miley Cyrus: $18.2 million

• Katherine Heigl: $11 million

• Jessica Alba: $9 million

• Dr. Phil McGraw: $90 million

• Steven Spielberg: $110 million

• Ryan Seacrest: $12 million

• Mariska Hargitay: $7 million

• Trouble (Leona Helmsley’s dog): $12 million

A dog earn more than them -______-

if DBSK in 5.5 years only earned 11 billion won (not counting other stuff because SME wouldn't put out the whole thing) that's going to be split by 5 members. No doubt DBSK is highly successful group ( All thanks to SME, since they like someone sarcastically said, sing and dance, work their asses of on stages, traveling different countries, only have 3-4 hours of sleep and such while DBSK only have to show their faces. No truly, thanks to SME for putting them together.) You would think they earn more than that in 5.5 years.

I don't mean to compare them to American stars and dollars, but someone did compare them to American stars first.

So I guess our DBSK men has the earning in the range of doctors.

Ah, now I don't remember what I was going to put after @_@. Such a headache, but yeah, stop comparing them. And think that all they want is money, well who the hell wouldn't if you know you work for 355 days of the year with little rest and that's how much you make. I would want a revision too.

It is true that they need the image, but if you don't have the talents, I don't even want to bother wasting my time just to look at the face and have nothing else to talk about. I know I'm shallow, but not that shallow.

Please keep in mind that DBSK's don't know english >_>, well Yoochun does, but his engrish...I don't think he even have times to. So no twitters from them.

Sorry if I offend anyone and hope that I make sense since I have a headache right now. That's it for me.

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Guest laurassjj87

[NEWS] 090803 Korean boy band TVXQ speak out about split rumours


SEOUL : One of Korea’s most popular boy bands TVQX (otherwise known as Dong Bang Shin Gi) are causing all their fans around Asia to panic as speculation of a possible disbandment runs rye.

Korean media reported that three of the group’s five members, had filed for termination of their contracts with the group’s managing company, SM Entertainment, in a Seoul court on Friday. They were reportedly unhappy with the unreasonable working hours and unfair contract.

Xiah, Hero and Micky’s representative revealed through news media on Monday that since joining the band in 2003, the stars have been working non stop, travelling in and out of Korea for promotional events and surviving on just three to four hours of sleep each day. As a result, they have become mentally fatigued and their health, greatly affected.

Their rep added that the trio feel that for the past five years, they were just money making tools for SM and have not been able to fulfil their ambitions and visions for the band.

Other bones of contention include their record royalties and contracts which members deemed unfair and tied them to SM for too long. Though they signed 13-year contracts, this excluded the time spent in military service, and would eventually exceed 15 years. The members had repeatedly requested for revisions to the contracts but to no avail.

Xiah, Hero and Micky have maintained that they are taking legal action in a bid to free themselves from contract restraints, and have no intentions to disband the group.

Meanwhile, the pop quintet which include members U Know and Max, are expected to appear as scheduled together at all their other working engagements.

“As a representative group to the country and to Asia, our stand is that activities for Dong Bang Shin Gi have to continue even with this disposition application. And about the problems arising from the discussion to do a cosmetic enterprise, we plan to talk over them and sort out the problems as soon as possible,” read SM Entertainment’s statement.

“On SM’s side, we still have much love for Dong Bang Shin Gi. We do not want them to disband,” said an SM Entertainment representative, “Let’s resolve this peacefully seeing the long time we have worked together since their debut till now.”

Source: Channel News Asia

Yeah.... ¬¬ They have much KILLER love for them right now... ¬¬

4) Personally i belive that if dbsk does choose to "leave" sm...(which I highly doubt for obvious reasons such as breaching contract resulting in paying millions of $ of fine which no one in right mind would do) and they ended up in a company that doesn't know how to MANAGE them, their popularity will flunk, i'll be the first to agree to this. However, their image is so well defined and their fanbase is so abundant that this will not be a issue. Disband would be a completely different matter. If they do decide to disband at the height of their popularity (a.k.a. I.M.P.O.S.S.I.B.L.E.), their popularity will flunk. The number of support each member receives is multiplied by 5 when they are a group, when they disband, each member's support is reduced by 5. THis has been proven time and time again. But for the time being, this is also not an issue =D

I have to agree with you.

My wish is SM and DBSK reaching an agreement, not them leaving the company.

They love their korean staff so much. If they end up in a new company, they would have new staff, no more SM Town, no more SM Family.

I hope SM is clever enough to come to an agreement with them.

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LMAO um, i'm not trying to hate on you or anything, since i don't even know what you did, or why people are antagonizing you but...

since when does wanting to sleep with one of the members make you a fan of DBSK? lol :| you can be sexually attracted to a singer and still hate the group they're in.

(ah! sorry. stupid quote buttonthingy acting all up)



I have a page and a half of replies to go but I skipped them all to applaud you. :bows down:

WELL NOW, the meaning 'fan' has just been taken to a totally new level hasn't it ^ ^

(I think I'm gonna go puke up my nacho doritos now)



+Lolliepop !+

you crack me up! :bows down again:


I have so so many heroes in this thread *tears*

:my 3rd post:

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Guest lovebyelove

Well, here goes my last post for the day. :P

Regarding this:

"not to sound mean but you act like you've met them and you know them personally. you dont know what they act like behind cameras. everything they do on shows could be all acted out.

its called media training all stars do it. there basically told what they can and cant do in front of cameras and fans."

Well, not to sound mean...but the members aren't that good at acting. You can't pretend to be good, genuine and humble for very long if you're secretly not. Sooner or later, the cracks will appear. And I'm speaking from experience.

And regarding lil_miss_kawaii's posts, although I've had a few issues with the majority of things she's been saying, she does make a few good points. Although, the way in which she conveys her opinion isn't particularly respectful of the other fans here, she has a right to express her opinion, however infuriating it might be. But, if you have a problem, just don't engage her.

