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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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Initially, I had some reservations about whether he really answered all the questions in English.....but I guessed it must have been "rehearsed" as I am sure the questions must have been "vetted" and cleared by CP before it was "OK" for recording........anyway, a very good practice for him as he would definitely need more of that when the 2 films open this year with lotz of interviews coming his way...Thumbs up for our Byunghun and his teacher :)

And talking about ICTWR going to the Berlinale.......I would say........should be quite confirmed unless some "obstacle" pops up again.....coming from a "very reliable" source

I think.. given the simple straightforward answers.. he would be able to convey his thoughts quite accurately. Of course, we have not seen the interview "live".. only alive on paper. :blush: It's already halfway January 2009.. with Berlinale coming and August not too far away for GI Joe's worldwide release.. he has to be confident and sure of himself to answer any questions in English. The American media and elsewhere would want to see & hear him clearly.. why would a Korean movie-star be picked to play Storm Shadow, etc.

But for me.. BH speaks (casual) English much better.. from the clips, conversing with CP.. Cannes.. than those he had to 'rehearse' first. :mellow: And his diction is way better than a lot of others speaking English, all he needs is to speak it everyday to sound more familiar.. like CP..

Yup.. that Berlinale should be quite confirmed but we just can't rest assured till we actually see the movie listed down in the Berlin line-up. I guess.. the anxiety from Cannes/Venice last year.. still lingers on.. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest cynthia05

I think.. given the simple straightforward answers.. he would be able to convey his thoughts quite accurately. Of course, we have not seen the interview "live".. only alive on paper. :blush: It's already halfway January 2009.. with Berlinale coming and August not too far away for GI Joe's worldwide release.. he has to be confident and sure of himself to answer any questions in English. The American media and elsewhere would want to see & hear him clearly.. why would a Korean movie-star be picked to play Storm Shadow, etc.

But for me.. BH speaks (casual) English much better.. from the clips, conversing with CP.. Cannes.. than those he had to 'rehearse' first. :mellow: And his diction is way better than a lot of others speaking English, all he needs is to speak it everyday to sound more familiar.. like CP..

Yup.. that Berlinale should be quite confirmed but we just can't rest assured till we actually see the movie listed down in the Berlin line-up. I guess.. the anxiety from Cannes/Venice last year.. still lingers on.. :sweatingbullets:

Of course we all hope the media will be impressed by his English proficiency being among the handful of Korean actors who not only can speak but to hold an interview in English without an interpreter.

Being the perfectionist who demands a lot and who will present the best side of himself only when he is confident enough (be it showing off to the world that he can have such a beautiful physique through rigorous training), I am sure Byunghun

can and WILL make it. I won't say that he will make it big in Hollywood but at least he has given himself a shot at it and hopefully gain attention not only for himself but for Korean actors on a whole

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Of course we all hope the media will be impressed by his English proficiency being among the handful of Korean actors who not only can speak but to hold an interview in English without an interpreter.

I totally agree that BH doesn't need an interpreter to answer questions.. that is indeed a huge difference. And when he speak (from realistic observation).. while there's more room to improve, we know that we can understand him perfectly well.

I remember during EHAS press conference.. wow, that's 5 years ago.. when a foreign media reporter asked him in English, he replied likewise. And though he speaks slowly.. he conveys every single word most clearly.

Being the perfectionist who demands a lot and who will present the best side of himself only when he is confident enough (be it showing off to the world that he can have such a beautiful physique through rigorous training), I am sure Byunghun can and WILL make it. I won't say that he will make it big in Hollywood but at least he has given himself a shot at it and hopefully gain attention not only for himself but for Korean actors on a whole

Indeed.. for now.. no one can say what his Hollywood future will be but BH can be proud to say that he tried and did his best. Credits should be given to Jenny Rawlings/Endeavor and BH's own management team for successfully getting him a role in GI Joe. For instance.. the role could easily go to someone with more Hollywood experience (such as Asian-American actors) but the offer went to BH instead and he took it after careful consideration.

