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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest chip packet

OMG!! :w00t: Definately a cute CF!! Can Yoochun get any cuter? I'm guessing there would be four more versions of this ad of each of the boys, since Yoochun's already been aired <3 But...ah, so cute :D And Seolrim's a drink right?

Seolrim (or at least the packet Chun was holding) is icecream. It's really nice :)

Does anyone know who belted the high note near the end? I thought it was Min at first but then thought it could be Yunho as well

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Guest angelzluv

OMG!! :w00t: Definately a cute CF!! Can Yoochun get any cuter? I'm guessing there would be four more versions of this ad of each of the boys, since Yoochun's already been aired <3 But...ah, so cute :D And Seolrim's a drink right?

I really hope so too...we may see their cute side on the CF if it really happen...^^

Seolrim is the frozen milk shake if i'm not mistaken... :P

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KYAA~ Mickey youre adorable!His smile is really to die for!!<333

OMG!! :w00t: Definately a cute CF!! Can Yoochun get any cuter? I'm guessing there would be four more versions of this ad of each of the boys, since Yoochun's already been aired <3 But...ah, so cute :D And Seolrim's a drink right?

I can't wait for the remaining CF's!Im hoping for 4 MORE adorkable DongBang XD Maybe the others will do another flavor <<33

Seolreim CF - Yoochun





credit: skyyuchun + 도르핀천지

shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

TimeOut Gelato is Yoochun’s Mother Day’s Gift

May 13th, afternoon news.

According to Korea multimedia news, before Mother’s Day idol group member TVXQ’s Micky Yoochun by using all the money he got from the TVXQ’s activities, bought his mom an ice cream shop as gift.

This ice cream shop is located in Apgeujeongdong, Seoul, South Korea. The shop is very clean and on its wall there are a lot of Yoochun pics hung. Today (May 13th), Yoochun’s official officer also provided a statement of truth on this matter.

Meanwhile, TVXQ currently is now in Japan for Arena tour. After they finish the tour in upcoming July, they’ll surely come back to Korea.

source: baidu + TVXQCN + Mr.TVXQ

trans by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

V Hi there Kenoa!!♥

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Guest Kenoa




ok i'm gonna calm down, anyway that's cool :D :D :D

@Aliza unnie: thanks for the screen shoots, you did notice yoochun, and i did notice yunho's tummy! lol

-about 'tea for two': things go two fast!

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Guest badstar

I'm not digging it for now.

I want to hear the whole version first. lol

the Seolreim CF is out ..the boys look so cute

YT link

090513 Seolreim CF [HQ]

wooohooooo!!! It's so cute!

I can't wait to see the other versions!

Ermmm.. Changmin, what are you doing to Yunho? LMFAO!


credits: dnbn

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Guest intan

the Seolreim CF is out ..the boys look so cute

YT link

090513 Seolreim CF [HQ]

Kyaaaaaaa!!! Long time no spazz..Micky is so CUTE!! he's a real flower boy..lol..he reminds me of teenage girls in facial wash CF smiling gaily, being cute and all..he's the male version of that..haha..the other four at the back are just so cute..I notice Junsu cute face after Yoochun..hehe..so funny at how they fanboying Yoochun at the end..^^

090509 Bigeastation Ep. 111 (JaeChunMin)












For the translation above, after Changmin said "You can always be by your girlfriend's side",

he continued with a "But Micky is never going to be able to do that". And Jaejoong replies with a "Never". XDDD


Credits: 慘綠 & 小三 @MrTVXQ

Trans: shaine@sweetfig

shared by: sweetfig@blogspot

Please take out with Full Credits. :)

I just love this episode..JaeChunMin are so CUTE! lots of Yoochun love..from Jaemin, fanguy and fangirl..and Yoochun is so happy..^^

amazing how both the boyfriend and the girlfriend is Yoochun's fan..lol..If I ever can find a man that love Yoochun as much as I love Yoochun..hmm..sounds like there's something wrong there..haha..:lol:

If you guys want to listen to their babababang..Yoochun's screams, Jaechun cute voices and other weird sounds in this episode..^^

[AUD] 090509 Bigeastation Ep. 111 (JaeChunMin) [1/2]


This is not a recent one but I don't think anyone has shared this before..

