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♥ Joondi aka MinSun Couple ♥ ★ Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun ☺Official Thread


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Hello MinSun sisters :)

everybody had said their peace can we just get a long :)

we have the warning lets respect our forum and our gues in this thread :)

I have been in this thread for 3 years and I dont want this to close because of 1 incident, what's done is done let's move on, I know its hard but we spend to many years together to just get shut down in 1 week its not worth it so please stop it. For the visitor I apologized for bashing or whatever might be but you have to understand we love MinSun for 3 years that's a long time so you need to give us time because I know I/we will move on its hard right now but just give us time thats all we asked for

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Guest shamarsha

Just ignore some the stressor guys, Lets light up this thread ;)

(shared by darupati@twitter)

Let's vote for Hyesun, just once a day & don't need to registration, just choose GHS name on the 2nd place, and then click the 1st button at below. This Poll is until Sep'15 2011 :)

연예인들의 언행이 방송 매체를 통해 청소년들에게 미치는 영향은 매우 큽니다. 모범이 되는 연예인을 선정해 주세요. (Artists of the words and actions for young people through the broadcast media, the impact is very large. Please pick a celebrity that is exemplary.)



I like this Vote, "A celebrity that is exemplary" :wub:

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hello my dear sunnies!:)i skipped reading other post thinking it is senseless and tiring to do so. phew.gif geez we got warning already so common guys let's just ignore those trolls. -_- oopsss sorry to say that. vicx.gif anyway i've received a word from fellow sunnies  to do a tweet brigade again on sept.2 starting @10 am with a post tag #TheMusical in support to eoni's drama. :D let's all unite once again and tweet tweet tweet okay?~^.^  i can't wait really to watch The Muscial. :wub:ssso excited yay! :D

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Guest ching22194

Don’t quote me on this because I don’t have the “proof” but I did receive word that they were official way back in April 2010.  Actually GHS, turned him down twice, her reason being LMH was just starting his career and she did not want to jeopardize it.  But LMH was persistent.  That was the time when pictures of them in identical clothes and the couple rings came out.  I’m sure a lot of my Minsun sisters know about this but they’re just keeping mum.   But, as I’ve mentioned in my previous post, unless the parties concerned, ie, LMH or GHS admitted that time “yes, we are dating or we are in a relationship,” I don’t consider it as gospel truth.

A lot of sunnies knew about this and you're right they keep mum on the issue because they want to protect both LMH and GHS. LMH is just starting his career and GHS had to deal with the bashers and antis. I remember once when a fellow minsunerz posted a pic on LMH thread they reacted like crazy and so we choose to back off bcoz their backlash is centered to HS which we need to protect.

It's really disappointing for someone going around talking this and that, telling others what to do when they don't even know us here.

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Guest YunRa1430270238

Now i know even some people in power do indeed difficult to understand how to be neutral. Shame...shame!

I don't see how you venting about how mods deal with things here is gonna help anything. Take it to the admins if you feel things aren't fair.

I see the point in how the mods may feel about this topic. It was consistent with artist ridiculing unnecessarily. -_-

Goo Hye Sun will feel happy for Lee Min Ho, I'm sure.

Think like your idol and relax on the hate. ;)

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hello everyone....i have been a silent lurker for the past 2 years when my obsession with both jandi and junpyo peaked at the height of BOF phenomenon. Just like all of you I have hoped and wished and even prayed that these two will continue where Jandi and Junpyo left of....and for a long time it was bliss to think that they actually did....i am like everyone else....glued to my computer waiting for updates or news or sightings between these two beautiful people....i was more interested about their romantic outcome because mine was lost and I have given up.....and for these 2 years I have allowed their imaginary love story become mine .They did give me joy of such sweet anticipation , brought me up to the heavens when I saw those typical signs of devotion....brought me down to earth during those times of great uncertainty....there was no doubt that i wanted them to succeed in their dreamt relationship which to me and likely to all of you who have  loved and followed them earnestly these past few years seemed so real.....there was nothing to prove us wrong  until the recent news which undoubtedly broke our hearts...and disappointed us to no ends....

I think what hurts the most was the fact that we felt betrayed by our hopes for them...we are angered by the fact that these past 2 years we all rely on those simple signs , those loving looks, those giddy smiles that only two people who like and love each other can give ...we waited patiently for a confirmation of such affection ...and we longed for someone to tell us in concrete words what it is they have ...eventhough we knew based on their actions and their presence in each others lives that they do have feelings for each other....unfortunately we received a different  confirmation at the most surprising time....learning about Junpyo dating somebody else other then our Jandi is just like having someone stabbed my heart over and over until there was no more space for the knife to slice and destroy ....it had such a profound effect on me that i almost wanted to leave work, go home and cry my eyes out....i have been through despair and hopelessness after 2 different relationships that did not go anywhere....and for some reason the pain that i felt then almost mimic the same pain i felt after i read about the news...how can it be? what happened? they seem so in love....why so soon?

