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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest sheilapiglet

i was just wondering tho...when the staff announced Junsu's injury, how come I heard several fans laughing?...like what the heck?

anyways, I had to comment on the audio compilation of Junsu singing....like wow, that's amazing!...especially since he was sitting in a wheelchair the entire time..it's alot harder to sing properly when you're not standing...love him=*)...I'm disappointed that they didn't have any acapella tho...there were so many beautiful songs that they could've sang to....and it's the perfect opportunity for them to be all sitting down...ah well.

in regards to the drama, i wonder which member is contemplating on acting next?....I'm really excited about this but at the same time I can't imagine that member being away from the group for such a long time (especially with their packed schedeul and come back to Korea)....I mean, JJ was away on several ocassions and his was only a 2hr. movie!.....can you imagine a series?!

stuff to share:

here's part 2 of Junsu's hip action moves=P**

Xiah's Sexy Hip Dances 2


"TOHOSHINKI OFFICIAL PHOTO SELECT SHOP" was scheduled for live sale at 5/3 but because one of the members, Junsu, hurt his foot during rehearsal it made him difficult to walk so we have to postpone the sale.

Please looking forward for the receiving items.

Later, after the recovery of JUNSU's legs, the five members photographs will be taken at the concert performance of the stage and will sell it afterwards.

The initial TOHOSHINKI OFFICIAL PHOTO for sale in mumo-shop was cancelled, but we will reshcedule it and sell it.

For the the dates and time of the selling period, the offical homepage/website of Tohoshinki will be a guide to you

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

TVXQ Staff

Please take out with full credits.

Source: KXJHS☆ @dnbn

Trans: heidy@sweetfig

Shared by:TVXQFever

oh, this is too bad....I wonder how much of their scheduel needs to be delayed or cancelled?...I'm sure that Junsu will feel super guilty=(...at least they're still going to sell the items, it's just going to be at a later release date.

am glad that Junsu looked okay in that photo taken backstage after the concert...and I couldn't help but drool at YH's exposed arm muscles=P**

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Guest mhyra16

thanks for the secret code photos, junsu & yunho are hott

and i hope junsu to get better

this is a nice remix by a female

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Guest alexkziel

Thank you!

Awww they look a little down there, no wonder, with Su injured.

They are a team, it must be so hard for them to have one member like this.

Keep smiling boys, we will be supporting you!! :D

Thank you for The Secret Code pics, Junsu and Yunho so handsome , and all the concept is soo elegant, it feels like a James Bond movie :lol:

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Guest XiahxTiffany

yea the North american DBSK concert petition

i just hope that SM is going to allow it

the boys need to have a tour in the US

i could beat that secret fans will show up that lied to everyone saying they dont like the boys

and plus i wanna the see the boys live again :)

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Guest Honey_KizZ










credit: as tagged

source: baidu


[Trans] 090505 CEO Matsuura Blog Update

The first day of TVXQ!

Mobilizing 250,000 audiences in “4th LIVE TOUR 2009 ~ The Secret Code ~” at Kobe World Memorial Hall had started!

However, the day before the concert–at rehearsal time, one of the members Junsu injured his leg and it’s hard for him to even walk.

This condition was explained by the staff at the beginning of the concert.

Due to this accident, they had to change quickly the form of dance without Junsu participated in it. Junsu said in strong hope, “I still want to do the live concert!”

So by telling everyone before the opening of the concert, finally the first day of the tour was conducted safely. There was warm cheer from all audiences, thank you very much.

Junsu together with all members were very pleased with all the cheers.

After the concert, everyone was tired, but this is picture of the members in dressing room:


It’s already expected reviews of today’s concert content along with Junsu’s condition status.

Please watch the rehearsal!

source: CEO Matsura’s blog

trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress

TVXQ’s Xiah Junsu’s Injury at The First Day Concert

Xiah Junsu’s injury in Tohoshiki’s 4th live tour in Japan was a big setback.

Starting on May 4th, Kobe World Memorial Hall was decorated for “Dong Bang Shin Ki 4th Live Tour 2009 - The Secret Code” in Japan, and AVEX was signed to report the situation there.