One thing I know is that I'm a die-hard, all out, fan for life, and I don't take unfair critisism of the boys lightly. They've earned our respect as musicians and as human beings. They've worked hard for their popularity and deserve it too and I'm proud to call myself a fan. But you must realize, if you're going to criticize DBSK, there are going to be some adverse reactions among the other fans.

Regarding "you only like them because they're pretty".

Actually, no. And I'd appreciate if people would stop making generalizations. I actually heard my first DBSK song before I saw my first DBSK music video. When I saw them, it just made me like them even more.

The fact is, yes, they're all hot. But they're also really talented. If they couldn't sing and dance and perform as well as they can, or if they weren't so humble, I wouldn't care if they were the universe's most attractive men -- I wouldn't like them. And I'm being honest. Personality first.

And conversely, if they weren't as good looking as they are, I'd still like them.

Since I'm not even remotely Asian and I live in America, there's absolutely no reason why an Asian pop boyband should appeal to me, especially since I've always hated boybands. But they do. Why? Talent. Besides, music is music, regardless of what language it's in.

Regarding the whole "they don't contribute to society or benefit your life" thing.

Three things

First thing:

- Umm...Max volunteering at the oil spill site last year? He did it in secret...he wasn't trying to use his star status to promote anything. He went because he cared. Why else would he?

- Yunho volunteering at an orphanage last month? Again, he intended for it to stay a secret, but few things they do ever stay secret, unfortuntely.

The fact that stands out to me is that they chose to work to help other people on their days off. They must've been dog tired, but they chose to do things like that without expecting anything in return. That's what I call selflessness.

Second thing: I had clinical depression before I discovered DBSK. Now, I don't. It's not a coincidence.

Third thing: You can't compare doctors and DBSK. That's just...not smart. A doctor's job is to help the sick, DBSK's job is to entertain. Duhh?

Regarding JaeChunSu being "selfish".

- My left foot. The dictionary definition of "selfish" is "lacking care or consideration for others". Now, I don't know about you, but you'd think that if DBSK were "selfish", they wouldn't pour their blood, sweat and tears into making each and every concert memorable.

I'm not even going to go into that because the more I think about it, the more my blood starts to boil. Selfish? AISH.

Okay. I'm going to quit ranting now and go do something useful with my life. :P

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Guest +Lolliepop !+

Okay, I cannot TAKE it anymore.

You ^^. Yes, YOU up there.

The one that's bringing arguements into this forum

lil_miss_kawaii .

You are really pissing me off.

Okay, so this is your opinion, blah, blah, blah.

But, I have a strong urge to fight back when someone says something about something I care STRONGLY about.

Firstly, I'm a little frustrated about the fact that your keep bringing up the richard simmons about Docters and how they work so hard.

You are so much like my Brother, I'm wondering if you're undercover.

My brother thinks the exact same thing that artists like the ones I listen to are a pile of crap.

I know he doesn't say it, but I know he THINKS it.

Yes, okay. Docters contribute way more to the society that Music artists do.

Honestly, I don't give two big f*cks what they do.

They try to help physically and great artists like DBSK and Michael Jackson try to help EMOTIONALLY.

I haven't heard of many fans that have been touched deeply by their music and has brang so, so much happiness to.

I don't give a crap if they don't write many of their own songs.

I don't give a crap about their looks either.

I care about THEM as a whole.

Why do you think people listen to music to make them feel better ?

Or to uplift their spirits again ?

To motivate them and help them succeed ?

To help them through difficult times ?

Why do you thinks fans listen to sad songs ?

Most likely to help them get through whatever drama they are going through.

I just cannot fathom how important it is for every fan to know that.

I'm NOT a whiny, annoying fangirl.

I'm a 16 year old, that has been through a LOT in my life.

I've been struggling to get through this year and you know what ?

Music has HELPED me.

Last year, I, in all honesty, wanted to commit suicide.

You know what stoped me ?


It stopped me and helped me and now, I want a career working under YG Entertainment.

No, not because they'll OWN me or something.

Or because BIGBANG is under them.

Because they'll help me.

And I have told no-one this.


"some of you are in your 20s and acting like 5years old and as if DBSK are gods ~ seriously grow up and realize that they are a BOYBAND in the POP industry and are definately not going to be around forever"

You don't think that we already know that ?

I hate calling artists, GODS or IDOLS, ugh.

We're growing up with them.

We know that in about 20 years or so, they won't be around anywhere -- as a band.

But, they'll still be friends.

They know there fans are always there for them.

We'll all have the memories together -- Fans and DBSK.

And most importantly, they always be in our hearts, as cheesy as that sounds.

I mean I bet you all hated SNSD during the beginning when they had their racist comments and disrespectful comments but now because they are massive and SM have now re-created them ... you love them and have forgotten about their previous behaviours ~ SM have brainwashed you all !

HELL no.

You did not just say that.

I am NOT a fan of SNSD or any other SM artist/s.

Not even BoA.

I do not care for them much.

SHInee, a little bit because they're around my age, but no way for any other artist.

Also the fact Cassies pay so much money on presents for DBSK (and even for membership) is RIDIC ~ You shouldnt have to pay to be a fan ~ plus do you really think DBSK are going to get these gifts and think "oh wow im going to meet her/him and give them a big thankyou note?" ~ The money could have gone to better use.

Maybe it could go to better use.

BUT, that's not any of your business.

They give them presents to show that they LOVE them.

And we have seen them wear cassies presents.


Especially Yunho.

I've heard that the members usually don't keep the gifts.

They give them to charity.

Which is extremely thoughtful.

And I'm sure, is a fact.

I'm sure cassies don't care if they don't use them/wear them or whatever shizz as long as they know they LOVE them and always shall.

Yeah, yeah.

I know.

But don't they show them all that love through buying their CD's and going to their concerts ?