I was angered by the fact that Junpyo did not once confirmed anything about  Jandi and although I can understand most of the reasons behind it ....it still is frustrating for me to think about how Jandi must have felt....not being acknowledged...being kept in the dark....and then you have this girl who after a month of being together ,if that is how you qualify being together has been acknowledged right there and then...

I am just like all of you....lost and confused and hurt...I was worried about Jandi... how is she coping....is someone with her? how is she doing? Seeing her post somehow eased my worries but proved what we have known all along....they loved each other...why do i know that? because Jandi who had always shown her beautiful face on most if not all of her tweets suddenly tweeted with her back to us and her gazed cast down as if hiding something ....maybe the deep sadness in her eyes....knowing that she has lost someone special. She was brave enough to post what she was doing to let her fans know that she is doing fine...going on with her life and her activities ....but she can not bring to show her beautiful eyes and let her guard down and show us that she is hurting and in pain....

I am not sure  what it is a feel about Junpyo at the moment....It is so easy to get mad at him and yes hate him because we all felt like he betrayed not only Jandi but us as well...I felt like he has given up....and felt like he did not give importance to what he and Jandi had by refusing to acknowledge and stand up for what they have...After having 2 handsome princes in my life turn into ugly frogs right in front of my eyes.....I can not believe that Junpyo is just like those 2 guys....Maybe this feelings will pass....Once all the raw emotions have left our hearts and our hearts seem whole again ...maybe it will go away and I can look at him again with kind eyes...

The only thing that is giving me hope is the fact that eventhough there is a picture of him with  the other girl...you can not see the feeling of happiness or contentment in his face the same way I see whenever he was with Jandi...with Jandi  there is this air of lightheartedness, of happiness... there was something in his smile...the smile I know so well...cause that is the smile I have when I am with someone i really really like....

I am not sure what you plan to do with this thread after this turn of events....i did not want this thread to end without most of you knowing how much I appreciate your hardwork ...you all  have been patient enough to root for them and bring news to all Minsun lovers just like me...and you have been  a big part of my life even from a afar...hope your sisterhood will continue and although our ship has sailed somewhere else....there was a time that the ship was with us in our hearts....Take care everyone....wishing Jandi strength and peace and then later the happiness of a real true love...as for  Junpyo ....i wish he realizes that someone he really loves is worth fighting for...and that love kept in the heart is not real love until he learns to give it away...PEACE,LOVE and JOY for all of us in the days ahead.

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Why do some people are so obsessed being mods these days….Geez :sweatingbullets: Don't worry people, if mods thought our post is so out of rules, they'd delete it right away…don't worry...sincerely.

And of course Hyesun would happy for him, he really deserves what he got ;)

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Okay I didn't watch City Hunter but I did watch the BTS of the kiss scene they had on the roof and to be honest I didn't see any chemistry between the leads. And I don't say it as an betrayed MinSun shipper because I lost hope on this Couple a while ago.

But after the news I went back and down the memory line and watched some awesome MinSun vidz(from vitriana, but whom am I telling this here you must know them already, lol) and everything came back and indeed you can tell there was something between them. More on Lee MinHo's side than on Goo Hye Sun's as I see it. 

But for me I can only believe and accept if I get something official and thats why I am so sceptical about this sudden announcement when no one had any proper evidence and they were just dating for one month!!! If they go stable(like half a year or one year) and then yeah announce it, but this is way tooo sudden and strange for me. If you ask me I would say it is for publicity's sake. oh wells

But if ever Hye Sun and Min Ho were together I would like to believe they broke up a longe time ago. She was very busy with her projects(the Musical, AD in Taiwan at that and her directorial work) and he was busy too with his. Maybe she foresaw it, their career is their number one priority after all. Here I am hoping that they have still good feelings towards each other :)

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I don't see how you venting about how mods deal with things here is gonna help anything. Take it to the admins if you feel things aren't fair.

I see the point in how the mods may feel about this topic. It was consistent with artist ridiculing unnecessarily. -_-

Goo Hye Sun will feel happy for Lee Min Ho, I'm sure.

Think like your idol and relax on the hate. ;)

Oh for sure, GHS  is happy for Lee Min Ho.  Why wouldn't she be?  Afterall, they're friends.  And of course, as friends, they would support each other. 

I'm sure she's ecstatic that he's now with someone he deserves.