According to official staff, Junsu’s leg was injured during the rehearsal the day before and the review of his health status told him not to walk and at least he had to laid off the show today. However, to see so many fans already gathered at the venue and expected a lot from the live, Junsu stongly requested to join with everyone at the stage. Thus, staff has to re-schedule the concert’s contents the five members had to perform.

Junsu appeared at the concert on wheelchair, and actively participated at the MC part. Yet, he didn’t manage to join all the dance songs from beginning to end. Junsu forced himself to at least stood up at the last performance, “Bolero” and all fans were weeping in impression.

Dong Bang Shin Ki performed the first song from their March-launched 4th album “The Secret Code” to start the concert, followed by “Share The World”, “O Jun Ban Hap”, “Purple Line”, and “MIROTIC” which all were performed in passionate dance and classy costumes. All fans were so excited and the group could handle to perform all 29 songs smoothly.

At Dong Bang Shin Ki’s 4th Japan tour, just like last year, Amuro Namie’s ex-husband and a member of Japan’s famous group, TRF, SAM has been in charge.

Jaejoong told Junsu about the injury during performance (T/N: MC talk), “It takes a long time to recover, you can’t force yourself to return soon,”. As soon as the first show at Kobe ended, Junsu sent e-mail via official mobile site saying his thakfulness and once again apologizing everyone for the unforseen injury.

“The first day of tour, I wanted to show you my best appearance, but I had hurt my leg during rehearsal before the concert,” he described his condition. “I’m sorry to make you worried, TVXQ will show in complete form as soon as possible.” he made his promise.

Meanwhile, after Junsu got involved in injury, modifying the contents of the upcoming live tour was inevitable. AVEX reported that there’s been consultation and reviews of the concert’s contents running currently for one held in Kobe on March 5th (today).

Dong Bang Shin Ki still has concert on weekends, May 9th and 10th at Saitama Super Arena, and before they finally move to the final stages in two consecutive days on July 4th and 5th at Tokyo Dome, there are in total 9 big cities tours around Japan with 21 performances.

In addition, on August 1st together with other AVEX singers such as Hamasaki Ayumi and Kumi Koda, Tohoshinki will attend a super-size outdoor music tour A-NATION 09 to 4 cities all around the country with total 6 stages.

TVXQ’s doctor said that the injury Junsu had now, was sprained ankle. He’ll be strong enough to push all schedules being prepared but without doing vigorous dance. Thus, to return in a complete group soon is not likely to be achieved.

source: AP News

trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress

Jaejoong as “The Prince”

Okay okay. Now I feel very bad translating 2 consecutive posts below which all of them sent you bad news…

Cheer up a bit with this post, k?

Remember our previous……. ehm, OLD post about Jaejoong got nominated in a BARKS poll “When you hear the word “Prince”, you remind of this artist“??

The poll was held during Tuesday, April 14, 2009 ~ Monday, April 20 .. and here’s the result!

10,000 voters involved.


* 1位: Youngwoong Jaejoong (东方神起) - wins with more than 30% votes

* 2位: Keita Tachibana (W-inds.)

* 3位: Domoto Koichi (KinKi Kids)


* 5位: 高见沢俊彦 (THE ALFEE)

* 6位: Sakito (ナイトメア)

* 7位: Takita and Hideaki (滝沢秀明)

* 8位: Hikawa Kiyoshi)

* 9位: 及川光博

10位: Tamaki Hiroshi

11位: John-Hoon

12位: Kato Kaseuki

13位: Kawaguchi, Nishi-Takaoka Nori (TMRevolution)


15位: Fukuyama Masaharu

16位: Shou (Alice Nine)

17位: Gackt

18位: YiDA

19位: Kawabata Ryuichi

20位: Kosuke Teppei (WaT)

and here’s the comments left when Jaejoong finally won the poll (I’m not sure if the one who posted this news at dnbn purposely took mostly comments from ones who were in their 40th or it is real that most comments were actually from 40th women ^^;;;)

I’d Like to Say This To The Prince: Youngwoong Jaejoong:

“Shoyu Koto?” (40 / female / employee)

“I love you” (40 /female / housewive)

“I want to take your lips. Is it better to take them in Korea?” (10 / female / high school student)

“12 After Market, let’s walk to the magic of love well?” (40 / female / housewife)

“I was the goddess of the east” (30 / female / housewife)

source: Barks

trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress

concert goodies:


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Guest Nanashi

When I read that Junsu had been hurt I cried and told my sister since she supports Junsu loads.