090510 Junsu at SAITMA 2nd Day Fanaccount

Junsu @Saitama 2nd day. He could walk around! Yeah!! (*^0^*)//

At saitama on the 2nd day, Junsu was able to walk much better than the 1st day.

Junsu told the audiences that now, it is no problem for him to walk around. ^^

He could stand whole time and was able to move his upper body well. He was with the members much more than the first day @ Saitama. He kept on smiling despite of his condition. Even if he could not dance, his song performances were amazing as usual without any mistakes. His voice was as Strong as ever even if he was still unable to dance that day. Fans could clearly see his God given incredible natural talent in singing as he could sing amazing well to the point to give audiences goose bumps.

When other members were singing and dancing "Nobody Knows", He was trying to dance a little bit with small steps. But then right after that performance, when they were doing MC, JJ said to him in the way like mother would talk to her loving son, "I know you want to dance, but you have to be patient until you are fully well to avoid having the worse condition". Junsu did not know how to talk back to JJ and looked at him the way little boy would look as his mom which made fans to giggle because Junsu looked so cute. ^^

Yuchon also told Junsu to take it easy on the first day in his very caring and loving way. Yuno kept his eyes on Junsu so that he will not over work his leg.

Also on the first day at Saitama, when Junsu said that his leg is better than in the morning because of the fans cheers for him, Max had commented in his calm way, "you say you wanto to dance and you are OK but then I bet as soon as we go home, you will start to complain that your leg hurts. So don't dance yet, ok?!".

All the fans at Saitama had laughed at Max's comment because the way Max had said was filled with his care for Junsu and that the fans were glad to notice Junsu is getting much better to the point that the members can even joke about it. ^^

JJ and Yuchon kept on walking toward Junsu to give him their warm & loving care.

All members continued to care for Junsu as it was observed at Kobe which made fans love TVXQ even more.

Junsu was joking around again at the second day of Saitama. As he started to share some of his jokes, other members said "don't you have any new ones?" and Junsu had his famous "how should I reply to this" kinda face which is soooooo cute and everyone loved it! After his well-known sigh time, he then shared his new joke "JyunJyuwa~~~~!!", which he learned from a Japanese comedian @ 007 TVshow, and the whole audiences laughed out loud. ^^

Mr. Sekine was there on the second day at the concert sitting at the seat with other fans, TVXQ spotted him and he was on shown on the wide screen, then he made his famous funny face which made everyone happy including TVXQ. I am so thankful to Mr. Sekine to be there two days to support TVXQ to cheer them up.

I have some pictures from Saitama provided by the music company personal which is shared through free website, please send me your e-mail address to my memo box. As I live in the USA, please be patient if it gets to you a day later. Thanks!

Since I wish to share this news with you asap, I have not proof read well. Sorry!

let us continue to pray for Junsu's complete recovery!

Credits: Junsulv@3asian

shared by: sweetfig@blogspot

^lol at Homin gif..haha..I saw Changmin's hand somewhere at Yunho's chest..I thought it was not done on purpose but looks like it's obviously not..lol..in the middle of CF..revenge because his hyung always molest him in concerts??..haha

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Guest lovelovejj



I have a question!!

I need know is necesary have a member card and your FC ticket when you go to Concert Secret Code? Or only your FC ticket is good?

PLease answer me.

You don't need the member card if your FC ticket is not the premium one.

Just bring the ticket and enjoy the concert :)

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Guest badstar


Clubbox | Website | LJ Community | FansubWiki | Staff Forum | "Heaven's Postman"

Available at the GOE;SS Clubbox


[RAW] Seolreim CF (Micky ver).avi



credits: dnbn


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Yunjae + Yoosumin Ear Blowing @ 3rd Bigeast Fanmeeting

- i went crazy because of this vid!!! :lol: Yunjae's reaction is the BEST!!!!

lol.at 0-14-0-17 that was a total yunjae moment the way jae turn to look at yun!

He could stand whole time and was able to move his upper body well. He was with the members much more than the first day @ Saitama. He kept on smiling despite of his condition. Even if he could not dance, his song performances were amazing as usual without any mistakes. His voice was as Strong as ever even if he was still unable to dance that day. Fans could clearly see his God given incredible natural talent in singing as he could sing amazing well to the point to give audiences goose bumps.