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Guest j-j-forever

Oh for sure, GHS  is happy for Lee Min Ho.  Why wouldn't she be?  Afterall, they're friends.  And of course, as friends, they would support each other. 

I'm sure she's ecstatic that he's now with someone he deserves.

Good point! For sure GHS is very happy for him. They really, truly, deeply deserve each other..They are the same kind, period! (I hope this won't be taken negatively by the outsiders again..) And I wish them all the best....

And for my greatest inspiration GHS, YOU are AMAZING and you deserve the BEST! wub.gif

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A lot of sunnies knew about this and you're right they keep mum on the issue because they want to protect both LMH and GHS. LMH is just starting his career and GHS had to deal with the bashers and antis. I remember once when a fellow minsunerz posted a pic on LMH thread they reacted like crazy and so we choose to back off bcoz their backlash is centered to HS which we need to protect.

It's really disappointing for someone going around talking this and that, telling others what to do when they don't even know us here.

That's what I didn't understand where all these antis come from because when LMH and GHS were touring, fans loved her and came in droves to see them.  As a matter of fact, GHS totally charmed them.  I remember one fan who was lucky enough to be onstage with them.  I think that was the time LMH fed this fan noodle.  I was surprised she requested if she can give GHS a hug not LMH.  I thought that was funny because it was her chance to touch Jun Pyo,

One fan observed that MH kept on staring at HS.  Imagine, they're in front of the stage and he's focus was on her.

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Guest honeypia

Come to think of it.. those non-MinSun fans coming here are actually the #1 viewers of this thread. Ironic. And you guys even care about what we respond to your posts and check our reactions?! you make shameless effort to stay here and argue with us non-stop. How pathetic.

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@sheherizade3, very well said. I still hope that you will continue your fanfic to keep the joondi spirit alive. At least you will have a new antagonist character ;)

and to all joondi shipper, it's great to see the bond that was made for the past 3 years come alive once again in this thread. At least it shows that not only in times of joy but also in times of trouble this thread can bring all of us back together as one. More than our mutual support for this couple, The camaraderie shared in this thread is our strength and greatest achievement :wub:

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@honeypia: I really hope you're not pointing at me :sweatingbullets:   Truth to be told this year my fervent MinSun shipping slowed down a bit. Both of them were so busy with their work. But I managed to check on this thread at least once awhile. Yeahh and then the news hit me like a lightning, I never expected That. I hope you understand that MinSun have a lot supporters and many, like me, are more lurking because in my case it's the language. I am struggling very hard with english and I am not a good writer as the most of you, but I want you to know that I am/was(I don't know anymore) an avid shipper of the MinSun Couple.

Best regards

from germany

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Guest ching22194

@aurora82 i'm sure you're not the one honeypia referred to but the antis who always lurking in this thread

leaving comments and always check if someone reacted. Like you i seldom post only bcoz i have nothing to share :sweatingbullets: ,

and i'm very thankful to those who contributed immensely in this thread.

@lotis you're right minsun will always bring us together, there's a time when this thread barely moved and suddenly

someone posted a not so good comment the next thing you know its lively again :D

@sheherizade3 who would forget the taiwan trip.. :wub:

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Guest j-j-forever

That's what I didn't understand where all these antis come from because when LMH and GHS were touring, fans loved her and came in droves to see them.  As a matter of fact, GHS totally charmed them.  I remember one fan who was lucky enough to be onstage with them.  I think that was the time LMH fed this fan noodle.  I was surprised she requested if she can give GHS a hug not LMH.  I thought that was funny because it was her chance to touch Jun Pyo,

One fan observed that MH kept on staring at HS.  Imagine, they're in front of the stage and he's focus was on her.

@aurora82 i'm sure you're not the one honeypia referred to but the antis who always lurking in this thread

leaving comments and always check if someone reacted. Like you i seldom post only bcoz i have nothing to share  :sweatingbullets: ,

and i'm very thankful to those who contributed immensely in this thread.

@lotis you're right minsun will always bring us together, there's a time when this thread barely moved and suddenly

someone posted a not so good comment the next thing you know its lively again  :D

@sheherizade3 who would forget the taiwan trip.. :wub:

Not only that sisters! LMH went here in Singapore 2x! first is Dec 21, 2009 and just last year end  of July 2010 days before Magic premier and he is very consistent in the ideal girl he is asked to draw! short hair with bangs, small lips, round eyes! and not only that whenever he draws, he giggles and those smile and laughter are very different like a teenager seeing his first love (I should have known, i"ve been there too) that's how you will see him, he was even asked by the MC if it is his GF and he nods since he understood! I was there, i should have known! And his expressions that he had before, the genuine happiness you can see in his face, the smile that also comes from the heart like he was always reminded of his first love.... oh my gosh, until now when i reminisce those times i saw, i can't believe what's happening now, like it was just yesterday...i'm really lost!