Naa. I guess doing that is just supporting them in a way and seeing their fav artists live.


My brother again.

You know, ALL artists do it a little bit for the money, but mostly it's to fulfill their dreams.

If you do it all for the money, you're an IDIOT.

If they did it for the money, they could've just become an american actor. They'd make MILLIONS.

But, no. They wanted to go into music.

Because of their LOVE for it.

End of story.

yes they do work hard but do you think othr groups dont work just as hard? like epik high or undergrond artists ~ thye work just as hard and spend hours and hours in the recording studio and even theyre own money etc

Every great artist works their as* off.

But, it comes down to luck on whether you will make it big or not.

I don't think Epik High cares that they aren't that big.

They succeeding in becoming singers and that's that.

Shinhwa... Shinhwa.

They're not that popular anymore, but...

Their fans are amazing.

Still waiting for their comeback as a group.

I'm very mesmerized by what their fans are like.

Just waiting. Patiently.

It's great.

I applaud them.

Their popularity has gone down, no denying it, but that's because of new bands.

And their fans remember how it was like back then, when they took over Asia.

They have the memories.

We should cherish the ones with DBSK.

Now, I am moving on.

I have to go to bed in a little while, as it is almost 12am here.

Oh and lil_miss_kawaii :

Learn how to spell 'Lose'.

Nirvana: Nice.

junsuxXcutie: Edit: DUN DUN DUN.

And you 'crack' me up.


Oh and someone here said that DBSK never once let the fame go to their heads, but uh how would you know? people may be different behind the cameras. I think that many people are getting too emotional about this also lol.


Just like lovebyelove had said,

'You can't pretend to be good, genuine and humble for very long if you're secretly not. Sooner or later, the cracks will appear.'

I'm also quoting from experience.

tpn1122: I love you.

I honestly think they did do this lawsuit because of their lack of fredom, however, I don't care as long as the five stay togetehr, but no more SMtown with them if they break away D:.

xymex: What ?

'It's definitely about their lack of freedom and control over their schedule, but that goes for ALL other celebrities, especially ones who are very much in demand.'

I honestly don't really know how to approach that.

They're many things wrong with that sentence.

I don't think it does, that's all I can say.


I'm sorry to any fans that want the arguements to stop, but I really couldn't take it anymore.

Oh, and sorry for the swearing.


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Guest tpn1122

Second pot of the day since I'm so bored and such JK :D

Just to let everyone know what Mr. Lee

is investing up his money these days...

Source: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...id=aOb0EKQ2DQNs

Ahhh~ yes. It's all in the wine.

Not with our boys anymore. :)

Hmm, all I can say is that Mr. Lee Soo Man has bad timing. A lotof people might be angry and disgusted right now. I was for a split second, until I remembered that he's an entrepreneur. He's bound to invest in anything. It's just strange to hear that he has the time to invest in something as trivial as wine when a top boyband he groomed is filing complaints. ;) I have a feeling other high-ups in the company might be doing some sort of investing too. Maybe not now, but with all the money their artists make, they might be doing similar things to benefit themselves. this entire case involving DBSK affects other SMTown artists. What if SNSD/SHINee/Super Junior have the similar contracts? What then? I'm also fans of other SMTown groups. The whole thing going on with DBSK is making me think about other artists too. I hope that the majority of the people here know that Lee Soo Man is NOT the CEO of SM. He's probably only a producer or talent-scout. But other than that, I know DBSK respects him. They constantly call him their mentor/father (abeoji)/friend etc. I wonder how he reacts to all this. Oh wait! I do know, he goes off to invest in WINE <_<

Yunho! he got this protective aura ^^

That will make you feel safe and comfortable around him, and he seems like the kind he will sits down and listen to you ... all your worries or feelings that you wanna share. ^^

*How come my answer sounds more like "Which member do you want as your boyfriend?" Muahaha! XD

BTW~ SM TOWN with our Boys will still continue right? Or it got changed again?

I cannot remember - since the thread flew like mad...


shux: I dun have anything to share ... at the moment.... -.-"

090803 Message + Voice messages to DBSK (Korean Cassies)

so sweet you guys should listen.... some sing for dbsk, some use cute voices, one of them sounded like a newscaster lolz!

Anyway I salute them!!!

Cassiopeia + DBSK = 1

Are you having your eyes closed when dbsk released their japanese singles/songs n stuffs? take for example when they release they japanese songs, its usually previews we heard first, and the soompiers will start commenting.... Am I right? We give our comment ""oh how nice!" , "how sweet", how watever. Then when the period of commenting the songs are over, there will be a bunch of magazines photoshoots / PV caps / Variety show caps / concert pics to share. What are the rest of us do when we see the pictures? For me I will say "oh how cool!" n "How cute" stuffs liddat. Are we suppose to keep our mouth shut? Then wat's the point of sharing photos????

I can proudly say I loved how well they sing.

So let me throw the question back at you & others who has been doubting dbsk's talents... "HOW DID YOU COME ACROSS THEM AND WHY DID YOU LIKE THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE?"

well i'm curious

Yunho is such a sweetheart. No one can deny that. He went to the orphanage, donated money for his alma mater, and he treats people well. but to answer your question about how I knew/found out about DBSK. I actually do not remember how. :D Very strange. I mean I just kind of "knew" DBSK. I knew they were a band, but I didn't really get into them until maybe 2-3~years ago. I just listened to their songs, but never really cared. But I remember that the song Balloons was one of the songs that got me very interested. Their music video was so cute and playful! they stole my heart then :blush: But now I see them as mature men. Only sometimes though, lol. Their jokes and playfulness also had me star-struck. But the main reason as to why I'm following them is that they have REAL talent. Their harmony in songs, stage presence, overall hard-work really impresses me. When I see them perform, their dedication just radiates from the screen. They make me think about working even harder in things I want to accomplish.