He might not continue to act in Hollywood if the roles are not as interesting/distinctive as 'Storm Shadow' (assumingly such chance it's not easy to come by) but I'm sure he will always be in international collaborations instead.. like ICWTR with much better exposure.

BH is such a perfectionist when it comes to work.. that's why.. he's taking full interest & thorough preparation for the PJH talkshow, huh. Which means that he's in Seoul.. I think.. in time to celebrate the Lunar New Year with his family. Hopefully he doesn't go off to LA.. or somewhere in the US.. again. :P

Can someone create a Lunar NY wish card for BH so that we can post it at the News blog? Thanks in advance, hope someone can create a banner or ecard specially for him If we have more than one.. which is more the better, we'll put them all up. :rolleyes: :blush:

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Guest cynthia05

He might not continue to act in Hollywood if the roles are not as interesting/distinctive as 'Storm Shadow' (assumingly such chance it's not easy to come by) but I'm sure he will always be in international collaborations instead.. like ICWTR with much better exposure.

I believe that he is looking through some Hollywood scripts and hopefully if his schedule permits, he will take on another project??? There are also talks that if his Storm Shadow role is well-received, he may be signed on for a "meatier" role in the sequels. But my wish for him is that he will come to a stage where he is able to pick on more dramatic roles (I am sure tatz what he wishes for too) which will showcase his acting credibility rather than banking on a commercial flick doing action scenes.......but that will take a long while becos to-date not a single Asian actor has come out of the "kungfu" mould to make a name for himself in Hollywood!

But whatever it is, I hope he stays rooted in Korea which ultimately is the place which groomed him to be what he is today and which will always be home no matter whether he makes it out there.....I am sure he is well-aware of that himself and proud to be a Korean any day!

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^ Yeah.. it's an understatement to say how fans were surprised of BH (an actor of his calibre) to be in GI Joe.. but it's probably a point that he had set for himself.. whether he could go far i.e. be offered better roles than the same ol' high-action roles "kungfu" kicking in Hollywood.. or if that's it. We'd just to see how Storm Shadow really goes.. if there's a GI Joe sequel.. he'll definitely be signed on as well. Knowing that fans are still "shaking their heads" at his decision to try Hollywood despite the evident stereotyping against Asian actors.. BH is not someone to be swayed/discouraged easily.. he still have to try, no matter what to know what it's really like. At least he can say for himself.. he knows what it's all about and not just wondering what could've been.. right?

I especially love reading the interview he did with Mike Edwards.. BH is still very much working hard to be in movies and dramas in Korea, which certainly will come up with even better roles for him to try and still be known internationally as more fans are appreciating Korean movies.

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Although remakes usually spell bad news but maybe it's like a reversed reaction sort of marketing.. with all the interest of remaking, it somehow spurs the curiosity to check out the original as well.

Thanks H for the bit about Possession.. it's funny how.. that news about the release came out twice (about the same time) in 2008 and 2009. Even after a year later.. the audience still isn't possessed by the remake :sweatingbullets: .. huh.. like we are addicted to the real deal. :D

Love your new banner, ninja-girl.. complete with a sexy Hunnie touch :wub:.. hohoo..

You're not wrong there Rubie. That's one good thing about remakes, they encourage a lot more people to watch the originals which is all good. I like your pun there Rubie :lol: Seems the remake is struggling a bit, I think theres even talks about it going straight to DVD :mellow: But that could just be a rumour.