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whoa! im still in a shock mode. :o i dont know what to say... :vicx:

i feel what you're feeling guys. i've been sooo into the minsun couple that its hard to imagine minho with somebody else.

oh well, goodluck to minho and that girl. let's just pour our love to HS from now on. ^_^

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Thanks to ALL Minsun sisters for being brave and fighting for this thread! Remember that Joondiers/Minsuners kept this thread alive for about 3 years and only these loyal people can take it down. I must say that seeing such loyal shippers, I am proud to associate myself with this thread!

Miss Shehe! What can I say... so eloquent and straight-to-the-point! We are so lucky to have champions like you in here! When the going got tough, you held us together and gave us the fuel to go forward!

I remember almost all the significant events everyone has reminisced. It makes me sigh with sadness and I don't even know if saying"Minsun" is appropriate anymore. I do believe and felt it in my innermost gut feeling that they were real. Minho definitely acted like that lovesick schoolboy - being in same places where Hyesun would be and attending events that is just too much of a coincidence. Plus, his whole demeanor screams of a man inspired. Yes, I feel betrayed that he didn't even acknowledge HS all these years. But, I can very well see that coming from Hyesun, too. For she is just too thoughtful of a lady and wants to protect her loved ones at all cost even to the point of sacrificing herself. I'm sure MH has learned much from HS. He will always have fond and sweet memories of her. And, both of them will flourish in their careers for they are both talented people. However, Hyesun, has the maturity beyond her years and her relationships will be deeper and meaningful. Not superficial and temporary.

So, here I am in my "acceptance" stage of loss. It hurts. It's sad. But, I've got all of your wonderful posts (sad as they may be) to gather strength from. For, these "friendships" go beyond the obstacles of geography, race, age, etc.. We are linked together for our love of this Joondi couple and we'll always have that!


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I agree with all of you here. Minsun is real. Who cares with what the antis said. If they're too blind, then let them be! But Minsun, although they don't declare themselves in public, are real. 

LMH could be with someone now, and I want to believe he broke up with GHS. I know, some of you said that LMH deserve her new choice of girl now. But why do I think that also an insult to GHS. Is that mean, that LMH doesn't deserve her? (Although sometimes I feel that he doesn't).  GHS is too good for him? If GHS too good for him, then what  I believe that Minsun was real, can't be happened? I still think LMH and GHS is good to be together. Someday. I don't know when. But I hope, really hope, they'll someday admit something. About the past, or what exactly happened.

Sorry girls...maybe Im crazy....But I stil hope, hope and hope, that Minsun someday will have a happy ending. Despite of these all. LMH could be with other girl now. Until he or GHS get married, then maybe I should admit what I don't want to believe...:)

Peace for all...

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I agree with all of you here. Minsun is real. Who cares with what the antis said. If they're too blind, then let them be! But Minsun, although they don't declare themselves in public, are real. 

LMH could be with someone now, and I want to believe he broke up with GHS. I know, some of you said that LMH deserve her new choice of girl now. But why do I think that also an insult to GHS. Is that mean, that LMH doesn't deserve her? (Although sometimes I feel that he doesn't).  GHS is too good for him? If GHS too good for him, then what  I believe that Minsun was real, can't be happened? I still think LMH and GHS is good to be together. Someday. I don't know when. But I hope, really hope, they'll someday admit something. About the past, or what exactly happened.

Sorry girls...maybe Im crazy....But I stil hope, hope and hope, that Minsun someday will have a happy ending. Despite of these all. LMH could be with other girl now. Until he or GHS get married, then maybe I should admit what I don't want to believe...:)

Peace for all...

know what? am feeling the same chyne22. am having difficulty moving on. i just can't throw away the 3 years they've been together as a couple for reel and then real. they had been a part of my system - my food as a source of energy and nutrients, water to quench my thirst, and air to keep the metabolism in my body going. so how can i just forget them? i am broken down to the core. and it takes a lot of time for me to heal...this, am very sure.

am hoping and praying this nightmare is over very soon. i will continue to love MinSun though till the very end...as always I LOVE MINSUN FOREVER!

but i still believe MH deserves the wrath from minsuners. we waited and kept quiet...we stayed patient beyond what we're capable of. but look what we got? it looks like we were used. it looks like we just waited for nothing. worst...GHS was hurt and even during the course of their rel she already was. i pray the future of GHS will be all bliss! God bless her! God bless sunnies and minsuners! :)

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