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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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Guest dianaharumi

good night ...is sooo long ..miane..that because im getting married....but i still miss minsun couple....i watch blood drama epis 1 to 10 marathon....
I only cite a few interviews GHS and LMH in the past, which made me understand, that their love at the moment is getting stronger, their love is not love teenagers, they got older, and better understand one another.

When being asked on which style of girlfriend that he wishes to have, he said with laughters, “Now not only overseas travelling, I also want to do more travelling around Korea itself.” “I wish to go to nice places like the mountains and the person must be one who is able and has the hobby to travel to these quiet places together.
Here's an excerpt from GHS' interview last 10/21/09:

Question: A place that she recommends traveling to?
Answer: Mari Island (?- an island, Japan?)- she immediately responded. She has never been there and would definitely love to go there. A place that she would recommend going to and would like to go herself is the South Pole and to the desert. Her friends and herself are presently planning to go there. And the place she had been to several times (had fun) was Paris. Her favorite thing to do is to travel all around Korea.
when MH was asked what is the present he wants the most, he answered 'i would like to have a girlfriend'. During the fan meeting, he was asked what his ideal type is like and Jung Ilwoo answered saying 'MH's ideal is a petite, fair skinned, innocent girl.

LMH's conservative confession: "The girls who are connected to me (or who I know) cannot wear short skirts."

1. Question: GHS's ideal type and her ideal marriage life?

GHS- Her ideal type continues to change said she. From appearance then to personality then to man's ability/capability then to someone who is able to understand and have consideration for her, hence her ideal continues to change.

When people work in the same field, there is that constant competition/comparison of one's success, etc (basically there is always a competitive streak going on); and if working in completely different fields, that person is unable to understand that other person's line or work and what goes along with it and it could become difficult (basically she is trying to say that she would prefer a person working in the entertainment industry as that person is able to understand her line of work and all that goes along with it like the crazy working hours, schedules, kissing other people as their line of work, etc).

The way I think about true mature love now has to do with couple who help increase each other's work efficiency. Instead of making the other person give up his/her work, I feel that it is better to cheer the other person and to help improve his/her work. I feel that is the best kind of person/love. (hmm what are minsuners think about this one?

마지막으로 “마음이 순수하지 않으면 상대를 응원하지 힘들다”며 “돈과 명예만 따지만 상대를 짐짝 취급한다든지 그럴 수도 있다. 상대를 응원하려면 기본적인 순수함이 있어야 하고 그 순수함을 상대를 지켜봐주는 것이 좋은 것 같다”고 털어놨다. Finally, if the person's heart is not pure and genuine, it is hard to support and cheer for the other person. If the couple in relationship only roots for money and fame/reputation, then they may be only viewing each other as packages, not people. In order to truly support and cheer for each other, there has to be a foundation of purity/genuineness. It is good to stand by the other person with the heart of purity/genuineness.

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Guest S_sun

Congratulations on your pending wedding @dianaharumi. Hope the preparations are going well for you! 

You found your Prince Charming just like our princess!  =D>
Thanks for the excerpts of some of their interviews. They had given us many hints over the years. Ofc with things thrown in to distract the public as theirs is a secret relationship! Minsunners have learned to filter through them over the years. kkk
We know Minsun Love is a mature true love otherwise it would not have lasted so many years! 
May it keep going forever and gets stronger and more beautiful over time!  ;)
Let's keep supporting their individual projects !  
Nevertheless at the end of the day , true minsunners know what is reel or real. :)

This unguarded loving looks  between them stays in my Minsun heart! kkk

Flashback this bts when they were in a world of their own, mimicking each other! kkk
Image result for minsun awards kbs


Our prince is so sweet! He must have missed his princess a lot to make that special trip back for a night! Just look at him the next morning ! He was so happy and relaxed. His princess is his Energizer Bunny! hehehe! =))  =))  =))
Have fun with your fans at your concert, LMH-ssi !

Thanks to all minsunners ! Let's keep the Minsun faith burning!  :)

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Guest dianaharumi

thank you @ S_sun for you prayers
:x :x :x :x....
Have look at LMH and GHS, like this with him/her co stars?

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Guest dianaharumi

Nora unnie actually I've seen that picture long time ago, and I share the same sentiment with you... yay our imagination are going wild, Ok I just made this pic, lets compare MH hand with "stranger" hand in second picimage
so how do you think all my sist??????..

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Guest dianaharumi

Q: It seems like your relationship with each other is pretty good, can you tell us about what you think of each other?

MH: After 6 months of working together, where we face each other from day to night, we are now very good friends who are familiar with each other. And it actually feels like we have known each other for more than 6 months, in fact it feels more like we've been friends since children.
so when you see that men and women can not be friends, without any feeling, MH ???

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Guest dianaharumi

GHS another interview with Vogue magazine in 2010, his thoughts on the relationship ....Be Friends [Part 3]
M: according to the Vogue interview, your biggest defeat was the break-up with her first love. At that time, her mood was even filled with vengeance, that’s very different to the one I met today. Can you tell us about that?
H: not a very dramatic one, actually some part was exaggerated. Since I was young and that’s the first time, I won’t be like that now. I grew up after this experience.
M: getting emotional because that’s the first time. And now what is your thought about man?
H: I won’t restrict him and will give each other more freedom. Maybe it’s like…how to express that…for instance my boyfriend want to have noodle while I want rice, I would just let us get what we want
M: so you mean you would not compromise to eat noodle but keep on with your preference, is that what you mean?
H: If both of us feel pressure on this kind of issue, we will start a fight. Thus I want more freedom for each other, and do whatever we like. That’s fine as long as we eat together.
M: so she won’t be very demanding and yet won’t compromise on everything, giving some space each other. But she really loves to eat, she mention noodle & rice even when we talk about man. So you know how to cook, you seems like an epicure.

