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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest ckino

some might feel offended when people suggesting the controversy are money related. But i think there's nothing wrong with that. Well.. being an artist is their profession means that they work as an artist for their living and to support their life and family. Aside from involving in this area due to interest and fame, money/income did play a role in it. Frankly speaking are they work (entertain) people like crazy to earn money for a living. Its not a shame to clarify this matter like this since it is as a part of claiming what they are worth. They are not saint or angel to work for free. they are human being like us. They have the right to feel injustice when the employer threat them like that. The Dong bang boys can be said as world famous already. Whenever they go the venue will jam packed, people scream their lungs out, and willing to spend every single penny for what their music had offer. they're w/o doubt are talented. I feel offended when some arguing about they doing this for money since for me its okay to be demanding for it. Its not like they being ungreatful but come on you work so damn hard and for sure you want increment for what you had contribute. Its our right to spoke up if we know what its right for us. We didnt work for charity. We work for our earning to support our life. Im upset with people that see this matter as offended. We have every right to be asking of what we getting pay off. What kind of company in the world that never issue payslip to the employee. Its so unfair and cruel.

For me what JaeChunSu did was right. As for HoMin they have the right to choose whatever decision they made. These people are not a bunch underage school boys to stick and tag along with every decision made. They're professional and have their own reasoning. Its reality. I know fans feel insecured but if we think they are selfish for taking this action, for me its us that being selfish and unreal. Peace and support DBSK.

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Guest quynh1148

I really can't stand seeing people blaming HoMin, esp. Yunho.

They just recently signed it, why did they accepted it knowing that the three members are preparing a case against SM. i don't understand HoMin, this is about their life too. All the things yunho said about how sm is so good to them are all lies. My respect for Yunho as the leader of the group is now gone. I'm so sorry, this is how i feel.

I hope Yunho would man up and face this together with the members. I can't believe he looks happy while filming the drama knowing that the members are suffering.

whats the bond that you are talking about? this is the most important and crucial event in dbsk. how come the only 3 of them are in this together?

@kashmier: How do you know that Yunho and Changmin aren't facing this with the rest? How do you know that Yunho is not suffering like his members are? Are you Yunho? Or his best friend? Or his family? No, you are NOT. So you don't have the right to say why he does this and why not.

What do you want Yunho to do? Filming with the sad face? or crying? His members are suffering (like you said) and Yunho has to work, too. Is he just sitting at home and playing Play Station?

You said you respect Yunho. You respect him, but have you ever tried to understand him???

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Guest helenecho

I hardly voice up here, but I’ve been reading this thread for the past three days, so tired.

I know my opinion isn’t important, but I just want to say that I’m a huge fan of DBSK, and I only care about and believe them, I don’t care about the rest of the whole K-pop thing.

If SM made them disband, I’d curse SM go bankruptcy within half a year. That’s how I choose my side, always DBSK’s side, no matter how somebody is making long analysis about SM’s point of view. I’m DBSK’s fan, I stand by them, and this is actually DBSK’s thread, not SM’s thread.

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Guest lovebyelove


Go check it out and twitter "TVXQ" as much as you can so we can get them on the top spot!

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Guest krist_dbsk

oh, picture of jaejoong oppa and yunho oppa

jaejoong oppa look really tired,




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Guest tvxqforever

i was really shock and mad when i was told that

they had to sell 500K to earn money or else there's nothing.

i really hope that SM will really consider well.

i mean, if SM(that board) is in dbsk's shoes,

how would they feel!?

anyway, seems like they won?

so... 7years of contract.. 2 more years of dbsk..

oh well.. i just hope the other two members is fine right now.

of cos, our 3 members . I LOVE YOU.





