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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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Guest valentino_rossi46

I think in fact they recorded a lot of song with JYP before, but they havent chosen the best song yet, and now they find more US producers and US distributor, so now they start record with them to choose best songs for their new album :)

Btw, in new real WGs clip at JYP Nation concert, Lim's English is so good :)

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I know about the album, it just feels like they are putting it together now instead of having things prepared for its supposed release in March. It's like everyone is scrambling around to get into the studio lol so I was wondering if they didn't have the 6-7 songs they said they had, and are now just starting to work on them.

No, the Monster Cable engineer Einsten_MCP had tweeted he got to hear a couple of new tracks back on Sept 14.



I also think WG has 2 unreleased remakes -- left over from the original "6+6" album plans, possibly with Sunmi on vocals -- available for consideration.

(The English versions of Nobody, Tell Me, So Hot, & Nobody Rainstone Remix were packaged with the 2DT EP instead.)

One of the unreleased remakes could be 'This Time' cuz I heard it at the Sony Ericsson showcase here in SG.

Even if JYPE had bought the new songs prior, both hired producers & WG must liaise their respective schedules.

Timing-wise, it's nothing new.

If you check back for 2DT, the Korea media reported WG flew back to recording sessions on March 26, then finished filming the MV by April 8.

The 2DT launch party itself was May 15.

Even if JYPE wants to keep certain WG activities secretive, it's hard to manage anymore with the journos always asking them to confirm rumors & Internet buzz.

There is tremendous public interest, particularly since they don't play the celebrity game at home (except during the early days when the need for self-promotion is there).

As for new songs:- don't forget the Dave Stewart's power ballad 'Always Without Me'...

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The Korean media has been reporting the ongoing WG recording sessions & netizens' response to the tweeted photos. (Not good enough to translate any, sorry.)

But a writeup about one of Jane Kim's tweets caught my attention. Anyone can translate?

‘원걸’ 매니저, “다시 걸그룹 땅 다 뺏을거야~”

입력 2011.01.21 15:21


원더걸스 매니저가 '걸그룹 지도'의 땅을 되찾겠다는 각오를 드러냈다.

원더걸스의 매니저는 19일 자신의 트위터에 '애들은 지금 녹음중 소희·혜림이는 옆에서 컴퓨터중'이라며 원더걸스의 근황을 전했다.

또 '노래가 너무 너무 좋아서 마음이 설레요. 다들 기다린 보람이 있을 정도. 다시 땅 다 뺏어야지'라며 글을 마쳤다.

이는 최근 온라인 게시판을 통해 국내 걸그룹들의 인기를 지도로 표현한 '걸그룹 지도'에 대한 이야기로 '2008년 이후 작아진 원더걸스 땅을 되찾겠다'는 뜻이다.

t_ad.gif이를 본 네티즌들은 '빨리 돌아와요 보고 싶어요' '얼마나 음악이 좋길래 지난주 박진영에 이어서 이런 칭찬을'이라는 반응을 보였다.

이에 앞서 15일 박진영도 자신의 트위터를 통해 원더걸스의 신곡에 대해 칭찬한 바 있다.

김진석 인턴기자 [superjs@joongang.co.kr]

Source: http://isplus.joinsmsn.com/article/431/4959431.html?cloc=

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Guest wonderr23


Looks like someone is bitter on the results of the "Girlgroup Map". Jane said she will take back all the territories from the girlgroups!

WonderGirls Manager, "I will take back all the territories from the girlgroups"

entry 2011.01.21 15:21

WonderGirls manager has shown determination to take all of the territories back.

On the 19th, wondergirls manager tweeted "the kids are now with me(Sohee and Lim)". She further continued "The song sounds so good that my heart is flying, everything is worth the wait. I'm going to take our territory back".

It's all because of the decreasing power of the "WonderGirls kingdom" (since their explosive 2008 era) shown on an online community board based on Girlgroup Map. You can see the sudden surge of girlgroups popularity since their absence.

Netizens commented "hurry back, we miss you". Everyone is eager to listen to their new music.

On the 15th as well, Park Jinyoung through his twitter expressed his praise for the new song.

Kim Jin intern reporter [superjs@joongang.co.kr]

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Guest *bluebutterfly*

^ Yeah~ Go jane! =D

Found this on Daum. Nick Cannon is following folllowwg, sunye, yeeun, sohee and lim on twitter.

