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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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 Dearest @Surie_Riri, now that I see you in your playful mood ,my heart regains its normal rhythm ,thank GOD ! But be careful you pointed the binoculars of LMH in a dangerous direction -not that I'm complain. @myonenonly ,I like you're being bubble ,cute, lovely ,like our little princess GHS  the real one ,and full of humor !@sukreen thank you for the news and Vitaminsun ! Yummy !
  .Being next such cheerful girls like you Minsunners ,make my happiness !

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Guest vineela

hi sisters how are you all:-h :-h :-h

love to see our minsun couple shoes our couple never miss to give us  vitaminsuns :x :x :x

poor minho working like a busy bee i wonder how is hyesun eonni i miss her tweets eagerly waiting for her movie

i wish this year would be a blissful year for our minsun and minsunners[-O< [-O< [-O<

i miss our couple:( :(



credits  the owner as tagged

sisters thanks for all your posts and updates you all are awesome =D> =D> =D>

love you all see you soon:-h :-h :-h


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@myoblu I want to be like GHS happy & bubbly. :)) cute & lovely? I don't know. Lol!

@Surie_Riri you're so quick posting your photos. Always thumbs up with you! :)

@chyne22 yes US Sunnies gifted her with personalized converse shoes. :) hers has her full name on the side. :) we know that our couple has always have same converse shoes. I miss LMH wearing rugged clothes. It makes him look manly too. :))

Cheers MinSunners! Thanks to Aye & Sukreen. :X

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Surie..you are the bomb….a Minsun artist.  Good thing we did not join the Valentine contest cuz you're going to give the other contestants a run for their money…..
What?  Another couple shoes?  How many pairs did our Minsun own?  Lol…I forgot about this pair.  Suk, I bow to your eagle eyes.  You are the great mamasan of our Minsun family.  Kudos to you my bff.
Yes, I agree.  LMH is yummy in casual jeans.  And of course, wifey too.  Oh, and did you notice the shoes they're wearing?



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@myonenonly, OK I'll take a step back :lovely(enchanting )&cute (smart,pleasant) ! How  can a bubbly&happy woman not to be also lovely&cute ? EH? I hear ? @vineela ,dearest ,when I looked at your photos ,I got an idea : probably when this two "Christmas globes " visited Taiwan ,the town didn't need another source of power ,their smiles and sparkling eyes providing sufficient electricity for five years ! So they must go again this year in April-May to renew the stock . @Surie_Riri , sweety .... I love you ,you know ?

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Another fun? intersting? trivia~

This blogger collected interviews of all major and few minor BOF cast members about their ideal mates and she also added any chages they made about their ideal mate criteria after BOF.

GHS's part~
At the press conference of BOF:

Q. 꽃보다남자 구혜선씨, 이상형은 어떤 사람입니까? GHS's ideal

A. " 꽃미남은 별로. 전 외모를 안보기 때문이예요. Not very interested in "pretty man" style; Looks is not that important to me.

    " 무엇보다 친절한 사람이 좋아요." Above all, I like a kind person.

    " 저보다 나이가 어리면 안돼요." He absolutely cannot be younger than I am 

    " 예의바른 사람이 좋아요." I like a person with good manners.

    " 자상한 사람이 좋아요."I like a caring person"

    " 인간미가 넘치는 사람이면 더 좋아요."It would be even better if he has overflowing sense of humanity."

    "저를 리드해 주는 사람이 좋아요."I like a person who would lead me." (This is interesting since GHS said so herself that she can be very stubborn and she is not very good at listening although she is trying to change it.)

The blogger added this statement:

(참고로 위의 인터뷰는 꽃남 제작발표회때 인터뷰입니다. For your reference, above interview content is from the BOF's press conference.

최근엔 좀더 추가되고 바꼈더라고요. Recently, (this blogger posted on April 13, 2009) GHS's ideal changed. 

속깊은 남자라면 나이와 상관없이 연하도 괜찮다,

의리있는 남자가 좋다..로) GHS supposedly said that age does not matter to her if the guy is very deep inside; that it is OK with her if he is younger than she is. She likes a man with sense of loyalty.


hmmm~ interesting...the blogger's website address does not get recorded on this post. The blogger posted it in Daum portal and her website name is "bestdresser".

Borrowing cheerkoo sis's post from GHS's thread!! Woah! See how her preferences changed from before BOF to after BOF!! She too told the same thing like LMH that "Age doesnt matter!" and also the word "Loyalty"!! These 2 words, LMH told till now too and recently too :) Minsun go public soon!! :D :D :x <:-P
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@ gayu312 , I wonder who made her change her mind? ;) Our prince maybe? :D On another note I been searching the Web for any hints of the love birds and came across an article about Our sweater wearing prince I was surprised to learn he bought all his clothes for heirs. Anyways in the article the writer commented on how ugly those sweaters are but leeminho still look cute to me. Although I saw heirs I didn't really like the drama just watched to support LMH. I love GHS The musical and absolute darling. I really want to See LMH and GHS in another drama together they have lots of chemistry. I want to see her all dress up playing a seductress only of course if she gets to seduce LMH. I miss our couple they are so quite these days.

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Thanks @sukreen and @ayesuper1 for the latest spotting of vitaminsun.No doubt they are couple shoes! I believe couple shoes are identical, not just similar. I have lost count how many pairs of couple shoes MinSun have. hahaha.
I am still on cloud nine over LMH's Cosmo interview. How revealing and earnest LMH is. He seems to be reassuring his little princess that he is happy in their relationship and will be loyal till the end.Look at the latest fancam on the way to Shanghai. Love his casual fashion. He seems so happy and content.

credit as tagged
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Since GHS mentioned "boyfriend" on her recent interview. So I'm reminded of her old interview in 2013 whom she mentioned same line.
A DC fan posted that she likes this article:If any Sunnie also posted it, I thank you. It is kind of funny. But I will just summarize few points due to lack of time.http://news.sportsseoul.com/read/entertain/1103912.htm

1) GHS could not get any investors with PT script and people strongly discouraged her from making it into a movie. She was even more driven because of such discouragement. (Way to go GHS!!) But then, JSW agreed to do the movie. After that, she could not give up on PT at all.

2) Because JSW was cast for PT, there was rumor that GHS and JSW were dating. GHS was very sorry on location with JSW because of such rumor. But JSW was very cool and GHS was very grateful about it.

3( GHS says that rumor with JSW did not bother her that much because there was another bigger scandal with her and Suh TaeJi while he was going through divroce proceeding with LJA. She felt so bad to them whe had enough trouble of their own and she had to get stuck in the middle of it all.

4) While the Suh Taeji scandal occurred, GHS says that she was in Taiwan and saw that SuhTAeJi scandal ranked number 1 news in Korea. She says that, at that time, she was in relationship with someone.

And LMH recent interview, he also mentioned a girlfriend whose always beside him.

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