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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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Thanks @EternalAnny for bringing those teenring ads back. Jandi was so funny and so cute! Love them especially back in those days  they were playing with each other and flirting, without a care in the world! hahaha
Reposting your gifs.

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Glad to see old and new MinSunners  join us ;;)  :) :)
God keep those laughs on their faces all the time to keep us happy all the time
:x :) :)

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who else if not Goo Hye Sun, LMH's Geum JanDi :x


"yeah, actually I am prefer to young mature woman. But sometime it's sweet if we have petite girl.But it's not Kim Na Na or Choi Da Hae. More mature is better for me...

Q: Is Eun Sang near to your ideal type of girl?
LMH: No, I would prefer someone more Cheerful and Lovable. Although Eun Sang is cheerful but a bit pitiful, too capable. My ideal type is I Can Protect her, I'm a male Chauvinist..."

Kim nana or Choi da hae, Eun Sang NOT LMH's ideal type of girl.


"I would definitely choose Geum Jandi. I'm very much like my role Goo Junpyo in reality, I Like my girlfriend to be like a friend whom I can feel comfortable with. Not too different from Goo Junpyo"



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They make a big fuss over the kiss with his partner in Heirs . Let's see and remember the real KISS of love on highway of BOF with the original, brilliant comment of Donnapie-Flower-pot:"[highlight]Highway KISS![/highlight]

Why Hyesun, are your lips hurting already?

I think they were trying to hold in their smiles at this part but sadly, it didn't work... hahaha!

2:39 had my heart beating like crazy...

Either Hyesun wants more or she feels ravaged... hahaha!


Now this is really a great way to celebrate Valentines Day! Spread the MinSun Love... Happy Hearts day everyone!http: "

You like it ??!!! Because I do ! Very much ! It melt my hear away their sincerity, their joy, that finally they can show their love ,special MIN HO -SSI, who was tortured by the Director-nim countless ,stopping him right when he was at the point to kiss his lovely partner . Aawwwww !!!

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Yes @myoblu a sweet memory! Thanks.
Let's talk about  the highway kiss again.

credit janey Wang

Eng Translations credit Jean-star:

MH: the next is the kssing scene of us. It's what the audience had been waiting for XD feeling very anxious cos there's lots of people around. a very complicated feeling.
shows the scene in the show)
JP: stop the car
Mama Kang: Don't stop, continue driving
JP: Stop in the CAR
Mama Kang: there isn't the need
JP: I said stop the car!
TV: Not bothering his mom's reaction, he walk towards JD
MH: This is the first time a REAL kissing scene
???Voice: practice with me?
jibin: eat some dried cuttlefish
HS: the smell's heavy (referring to the taste, i think)
jibin: you see
HS: got the permission (from JP)
jibin: Only allowed (to eat) if you get permission from JP? Let JP eat some too! (haha,JB up to no good)
HS: ...
jibin: it should be okay if both people eat
(practicing for the scene)
MH: I stand here, face to face (with HS) no *protection (*???)...[<--sorry not too sure 'bout the word]
TV: the two person gets nervous
Voice: Get ready
MH: It should feels like that (moves over to HS) we're still rehearsing rite?
HS: do i need to drop the biscuit (referring to the pack of food she's holding)
Dir: fine too
HS eh?
Dir: try it
HS: (drops the biscuits) like this
Dir: start
Screen: here comes the real one
(JP goes over to kiss JD)
Dir: cut.... can''t see JD's face.... don't tilt too much of your face.
(MH tries again)
Dir: yes...just like that...okay, ready...pls keep quiet.... start
(JP goes over and kiss JD)
Dir: cut
Screen: (points to MH's script) feeling uneasy [hope i translate this correctly]
Dir: this close, let the mouth touch
??? Voice: Just let the mouth touch....haha
MH: touch a lil?
[did you see his expression XD]
(starts filming again)
Dir: like this...oh, JD's too short
HS: (i think she's feeling somewhat embarrassed, she starts hitting MH)
???Voice: here comes the stool
Dir: okay, prepare...action
(JP kisses JD)
Dir: cut... ah, can't film JD's face
HS: haha, JP comes and just... the head (she imitates what he had done)
Manager Jung: the expression is not bed
[not too sure who's speaking]
HS: MH ate some dried cuttlefish?
??? Voice: no, HS ate some.
HS: (you) didn't eat? (talking to MH)
MH: (chuckles)
Screen: (points to jibin, in the hood) culprit-(kang-san)
(MH starts getting on jibin)
jibin: oh, the bullying scene... ah...ah
(MH and HS atarts preparing for the next scene)
MH: it's be great you're a weed
HS: what?
MH: commoner, gangster girl ...[太妹=gangster girl?]
HS: gangster girl?
MH: if this commoner-gangster girl is my girlfriend, that'd be great...after hearing this promise, i'm relived.
HS: What you're saying is complimenting me?.... you want to drink? [aww, she's so sweet]... we look like lovers...rite?
MH: and even had a great kiss
HS: carry me... faster [haha, she starts pestering MH]
MH: don't want
HS: My leg bones broke already~
MH: it didn't break
HS: carry me~ ...faster
MH: (starts coughing and swing his arm)
HS: saw that?... (starts pestering MH again XDDD) I can't climb the stairs. please (carry me)... carry me, carry me!
MH: the next scene
huh? what did you say just now?
??? Voice: the curls (of the hair) are going a mess.
MH: cos i'm tired already
??? voice: the hair at the back is very messy... it got badly curled
MH: ah, stop talking 'bout it
HS: Min-ho ah, min-ho [haha, here she comes again]
MH: what?
HS: (starts waving her hand to get him there)
MH: I'm not going to carry you (starts running away)
HS: Don't run away~
Screen: Thoughts about the kissing scene
MH: first time having a formal kissing scene. our mouths just had a slight contact only but because there was a lot people, it was very nervous. The main thing is just to be natural and just kissed passionately.
Cameraman: So how's the result?
MH: Hasn't seen the end result yet...if i didn't see...if it wasn't film well, then i will feel bad. I think there isn't much problem of our kissing scene.
HS: This is also my first time.
Cameraman: What about other drama?
HS: Others is just a mouth to mouth contact. Now too. This time is a real, formal kiss. Minho kissed very passionately. (laughs) I think it's better acting skills. But him being like this...
MH: (to the cameraman) You've got nothing say?
HS: I can only remained quiet about this passionate kiss.
(turns to MH and back to HS)
HS: The script is written like that. Because it's the finalized script, he led me through (the kissing scene)... Why are you asking about this kiss?
MH: Because of JD, JP decorated the whole park. Now it's still very plain. (referring to the park) I think there will be more special effect added.
Cameraman: There won't be anymore special effects.
MH: really?... although it's a very plain decoration, but JD'll be very happy. I feel very happy.
(shows the scene in the show)
JD: Goo Jun Pyo. Who'll be saying sorry eh. Just you....
JP: Just such a little thing can make you so happy?
TV: The present to make things right with JD
(starts filming)
Dir: Ready...action!
JP: such a little thing can make you so happy?
Dir: quiet.... It's known fact that JD will be touched. Have a slight change regarding that portion.
MH: Sure
(starts filming again)
Dir: action!
JP: It looks alike to ??? street (<-- sorry, not too sure what street is that) How is it?
JD: Nice...it looks like Christmas
MH: Christmas?
JD: It's a festival that makes people happy. Just thinking about it makes us feel blissful.
JP: To me, it can't be much happy.
JD: Why?
Dir: Cut.
(MH playing on the swing)
?? Voice: Be careful~
HS: Give MH (one) too...it's candy... you eating?
(MH move forward to the camera all of a sudden)
Cameraman: Oh, you scared me.
MH: Long live to the swing

