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Are You Close With Your Cousins?!?

Guest 영원한 사랑

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Guest Yangie12

I'm not close to my cousins on my Dad's side. That's because they're much older. Heck, I think I'm more comfortable with their kids than with themself. Another thing is that they live in Hong kong/China, so I don't see them a lot.

I'm very close to one of my cousin on my Mom's side. She lives near me, so we come together quite lot. Other cousins are either too young or older, but I'm still quite close to them. Another cousin lives in Hong Kong and I kind of wish we lived closer, because she is almost my age.

I'm talking about my direct cousins now.

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Guest catalima

I have a lot cousins but I'm not really close of them =_= Now I though about it when I was a child I was close to some of my cousins, we were like sibling but now...

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Guest darcyausten86

I don't have cousins on my dad since, he was the only among four sibling who got married.

I have four cousins on my mom side, but I never met the three oldest cousins. I'm close to my youngest who's eight. I thought me and him weren't going to connect, because of the 14 year gap, but everyone in the family was shocked when we became close.

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Guest 크라운유리

When We were little yes, but as we grew older she started to like Manga and anime, and Anime OST while I like Korean Music and drama n stuff

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yes, with the ones here in the city.

there are only 8 of them here minus the one who cut ties with the family LOL.

cousins in philippines - i like 'em all on moms side and know all 21 of them unlike dads family members.

there are about 40-50 cousins and i only know 11 - im close to most of them.

havent met the rest though. i dont think we'd be close either since im the youngest cousin.

i just turned 18. the eldest is probably the same age as my dad and thats around 50 xD

so im closer to my nieces & nephews. just found out like 6 months? ago that they are the same age or even older than me. :mellow:

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Guest Stolen_waters

With some of my guy cousins, yes, since we spend holidays, birthdays, and other occasions together. Sometimes we also sleepover at each other's houses, even at the age of 20. :D I like the feeling when they open up to me and tell me stuff they can't tell their parents. We don't even like the same things, like they're party people and I am not. I also like it when they're so protective of me, since I'm the only girl cousin they're close to.

I'm not close to some of my other cousins though. We do talk to each other, but there are still awkward moments. :P

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Guest doll face

sometimes I don't even realize some people are my cousins or my aunts/uncles because the age groups are so different. =____= gahh.

but, with the cousins I've met so far, I'm close to a few of them. but that's mainly because we visited each other every year now, and when we were little almost every other month~~

I miss them. :c

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Guest bubblepeach

When I was younger, I'm close with my cousins. As we grow older, we're like scattered around so it's kinda hard to see each other.

We still meet and talk but we're not as close as we used to be.

I do have some that we keep in touch with.

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Yes, but only with one cousin [ I have 13 of them x.x]. Although, we have five years difference we still have a lot in common and at least once a week we meet up to see each other. A few of other cousins I see at special family gatherings once in two months, and others that are left - rarely.

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Guest mango-iee

i have 2 cousins in Vietnam and the other 7 are here in the United States but I'm more close to my cousins in Vietnam instead. o_o"

i'm okay with my cousins here ~ just that i don't talk with much. sometimes i don't even say hi. xD

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Guest aznshorty

I have 9 cosuins in total.

personally, im not close to any of them.

theyre really just there. im not trying to be mean, i love them.

we're just not close.

except out of the 9, i dont like 3...is that a bad thing?

i mean, one's literally a w.hore[shes going out with a guy only for the money], one has changed completely and become a total flirt[it doesnt seem bad, but trust me, she flirts w/guys even when she already has a bf, really obviously too], and the other one is just a violent bastard who needs anger management.

im not trying to be mean in any way[im just answering your question], but seriously thats what they're like.im not exaggerating.

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Guest xstrawberry_bearx

I'm really close to my cousins. The ones that I see most I'm very close with.

The ones that lives far, we're still close because we manage to talk to one another daily

Or whenever we can so yeah :)

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I am closer with my cousins on my mother's side as we are closer in age gap and we live near each other. Yeah, when there is a get together, we hang out as a group of 9 together.

I am not that close with my father's side because of the age gap and they live in America and Vietnam.

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Guest SafetyCharm

My cousins on my mom's side i'm super duper close with. We're practically brothers/sisters, and the majority of us go to the same school/have or are coming to the school ^^

its so much better and i love being close to them. Sadly, i take it for granted sometimes.

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Guest vanessa1988

lets see on my dad's side i have 21 cousins...and im closest with the ones that live here

nd they live no more than 3 mins away from me. i'm probably closest with my girl cousin(she is also on soompi btw)

then the youngest of them who is 13. the oldest...we used to be so close when we were young but we drifted apart. :(

another one im closest too is the one that lives in LA. when we see each other it feels like no time has passed nd we act so comfortable with each other all the time^^

on my mom's side its 18 cousins...

the ones that live here are way older than me so we don't hang out.

some are living in NY so i haven't seen them.

the only ones i actually am close with is the ones that also live far from me. i havent seen them in 6 years but im sure if i see them again it wont be awkward^^

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i have a crapload of cousins

when i was younger i was pretty close to them cuhz i was the youngest one out of my whole family..

then i got older and like a lil awkward with them so i barely talked to them but now i started a bit

but my brother is hella close to them

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