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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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:unsure: .. JSA isn't like our normal, everyday war or action movies.


Btw.. looking at the path and pace many of the Korean actors are taking these days.. it can't be helped that our favourite actors will tend to act in some sort of action movies.. one way or the other.. whether we're into it or not. :mellow:


agree.. JSA is not a normal act movie! it conveys many not just action or war-counter!

I feel the humanity very strongly in the film. Its plot structure is suitable and surprised!

I love all the casts there especially Hunnie! :rolleyes:

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This is a old clip of BH where he attended the launched of the AUDI car which he has endorsed, pls click on the link below to watch. It may take sometime to stream :)


Hi ylin - I never knew that he was the spokesperson of this expensive brand of car until you posted it here. Thanks for sharing the clip - D/L the video right now, hope it works for me. Wondering if he did try using this kind of car, too? :)

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Hi ylin - I never knew that he was the spokesperson of this expensive brand of car until you posted it here. Thanks for sharing the clip - D/L the video right now, hope it works for me. Wondering if he did try using this kind of car, too? :)

Hi Willnette,

He was but I am not sure which when was it :D Maybe rubie has the answer



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:unsure: .. JSA isn't like our normal, everyday war or action movies. When I bought the vcd after watching BD and in urgent need of a BH fix for Minchul withdrawal ^^ .. I found JSA and Harmonium in My Memory (also a BH movies).. didn't stop to think for another second if it was an action or war movie or not. :blush: Needless to say, I was really surprised by the storyline of JSA despite what's shown by the movie posters & appearance of the characters. It's really not what like our first impression would be. Comparatively, A Bittersweet Life is a through and through (not to mention, hard) action movie but many of us girls, just love the movie.. thanks to its excellent storytelling, precise camera-work, cool high-kicks and our BH, of course! :wub:

I couldn't agree with you about ABL rubie. This is an action-packed & I can say a violent movie but still I enjoyed watching it & it scared me at first - hehehe. It must have hurt him receiving those high-kicks & blows & for doing all those stunts by himself. But I like the story of this movie & how the story goes. (And Eric Mun has a cameo role there, huh?) :)

Hi Willnette,

He was but I am not sure which when was it :D Maybe rubie has the answer

ylin, thanks for the reply. Probably, it was given to him by Audi company - hahaha. Ye, rubie has the answer, for sure - she knows so much about this man. :)

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He was but I am not sure which when was it :D Maybe rubie has the answer

I'm not too sure about BH's endorsements for AUDI but if I'm not mistaken he had at least twice been the spokesperson for the German carmaker. The pics that ylin posted were from the ceremony held in late 2003. Wait a minute.. I'm not sure if Audi was sponsoring the cars used in All In because now it looked quite familiar (especially the car that Jimmy Kim uses).. or maybe not. :unsure: All In fans can help clarify this?

But yeah.. I've read somewhere before that he was given a car of the brand as a gift by the company when he became the spokesperson. I'm sure he uses it although I think he also likes to drive the Mercedes (seen a pic of it parked in front of his house) as well as the Bentley.. the car pic posted sometime ago by ylin (right?).. courtesy of bhjwlove.com

If anyone knows more on this, feel free to add or correct me. :blush: Thanks ylin for the clip & caps. mwah!

--- goldriver20030929.jpg

I don't really know all about LBH.. still learning about the actor & person and always discovering more, each day. :blush:

--- Edited to add

There's a little posting at the All In thread if anyone wants to read about Jimmy Cha, the man behind the Jimmy Kim (In Ha) persona. Simply refer here for the related articles.

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I couldn't agree with you about ABL rubie. This is an action-packed & I can say a violent movie but still I enjoyed watching it & it scared me at first - hehehe. It must have hurt him receiving those high-kicks & blows & for doing all those stunts by himself. But I like the story of this movie & how the story goes. (And Eric Mun has a cameo role there, huh?) :)

Yup.. Eric's role though without any spoken lines and he only appeared .. like.. twice(?) or 3 times.. in the whole duration of the movie.. it was one of the most significant of all. *spoiler*

--- BSL was very violent, indeed.. but so stylishly done..