Aww glad you like the banner Rubie, thanks very much :wub:

Watching the various BSL clips again.. it slowly.. hit me that BH looks good in the hairstyle he had doing the movie. It's not too short as he was in All In but really nice, neat and stylish style that could work really well as a SPY (beats the wavy reddish m.o.p). :sweatingbullets: WhOpps.. rubie still adore you like so crazy, Byunghun-ssi. :blush:

Sure wouldn't mind seeing him sporting the Sun Woo style :wub:.. this time he won't be too thin as BSL.. huh.. huh.. anyone agree? No? :blush:

LOL! It goes without saying that rubes just love every time BH gives an exclusive. :P But I think we also missed the fact that his (conversational) English is getting so good.. just by reading his answers. He's very calm and precise with his thoughts. No complicated phrases but straight to the point and always sharing that humor he is so well known of.. even in interviews conducted in English.

His fearless approach to use & practise the language plus the environment he's in & a good teacher/friend to converse in English everyday (CP) is indeed helping him a lot.

Oh he looks delicious with that hairstyle! One of his best movie hairstyles ever I think :wub: He looks very suave and smooth when he has it combed back and simply gorgeous when it's all rugged and wet (scene in the rain anyone? :blush: )

I agree Rubie, his english is getting really good. He sounds so sexy when speaking in his native accent but it delights me to hear him speaking in english. You can tell by reading his answers that he is getting better all the time. I cant wait to see ICWTR and G.I Joe to hear his beautiful english on screen :D

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Still thinking about the Hollywood prospect.. all about Hunnie.. hehee.. I wonder if BH's been given the script of 'Lost Planet'. Now that it's 2009 or is it 2010 when the movie's supposed to start filming or something? It wouldn't be right if the production do not consider BH at all.. since he holds the copyright to the main character (sort of). But on the other hand.. if only the movie version be more interesting than the computer game (something thrown in like 'Alien' to make it more exciting, perhaps).. I'm sure BH is game for it.. unless it clashes with his other schedules. :huh: But LP the movie does sound better for him..

or a romantic comedy back in Korea.. uhh.. Byunghun-ssi? :blush:

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Guest Sung-ja e Seiko

Yup.. that Berlinale should be quite confirmed but we just can't rest assured till we actually see the movie listed down in the Berlin line-up. I guess.. the anxiety from Cannes/Venice last year.. still lingers on.. :sweatingbullets:

Oh No. :( Not again! :tears:

Berlinale press says that 25 films out of 26 have been confirmed as of Jan 15.

And ICWR is not yet listed. Isn’t it odd that only one film is not confirmed at the last minute? :huh: The last one could be ICWR so I still keep my fingers crossed… maybe the movie is still under editing.

ICWR was said to be in last Cannes, then more reliable source announced that it would be in Venezia…

Finally I was informed by the very “ reliable source” close to hunnie that the film would be in Berlin.

But the article rubie introduced said that the film won’t be there and maybe in Cannes this year! :o

I saw the promotion film again which was made last April. It is so artistic and seems very complicated film but I definitely want to see it soon, wherever, doesn’t have to be in Berlin.


I also wonder if hunnie really will be in PJH show…like everyone else worries. :sweatingbullets:

Some say that the program was already recorded on Jan 16.

But now it is again very uncertain because Chosun Ilbo reported that JJH who was supposed to be in the show on Jan 25 was brought back to the white board.

Jan 25? Our hunnie was supposed be, wasn't he? :huh:

I think our hunnie is a bit too cautious about the interview. I can understand that he does not want to or cannot talk about his private life, especially about his love life, but he knows that fans will support him whatever the fact is. Or he thinks we are not ready yet? :(

I want him to be the show. :wub::wub::wub:

But the Chosun Ilbo says the show's next guest for this coming Sunday is more likely to be a politician due to the Minerva Scandal. :unsure:

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Oh no.. rubie echoing Sung-ja.. no no no.. not again. :wacko:

Slowly digesting the post.. will write in a while.. no no no..

ICWTR seems very intriguing from the very beginning, due to the nature of the storyline.. thanks to the acclaimed Dir. Tran. It's also the most exquisite/intricate/dark/erotic?!? of all BH's movies he had ever done.. thus the most anticipated project since it began filming early 2007. Yet.. a couple of years later.. plus after a couple of announcements.. seems that the movie is still kept unopened. :huh: What happened?