I want him to get better soon. I know he is going to make it. DBSK fighting!

The Junsu Fancam was heartbreaking to see. Our Junsu being strong for Cassiopeia. I hope he doesn't push himself too much these days.

The Premium Seats Red Carpet is incredible. It makes it all worth it buying a ticket of that price, ne? But for DBSK everything is worth it.

Concert list is also incredible. I am sure we all expected for the concert to start with the Secret Game. I love this track. Oh, how I wish this track was longer. I'm so excited to see them perform My Destiny. I wish they would perform Rising Sun. For some reason...it feels...incomplete? Haha, I don't know how to explain but...at least we get O Sei Han Gou, right?

Junsu oppa, Fighting!



@Honey KizZ pictures: Good God! DBSK will be the death of me.

I thought I should share this too.

Junsu's Mirotic Ad-lib 081229



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Guest Darknesss

I feel...kind of like I might die...poor Su! :tears: I hope...I'm making it worse in my head than it actually is...and that it's just like a sprain or something that will heal quickly. I'm looking at the song list and just thinking, 'man, I like Nobody Knows. I can't wait to see Su...' Yea, this is killing me. Sorry, I know this kind of stuff has been said a million times before >.<

Ah well, for being so annoying, I give you:e004176948f8acc9c4d4a.jpgfkouhaku3mc7adf8f.jpg


credit: as tagged

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Guest some1gurl

TVXQ’s doctor said that the injury Junsu had now, was sprained ankle. He’ll be strong enough to push all schedules being prepared but without doing vigorous dance. Thus, to return in a complete group soon is not likely to be achieved.

does this means his sprain ankle quite serious?????? :tears: mmm...poor junsu....even it quite impossible for him to rest well....i really hope miracle could happen to his ankle...hope he recover soon...join other 4 to dance...even though now i'm damn busy at work..i cant quite consentrate to work...it really make me worry to death..however, i believe in him..truly believe him...


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Guest sillysweet101

TVXQ’s Xiah Junsu’s Injury at The First Day Concert

Jaejoong told Junsu about the injury during performance (T/N: MC talk), “It takes a long time to recover, you can’t force yourself to return soon,”. As soon as the first show at Kobe ended, Junsu sent e-mail via official mobile site saying his thakfulness and once again apologizing everyone for the unforseen injury.

“The first day of tour, I wanted to show you my best appearance, but I had hurt my leg during rehearsal before the concert,” he described his condition. “I’m sorry to make you worried, TVXQ will show in complete form as soon as possible.” he made his promise.

Jaejoong as “The Prince”

Remember our previous……. ehm, OLD post about Jaejoong got nominated in a BARKS poll “When you hear the word “Prince”, you remind of this artist“??


* 1位: Youngwoong Jaejoong (东方神起) - wins with more than 30% votes

and here’s the comments left when Jaejoong finally won the poll (I’m not sure if the one who posted this news at dnbn purposely took mostly comments from ones who were in their 40th or it is real that most comments were actually from 40th women ^^;;;)

I’d Like to Say This To The Prince: Youngwoong Jaejoong:

“Shoyu Koto?” (40 / female / employee)

“I love you” (40 /female / housewive)

“I want to take your lips. Is it better to take them in Korea?” (10 / female / high school student)

“12 After Market, let’s walk to the magic of love well?” (40 / female / housewife)

“I was the goddess of the east” (30 / female / housewife)

thank you so much for sharing!

i am loving all the pictures of TSC's Photobook. they look very continental and 007-ish on the rooftops, by the plane, etc. and i love the outfits...the suits & leather bomber jacket thingys. lol

jaesu is ♥. jae for being his concerning self and telling su to take it easy & su for being such a sweetheart and trying to alleviate the fans concerns instead of worrying over himself. *reaches out to squish both*

i really hope its just a regular sprain and nothing further/serious. although a regular sprain in itself hurts like heck knows from experience.