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Guest chyna

Man, SM really is unfair. They are really just despicable. I think the boys did the right thing. RATHER THAN CONTINUING BEING A SLAVE OF SM AND NOT GETTING WHAT THEY DESERVE, THEY SUMMED UP THEIR COURAGE TO FACE THEIR PROBLEM AND BRING IT TO COURT. I mean c'mon guys, it must be really hard ESPECIALLY for the boys to do this injunction because their future is uncertain, and they are making us fans worry. But as they said, it is a step to maturity, so that they can make better music, and they can be freed from their contract.

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Guest the.cherrytree

Really didn't want to post it up, but I thought you might want to know what's being reported about DBSK in other countries.


I wish the local media would get their facts right.

동방신기 hwaiting!

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Guest Heaven2100

Ok... WHAT?!?!?! all those who judge HoMin have no right to do this!!!

Don't Judge and you won't be judged... I'm sorry but this is to much.. You don't even know what's really going on there and you think that you have the right to judge them?! Yunho really pulled them up.. He was a true leader all this time and he still is!!! He really was a father to them and to this group.... Believe me.. They knew about this drama before.. What do you think that they said Yunho is in a drama and he started to work the next day.? Sorry it doesn't work this way..!!!

And don't blame Changmin.. The maknae that Loves his huyngs and you can see it!!! They have an extremely strong bond and you can see it..!!! I guess this is because they always stood together.. And after reading this conditions I understand why they have such an amazing bond!!!

SM need to get some brain.. If they think that human are robots they are wrong.. I'm so mad and shocked..!!!! How can they treat people like this!!!

And please don't divide them to group because they are one group!!

I will always have faith in them because they deserved it!!! DO you think that yunho and Changmin deserved this "respect" to them right now? well They not!!!!

FOR me.. I respect them even more now! they had the courage to stand for their rights! And they are right!



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Guest SuMinUn

Why can people blaming HoMin?

please don' bashing them anymore.

We have to believe in their relationship,support to them.

Im so disapointed about some fans...

anyway,No matter what happens,We'll protect DBSK ^^

Always keep the Faith > <

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Guest jiajiaaa

Really didn't want to post it up, but I thought you might want to know what's being reported about DBSK in other countries.


I wish the local media would get their facts right.

동방신기 hwaiting!

Yeah, it's so irritating. And I think Straits Times is the "best" newspaper in Singapore right. They are so outdated -.- Plus this news was brought over from some Hong Kong news. Seriously, can't they put in more effort to find out more before publishing? I'd rather they don't publish anything. Singapore media is getting worse LOL :x Oh yeah, another chinese newspaper in MyPaper also had something about our boys disbanding. Feel like tearing the newspapers apart haha.

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Jaejoong and Yunho's pics from A-Nation 09

Credit : TVXQ Baidu

Thanks for sharing this. I hope their pale-ness is due to the effects of the photos but seriously, JJ looks really pale!

It's nice to see some new photos admist all the pages of words and chaos! :crazy:

I'm just glad the 5 of them are sticking together and dismissed the rumors of disbanding. That's the most important issue for me.

As for the rest, I hope everything goes in favour of the boys. And that is speaking from an ethical POV. They deserve so much and brought about tons of profits to the company, yet what they get are just nuts. <_<

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Guest ka_vie

Something was posted on omonatheydidn't

the members' injunction application has been approved


An injunction does mean that the receiving party must stop whatever they are doing until something is resolved. They are legally required to do so. I'm not sure what they do in Korea but it might actually means their contract isn't being enforced right now.

This is maybe one of the reason why Yunho and Changmin did not join JJ, Chun and Junsu for legal action.

Their activities in Korea are organized by SM, including their participation in drama.

Yunho's Heading to the Ground is planned to be broadcasted in September, while Changmin's will be aired in August.

I remember someone mentioned that 5 of them actually went to meeting with lawyers.

So, maybe they actually wanted to take legal action as well, but then they found that SM has already arranged their involvement in the drama.