While the odds for Berlinale isn't so good.. could that one movie be it? ICWTR is still very much a festival material.. we just don't know.. which one. :sweatingbullets:

As for the PJH talkshow.. if BH's interview had already been recorded on the 16th.. maybe it'll be aired on the 25th or the week after. Hopefully. But why do they need to invite politicians to the show? PJH is not a politician, he's an actor. Wouldn't it be more sensible to just invite actors or celebrities instead and stick to topics that would interest the fans, at least. Isn't it when some politicians were invited a couple weeks back.. the talkshow received numerous thumbs-down review due to their unbelievable questions posed to the politicians. :blink:

Same with Sung-ja.. I hope BH will not hold back too much if he wanted the fans to know the status of his love-life & avoid gossips/rumors from lingering. No matter what the initial reaction would be (surprised? shocked?).. BH should know by now that all his fans only wanted to see him happy. Sooner or later something will be out in the open.. it's better if we hear from him than anyone else, right?

Really can't wait to see him in the show and to know his answers thoughts. There might be something special that he would like to reveal..

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Guest kimchibabe

Before we forget, there's still the Discovery channel feature Hip Korea, with Rain and LBH.

Its supposed to be aired this month in Australia And New Zealand, right?

There will be an interview with BH for sure...and he might be speaking in English.

Hope we can get feedbacks on this.

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Guest Sung-ja e Seiko

As for the PJH talkshow.. if BH's interview had already been recorded on the 16th.. maybe it'll be aired on the 25th or the week after. Hopefully. But why do they need to invite politicians to the show? PJH is not a politician, he's an actor. Wouldn't it be more sensible to just invite actors or celebrities instead and stick to topics that would interest the fans, at least. Isn't it when some politicians were invited a couple weeks back.. the talkshow received numerous thumbs-down review due to their unbelievable questions posed to the politicians. :blink:

I have never watched this program and even if I have, I could not understand any Korean though.

But PJH must be aiming for something like the Oprah Winfrey Show.

That’s why he wants invite anybody who is in the limelight.

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Before we forget, there's still the Discovery channel feature Hip Korea, with Rain and LBH.

Its supposed to be aired this month in Australia And New Zealand, right?

There will be an interview with BH for sure...and he might be speaking in English.

Hope we can get feedbacks on this.

Yup.. the program is supposedly to be aired in Australia and NZ in January but we've not heard anything about it.. or from anyone. But it's not too long to wait for fans in SEA who are able to watch Discovery Channel as the "savvy Seoul" segment with BH will be aired in the region come February.

Sure hope we will have some feedback on this. I was out this morning and while browsing at a DVD store.. noticed Discovery Channel DVDsets highlighting places in India. Who knows.. there'll be DVD boxsets for the Hip Korea program, too.

I have never watched this program and even if I have, I could not understand any Korean though.

But PJH must be aiming for something like the Oprah Winfrey Show.

That’s why he wants invite anybody who is in the limelight.

Hmm.. that could be a reason why.. the PJH show is aiming to be different than the usual celebrity talk shows. It's probably a point they're focusing on (sometimes I tend to think too much.. particularly when it's going to relate to BH as well :blush: ).. to get everyone/everything that's making the current news. It was quite a rave at first.. hopefully it will still be, and with even better response when BH makes his appearance.

Speaking of current updates.. maybe.. because it's already pre-recorded on the 16th.. extra care is being taken to prevent any leaks before the actual airing date.. thus the thorough preparation the media was reporting about BH before? :unsure:

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Despite the Berlinale and PJH talkshow uncertainties.. the latter might have a bigger chance coming true.. things are really.. really quiet with BH. Is he preparing us for a big storm surprise?