He's an america actor, comedian and rapper.

Who knows, he might be involved in the EP. ^^



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Guest wonderr23

소녀시대-원더걸스, 韓걸그룹 글로벌 모델 발탁

[2011-01-19 21:50:56]


[뉴스엔 고경민 기자]

우리나라 걸그룹들이 글로벌 스타로 발돋움하고 있다.

1월 19일 방송된 MBC '뉴스데스크'에서는 한국 걸그룹들을 글로벌 모델로 발탁하는 사례가 늘고 있는 것에 대해 보도했다.

미국 실리콘 밸리의 세계 최고 반도체 제품의 설명회에서는 우리나라 대표 걸그룹 소녀시대의 시각적 영향력을 이용해 제품을 홍보했다.

이 회사의 관계자는 "소녀시대를 아시아권 첫 모델로 발탁했다. 소녀시대와 제품의 이미지가 잘 맞고 젊은 층에 어필할 수 있기 때문이다"고 발탁 이유를 밝혔다.

걸그룹 처음으로 미국에 진출한 원더걸스 역시 최근 다국적 전자 통신기업의 홍보대사로 임명됐다.

한 연예 관계자는 글로벌 기업에서 한국 걸그룹을 기용하는 이유에 대해 "그만큼 광고 효과가 크기 때문이다"며 "한류를 넘어 한국 걸그룹에 손을 내밀고 있는 기업이 점점 늘고 있다"고 전했다.

고경민 goginim@newsen.com


Girls Generation and Wondergirls picked as korean global models

[2011-01-19 21:50:56]


[Newsen Reporter Gu Gyeongmin ]

Girlgroups have become global models.

On the January 19th episode of MBC "New's Desk", they reported on girlgroups acting as global models. SNSD for one, are models of Silicon Valley(Intel), the best producer of semiconductor products. According to a company's representative, "SNSD were chosen as the first Asian models. SNSD fits the image of the product and they appeal to the young generation ".

WonderGirls on the other hand, who entered the US market was also recently appointed as ambassadors to a multinational telecommunications company.

A representative from an entertainment industry explained on the reasons of this trend, "the reason why girlgroups are becoming such global leaders is because they are marketable. Also the Korean Wave is going global. This trend is more likely to continue in the future."

Gu Gyeongmin goginim@newsen.com

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Yay, I can skip translating them now....

My own 2 cents: I think the "mainland territory" (Korea's domestic market) is shrinking, ever since the "2007" sunbae groups (TVXQ, Big Bang, WG, Kara, et al) relocated overseas one by one.

Only Suju & SNSD were content to stay at home -- that is, until 2010 when they started eyeing overseas too.

Plus the hoobae groups like 4minute, After School & soon 2PM are venturing abroad earlier than their seniors at their time.

IMO The idol golden era of the late-2000s may be maxing out, unless genuine successors are found. Otherwise, the older groups will still dominate Korea, yet treat it merely as one of many markets (aka RAIN).

JYP's vision for WG at the outset is the right one: Go international.

Netizens create map of nations representing growth of female idols

Submitted: Jan 19 2011 07:05 AM by Uni


The competition between girl groups and female solo singers is stronger than ever this year. A Korean online community has recently created a map of nations that represents the growing popularity of girl groups and female solo singers from 2008 until 2011.

The "Birth of the Girl Groups" began in 2008 where fans begin to see the fall of old girl groups and the rise of the next generation. According to the map, in 2008, Hyori, Ivy, and CSJH The Grace were the top three idols.

The Wonder Girls can be seen on the map with a small amount of land. However, the Wonder Girls popularity exploded the following year with the release of their single, "Tell Me". The girls dominated 2009 with their hook songs such as "Tell Me", "So Hot", and "Nobody". As illustrated in the map, the Wonder Girls kicked Hyori, Ivy, Black Pearl, and KARA out of the territory to take over the land.


However, Wonder Girls began to lose the majority of their land in 2010  as they made their way into the U.S. market. While being away, their  army begins to weaken and lose land to newcomers and rising groups such  as 4minute, HAM, 2NE1, After School, KARA, and Son Dam Bi. SNSD, who  debuted the same year as the Wonder Girls, expanded their country double  from the previous year by seizing Wonder Girls territory.