I believe they actually aware if the injuction are approved, then the shooting of drama will be stopped and it will affect broadcast schedule and many other people who also involved. And I believe Yunho and Changmin are not the kind of people who wouldn't care about it.

I believe in all of them, 5 of them.

Every little step must have been thought carefully.

They've had time of hardship in life before, so if they are brave enough to take this kind of action, I'm sure it's something serious.

Always Keep the Faith.

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Guest chyna

Really didn't want to post it up, but I thought you might want to know what's being reported about DBSK in other countries.


I wish the local media would get their facts right.

동방신기 hwaiting!

uh! I can't believe they published that! They totally got all the facts WRONG in that newspaper. :angry:

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Well, the reason why Homin isn't joing the law suit suddenly poped out of my head like this:

Five of them are not really want to leave SM, just want to fix the unfair contracts, so they didn't really have to go all together now.

So they split into 2 teams, Jaechunsu's team will face nicely with the media and SM to solve problem in the contracts, HoMin will remain at SM to back up.

If anything happened to Jaechunsu (the nice team) like SM don't want to be nice and go against them, Jaesuchun couldn't solve the contract in the NICE way, here HoMin come to the rescue.

In a recently music show in Japan (Music fighter if I'm not mistake) Jae said Changmin is scary, and in the past (many time at that) other members said Changmin is evil too, so the evil might have a plan himself.

BUT as evil as Changmin maybe, he can't caried out the plan all by himself, so he need help, and Yunho will be Changmin (The evil)'s assistant so, let's call them the evil team.

Because SM don't want to be nice, the evil team don't want to be nice either (heck, they'r evil, at least 1/2 the team is), what could Changmin probably do?? Well, he can blackmail SM if by somehow he got proof (video, picture, record...ect ect) SM abused their artists (this is the well known rumor since HOT) or do any other illegal things. So in order not to let their SM label tainted (which have happened already) they must agree with whatever DBSK wants.

another script written by me:

as you see now, SM stock's dropping (12% already) when DBSK haven't leave SM yet, imagine how much more it will drop if DBSK really left SM (this is the point which only 3 members left)

because the stock dropped dramatically, SM might on the verge of bankrupt, there's no point keep the TVXQ label when SM almost die, and the NICE team (if they could leave safe and sound and they have financial support) they can offer a cheaper price to buy their label and save (uh oh) SM before it crash and pull HoMin out of there.

another method which is quite similar is wait till SM's stock drop much much lower then buy as much of their stock as they can and gain control of SME, that way they could own part of SM to, so HoMin is still here and hello again TVXQ :)



By the way, DBSK seriously need to fix or get out the contract or else they will be push and push to work and when they get get older (and still be push to work if they remain their popularity) THEY MIGHT END UP LIKE MICHEAL JACKSON ( dead due overdose injection in order to keep working)

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Guest SiXeLa

I just created a twitter account just for DBSK...lolz...i really hope TVXQ will be no.1 search on twitter soon. I know tweeting about them doesn't seem much but at least it's one way of showing DBSK that we fans love them so much =)

So guys, go create a twitter account if you haven't already. And if you have a twitter account, tweet away about TVXQ !!!

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Guest nicole91

Isn't the most important thing right now is to stay together?

Like what most of the majority quoted in this thread, always keep the faith!

If the boys said that there is no internal conflict, then we should believe in them, shouldnt we?


There is no such thing as HOMIN vs Jaechunsu.

It's just a made-up. We should not lose our trust in DBSK.

All in all, they had never said that they wanna disband.

How disbanding rumour came about is because of some so called fans doubting the bond between DBSK.

They shared an unbreakable bond, like many of you had said.

It won't be broken so easily.

Trusting them is all that we could do.

And for those blaming HOMIN, reflect!

Do you seriously think what you said is right? Or just out of pique?

We should not be causing internal chaos right now.

Support is what they need.

Winning the lawsuit is crucial for them because if they lose, consequences would undesirable.

miduhyo~ :)

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