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I made it in!

Guest Lizzie_bo_bizzy

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Guest delici0usbh


I appreciate that you translated everything and posted here for soompi but next time please ask me, heh~ hope you understand.

anyway since its already up Ill talk about it~

Before I met mr.yg I felt so excited and happy, so happy that I almost cried.. I couldnt wait to get off the plane and reach korea and then have a chance to meet him. At the time I was in korea, I kept thinking of what Id say or do once I meet him.. (I was nervous heh) and so when training day came, we went into his office and he shook my hand formally and I bowed like 10 times (nervous) I was also trying to stop myself from tearing because this was a big moment for me. He sat me down and told me how he always wanted to meet me..but for me it was the other way around~ He started telling me all the rules (the convo posted here is only half of what he discussed with me, the other half is secret) I said yes to all of them but no to one question. (which you would say no to too.) when he mentioned the last line, my heart was beating so fast, and my face just flushed! 'family member, family member' kept going through my mind. Mr. Yg got up from his desk and patted me on the back smiling "are you shocked?" ..You did good".

heh as im writing that, Im smiling like an idiot.

well I wanted to write more about the training but I have to go eat and get ready.. bye soompi<3


ah~ one more post and I couldve been 600 in my own thread! haha

ahh unni~!! ^_^

i'm so happy for u!!! ur gunna start getting busy now.. =[ i hope we could still keep in touch unni...

well hope u had a great meal~ haha <3 byes!!

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Guest Stelliejellie

Lizzie unni mentioned the Fantastic 4 in her survey!!! <3333 ^-^

MEEEEEEEEPS!!!! I'm so happy for you unni!!!!

Take care~ <33

Stella <3

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Guest last song

aww, lizzie, you're so cute! LOL. sorry if that bothers you, that's just what i keep thinking.

you'll be a good idol if you stay this way! <33 everyone will just love you. :]

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Guest yeahjusmeh

^ hahaha Thats what I think too! Lizzie your adorable :sweatingbullets:

When you debut, I hope you end up on xman and all those variety shows

I wanna see you interact with other stars =D

Did you meet may doni and all those other trainees yet?

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Guest Childlike Faith

Ahh, I just finished going through the entire thread! ^__^ It was really exciting finding your avatar of Daesung and reading your posts, lol.


I remember reading you got into Bro's Ent., but didn't know you got into YG! Congratulations! It's really amazing, you must be really talented! YG's a great company to get into! I'm glad you got into YG and not JYP. :vicx: Even though I would have supported you anyways because I think it's so amazing that a Soompi-er is a trainee in Korea! <3

I don't know you, haha, but I just wanted to say that I feel really proud of you. O_O

Work hard in your training and don't give up when you encounter hardships!

And don't forget us at Soompi, you'll always have a bunch of supporters here, including me!!

And when your album comes out, make sure they make it as pretty as Big Bang's okay? :P

Mr. YG seems like a really good person!

I love reading your updates, even when they're just little messages saying hi. Stay happy and sound in Korea!! ^_^

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Guest 143 minwoo 012

awwwwwwww hahah i would be like that too..so nervous >.< hahah bowing like 10000x times, def something we're alike -- ;; awww but mr. yg seems so nice~ its great that you fullfilled your dreams!!! all the best to you~

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Guest wuncentxD

Mucho congratulations!!! You're living in the dreams of many soompiers here hahaha. WELL, I wish you the best of luck in your future. The path is going to be hard and enduring with many challenges to face. You'll face tons of criticism, antis, fears and etc but remember the people who support you and your dreams. Soon enough, you'll get to see your faces in the korean celeb pictures section, have your cds in stores and your face plastering all over Korea hahaha. HWAITING MY DEAR<3

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Guest simply_dream

ah... reading stories like this really inspire me! and to think you are younger than me >.< it makes me want to work really hard because i know at least i would stand a chance =) i might be late but congratulation for making it in and hope you make the best out of it! knowing you made it in is the first step of greater things =D never give up because there will always be people rooting for you! HWAITING~!!

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WoW... Congratz.. I finally finished the entire thread... I am so slow...

At first I thought it was someone trying to get attention but this is REAL...

I hope you have a great time! Can't wait to hear you sing!

Tell us ALL.. or at least.. what you CAN about your training.. xDD

Just remember that all the soompiers are here to support you and never give up!