When other members were singing and dancing "Nobody Knows", He was trying to dance a little bit with small steps. But then right after that performance, when they were doing MC, JJ said to him in the way like mother would talk to her loving son, "I know you want to dance, but you have to be patient until you are fully well to avoid having the worse condition". Junsu did not know how to talk back to JJ and looked at him the way little boy would look as his mom which made fans to giggle because Junsu looked so cute. ^^

Yuchon also told Junsu to take it easy on the first day in his very caring and loving way. Yuno kept his eyes on Junsu so that he will not over work his leg.

Also on the first day at Saitama, when Junsu said that his leg is better than in the morning because of the fans cheers for him, Max had commented in his calm way, "you say you wanto to dance and you are OK but then I bet as soon as we go home, you will start to complain that your leg hurts. So don't dance yet, ok?!".

All the fans at Saitama had laughed at Max's comment because the way Max had said was filled with his care for Junsu and that the fans were glad to notice Junsu is getting much better to the point that the members can even joke about it. ^^

JJ and Yuchon kept on walking toward Junsu to give him their warm & loving care.

All members continued to care for Junsu as it was observed at Kobe which made fans love TVXQ even more.

Thanks for this! i love this part !it warms my heart to hear that the members are really caring to each other so much and is worry about one another.awww thats part of the reason why i love these guys so much apart from their talent they have amazing team work and a tight brotherhood^^i can understand su's feeling he must be itching to dance but he has to take it easy ..he wants to do the best for the fans it must be killing him! but he needs to recover 100% so fighto so and don't push your self to much.

PS thanks Niocz for the pics! i appreciate it^^

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Guest pimple


This is not a recent one but I don't think anyone has shared this before..

090510 Junsu at SAITMA 2nd Day Fanaccount

Junsu @Saitama 2nd day. He could walk around! Yeah!! (*^0^*)//

At saitama on the 2nd day, Junsu was able to walk much better than the 1st day.

Junsu told the audiences that now, it is no problem for him to walk around. ^^

He could stand whole time and was able to move his upper body well. He was with the members much more than the first day @ Saitama. He kept on smiling despite of his condition. Even if he could not dance, his song performances were amazing as usual without any mistakes. His voice was as Strong as ever even if he was still unable to dance that day. Fans could clearly see his God given incredible natural talent in singing as he could sing amazing well to the point to give audiences goose bumps.

When other members were singing and dancing "Nobody Knows", He was trying to dance a little bit with small steps. But then right after that performance, when they were doing MC, JJ said to him in the way like mother would talk to her loving son, "I know you want to dance, but you have to be patient until you are fully well to avoid having the worse condition". Junsu did not know how to talk back to JJ and looked at him the way little boy would look as his mom which made fans to giggle because Junsu looked so cute. ^^

Yuchon also told Junsu to take it easy on the first day in his very caring and loving way. Yuno kept his eyes on Junsu so that he will not over work his leg.

Also on the first day at Saitama, when Junsu said that his leg is better than in the morning because of the fans cheers for him, Max had commented in his calm way, "you say you wanto to dance and you are OK but then I bet as soon as we go home, you will start to complain that your leg hurts. So don't dance yet, ok?!".

All the fans at Saitama had laughed at Max's comment because the way Max had said was filled with his care for Junsu and that the fans were glad to notice Junsu is getting much better to the point that the members can even joke about it. ^^

JJ and Yuchon kept on walking toward Junsu to give him their warm & loving care.

All members continued to care for Junsu as it was observed at Kobe which made fans love TVXQ even more.

Junsu was joking around again at the second day of Saitama. As he started to share some of his jokes, other members said "don't you have any new ones?" and Junsu had his famous "how should I reply to this" kinda face which is soooooo cute and everyone loved it! After his well-known sigh time, he then shared his new joke "JyunJyuwa~~~~!!", which he learned from a Japanese comedian @ 007 TVshow, and the whole audiences laughed out loud. ^^

Mr. Sekine was there on the second day at the concert sitting at the seat with other fans, TVXQ spotted him and he was on shown on the wide screen, then he made his famous funny face which made everyone happy including TVXQ. I am so thankful to Mr. Sekine to be there two days to support TVXQ to cheer them up.