2NE1's popularity more than doubled by the second half of 2010 because  of their prior releases in 2009, "Fire" and "I Don't Care". They also  released a digital single for the Samsung Corby Folder called "Follow  Me". In addition, they released their first full length album and  promoted three songs.


KARA also doubled in popularity by the second half of 2010 after seeing  success in 2009 with "Honey", "Mister", and in 2010, "Lupin". In  addition, they made a successful debut in Japan with "Mister".

We also see the nation of 4minute and Brown Eyed Girls beginning to  expand, or in other words, see a rise in popularity by the second half  of 2010.

Entering the new year, we see that girl groups and female solo singers  have completely taken over the country with no boy band nations to be  seen in sight. Not that the boy bands were included in this map in the  first place. We are only a month in the new year and according to the  map, KARA, SNSD, and 2NE1 are already taking over the world.


The Wonder Girls are getting kicked out of the mainland to a nearby  island, while SNSD, 2NE1, and KARA are making their move to see who will  gain most of the mainland. KARA lose a bit of land against T-ara,  Secret, and Rainbow, while IU begins to take over "Hyori Nation" and  "Dambi Nation". f(x) has also tripled their ground from the second half  of 2010 as they enter the year 2011 and takes land from "Soshi Nation".

Who wants to go play a round of RISK? What do you think of the map so  far? Hopefully, there will be a similar map created for boy bands and  male solo singers so they don't feel left out.

Source: TV Report

Source: http://www.koreaboo....nting-gro-r2773

KARA Nation disappears; IU takes over

Submitted: Jan 20 2011 11:35 PM by Uni


Yesterday, we reported that netizens had created a map of nations  representing female idols growth between 2008 and 2011. An updated  version of the 2011 map of nation has been released on Korean online  communities showing KARA's popularity growth, or lack thereof, due to  the recent controversy.

An announcement on January 19th said KARA's Seungyeon, Nicole, Hara, and  Jiyoung had filed a lawsuit to terminate their contract with DSP  Entertainment. Since then, Hara has withdrawn her lawsuit with  suspicions that Seungyeon may follow suit.

Korean news portal sites have found this updated map that takes the  lawsuit into account and says the "KARA empire has been destroyed in a  day." In the older 2011 girl group era map, SNSD and 2NE1 were  conquering with the most land secured followed by KARA. However, as of  January 19 after the lawsuit was announced, KARA's empire disappeared  and was taken over by "IU Nation". Netizens seem to have predicted that  if KARA does not make up as a group or with their agency, the break up  could result in what the map illustrates.


According to reports, the members of KARA that had filed a lawsuit have  been having trust issues and other problems with the DSP management  after March 2010. It is unfortunate to both KARA and their fans, and  hopefully things will work out well soon.

Please note that netizens may have made a mistake in the January 19th  map as they have completely wiped off Secret off the map when they  illustrated IU's domination over KARA land.

Source: Newsen

Source: http://www.koreaboo....akes-over-r2825

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WG tops China's Tencent QQ Music (major music-streaming portal) '2010 Top 10 JKpop Albums' popularity list with listeners.

Top 10 Jkpop Albums

1. Wonder Girls, 'Special Edition Album' - 23,194,791 (total album listens)

2. SNSD, 'The Second Album Repackaged Run Devil Run' - 13,161,851

3. Lee Hyori, 'H-Logic' - 9,408,110

4. Super Junior, 'The 4th Album Bonamana' - 8,965,528

5. T-ara, 'Breaking Heart' - 6,733,479

6. Baek Ji Young, 'Timeless: The Best' - 4,968,615

7. Lisa Ono, 'Asia' - 4,900,024

8. SS501, 'Destination' - 3,604,312

9. CNBlue, 'Bluetory' - 3,566,872

10. Ayumi Hamasaki, 'Love Songs' - 1,532,972


Source: http://vip.music.qq....odong/2010nmpd/

Factoring in also QQ Music's Top 10 Chinese & Western Albums lists (left sidebar), & the overall 2010 rankings will look like this (listing those with at least 10 million listens; respective album names omitted for brevity):