She's truly an understanding girlfriend..... Lucky MinHo.

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Guest dianaharumi

Now I understood why GHS say alot about LMH in interview that "Because I am so close with Minho. I guess people can misunderstand. We can really talk and, because of Minho’s feminine side, he really understands and hears me so well. However, I am very careful when we meet so that his future is not in any way negtively affected by any misunderstanding because of me"
Okay my GHS, I understand all, more see GHS is really protecting MinSun' relationship, more confirm MinSun have one secret that who also know image.
I totally agree with you guys.... These makes things clearer to me... HS denies her relationship to MH because she wants to protect him... and support him in all the endeavors he want to succeed.... And for me its a sign of TRUE LOVE.... For TRUE LOVE declines selfishness...... I hope one day MH will do something to avow his true feeling to HS.... can't wait for it.....


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dianaharumi said: GHS another interview with Vogue magazine in 2010, his thoughts on the relationship ....Be Friends [Part 3]
M: according to the Vogue interview, your biggest defeat was the break-up with her first love. At that time, her mood was even filled with vengeance, that’s very different to the one I met today. Can you tell us about that?
H: not a very dramatic one, actually some part was exaggerated. Since I was young and that’s the first time, I won’t be like that now. I grew up after this experience.
M: getting emotional because that’s the first time. And now what is your thought about man?
H: I won’t restrict him and will give each other more freedom. Maybe it’s like…how to express that…for instance my boyfriend want to have noodle while I want rice, I would just let us get what we want
M: so you mean you would not compromise to eat noodle but keep on with your preference, is that what you mean?
H: If both of us feel pressure on this kind of issue, we will start a fight. Thus I want more freedom for each other, and do whatever we like. That’s fine as long as we eat together.
M: so she won’t be very demanding and yet won’t compromise on everything, giving some space each other. But she really loves to eat, she mention noodle & rice even when we talk about man. So you know how to cook, you seems like an epicure.

She's truly an understanding girlfriend..... Lucky MinHo.

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Guest S_sun

dianaharumi said: Now I understood why GHS say alot about LMH in interview that "Because I am so close with Minho. I guess people can misunderstand. We can really talk and, because of Minho’s feminine side, he really understands and hears me so well. However, I am very careful when we meet so that his future is not in any way negtively affected by any misunderstanding because of me"
Okay my GHS, I understand all, more see GHS is really protecting MinSun' relationship, more confirm MinSun have one secret that who also know image.
I totally agree with you guys.... These makes things clearer to me... HS denies her relationship to MH because she wants to protect him... and support him in all the endeavors he want to succeed.... And for me its a sign of TRUE LOVE.... For TRUE LOVE declines selfishness...... I hope one day MH will do something to avow his true feeling to HS.... can't wait for it.....

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Great collection @dianaharumi and all best & congras in your upcoming wedding ceremony :)

Never doubt Minsun is REAL :x

Wow, ever since 2010 Choco follows him to the PT shooting location ... cos HS can follow hm :))

And now  Choco are more exposed to public, since Choco cannot appear at his concert but Choco T-shirt can, right?

Btw do you think this Choco T-Shrt pic look different, I wonder :-?


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sukreen said: Great collection @dianaharumi and all best & congras in your upcoming wedding ceremony :)

Never doubt Minsun is REAL :x

Wow, ever since 2010 Choco follows him to the PT shooting location ... cos HS can follow hm :))

And now  Choco are more exposed to public, since Choco cannot appear at his concert but Choco T-shirt can, right?

Btw do you think this Choco T-Shrt pic look different, I wonder :-?

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22.03.2015 LMH arrived at the Incheon Airport from Hong Kong

Today he has earphone on ;)
yay Minhossi why the pouting mouth :D

wonder is he talking to someone :-?


cieee.. cute MH lol :-?


BG Lee really cares for him :-bd


As always the crowds

credit to the owner as tagged

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Guest vineela

Hi sisters how are you all  :-h :-h
its been a while since my last post anyways dint miss any of your posts Joondi is my daily energizer cant let it go without reading single day
its sooo good to see minho with his choco such a loyal hubby minsun never forget to give us vitaminsun
:x :  :x
sisters thanks for posting minsun interviews love to read them its so obvious Minsun are soo in love
allow me to share this minsun vid made by Astelle sis

@dianaharumi sis congratulations for your upcomming wedding

sisters thanks for all your posts and updates keep them comming
love you all see u soon 
:-h :-h
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Guest S_sun

Flashback to June 2009! I remember the excitement and spazzing going on when those pics came out! Gosh! That were out in June after his operation to remove the plate.Minsunners sisters had deducted that the hand looked like his , the skin tone was the same! Morever it was noticed he was wearing special shoes on the right leg! :))
Reposting @dianaharumi's posted pic. Thanks sis!image
Back to March 2015! We have many vitaminsuns since 2009. The latest one is MH bringing his 30 year old Choco with him and showing his love for Choco!  =))  =))  =))

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