As I cannot be bothered to quote everyone who replied back or even PM everyone or whatever

But I will just say ~ dont patronize me (to the one who said to ignore me)

I do know who JunJin is ~ I am aware of the Kpop industry ~ Just because I dont fangirl over it like some people

And I do know Shinhwa are popular but do you think they are AS POPULAR as they were before?

That was my point

And about the doctors thing.... O_O ok.... I know dbsk arent doctors but dont you think Doctors contribute and accomplish so much more than DBSK and yet dont get paid as much? How much has DBSK contributed to our society? Did they change it or anything? Have they made new laws and policies? Hmmm....

I will say sorry to the people in the thread for frustrating them ~ but this is a thread after all ~ a forum ~ a place for people to have opinions etc ~ I guess I am just one who doesnt say "omg dbsk hwaiting forever 5 aahhh im crying so much and so on..." ya know the general majority opinion ~ im just sharing my opinion for people to read and maybe think "ah maybe she has some points"

I have read peoples replies ~ yes they do work hard but do you think othr groups dont work just as hard? like epik high or undergrond artists ~ thye work just as hard and spend hours and hours in the recording studio and even theyre own money etc

Everyone is entitled to an opinion

---- I understand this reply will probably ignored because i frustrate somes and i dont go along with the general majority etc

But I am a fan of DBSK ~ CrazyLove and Why did I fall in love are songs i play regularly ~ and if Micky Yoochun offered I would totally sleep with him ~ So dont say I am not just because I say something else

ANd dont say now "oh you say your a fan but your not a REAL fan" well no ~ i am not a REAL fan because I dont PAY to be one ~ so technically I am not a real fan cos i am not registered...or think DBSK are my world

You cant say who is a fan and not ~ you are not good fan for denying a fan. !!!

I respect your opinion, and I want to tell you that I didn't mean to patronize or insult you. Everyone will have differences in opinion, and many people here (including me) will be upset/angry when other people say something they disagree upon. So here's my response to your POV: DBSK may not be doctors or surgeons or lawyers. They do not make an impact in medicine or politics. But they do make a different sort of impact. They affect other human beings. Their music touches people. I'm not Korean or Japanese. But I listen to their music regardless of whether or not I can understand them 100%. Don't you think that's an all-round different type of impact than people with masters or doctorate degrees? But right now, their whole legal dispute might change a law. Who knows? I hate to use this cliche quote but "Only time will tell." Saying that DBSK has no real impact saddens me. They make an emotional impact. And I think that is equally important as a doctor/lawyer's impact on society. And once again, this is MY PERSONAL OPINION.

The real fan vs. unreal fan argument is also debatable. I'm not a registered Bigeast or Cassiopeia member. I have never been to one of their LIVE concerts. But I'm pretty sure DBSK will acknowledge that I am a fan because I listen to and enjoy their music. I support their album and drama ventures. I follow their latest activities. They expressed many times that their goal is to have people of all ages to enjoy their music. I say "Everyone is a real fan if you like them and think they're great" I know, I know, that sounds so lame :P

EDIT: I'm going to add some more to this *sigh* There are a lot of people whoa are passionate about DBSK and their own opinions. But let's try to be at least a little civil when expressing our own opinions. There's no need to bash. There is also no need for harsh words. Words can be cheap. The way you express something into words can sound completely different from what you intended it to be. Let's try to be careful when you're addressing someone else. Words are hurtful, they can be extremely hurtful if you're not careful. We all have differing opinions, but can we agree that we all like DBSK and want their legal dispute to end quickly? (Can you guys tell that I'm a pacifist? LOL Fights are just very troublesome)

But let's not add anymore arguments in this thread for now. Everyone is very worried, so I understand that people will be very touchy. Heck, I can be very temperamental too. But let's keep our cool. It's summer, let's not add more heat, shall we? B)

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Guest lynaeina

Thank you for the link! I found it really funny when I first read it so I emailed allkpop... :lol:


Oh my. What have I done? :lol:

Good thing my name isn't there.

The article is getting some nasty comments.

My parents can't afford SEJONG lawyers

just in case anything goes wrong. :lol:

No offense but the thread

is brewing dark clouds again.

Can we please please please

change the subject? *blink blink*

The boys just had A-nation right?

Are there any HQ pics of them

just like the ones we have on Tokyo Dome? :)

As for the sibling thing.

I would like to have Junsu as my little brother

but Yunho as my older.

I want to brag to my classmates then how cute my little brother is while

Yunho is for those who'll

always bull me.

Jaejoong though will be a great older sister,

a substitute for mommy. :lol:

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Guest tohoblaq

Hey SM, it's about time, and your time's up. I had to do this one for my boys you know. Sometimes you gotta act like you don't care, that's the only way them CFOs (and whoever's responsible) learn! >.<

I don't even want to stop the bickering anymore because no one seems to be listening to anybody at this point. Reading the same thing over and over again in this thread just doesn't help ANYTHING.

Seriously, I really agree with whoever asked us to just STOP SAYING ANYTHING that's not an information, the one who used purple words in CAPS (Sorry I can't remember who it was, and this thread skipped waaaay too many pages).

DBSK, fighting! I will only read and believe whatever the boys say. Enough of this crap here.

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Guest rika90

This is from post three years ago.. I thought it was interesting back then, so I saved it.

Now I understand that everything said here is true, I hope I can repost this..

" Hi~ I'm a current member of club H.O.T,

and am a fan of the now broken up group, H.O.T. ^^

These days the group DBSK have been performing a lot

and have caught my attention.

Not only that, I heard that one of the DBSK members was a

very big male fan of H.O.T., and that's how I first started to

learn more about DBSK

As I watch the way they act and their performance,

I couldn't help but to think that they are very similar

to H.O.T when they first started

H.O.T is seriously the god's to our generation,

so for people that were born around 82, 83, etc.