[translations are based on the Chinese subs.


Now was that touch a lil? LMH just ignored the director! Very bold for a rookie actor! He was determined to kiss her passionately and deeply! hahaha!
(Please note the highway kiss was filmed first and the part of the swing kiss was done at night and we don't know how many days later.)
GHS: "The kiss scene with Hyun Joong occurred in the beginning of the drama. The kiss scene with Min Ho occurred later and the situation was different. The Director ordered us to make the kiss without any NG. The scene was to confirm the love between the two characters, so we really focused to make it a good cut. Since my debut, I have never had such a deep kiss as that. The kiss with Hyun Joong was just a touch of lips,,,the kiss with Min Ho was at a whole different rank---a very deep, deep kiss, hahaha. The kiss scene took one hour! For three days after that scene, Minho and I could not even look at each other's face. However, the Editors considered the kiss too much and inappropriate that they added strong backlighting to the kiss before presenting it onscreen. I saw the episode with much editing and regretted that we worked so hard to make it real." (laughter).
Reporter: Do you guys fight in real life too?
Minho: We fought a little, but after our kiss scene, things suddenly got awkward so...
Hyesun: It's awkward, it's awkward (Awkward x3)

So why did they feel so awkward if it was just acting? Fishy.... hahaha

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who else if not Goo Hye Sun, LMH's Geum JanDi :x

"yeah, actually I am prefer to young mature woman. But sometime it's sweet if we have petite girl.But it's not Kim Na Na or Choi Da Hae. More mature is better for me...

Q: Is Eun Sang near to your ideal type of girl?
LMH: No, I would prefer someone more Cheerful and Lovable. Although Eun Sang is cheerful but a bit pitiful, too capable. My ideal type is I Can Protect her, I'm a male Chauvinist..."

Kim nana or Choi da hae, Eun Sang NOT LMH's ideal type of girl.