Anyway.. just to share something wildly guessed using the online translator..

Byunghun-related portion only :blush:

January 21, 2009

할리우드 진출 한국 스타들의 매력분석


이병헌은 이미 지난 2007년과 2008년에 영화 ‘G.I 조’ 촬영을 마치고 올 8월 미국에서의 개봉을 앞두고 있다. ‘G.I 조’ 는 블록버스터 액션영화로 이병헌은 비중 있는 조연 ‘스톰 섀도’로 등장한다. 주연도 아닌데다 국내에서라면 상상할 수 없는 대우였겠지만 블록버스터급 할리우드 영화의 진출작이라는 점에서 의미있는 역할이다.

이병헌은 이미 연기력으로 검증을 받은 배우이기에 국내에서 거는 기대가 더욱 크다. 헐리웃 스타들에 비하면 작은 키가 아쉽지만 최근 놈놈놈에서 보여준 근육질의 몸매와 카리스마 있는 눈빛 연기, 그리고 시원한 미소 등은 할리우드 스타들과 어깨를 나란히 하기에 충분하다. CNN에서도 이병헌을 ‘아시아의 제임스 딘’으로 소개할 정도로 미국 현지에서 뜨거운 관심을 받고 있다.

화이트플러스치과 류지헌 원장에 의하면 ‘이병헌은 턱이 약간 서양인들처럼 각진 편인데 우리나라에서는 이렇게 각진 턱은 사각턱 성형을 통해 깍으려고 하지만 서양에서는 여성이든 남성이든 강해보이는 광대나 턱을 가진 윤곽라인을 아름답다고 선호하여 이병헌의 외모가 서양인들에게도 어필될것으로 보인다. 특히 그의 가지런한 치아는 웃을때 10개이상 보여 줄리아로버츠처럼 시원하면서 개구쟁이처럼 보이는 이미지여서 그의 환한 미소가 해외에서도 주목받을것으로 기대된다’ 고 설명한다.

Analysis of the attractiveness of Korean stars in Hollywood

Lee Byung Hun

Since 2007 and 2008, Lee Byung Hun had been in the United States filming the movie 'GI Joe' is now ready for the movie's release this coming August. In 'GI Joe' is a blockbuster action movie in which Lee Byung-hun plays an important supporting role of 'Storm Shadow'. There was no lead star treatment in this new working environment as it was in Korea but to Lee Byung Hun, everything turned out a good & meaningful experience for him.

As an actor, Lee has already been verified and known for his strong acting performances that met the high hopes of the production. The Korean star of GBW with a cool, charismatic presence who successfully showed his best villanous performance may be new in Hollywood but he is hoped to shine alongside his Hollywood counterparts. As CNN had dubbed Lee Byung Hun to be 'Asia's James Dean', his introduction in the US is slowly receiving overwhelming interest.

According to the chief dentist at 'White Plus'; Lee Byung-hun with his strong and beautiful square jawline, is very much preferred by the Westerners as it enhances his appeal. In particular, with a set of good white teeth and always ready with a bright warm smile of a naughty boy.. Lee Byung Hun's appearance is expected to receive much attention, he explains.

Source: newsprime.co.kr

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Cowboys and Indians chase after the AFAs

Written by Marcus Lim

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

HONG KONG – Korean Western "The Good, the bad, the Weird" leads the list of nominations for this year's Asian Film Awards.

Film, about a chase for treasure through the wilderness of Manchuria, collected 8 noms, including best feature film, best director and best cinematography, as well as a two way nod for Jung Woo-sung and Lee Byung-hun in the best supporting actor category.

Other best film contenders include Chen Kaige's "Forever Enthralled," Hayao Miyazaki's "Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea," Riri Riza's "The Rainbow Troops, "Red Cliff" and "Tokyo Sonata."

The kudosfest also announced the creation of a best newcomer category to augment the existing acting awards.