No one probably understand what they meant to us...

After Seotaiji and boys broke up, H.O.T. saved the

kpop music scene that was completely dying out.

All the teenagers were pulled into H.O.T.,

and within a year of their debut they received the top music award.

Out of all the major awards that H.O.T received, there must be awards

from at least 10 different music/television companies

When I see DBSK right now, the past H.O.T. fills my mind.

I was a freshman in high school when H.O.T. first debuted.

Now I am 22, and even today, when I go to performances or

concerts, I am looked as a young girl ^^

I heard that the majority of DBSK fans are junior high students,

and although many people say that they are young fans,

we were exactly like that too.

Whenever people saw us they called us H.O.T fanatics.

But then what about now? Even after 8-9 years

we are still here watching over them.

We hope that all the DBSK fans follow in our footsteps ^^

Liking H.O.T. for about 9 years,

I would like to give a little heads up and warnings about the company SM

I am someone that had a voice within the H.O.T fan club.

So I know a little more about the company SM, than most fans or normal people

At this moment, many H.O.T. fans have ventured out ^^

There are some that have become stars, others that became famous peoples' coordis,

and even some that have been hired into SM

Through these people we have learned that,

what we believed to be unfair treatment by SM, in reality, was very much true

SM claimed that the 2nd H.O.T. was blackbeat, but after their failure

they tried once again, and that group is DBSK

Silently leading the group with wit and talent, YoungWoong JaeJoong.

He is like MoonHeeJun.

Leader in dance, with the aura of a tough guy, but sometimes very cute, UKnowYunHo.

He is like JangWooHyuk.

Lived in the states, and able to speak English, very charismatic and outgoing, MickyYooChun.

He is like Tony.

With looks that can be looked as almost famine, and the image where you want to take care of him, ChoiKangChangMin.

He is like Kangta.

Looks that can be looked as average, but the type of person that the more you see the more you like, XiahJunSu.

He is like LeeJaeWon.

Two group that really have a lot in common, DBSK and H.O.T.

Maybe that's why, but we H.O.T. fans are genuinely scared that

the DBSK fans will have to face the hurt and disappointing ordeals we had to go through.

Especially because all of you are so young.

Cassiopeia fans...

SM is honestly a dangerous place.

As you like DBSK more I am sure that your hatred for SM will only grow

The first time H.O.T. began to get battered by LeeSooMan was during the beginning of their 3rd album

I'm not sure if you heard their 2nd album song, "Heng Bok"

That is the song H.O.T. received the DaeSang award,

and the album after that for every little mistake, they were hurt.

At that time, I believed that no matter what, it was merely just rumors

Slowly, everything I believed were rumors, were slowly turning into realities

By any chance do you know of Andy of ShinHwa's incident?

For awhile he was on stage wearing a mask wasn't he?

SM said some unbelievable stuff saying that he ran into something

or that JunJin fell while taking a shower.

Everyone continuously told us different things.

The important factor is that they ran into something or fell,

but why was only his mouth hurt? How come there were no signs of anything near their forehead or nose or any other facial part?

A few days before, Andy went into the SM building, and when he came out

he was wearing a mask, which many fans noticed.

Honestly, at that time I didn't believe it.

After JTL left SM, even after they released their album,

they weren't able to properly perform for a good 2 years.

Their schedules continuously got mysteriously cancelled,

and on cable t.v. their music video was not even showed ONCE.

That wasn't the famous SM-JTL boycott.


SM went to every television company and threatened that

in the case they brought JTL onto their broadcasting list, SM would pull out all their singers from that company

Many fans called JTL's company "YeJun Media" and asked what was happening,

but even from there they did not know.

This is a famous event,

It was when MoonHeeJun's 2nd album was supposed to come out

Fans were sleeping in front of HeeJun's house,

when HeeJun's mother came out and began to cry like no tomorrow.

She was begging to the fans to save HeeJun...

"Please save my HeeJun..."

HeeJun's first album sold 600,000 copies.

But SM said, "Merely 600,000?!"

They said they didn't want to invest in his 2nd album.

So for HeeJun's 2nd album, his music video, and jacket pictures...

he poured out his own money and savings.


Buy their album. That is helping DBSk.

Whenever H.O.T albums came out, we fans bought AT LEAST 2 copies.

That's the only reason whenever a new album came out they were able to surpass 1 million album sales.

And for that fact only...

that's the only reason the members were able to collect a little bit of money.

H.O.T. boys...

for every album they received approximately 2 cents.

After Boa released her first album,

she received 50 cents per album.

For five people if it's 2 cent, that means its not even a quarter cent per person.

Then you might ask...

"What about the commercials and photo albums, and all the other side things H.O.T did?"

To keep it simple,

the only money H.O.T members make is through album sales.

Any commercials, and any shows, anything,

all that money goes to SM.

So its basically an unjust contract, a slave contract.

We heard that the contract between DBSK and SM is immense,

but that's not always a good thing.

When one leaves SM you must pay a fee that is much higher than the contract,

and basically its to stop singers from leaving

Not only that they will take out a percentage of one's profits if one leaves.

Do you think the term "slave contract" came out of nowhere??

DBSK right now...they are probably having a really hard time.

Do you all know this?

The president of SM isn't LeeSooMan but, KimKyungWook.

To put it in lament terms...

Although on paper KimKyungWook is the president,

the person that makes all the decisions is LeeSooMan.

The reason,

SM has done a lot of illegal things.

And if those acts are caught, someone needs to be blamed.

So LeeSooMan screws up,

and KimKyungWook takes the blame.

If you look at it KimKyungWoo is a slave too. An SM slave.

H.O.T.'s old manager is currently working for a very famous company.

That person once said that H.O.T. are kids he truly feels sorry for,

and so they were kids that he wanted to save.