I have some pictures from Saitama provided by the music company personal which is shared through free website, please send me your e-mail address to my memo box. As I live in the USA, please be patient if it gets to you a day later. Thanks!

Since I wish to share this news with you asap, I have not proof read well. Sorry!

let us continue to pray for Junsu's complete recovery!

Credits: Junsulv@3asian

shared by: sweetfig@blogspot

Thank you so much for this.

I love how jaejoong and junsu response to each other.

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Guest shushshuckspui

finally! i finished backtrackking.... :)


someone asked about who sang the high note part?

i'm not really sure, but i think it is yoochun. the way he pronouns the words seems to be from yoochun. :)

i hope there's five versions! :)

cos it seems like they spent quite some time doing this CF, and only 31secs is too short for the effort, to and fro japan and korea.


you know there is this video where yunho is in a box looking very pitiful? can someone confirm with me where is that video from? i think it is from their banjun drama right?

sigh, junsu yah, i know you're itching to perform and dance onstage but you have to rest well for your leg to heal. you also wanna put in 100% for tokyo dome, DBSK's dream stage right?

oh and on another note. lol i found some weird korean fans who made an account for junsu on facebook. it was all in korean and everything, almost fooled me. but i read the korean words and he/she said he/she is a fan of xiah junsu. lol it was so realistic cos under the friend's list there is also changmin, some ppl from wg and bb, and some other random ppl from south korea and some from suju. and their users were all in korean, some with selca pics as display pics. really almost fooled me... :P

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Guest TVXQ<3

CF: It's so refreshing! Can't wait to see other versions!

TSC FANCAMS: Than you so much for sharing! I wonder how they manage to take those fancams that no one caught them. They are now professionals at hiding them. Anyways, thank you! I'm excited for the DVD! I hope when the Tokyo Dome concert comes, Junsu is in his 100%. :)

Yamapi & Family @ TSC Saitama: That's so cool! I mean, I never imagined this would happen. I wonder if he already met the boys. I'm sure the staffs noticed him as stated at the CEO's blog that there were known personalities at the concert. Now I can say that P & Jin are really friends. :D

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Guest sheilapiglet

haha...Yunjae at the fanmeet had so much chemistry!....like it felt as tho there was electricity when JJ turned to look at YH...like: "Yunnie, we can finally do something somewhat intimate on stage without getting scandalized...must take the opportunity!!=P"...hahaha...and of course YC always has the best facial expressions=P

stuff to share:

this is old but it's hard to find on YT and it has subs!=D:

[ENG SUB/DL LINK] 090129 DBSK - Channel-A Soccer Battle [1/3] {DBSKnights}

[ENG SUB/DL LINK] 090129 DBSK - Channel-A Soccer Battle [2/3] {DBSKnights}

[ENG SUB/DL LINK] 090129 DBSK - Channel-A Soccer Battle [3/3] {DBSKnights}

I love this channel-a episode!!....so funny..too bad Junsu didn't have more chances to kick...i'm sure he would've gotten more goals in since he's really good at soccer......and at the end JJ couldn't help but talk back with his smart mouth that always gets him into trouble..hehe....you can see YH hug him right away and say "too much" so that he wouldn't go on..hahaha..JJ to the host: "but you were the worst!"...lol!

[FANCAM] 090510 4th Live Tour TSC Saitama - Summer Dream (Yunho ver.)

LOL at the outfits...but I have to admit that they can pretty much pull off anything!=P...and it was YH that took over Junsu's part of leading the dance=P

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Guest chip packet

finally! i finished backtrackking.... :)


someone asked about who sang the high note part?

i'm not really sure, but i think it is yoochun. the way he pronouns the words seems to be from yoochun. :)

i hope there's five versions! :)

cos it seems like they spent quite some time doing this CF, and only 31secs is too short for the effort, to and fro japan and korea.


you know there is this video where yunho is in a box looking very pitiful? can someone confirm with me where is that video from? i think it is from their banjun drama right?

that one is their "Tokyo Vacation" drama I think :)

and yes, it was me who asked about the high note- so it was Chun's then? thank you lol I've been trying to work it out since the first time I watched

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Guest linn333


you know there is this video where yunho is in a box looking very pitiful? can someone confirm with me where is that video from? i think it is from their banjun drama right?

its from a drama called "tokyo holiday"

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Guest some1gurl

Kyaaaaaaa!!! Long time no spazz..Micky is so CUTE!! he's a real flower boy..lol..he reminds me of teenage girls in facial wash CF smiling gaily, being cute and all..he's the male version of that..haha..the other four at the back are just so cute..I notice Junsu cute face after Yoochun..hehe..so funny at how they fanboying Yoochun at the end..^^


This is not a recent one but I don't think anyone has shared this before..

