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Talking On The Phone Is . . .


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Guest heartofarose

i like the phone because you can tell if the person is actually paying attention to what you're saying by the way they project their voice on the phone.

but i understand when it comes to those phone calls that people avoid because it just gets too awkward to the point where there's nothing left to say.. :mellow:

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Guest lovely.

It really depends on who I'm talking to.

If it's someone I'm not close with I'd rather not talk to them at all.

Waste! If it's someone i'm close with for sure!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest sylphid97

Oooooh... I hate talking on the phone. It doesn't even depend on who it is. Even with my boyfriend, our talks are an average of about 10 minutes long. I like talking face to face instead. This is probably why I never call anyone just to "talk".

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Guest Hιtσмι

I dont normally talk on the phone anyways.

Everyone just leaves a msg on my MSN and stuff.

People listen to your conversation around you, which i find abit awkward.

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Guest chopper!

lols, talking on the phone, i really do NOT like x)

i also don't like msn/aim. it's b/c i have to know what ppl's face expressions are like to tell what they are REALLY feeling. haha XDDDD that way i can start a convo.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest koneko26


i prefer texting, usually when i talk to someone on the phone at one point

the awkward silence comes up. feels weird to me, i guess.

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Guest infinite*

If the person I'm talking to is fun to talk with then def. phone.

Most people I talk to on the phone are fun so .. I like talking on the phone.

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Guest Carmen.

Most of the time I prefer talking on the phone than texting/msn, because it's just something more personal. Just like how I'd prefer to talk to people in person than through msn or text.

However, one thing I dislike about talking on the phone is that sometimes there are awkward silences that I don't know how to fill in...so I just end up rattling on about random stuff haha.

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Guest dafp042194


What`s the use when you`re butt is stuck on the Computer chair the whole day?


But it`s kinda fun staying on the phone. But sometimes, it gets so boring. ._. Hah.

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Guest youraDouche.

i honestly HATE talking on the fone lols.

bcuz its get soo awkward when theres like this silent gap haha.

i choose texting, aim, & im any other day (:

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Guest MarsCrescent

I absolutely hate talking on the phone! Even to my friends and family. Like today for example I have to call a few places because I need a job and did some applications. I am dreading it! lol. I have no idea why I hate it so much.

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