"I would definitely choose Geum Jandi. I'm very much like my role Goo Junpyo in reality, I Like my girlfriend to be like a friend whom I can feel comfortable with. Not too different from Goo Junpyo"


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Hi MinSunners! I'm laughing, giggling & giddy at the same time with all your posts. Thanks. I'm so entertained. :D

The HW kiss was full of emotions! LMH actually devoured GHS! Hahaha! I'm glad Jandi don't look pitiful in that kiss. She gave in & surrendered willingly. :X

The swing kiss was actually the best because it was a declaration of their LOVE! It was real! It was soft & tender! Awwwww !!! :X :X :X

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Thinking of that gloomy occurrence ,to named it euphemistic ,when I must say a low ,under belt hit ,I see LMH like a prisoner in a whale's paunch .Luckily he had a strong, faithful candle :GHS who supported and guided him through storm and mud . Because I'm sure she new everything and this was his strength in that case and in all others . She was calm ,and supportive, and wise, and patient .In fact from the beginning of their love relation ,because of special status of LMH: he was younger,at the beginning of his career ,and he should be helped to spread his wings, otherwise he was crippled for life either from lack of love or profession ! There we see the wisdom and the capacity of forego, and acting in consequence of a true,exemplary  woman in love . A REAL QUEEN, A REAL TREASURE ! LMH could do nothing but love her tremendously ,be proud of her ,be faithful to her for his life . I rest my case -for now .  

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myoblu said: Thinking of that gloomy occurrence ,to named it euphemistic ,when I must say a low ,under belt hit ,I see LMH like a prisoner in a whale's paunch .Luckily he had a strong, faithful candle :GHS who supported and guided him through storm and mud . Because I'm sure she new everything and this was his strength in that case and in all others . She was calm ,and supportive, and wise, and patient .In fact from the beginning of their love relation ,because of special status of LMH: he was younger,at the beginning of his career ,and he should be helped to spread his wings, otherwise he was crippled for life either from lack of love or profession ! There we see the wisdom and the capacity of forego, and acting in consequence of a true,exemplary  woman in love . A REAL QUEEN, A REAL TREASURE ! LMH could do nothing but love her tremendously ,be proud of her ,be faithful to her for his life . I rest my case -for now .  

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Boys and girls you are all so amazing i really have a good laugh!..and let me greet old minsunners who been thru a lot during those "dark age" now you've been sweetly vindicated! Duh! Who is delusional now..we really have to hold on to our FAITH...

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Btw, i still read some comment about Sun's acting in bof so i have to watch it again well for me, not that im biased but if sun acted differently we cud have seen a very dull geum jan di and a boring and lousy bof.. just my pov..XOXO

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I would like to give thanks to our senior minsuners who kept this ship sailing through turbulent waters those times.


Again Renajaney's post. LMH's clarification that lifted the cloud and  truth prevails. Thanks sis.
thank meow1313 translation

"I have never dated openly. I never publicized Love relationship.  That's caught by media.  After that,  I've  never gone out of my home.  I Only know The 'break up ' through the news "

Thank julie translation

Lee Min Ho never published his love relationship.

Someone made me fall in love with someone else's message,And was forced to spread! Let me with more reason to love the idea and insisted! Reporters cautious asked him:You already announced fall in love? Lee Min Ho said that there is no! I have never said I fall in love with someone to everybody~~Let reporters interview this tense.

I never said I'm fall in love with someone! They are deliberately caught in photo!~Afraid to go out since being framed photo shoot. (Need to go out except for personal reasons)It has been reported girlfriend broke up with me and then I Have known it.

Can not make me feel peaceful I do not like being irresponsible remarks! If I have a girlfriend, I do not want people to know in private.

They issued a statement the company: Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young does have went to eat dinner twice with several colleagues . The second dinner was photographed! After this incident does not meet with her privately. Be love? Just only met twice to have dinner? Company executives asking." If you do not in love with somebody? Why have a break up with somebody?"

All of these reports are " Galaxy0401”  personal Korean translation

The picture above says it all.
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milesamy, in a way, the scandal was a blessing in disguise because it brought us closer together.  I'm proud of LMH because he did not let it rest.  Apart from all his actions that totally contradicted the dating scandal, he finally came out with the truth.  It must have been like a stone around his neck, not being able to explain himself at that time.
S_sun, thanks for sharing one of my favourite bts.  It clearly showed that Minsun were already very comfortable with each other.  Their actions spoke volumes.  

GSH kicking LMH's leg and LMH taking it in stride.  Would you do that to a co-star if you're not close?

LMH's invading GHS's space.  I wonder if he was whispering something. I would have loved to see their facial expression as they gaze into each other's eyes.  It takes a certain amount of familiarity for LMH to be able to do that to GHS.  I'm sure my Minsun sisters have men friends and I'm positive they won't act like LMH unless they're interested.


I love how LMH just took over the execution of the kiss and GHS responding to him without any fuss and seemed to be enjoying herself…lol  She was not self-conscious at all and just allowed LMH to do his thing.  She was totally comfortable with him.  

The secret smile that passed between, like they were sharing something intimate was no longer acting and I love that the camera captured it.  


That was a real, hot, passionate, toe-curling kiss and both were into it with LMH initiating and GHS responding.  You would think there were no cameras around.  LMH and GHS mentioned that they did not talk for three days after that, however, after that scene both were joking around.  GHS was even asking LMH to give her a piggyback ride.  Guess they only became aware of how passionate the kiss was when the staff probably started teasing them.  So to prevent any more teasing, they avoided each other.

This was right after the kiss.  GHS's all smile, all touchy-feely.  I don't see any self-consciousness between the two do you?……lol  Gave me the impression that they're used to kissing each other….lol

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