090510 Junsu at SAITMA 2nd Day Fanaccount

Junsu @Saitama 2nd day. He could walk around! Yeah!! (*^0^*)//

At saitama on the 2nd day, Junsu was able to walk much better than the 1st day.

Junsu told the audiences that now, it is no problem for him to walk around. ^^

He could stand whole time and was able to move his upper body well. He was with the members much more than the first day @ Saitama. He kept on smiling despite of his condition. Even if he could not dance, his song performances were amazing as usual without any mistakes. His voice was as Strong as ever even if he was still unable to dance that day. Fans could clearly see his God given incredible natural talent in singing as he could sing amazing well to the point to give audiences goose bumps.

When other members were singing and dancing "Nobody Knows", He was trying to dance a little bit with small steps. But then right after that performance, when they were doing MC, JJ said to him in the way like mother would talk to her loving son, "I know you want to dance, but you have to be patient until you are fully well to avoid having the worse condition". Junsu did not know how to talk back to JJ and looked at him the way little boy would look as his mom which made fans to giggle because Junsu looked so cute. ^^

Yuchon also told Junsu to take it easy on the first day in his very caring and loving way. Yuno kept his eyes on Junsu so that he will not over work his leg.

Also on the first day at Saitama, when Junsu said that his leg is better than in the morning because of the fans cheers for him, Max had commented in his calm way, "you say you wanto to dance and you are OK but then I bet as soon as we go home, you will start to complain that your leg hurts. So don't dance yet, ok?!".

All the fans at Saitama had laughed at Max's comment because the way Max had said was filled with his care for Junsu and that the fans were glad to notice Junsu is getting much better to the point that the members can even joke about it. ^^

JJ and Yuchon kept on walking toward Junsu to give him their warm & loving care.

All members continued to care for Junsu as it was observed at Kobe which made fans love TVXQ even more.

Junsu was joking around again at the second day of Saitama. As he started to share some of his jokes, other members said "don't you have any new ones?" and Junsu had his famous "how should I reply to this" kinda face which is soooooo cute and everyone loved it! After his well-known sigh time, he then shared his new joke "JyunJyuwa~~~~!!", which he learned from a Japanese comedian @ 007 TVshow, and the whole audiences laughed out loud. ^^

Mr. Sekine was there on the second day at the concert sitting at the seat with other fans, TVXQ spotted him and he was on shown on the wide screen, then he made his famous funny face which made everyone happy including TVXQ. I am so thankful to Mr. Sekine to be there two days to support TVXQ to cheer them up.

I have some pictures from Saitama provided by the music company personal which is shared through free website, please send me your e-mail address to my memo box. As I live in the USA, please be patient if it gets to you a day later. Thanks!

Since I wish to share this news with you asap, I have not proof read well. Sorry!

let us continue to pray for Junsu's complete recovery!

Credits: Junsulv@3asian

shared by: sweetfig@blogspot

^lol at Homin gif..haha..I saw Changmin's hand somewhere at Yunho's chest..I thought it was not done on purpose but looks like it's obviously not..lol..in the middle of CF..revenge because his hyung always molest him in concerts??..haha

awwww...how sweet...it really touched on how all of them really care on junsu :tears: :tears: :tears:

i know it must be really hard for junsu...

he's the most active and agressive on...

but he was unable to participate other 4 to dance...

i really know he's passion in dance...

however, i reaalllly hope he should listen to his members to ensure that his leg heal...

the more he put pressure to the leg...

the longer time he willl take to heal...

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Guest linn333

umm guys I have a quittion...about the 4th live tour, is it possible to get a premium ticket without being a bigeast member? I'm ready to do anything to get 2 tickets for June concert...so is there anyway? this is my first time attending a concert in Japan so I dont know where to get tickets ^_^

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