1. Jay Chou (Taiwan) - 73,710,960

2. Justin Bieber (USA) - 43,681,747

3. Show Luo (Taiwan) - 39,573,424

4. Jane Zhang (China) - 35,036,708

5. Happy Family (China) - 27,542,485

6. Wonder Girls (Korea) - 23,194,791

7. Ke$ha (USA) - 16,856,526

8. Michelle Li (China) - 16,393,569

9. JJ Lin (Singapore) - 14,206,429

10. Lala Hsu (Taiwan) - 14,176,751

11. SNSD (Korea) - 13,161,851

12. Taylor Swift (USA) - 13,098,568

13. Jolin Tsai (Taiwan) - 11,954,806

14. Usher (USA) - 10,003,554

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Guest *bluebutterfly*

^ Woo~ The girls are in the lead by over 10 million plays. :D

New picture from @followwg in the studio with Claude Kelly.


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Guest Marilori


Thanks for the info! It just felt like they were doing more than one or two songs with Claude, so I thought that they were just starting to officially work on the album now. Good to know that they already have most of it done.

I'm guessing we should be on the lookout for any updates from Cambio for Wonder Girls since they tweeted:

cambioconnect Cambio

Cambio hanging with The Wonder Girls (@followWG) & @ClaudeKelly today! http://plixi.com/p/71534859

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Guest love_song

ok, these pictures totally make me want them to come put with a new album NOW! I don't have high expectations for them yet, b/c i don't want to have high hopes, and then it goes down.. but i can't wait!

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Guest sososorri

i havent posted in this thread since earl 2009. just been a silent supporter and been lurking.

but i just have such a strong feeling about this EP coming up and just had to express my anticipation and i just have such good feelings about this album. WG fighting!

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i'm so excited for the girls album. they never fail to impress! i know this one will be a success!!!!! jane's tweet just made me so much happier! i'm so excited! i can't wait any longer :(

it will come out in february right?! hopefully :X march is so far away! i'm so excited <3333.

wonder girls fighting, they will always be the queens of kpop & #1. they're what started the kpop girl groups domination :)

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So mad at the Straits Times for dragging WG into their Hallyu demonizing about slave contracts in their edition today.

WG isn't even the main protagonist, yet our girls' photo was used to lead their story online & on Facebook. (The links are on my twitter).

WG's photo was also the biggest in the print copy. (Scans available on various blogs & on twitter).

Their Korea Herald stringer didn't even check the facts.

I mean, at least include JYPE's response & let the readers judge for themselves.

1. WG was initially on student visas (work part-time 20 hrs/wk) &  then granted O-1 work visas (after being advised legally).

2. Their only US activities then were the Grammy Artist Exhibit appearance & the 3 JYP gigs (when Papa Jonas came calling). Other than that, they were indeed studying Stateside for the 1st half of 2009.

3. Not renewing US health insurance after Jan 2009 was lax but, again, JYPE said WG was also oft-flying to Asia for work (Seoul Music Awards, EVER CF shoot, BBQ Chicken CF shoot, Thailand solo concert, Korea fanmeet, Sina  interview in China, etc.) for the next few months.

Okay, rant over.

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Roughly word-for-word with wonderr23's translation. Good job earlier!


Source: http://chinese.joins...il&art_id=59158

WONDERGIRLS' manager resolves to recapture the girlgroup market

JoongAng Daily (Chinese) 2011-01-22 07:29

WONDERGIRLS' manager is determined to recapture the girlgroup market.

On January 19, WONDERGIRLS' manager tweeted a situational update: "The girls are recording right now. Sohee & LIM are next to me; they are on the Internet."

She also texted: "The song sounds very, very great. I am so excited. It's gonna be worthwhile for everyone looking forward to it. Ought to re-capture the market as well."

Recently, an online message board had published 'Girlgroup Maps' to illustrate domestic idol popularity. The article said that "weakened post-2008 popularity WONDERGIRLS to recapture the market."

Netizens who saw the article left messages like: "Hurry back, miss you all", "How great the song(s) must be, to have Park Jin Young also singing the praises last week".

On January 15, Park Jin Young had tweeted to praise WONDERGIRLS' new song(s).

- - - - - - - -

Hwa Young tweeted a new pic with WG, said it's from Malaysia.

(Plus a lot more with missA at Macau on her photostream.)


Source: http://yfrog.com/h8epbej

- - - - - - -

Shared before? Old selca.


Cr: 기억 @ Wondercuty

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