LBH actually hurt himself twice (that we've known of) during the filming of A Bittersweet Life. The first time was quite painful to him, I'm sure as he hurt his back in one of the action scenes.. like falling from wall of something in that effect. He was hurt quite awhile and needed a short break within the filming to recuperate. It was said that he went to a traditional practitioner to quickly heal his back. Around the same time he also had a golf event for OMEGA with Ernie Els. He was unable to play very well (fear of further straining his back) but he still appeared, as promised.. as if nothing happened.

The second time he was hurt.. some minor burns.. was also during the intense fighting in the warehouse with all those bad guys. BH hurt his hand while fighting using the wood torches. There was a clip for this.. it looked like he burnt his fingers in the scene.

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February 27, 2008

zz_searchdoc.gifHELP US HELP YOU!!! Let's create the ULTIMATE SITE!

by: soomp on: February 27, 2008 12:10pm

Dearest Party Peeps!

So, hopefully you've noticed that we made this fancy little "main site" for you guys (the stuff besides the forum ^^;). I know that there are still a lot of bugs here & there, and there are so many features that I've been wanting to add (fanfix library, member stores, member reviews, etc etc), but I thought it would be a good idea to check in with you guys again to see what YOU guys want, since it's been a while.

Would you be so kind as to click around this main site, see what there is, and think about what it needs to become the ULTIMATE SITE! More social networking? Videos? Games? Contests? Articles? Fashion? Ulzzangs! Tech? So many possibilities!!

Here are some of the current features for you to play around with:

Fan Clubs


Post Pictures

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Member Profiles - add friends, post on each other's profiles!

We'll be posting a survey in the next couple of weeks, so in the meantime, please try to click around the main site as much as you can, so you can see what we have, and be ready to let us know what we NEED to go from "ok" to THE BEST!

Simply click on the link above for the original message & a cute pic of Soomp's baby :wub:


Also, WELCOME to our newest member at our LBH soompi fanclub.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and let's talk LBH all the way! ♥


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It's always so good to come back to the thread when there's a new post by our hunnies. :wub: Thanks H for the posting. Looks like we missed each other.. during the Asia slumberhours. I think I'm always the last to leave.. that's why always my silly ramblings up there. :mellow: But yup.. we're a 24-hr Hunnie-sanctuary.. always here and sharing. :blush:

Totally agree.. that all good things do come to those who wait.. but.. but.. :tears: .. can't help wondering for.. a little capture.. a short update.. a sweet note.. like.. anything.. at all.. :(

Anyway.. I'll come back with something (or not) later.. must keep busy while waiting.. huhuhu...

More Hunnie-talks and cool sharing at the thread, please! :D

I agree Rubie, I'm starting to miss our Hunnie now :(

Your ramblings aren't silly, we all like a good ramble. I mean if we didn't ramble then we wouldn't have anything to ramble about and then we wouldn't be able to ramble about the things we're rambling about and if nobody rambled then we would all be bored without the rambling and life without rambling is no fun at all is it? I rambled a teeny bit there but you get the idea lol Seriously I always love your posts, always keeping us up to date on the latest about our Hunnie. You're a star Rubie :D

:unsure: .. JSA isn't like our normal, everyday war or action movies. When I bought the vcd after watching BD and in urgent need of a BH fix for Minchul withdrawal ^^ .. I found JSA and Harmonium in My Memory (also a BH movies).. didn't stop to think for another second if it was an action or war movie or not. :blush: Needless to say, I was really surprised by the storyline of JSA despite what's shown by the movie posters & appearance of the characters. It's really not what like our first impression would be. Comparatively, A Bittersweet Life is a through and through (not to mention, hard) action movie but many of us girls, just love the movie.. thanks to its excellent storytelling, precise camera-work, cool high-kicks and our BH, of course! :wub:

JSA is a story of human drama.. about the relationship of fellow men. As a BH fan, the first instinct to recommend JSA would be because of LBH but seriously, JSA is awesome because of the movie itself. I think it's best to find out about the movie by watching it, regardless of the ending.