The nominations were announced Wednesday by the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society (HKIFFS), organizers of the AFA.

In a nod to the award's pan-Asian ambitions, the nominations this year also included a significant Bollywood contingent. Comedian Akshay Kumar and actress Deepika Padukone both received nods for their respective turns in "Singh is Kinng" and "Chandni Chowk to China," while Hindi period epic "Jodhaa Akbar" came up for contention in the production design and composer categories.

Local Hong Kong films, however, were significantly shut out of the major creative categories. With the exception of favorite son John Woo ("Red Cliff") running for the best director prize, and Nick Cheung stalking the best supporting actor category for his performance in Emperor Motion Pictures' crime thriller "Beast Stalker," no other Hong Konger or Hong Kong film was nominated in the acting, directing or best film categories.

The jury that will select the eventual winners is given some star power with former Bond-girl and "Crouching Tiger" alumnus Michelle Yeoh presiding over the panel.

The 13-member jury includes Peggy Chiao, chair of Taiwan's Golden Horse Awards, as well as Kong Rithdee, Thailand correspondent for Variety.

The AFA will be held in Hong Kong, Mar 23.



Best Film

Forever Enthralled (China)

The Good, The Bad, The Weird (South Korea)

Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (Japan)

The Rainbow Troops (Indonesia)

Red Cliff (China)

Tokyo Sonata (Japan/The Netherlands/Hong Kong)

Best Director

Feng Xiaogang, "If you are the one"

Kim Jee-woon, "The Good, the bad, the Weird"

Koreeda Hirokazu, "Still Walking"

Brillante Mendoza, "Service"

Hayao Miyazaki/Frank Marshall, "Ponyo on the Cliff by the sea"

John Woo, "Red Cliff"

Best Actor

Ge You, "If you are the one"

Ha Jung-woo, "The Chaser"

Akshay Kumar, "Singh is Kinng"

Matsuyama Kenichi, "Detroit Metal City"

Motoki Masahiro, "Departures"

Song Kang-ho, "The Good, the bad, the Weird"

Best Supporting Actor

Nick Cheung, "Beast Stalker"

Jung Woo-sung, "The Good, the bad, the Weird"

Lee Byung-hun, "The Good, the bad, the Weird"

Tsutsumi Shinichi, "Suspect X"

Wang Xueqi, "Forever Enthralled"

Best Cinematographer

Ato Shoichi, "Paco and the Magical Book"

Cheng Siu-keung, "Sparrow"

Lee Mo-gae, "The Good, the bad, the Weird"

Jola Dylewska, "Tulpan"

Wang Yu/Nelson Yu, "24 City"

Best Composer

Dalpalan/Jang Young-gyu, "The Good, the bad, the Weird"

Hanno Yoshihiro/ Lim Giong, "24 City"

Hisaishi Joe, "Ponyo on the Cliff by the sea"

Henry Lai Wan-man, "Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon"

A.R. Rahman, "Jodhaa Akbar"

Best Visual Effects

Craig Hayes, "Red Cliff"

Kim Wook, "The Good, the bad, the Weird"

Yanagawase Masahide, "Paco and the Magical Book"

Source : Variety Asia

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Wah! :w00t: That is a really cool update, willenette! thumbup.gif

MERCI! Appreciate the highlight very much! *fabulous sharing!*

luwali-ssi.. watch out! :w00t: Maybe Byunghun will come to HK in March for the awards! :w00t: This is indeed one of the best news for 2009.. for GBW and Byunghun-ssi, especially.

GBW is leading the NOMs at AFA in 7 categories. Such a good turnout and certainly hoping for a better result in March! :w00t: Dir. Kim, SKH, JWS and Byunghun-ssi.. all with a NOMination each! :lol:

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Guest cynthia05

Despite the Berlinale and PJH talkshow uncertainties.. the latter might have a bigger chance coming true.. things are really.. really quiet with BH. Is he preparing us for a big storm surprise?.co.kr

I just have a gut feeling that he will appear on the programme on 25/1............letz keep our fingers and toes crossed!!!