That person tried to take H.O.T. out of SM, but got caught by LeeSooMan

and was immediately fired. Right now he is working at SIDUS and is producing the group G.O.D.

That is the reason LeeSooMan hates G.O.D. so much.

So much to the point that any radio show SM singers host,

he makes it clear he doesn't want to hear them putting on G.O.D. songs.

Even though slave contract, unjust contracts are against the law,

LeeSooMan is living quite fine.

He is truly a rich man. Someone with so much money it is unbelievable.

Although he waste a lot of money, he always has more.

We raised SM and then we were stepped on by SM and died.

All the money that came in from H.O.T was invested into BoA

and all the money they invested in BoA is being currently relearned.

But now H.O.T members have encountered so many scars,

and they are slowly being forgotten by people.

Along with Club H.O.T who set records as a fan club.

We all are being forgotten by people.

All of you will get older with DBSK.

We were the same.

We used to say that "we're aging together,"

and these days those words sound so sad

As time goes feelings will be stronger,

and we sincerely hope that DBSK doesn't endure the same scars from SM, as H.O.T. had.

Don't take the same hurt as we did.

Within DBSK, create an awesome fan culture.

With every childless statement, the fan image is slowly ruined.

Become fans that think about what you say,

when announcing you are their fans.

Don't ever be flattered by any rumors, and always trust the member.

Singers will never betray their fans.

Please don't do things that they don't like.

You shouldn't ever make your favorite singer feel disappointed in you.

If you are going to believe this and that, or just move on to someone else,

then don't like them from the start.

It will only be scars upon that singer/group.

As you grow older, even if you find a boyfriend

don't ever forget that you are DBSK fans.

At first it may just be a fantasy for you

but as time passes and as you grow older

you will realize that they mean a lot more to you than you know

In your heart, you will never forget your younger days

when you were their fans...

Please make sure it is only memories that you will not regret... "

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Hey SM, it's about time, and your time's up. I had to do this one for my boys you know. Sometimes you gotta act like you don't care, that's the only way them CFOs (and whoever's responsible) learn! >.<

haha :D your post made me laugh<3 ^^

and for people who think they're doing this for money,

re-look at the facts again, they just want to be freed from their current contracts (and possible make a new one?) o_o

but wow, because of this issue, most people are getting a bit nasty ><

In this kind of time, we should all unite people!

Always have faith in the boys ! For people who are doubting them, don't please. they (and homin) have their own reasons for whatever they're doing.

Oh and I didn't like them because they for pretty, handsome or sexy or whatever; i fell for their talent. i never once had any doubt about their talent.

Dbsk isn't about the face, they're about everything they worked hard for ever since their trainee days. The five boys all share the same dream and they're living it<3

So please, just believe in the boys.



your post made me smile (well at the end)

we should never forget about being their fan. dbsk is going through a tough time, we need to support them as much as we can <3

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Guest miss_h

its easy to market dbsk because they're good looking. dont say you like them JUST because they can sing. sure they can sing but half the time this thread is just filled with people saying how hot or cute they are in a picture.

its hard to make girls popular because they're girls. CSJH are talented girls who havent yet conformed to the image that is 'in'

trax are a rock band. that says it all. rock music isnt popular in korea except for like ft island who are cute and dont even sing proper rock music.

EDIT: if they were five ugly boys i doubt you'd feel the same way for them as you do now! and im not trying to say they arent talented because i think they're really good at singing, but image is EVERYTHING in this kind of industry

Offcourse I like them more because they are good looking. but the first time I saw them:

pretty boy who do lypsinc -->pass!! (this is in rising sun and tonight era, before I know them better). I don't like kpop at this time due to this lypsinc issues.. I even make fun of them (I have my karma, and it taste sweet :) )

Than I listen to Heart, Mind, and Soul and watch the concert -- Love.. Love.. Love..

And there's nothing wrong with liking a band for their face. Their main target were teenage girls who will swoon over them but they need more than face to sustain their position. You can survive with it the first two or three year, but when a new, younger, better looking band come into town you will be shoved. That's what make DBSK complete. They have all the packages.

Not pulling a string, but I don't see in any way CSJH is less pretty, talented, or gifted than WG, SNSD, or KARA and they latter are popular. If anything, these girls deserves all the love they have for their talents. Called it miss promotion and tactic but SM really have it's hit and miss (and this is coming from someone who is a hard fans of SM Town, I love the new generation).

In DBSK case, it still amaze me to this day how come they can come out from the 'Way You Are' (I love the song but not the concept), 'Tri-Angle', and 'Drive' (what's with YC shirt?) and successful. They do rock, ballad, and lullaby and they still manage to come first with that terrified concept.

TRAX try Japan, but Japan have their own visual key. DBSK try japan, but Japan also have their own JE. So I think there must be something special about them that make them able to win the heart of audience in every country. (BTW, trax start to move again.. yay!!!)

Not belittle these group, they are a wonderful group (LSM really have an eye for talents). The argument was for this statement:

'if weren't for sm, where do you think they will be?' -- and my point just to show her that SM has it's hit and miss. And no matter how many miss dbsk made, they make it a winner. They just have that ability.


BTW lil_miss_kawai, just to inform you, Shinhwa win Bonsang in GDA in 2008 for their 10th album which they release without any promotion. And they also win the same award when they released their first CD after they break their contract with SM (I don't remember if they win daesang). They survive, but they just choose to pursue personal carrier (and some of them are in service).

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Guest Polaris Reve

they really are the face. not the brains. I stand by this.

do you think they came up with concepts, picked the clothes they wear, decide on there hairstyles. i dont think so!! sm ent. made there whole image. made them who they are today. sm ent didnt just put them together for the sake of putting them together, he probably knew this would eventually come!

if they werent sm where do you think they'd be?

and to everyone who keeps saying 'doesnt sm realize how big dbsk are'

of course he does he made them that big and im sure he can take away from them. he wasn afraid to loose h.o.t and shinhwa and im sure hes not afraid to loose dbsk.

dbsk are so blessed and have everything the dreamed of. the fact that jj, junsu and micky are asking for more money just pisses me off. and yeh there tired but thats the life as an entertainer and if they didnt know that when they signed the contract then they're stupid.