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Guest Lilvi3t1314

^ hahaha Thats what I think too! Lizzie your adorable :sweatingbullets:

When you debut, I hope you end up on xman and all those variety shows

I wanna see you interact with other stars =D

Did you meet may doni and all those other trainees yet?

i was thinking the same thing..it will be so cool seeing u in the shows.. ^^

i was also wondering the same thing..did u meet other trainees yet? and r u training wit them also?

sorry i have a lot to ask :sweatingbullets: well good luck ...continue working hard!!!

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does anyone know her daum cafe? or myspace? congrats!

i'm not sure if she has a daum cafe...you should PM her asking her that but i don't think she has one ^^.

myspace, she has but she said she would stop using it and there's practically nothing on there now ^^.

aww ^_^ fantastic 4 <33 she did mention soompi lol~

unni how come ur dad doesn't support u... =[ did he hear u sing? cus if that doesn't convince him i don't see wat would. don't worry unni after he sees u training really hard and realizes that u can do this he'll support u~ and of course the fantastic 4 and soompi will always be there for u too ^_^ fighting!!

yeahjusmeh can u give me the naver blog link? i wanna see~

and thanks to ur cousin for translating ^_^

*-* it reminds me of ... daesung<3. daesung's father didn't like anything that had to do with show business and yet daesung persevered and in the documentary episodes...there's this one episode that centers around that and i think he accepted the fact that daesung is working hard to achieve his dreams and he was smiling and stuff.

hopefully that'll happen for you too, lizzie ^^.


I appreciate that you translated everything and posted here for soompi but next time please ask me, heh~ hope you understand.

anyway since its already up Ill talk about it~

Before I met mr.yg I felt so excited and happy, so happy that I almost cried.. I couldnt wait to get off the plane and reach korea and then have a chance to meet him. At the time I was in korea, I kept thinking of what Id say or do once I meet him.. (I was nervous heh) and so when training day came, we went into his office and he shook my hand formally and I bowed like 10 times (nervous) I was also trying to stop myself from tearing because this was a big moment for me. He sat me down and told me how he always wanted to meet me..but for me it was the other way around~ He started telling me all the rules (the convo posted here is only half of what he discussed with me, the other half is secret) I said yes to all of them but no to one question. (which you would say no to too.) when he mentioned the last line, my heart was beating so fast, and my face just flushed! 'family member, family member' kept going through my mind. Mr. Yg got up from his desk and patted me on the back smiling "are you shocked?" ..You did good".

heh as im writing that, Im smiling like an idiot.

well I wanted to write more about the training but I have to go eat and get ready.. bye soompi<3


ah~ one more post and I couldve been 600 in my own thread! haha

eh, forever with you + this is not a good combo if you don't want to have a face like :tears: again. >>;; that was what i was doing though lol. hey, i can't help it! this stuff is moving and forever with you is one of the songs that i love that's sad. *cough* anyway, haha you bowed to him about 10 times?! oh my...haha you're pulling off a "jane" there XDD. that's what i do =_= i get so nervous just meeting new people, i don't know how i could face mr. YG if i was in your shoes ;O haha. anyway, it's so nice to hear that he wanted to meet you!!

eat well<3

and bye for now, family member ;D.

i know you got my email so hope you reply soon ^^.

and HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE! well, happy new year's for you haha;

Who here read through all 31 pages? lol *raises hand*

^^ *raises hand also*

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Guest lovelydia

ahh i can't believe i went through all the pages too :D

but as everyone else is saying, first of all, A BIG CONGRATS & A HUG TO YOU!!

even if i don't know you or anything, you ARE a GREAT INSPIRATION to anyone and everyone trying to achieve their goals! :) i wish i could have half as much talent as you :P unfortunately, i don't think i have any talent.. -_-' but maybe one day i'll discover a talent of mine and work hard, thinking of how you made it into YG (AHH luckylucky, se7en, bigbang, gummy.. T__T") ! that is so freaking awesome, and i really do wish you the best of luck in everything you do! because, from reading your posts, you seem very dedicated and such a sweet, strong, SUPER TALENTED girl. I hope we get to see you on shows and i know we all can't wait for your debut! Even if you run into struggles, don't give up! (i know you won't!)

haha, okay, well FIGHTING! SOOMPI is cheering you on! ^___^


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Guest LaTinky

OMG congrats!!! really, from the bottom of my heart...

oh wow, you must be really talented! well, don't give up, even when everything begins to seem too hard, you can't give up.

persue on the dream you have, and work hard to become a big star!

oh i feel so happy for you! :w00t:

congrats once again ^^b

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