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I just have a gut feeling that he will appear on the programme on 25/1............letz keep our fingers and toes crossed!!!

I sure have the same feeling as well! :rolleyes::sweatingbullets:

Feels like butterflies are filling up my tummy day by day.. :blush: Managed to check out the KBS link that Sung-ja posted sometime ago and it works! :w00t: Gosh.. rubes so forgetful these days.. even though I don't really watch streaming dramas online.. lightup.gif.. suddenly remember that I used to watch award shows previously, using the KBS link. *blurr blurr*

Just that the endless pc problems (error mode) emerging every now and then, I had blurrly assumed that the streaming would be affected as well.

So.. hopefully all systems GO this Sunday :rolleyes: .. for Byunghun-ssi, especially. Can't wait! :w00t:

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Thanks to the fabulous highlight by willenette on the previous page, more 3rd Asian Film Awards info+links to share.

Way to go.. our Nom Nom Nom! :w00t:

January 21, 2009

Cowboys and Indians chase after the AFAs

Written by Marcus Lim


OFFICIAL WEBSITE asianfilmawards.org » 2009 Nomination List

HONG KONG – Korean Western "The Good, the Bad, the Weird" leads the list of nominations for this year's Asian Film Awards. thumbup.gif

Film, about a chase for treasure through the wilderness of Manchuria, collected 8 noms, including best feature film, best director and best cinematography, as well as a two way nod for Jung Woo-sung and Lee Byung-hun in the best supporting actor category.

Other best film contenders include Chen Kaige's "Forever Enthralled," Hayao Miyazaki's "Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea," Riri Riza's "The Rainbow Troops, "Red Cliff" and "Tokyo Sonata."

The kudosfest also announced the creation of a best newcomer category to augment the existing acting awards.

The nominations were announced Wednesday by the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society (HKIFFS), organizers of the AFA.

In a nod to the award's pan-Asian ambitions, the nominations this year also included a significant Bollywood contingent. Comedian Akshay Kumar and actress Deepika Padukone both received nods for their respective turns in "Singh is Kinng" and "Chandni Chowk to China," while Hindi period epic "Jodhaa Akbar" came up for contention in the production design and composer categories.

Local Hong Kong films, however, were significantly shut out of the major creative categories. With the exception of favorite son John Woo ("Red Cliff") running for the best director prize, and Nick Cheung stalking the best supporting actor category for his performance in Emperor Motion Pictures' crime thriller "Beast Stalker," no other Hong Konger or Hong Kong film was nominated in the acting, directing or best film categories.

The jury that will select the eventual winners is given some star power with former Bond-girl and "Crouching Tiger" alumnus Michelle Yeoh presiding over the panel.

The 13-member jury includes Peggy Chiao, chair of Taiwan's Golden Horse Awards, as well as Kong Rithdee, Thailand correspondent for Variety.

The AFA will be held in Hong Kong, March 23.


Best Film

Forever Enthralled (China)

The Good, The Bad, The Weird (South Korea)

Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (Japan)

The Rainbow Troops (Indonesia)

Red Cliff (China)

Tokyo Sonata (Japan/The Netherlands/Hong Kong)

Best Director

Feng Xiaogang, "If you are the one"

Kim Jee-woon, "The Good, the Bad, the Weird"

Koreeda Hirokazu, "Still Walking"

Brillante Mendoza, "Service"

Hayao Miyazaki/Frank Marshall, "Ponyo on the Cliff by the sea"

John Woo, "Red Cliff"

Best Actor

Ge You, "If you are the one"

Ha Jung-woo, "The Chaser"

Akshay Kumar, "Singh is Kinng"

Matsuyama Kenichi, "Detroit Metal City"

Motoki Masahiro, "Departures"

