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Are You Close With Your Cousins?!?

Guest 영원한 사랑

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Guest 영원한 사랑

just curious
Just curious but are you close with your cousins???

I have 8 cousins ... 1 in america and 7 in korea......i rarely go to korea so im not so close with them....and it sucks.....

Seems like most of the people i know are so close with cousins ..... but i rarely see mine......

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Guest Neko.Ochibi

I have a lot a lot of cousins all over and a lot that are close by and a few we're really close since we grew up together and some are kinda of shady when we all want to hang out with just the cousin, they make the environment really awkward even though they are family, so I think I really depends if you get to know them or not ^.^

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Guest royalpirate.

I have a lot of cousins. Some are like strangers to me. I'm really close to some of them. The ones that I'm close to are like my siblings.

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Guest strawberrynkiwi

when was i was younger definitely,

then when i moved to canada, it is just harder to keep in touch regularly.

but i went back for the entire summer and spend a little more time with them.

so sometimes we chat on msn, fb and what not.

but my closest cousin, who lives in new zealand. we haven't spend more than 1 year together in the same country.

he moved to nz when i was 6months, then i moved to canada.

but we are the closest somehow. :lol:

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Guest sushie-chan

When i was child, we are very close, always chatting andhave fun with them but now that we grown, we are distant, when i'm with them, we don't talk very munch... :x

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Guest ms. rachellica

my mom's side i'm really close with. my dad's side i'm not close with at all.

the funny thing is, all of my mom's side live in a different state than i do, while all of my dad's side lives near me.

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Guest kor3an__

I'm really close with my cousins on my dad's side. The age ranges from 13-35..(13 of us)

But we're superrr close =)

We go on trips together (cali, quebec, vermont), Snowboard together, & do random get togethers =)

My 2 cousins in korea, i've never met..so =\

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Guest EHNerJI

not at all o.o; since i'm a lotttt younger than them,

we're in different places in our lives lol. o.o;

it sucks, though.. i wish i had cousins to be close with.

especially now that my aunt's in the hospital X_X;

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Guest curiouscao

Wow , very interesting. Like some of you , I used to be very close with my cousins , however ; when we got older we each kinda had our own lives going on.

So i'm not too close with most of my cousins anymore. There's only about 1 cousin i talk to more then once a week. :tears:

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I have one cousin who I'm really close to. I've known him since we were 6. Everyone else, not so much. I'm not super close with the rest of them but I love them to death!

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Guest coffeehouse.

Not All of them though
. I'm close with female cousins, rofl

I only am close with one-year-older-than-me cousin & years older cousins.

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Guest daulism

shyeah man. all my cousins are korean and we live here in the same town, therefore, we are close.

ah, except for one cousin whos like what.. 20? yea.

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I only had one cousin who lived next to me as I grew up, and he still does. So we're pretty close to each other. Most of my other cousins are in china and we're not as close. It's kind of awkward when we go to china and visit, so I wish they lived here instead =(

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Guest Princess_Sakura93

Most of my cousins are here in the same state as I live in. Others live in VIetnam and Germany. o.o;; ANYWAYYYY, I used to be close with my guy cousins, the ones that live in the US, when I was in middle school. We used to spend every weekend playing video games. xD Haha. I don't see them that often anymore, since we all have our own stuff to worry about. I'm closer to my girl cousins now, but I don't see them that much either. I do see them every once in a while though. We, as in my guy and girl cousins, play Rock band and Guitar Hero: World Tour together. 8Dv Me and my guy cousins, we play Super Smash Bros. Brawl~

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Guest juju<3.

thats lots of cousins, but i have more than 8 (: lmfao. haha.

i get along with most of them :D except for one .. i hate him -_- haha.

he is from vietnam, but he comes to the us and act like a b**** to me and my parents

and i dont like people who talks bad about my parents. i go wild ~ i hate him. pretty much :]

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