Being an entertainer is just another job which has its own requirements ~ every job has points and contracts that exclude a lot of things too and if JJ, Junsu and Micky couldnt handle it then they need find new jobs ~ just because they are popular and have masses of fans doesnt mean they can go around asking for more money ~ you guys are giving more respect to a bunch of performing monkeys than a bunch of doctors who are trying so hard to find cures for diseases, stay up all night in labs and barely get breaks (and have brains) and dont even get paid half as much as DBSK are getting paid ~ i mean someone said they (dbsk) only earn 300K a year.... WTF 300K is ALOT of money and I bet you guys would dream to earn that. I bet even some doctors out there dream to earn that.

some of you are in your 20s and acting like 5years old and as if DBSK are gods ~ seriously grow up and realize that they are a BOYBAND in the POP industry and are definately not going to be around forever

You are falling in love with a creation that Lee Soo Man created which inevitably means your in love with SM

I mean I bet you all hated SNSD during the beginning when they had their racist comments and disrespectful comments but now because they are massive and SM have now re-created them ... you love them and have forgotten about their previous behaviours ~ SM have brainwashed you all ! I mean I expect this from 12 to 15 years old but some of you are 20+ ADULTS ! I mean come on ~ even Miley Cyrus' fans arent this crazy and theyre 5!

Also the fact Cassies pay so much money on presents for DBSK (and even for membership) is RIDIC ~ You shouldnt have to pay to be a fan ~ plus do you really think DBSK are going to get these gifts and think "oh wow im going to meet her/him and give them a big thankyou note?" ~ The money could have gone to better use.

i know this seems like one of thoses comments that should be kept to myself, but people need to see the reality of this all!

I will repeat I am not a Anti ~ I actually really like DBSK but this whole fiasco has just made me lose respect for them and make me hate fangirls even more.


EDIT: Topped.... i have no pictures.... but i guess i have my 2cents for you

If you want pictures go to google and type DBSK

I've been a silent reader for a few years and this is the first time I felt compelled to write something in the forum. I LOVE DBSK. I am their biggest fan. However, Lil miss kawaii is the first person to breathe a bit of reality into the situation.

The problem is not "the dbsk boys are working SO HARD for their dreams and SM is stealing all their money" People are putting too much emotions into these thigns.

In the real world IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU WORK HARD OR NOT. You can work hard and not be successful. You can work hard and FAIL. You can work 24/7 but if nobody cares about you, you still end up with nothing. So saying "They are so hardworking, they are so tired, they travel all the time" is not a good enough argument on how much they should or should not earn.


We don't know if they DESERVE how much they earned. WE DONT KNOW and WE CANNOT JUDGE. They are essentially doing sales -- they earn a commission on the stuff they sold. I don't want to hear about "they earn much more than the american citizen" or "they are so poor". Look. It doesn't matter.

LSM (or the whole sm enterprise) can earn a lot of money but, unless he did it illegally, thats none of our business. He is a SALESPERSON who sells idol images. Us fans buy into this fantasy and we pay for it. LSM/SM earns all the money from us, and then pays his EMPLOYEE (Dbsk boys). SM can earn zero dollars or a million dollars but he takes all the risk. IF the image doesn't sell, all the investments go down the drain. They can earn an infinite amount of sum if they want to and we CANNOT JUDGE IF THEY "DESERVE IT".

What we DO KNOW is that the boys signed a CONTRACT which stated how much they earned (20% OR 10% OR WHATEVER). WHen you sign a contract, it is legally binding. The boys agreed to this share. If they didn't like it, they shouldn't have signed it. The fact that the contract was renewed just last year (when the 5 years was up) means that they should've resolved all contract issues last year. The fact that they signed the contract and then decided to file a lawsuit a year later doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I don't want to hear crap about "they are so young they didn't know what they were getting themselves into" or "but this is a slave contract". THE FACT THAT THEY SIGNED IT MEANT THEY AGREE TO ALL THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT. I don't want to hear "but they didn't have any choice! They were poor and weak and despirate idols", or "the contract is unfair!" NO, THEY HAD A CHOICE. SIGN OR NOT TO SIGN. End of story.

Unless the sm is doing something ILLEGAL like voilating human rights, we dont have a valid argument. If sm were in fact violating human rights (which is totally possible, from the hours they work, or if they were beat up by management) then this is a whole different story.

THE ONLY PROBLEM I SEE IN THE WHOLE SITUATION IS that there is NO TRANSPIRANCY IN THEIR SALARY. I found it alarming that the boys didn't know the EXACT amount "DBSK" earned and spent. THAT IS DISTURBING. They have absolutely ALL THE RIGHT TO KNOW HOW MUCH THEY EARNT and the EXACT SHARE THAT THEY ARE ENTITLED TO. THIs is a valid arguement.


-they are entitled to know how much they actually earned and how much they are entitled to.

-for everything else (unless its ILLEGAL), it's hard to dispute

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Guest KY5354

..this must be the first time I've replied here twice in a day. :huh:

Sorry to cut your post. Thank you for sharing. I've always wondered about H.O.T's situation since I wasn't into KPOP back then. I don't really know what to say about it all....but thank you for your kind words.

On a lighter note:

Who would I want as a sibling?