Song Kang-ho, "The Good, the Bad, the Weird"

Best Actress

Fukatsu Eri, "The Magic Hour"

Jiang Wenli, "And the Spring Comes"

Deepika Padukone, "Chandni Chowk to China"

Yoshinaga Sayuri, "Kabei – our Mother"

Zhou Wei, "Painted Skin"

Zhou Xun, "The Equation of Love and Death"

Best Newcomer

Matsuda Shota, "Boys Over Flowers: the Movie"

Sandrine Pinna, "Miao Miao"

So Ji-sub, "Rough Cut"

Xu Jian, "CJ7"

Jeeja Yanin, "Chocolate"

Yu Shaoqun, "Forever Enthralled"

Best Supporting Actor

Nick Cheung, "Beast Stalker"

Jung Woo-sung, "The Good, the Bad, the Weird"

Lee Byung-hun, "The Good, the Bad, the Weird" rbhcool.gif

Tsutsumi Shinichi, "Suspect X"

Wang Xueqi, "Forever Enthralled"

Best Supporting Actress

Aoi Yu, "Sex Is No Laughing Matter"

Jaclyn Jose, "Service"

Kiki Kirin, "Still Walking"

Kim Ji-yeong, "Forever the Moment"

Gina Pareno, "Service"

Best Screenwriter

Na Hong-jin, "The Chaser"

Li Qiang, "And the Spring Comes"

Tom Lin/Henry Tsai, "Winds of September"

Kurosawa Kiyoshi/Max Mannix/Tanaka Sachiko, "Tokyo Sonata"

Mitani Koki, "The Magic Hour"

Best Cinematographer

Ato Shoichi, "Paco and the Magical Book"

Cheng Siu-keung, "Sparrow"

Lee Mo-gae, "The Good, the Bad, the Weird"

Jola Dylewska, "Tulpan"

Wang Yu/Nelson Yu, "24 City"

Best Production Designer

Nitin Chandrakant Desai, "Jodhaa Akbar"

Kuwajima Towako, "Paco and the Magical Book"

Daniel Lee Yan-kong, "Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon"

Bill Lui, "Painted Skin"

Taneda Yohei, "The Magic Hour"

Best Composer

Dalpalan/Jang Young-gyu, "The Good, the Bad, the Weird"

Hanno Yoshihiro/ Lim Giong, "24 City"

Hisaishi Joe, "Ponyo on the Cliff by the sea"

Henry Lai Wan-man, "Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon"

A.R. Rahman, "Jodhaa Akbar"

Best Editor

Chan Ki-hop, "Beast Stalker"

William Chang Suk-ping, "Miao Miao"

Darya Danilova, "Native Dancer"

Waluyo Ichwandiardono, "The Rainbow Troops"

Kim Sun-min, "The Chaser"

Best Visual Effects

Craig Hayes, "Red Cliff"

Kim Wook, "The Good, the Bad, the Weird"

Yanagawase Masahide, "Paco and the Magical Book"

Source: Variety Asia , thanks to willenette for the highlight

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Guest Janie Simply

Cowboys and Indians chase after the AFAs

I love watching AFA mainly because there are many familiar Asian celebrities there plus English is the official language used in the ceremony :)

Looks like it's GBW and Chaser chasing after one another again with GBW domineering the nominations list. How come this Indian movie "Slumdog Millionaire" isn't in the chase? Didn't they received 4 Golden Globes :unsure: Heard that Amitabh Bachchan is so so against this movie :sweatingbullets:

edit: Guess this film is not in AFA because it's not produced by Indian producer ;)

Just curious if any one here has watched The Chaser? Is it as gruesome and violent as BSL? The store here sells this movie and the cover looks scary. Wonder why people like violent movies maybe watch it for the actors' sake :sweatingbullets:

YesAsia is out of stock on BSL; will stick to the dl then since rubie and autumnleaves highly recommended it :)

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