and i have to say...the comments left by the fans when jae won "the prince" poll thingy had me LMAO.

but really, i don't know what is more amusing..the comments or the fact that 3 out of 5 are housewives. :) i'm not hating on housewives, i'm just tickled by it. i say hooray for housewives if they were the ones who put jae on top. XD and it really goes to show tohoshinki has no age limit on their music.

oh, almost forgot. the compilation of su singing. omfg, can i say speechless and awed. his ad lib of beautiful you was so unexpected, i was literally was like holy crud. i had to replay it so many times. wow..just wow.

thank you everyone for pics, links, translations, etc. i ♥ you all for being so kind as to share info.

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Guest xiahaddict

Cant sleep last night coz of Junsu's injury..

So sad that he barely cant walk.

But, I believe he will recover soon ...Since he's my Junchan.

Btw, has anyone buy the ticket for MIROTICON Thailand from pingbookpresale@hotmail.com?

They want me to transfer the money today. Its reliable source right?

Thanks in advance..

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Jesus.. Junsu's injury. I was away for 2 days so I just learnt about it.

For such a perfectionists like THSK, Junsu must have felt disappointed for not being able to perform on stage with the members.

And I could see in the fancam that he's really putting in all his emotions to sing the song... :tears:

Knowing that he stood up during the last performance was really touching and heart-breaking at the same time.

Hopefully he doesn't push himself too hard (both mentally and physically).

Get well soon, Junsu!

On a side note, the concert venue and items look really grand. It's no wonder the tickets are so expensive.

It feels like the fans are going for some sort of spa treatment or sth? Everything looks real nice!

Thanks to those who updated us with Junsu's injury!

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Guest Toink3

Oppa...U Need to recover..I Missed ur Sexy Dance On The stage...T_T..

I'm so sure he hve planned so many sexy+Powerfull+energetic dance..but it turn out dat he cant do any of em

he is Injured....Nvm Oppa..I'll pRay for u...get well soon..

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Guest i<3jaejoong


get well soon oppa..

the fancams almost shed me up to tears..

it's really painful for me to see him in that kind of situation..

but at least he is so making an effort for the fans to not to worry..

btw, any jaejoong's fancam where he took of his shirt during their mirotic perf??

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Guest 2MY

Thank you for the fancam!

Its soo hard to find fancams of the concert.

It eases me now that I see Junsu has a positive attitude.

Haha he's soo cute in the fancam.

Its also heartbreaking for me because Junsu probabaly wants to get up and perform with the other members

but he can't T.T

Take care of yourself THSK!

Gah~ i hope there won't be anymore news about another member getting hurt.


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Guest HermioneHero

PROJECT UPDATES: Now you can leave B-day message for all of them (TVXQ!). Check out now!

Hey! Micky 23th B-day Project + TVXQ individual B-day Present Project


Ahh!! Finally, i planned this for a long time and now we can really do it. Yes! This is a Bday project for all of them, TVXQ! Since we have long time haven't do a project. Sorry for that, I have been busy... ><" Ok, let's start it now! #haha#


  • 1. 5 different CD
    2. 5 different T-shirt
    3. 5 different Hat
    4. 5 Bear accessory (

* Ideas of present can be post here: http://cassiopeia-family.com/forums/viewto...=357601#p357601

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Guest minh_89

I hope Junsu gets well soon. He's such a trooper... still all smiles and singing his heart out even though he's injured, and this totally makes me love him even more<3 I hope it's just a small sprain and he'll get better if he rests. It seems like the injury caused a lot of last minute changes, that was probably why the members were confused a few times about their position on the stage. LOL @ the cold jokes during the talk segment. They're kind of funny because they are just so... unfunny XD

I can't wait for more fancams/ fan accounts of the concert. I'm kind of curious of the concept and outfits they use during this tour... for T tour it was them being secret agents. From what I can see of the promo pics (which are REALLY HOT), there seems to be helicopters of some sort?

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