I'm a noona fan so if they were my siblings they'd all be younger. Considering this, I'd want JunSu to be my younger brother. He'd be a good lil bro whom I could boss around ( :P haha ) and whom I'd be majorly proud of. Well not saying I wouldn't be proud to have the others as my sibling. :unsure:

ChangMin would be such a lil brat. Whatever I would say, I can imagine him backchatting me with his wit and sarcasm. Argh I'd slap him! LOL

The other 3 are more/as mature than/as me...so I can't see them as my younger brothers (besides I crush on JaeJoong too much it'd be like incest. :crazy: )

Though, I would love to have an oppa like YunHo. :D

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Guest yuulina


Things are really going out of control here. Before the press released, we were bickering on whether the disbandment issue is true or just a rumour. And now when the press release has come out, i thought we will be rejoicing that the boys won't be disbanded or splitting. But instead some of soompiers 'create' another issues of Chunjaesu being greedy and Homin not jumping ship. WHAT THE HECK?!!! And it is sad and depressing to see we, the FANS, were bashing our own artist. We are not in the position to judge the boys acts. They have their own reason to do what they are doing now, be it from the personal and human side or the business side.

Seriously, we are no better than those medias who like to speculate and exaggerate. I bet antis are right now jumping in joy and laughing their asses off looking at us bickering and falling apart because of this issue. We keep on saying Always Keep The Faith and so on..... but where is that FAITH we were flaunting earlier?

Let's stop all these baseless assumptions and let the lawyers do their jobs. The truth will come out.

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Guest laurassjj87

Hey SM, it's about time, and your time's up. I had to do this one for my boys you know. Sometimes you gotta act like you don't care, that's the only way them CFOs (and whoever's responsible) learn! >.<

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I loled with your post! xDDDDD

Yeah~~! "I had to do this one for my boys, you know..." xD



I can´t believe yet that they were always smiling like this while they were going through all this... T_T

I am very PROUD of them.

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Guest mkjunsu

Hey! I'm not sure if this has been shared before... (it probs has i guess but it won't hurt to see it again??) but i came across it while on Youtube. It's one of the best covers of Doush.ite i've heard...

Edit: Also does anyone have any links to any more great covers of dbsk songs? I'd really appreciate it...

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Guest erika.march1993

I've been a silent reader for a few years and this is the first time I felt compelled to write something in the forum. I LOVE DBSK. I am their biggest fan. However, Lil miss kawaii is the first person to breathe a bit of reality into the situation.

The problem is not "the dbsk boys are working SO HARD for their dreams and SM is stealing all their money" People are putting too much emotions into these thigns.

In the real world IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU WORK HARD OR NOT. You can work hard and not be successful. You can work hard and FAIL. You can work 24/7 but if nobody cares about you, you still end up with nothing. So saying "They are so hardworking, they are so tired, they travel all the time" is not a good enough argument on how much they should or should not earn.


We don't know if they DESERVE how much they earned. WE DONT KNOW and WE CANNOT JUDGE. They are essentially doing sales -- they earn a commission on the stuff they sold. I don't want to hear about "they earn much more than the american citizen" or "they are so poor". Look. It doesn't matter.

LSM (or the whole sm enterprise) can earn a lot of money but, unless he did it illegally, thats none of our business. He is a SALESPERSON who sells idol images. Us fans buy into this fantasy and we pay for it. LSM/SM earns all the money from us, and then pays his EMPLOYEE (Dbsk boys). SM can earn zero dollars or a million dollars but he takes all the risk. IF the image doesn't sell, all the investments go down the drain. They can earn an infinite amount of sum if they want to and we CANNOT JUDGE IF THEY "DESERVE IT".

What we DO KNOW is that the boys signed a CONTRACT which stated how much they earned (20% OR 10% OR WHATEVER). WHen you sign a contract, it is legally binding. The boys agreed to this share. If they didn't like it, they shouldn't have signed it. The fact that the contract was renewed just last year (when the 5 years was up) means that they should've resolved all contract issues last year. The fact that they signed the contract and then decided to file a lawsuit a year later doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I don't want to hear crap about "they are so young they didn't know what they were getting themselves into" or "but this is a slave contract". THE FACT THAT THEY SIGNED IT MEANT THEY AGREE TO ALL THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT. I don't want to hear "but they didn't have any choice! They were poor and weak and despirate idols", or "the contract is unfair!" NO, THEY HAD A CHOICE. SIGN OR NOT TO SIGN. End of story.

Unless the sm is doing something ILLEGAL like voilating human rights, we dont have a valid argument. If sm were in fact violating human rights (which is totally possible, from the hours they work, or if they were beat up by management) then this is a whole different story.

THE ONLY PROBLEM I SEE IN THE WHOLE SITUATION IS that there is NO TRANSPIRANCY IN THEIR SALARY. I found it alarming that the boys didn't know the EXACT amount "DBSK" earned and spent. THAT IS DISTURBING. They have absolutely ALL THE RIGHT TO KNOW HOW MUCH THEY EARNT and the EXACT SHARE THAT THEY ARE ENTITLED TO. THIs is a valid arguement.


-they are entitled to know how much they actually earned and how much they are entitled to.

-for everything else (unless its ILLEGAL), it's hard to dispute

this is my third post of the day and I would just like to say... I LOVE YOU!

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Guest msloeciano

What we DO KNOW is that the boys signed a CONTRACT which stated how much they earned (20% OR 10% OR WHATEVER). WHen you sign a contract, it is legally binding. The boys agreed to this share. If they didn't like it, they shouldn't have signed it. The fact that the contract was renewed just last year (when the 5 years was up) means that they should've resolved all contract issues last year.

I was wondering the same thing, too. Could it be because they were 'forced' to sign it? I mean, they were so popular and they didn't want to disappoint their fans so they had no other choices other than to sign the contract. And it's also been stated that they have been trying to negotiate with SM for quite awhile but we don't know exactly how long it has been. So maybe they have been trying to negotiate since last year but since they couldn't reach an agreement and they knew they couldn't just go out of SM either, they signed the contract.

I'm not trying to add more fuel here. I'm 100% supporting the boys but I can't help but get curious on few things, too >.<

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