(JSA isn't a romance so.. a happy ending is not necessary but it's a well-worth story to watch)

I totally agree about JSA Rubie. I was surpised when I watched it for the first time as it's much more than just an action movie. It's also about friendship, compassion and seeing things from a totally different point of view. I hope you enjoy the movie if you manage to track it down willenette :D

BTW Rubie, (and any other fellow Hunnies) now that you come to mention Harmonium in My Memory what did you think of it? I personally really liked this movie. I found it to be touching, heart breaking and pleasantly surprising. Needless to say I cried at some parts :tears: lol I thought LBH was excellent in it as per usual lol ;)

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But yeah.. I've read somewhere before that he was given a car of the brand as a gift by the company when he became the spokesperson. I'm sure he uses it although I think he also likes to drive the Mercedes (seen a pic of it parked in front of his house) as well as the Bentley.. the car pic posted sometime ago by ylin (right?).. courtesy of bhjwlove.com

--- goldriver20030929.jpg

I m always fond of Hunnie in suit.. n now.. i would add in- he is also best in white shirt too.. Hheheh.. look! that chest is too solid n wide that make the shirt nearly unbuttoned! :sweatingbullets::rolleyes: so sexy n suave!

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I totally agree about JSA Rubie. I was surpised when I watched it for the first time as it's much more than just an action movie. It's also about friendship, compassion and seeing things from a totally different point of view. I hope you enjoy the movie if you manage to track it down willenette :D

Thanks AutumnLeaves for your message. I really wish I can find a copy - I'm getting excited of this because of all your posts about this movie. I contacted my friend in Korea to find me a copy & it's weekend now here in our country - tomorrow I can visit the Korea store to look for it, where I sometimes get my DVD copies. About "Harmonium", same thing, I wasn't able to watch this. But I've watched Addiction - enjoyed it - there was a "yummy" bedscene by LBH there, huh? hehehe. He looks very young in that movie.

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Yup.. Eric's role though without any spoken lines and he only appeared .. like.. twice(?) or 3 times.. in the whole duration of the movie.. it was one of the most significant of all. *spoiler*

--- BSL was very violent, indeed.. but so stylishly done..

LBH actually hurt himself twice (that we've known of) during the filming of A Bittersweet Life. The first time was quite painful to him, I'm sure as he hurt his back in one of the action scenes.. like falling from wall of something in that effect. He was hurt quite awhile and needed a short break within the filming to recuperate. It was said that he went to a traditional practitioner to quickly heal his back. Around the same time he also had a golf event for OMEGA with Ernie Els. He was unable to play very well (fear of further straining his back) but he still appeared, as promised.. as if nothing happened.

The second time he was hurt.. some minor burns.. was also during the intense fighting in the warehouse with all those bad guys. BH hurt his hand while fighting using the wood torches. There was a clip for this.. it looked like he burnt his fingers in the scene.

rubie, I remember there was a scene there (in case my memory won't fail me) when he got home that night, then getting himself undressed, going topless as he was about to go to the washroom - you can only see his back there (but cam shot was a bit far) but when I watched that particular scene I can only utter "OMG - what a nice view - what a very nice back/butt that this guy has! But I was wondering what was in his back because I saw something - so, it's a tattoo. I laughed at myself because I thought there's something not nice in his skin especially his back hahaha.

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rubie, I remember there was a scene there (in case my memory won't fail me) when he got home that night, then getting himself undressed, going topless as he was about to go to the washroom - you can only see his back there (but cam shot was a bit far) but when I watched that particular scene I can only utter "OMG - what a nice view - what a very nice back/butt that this guy has! But I was wondering what was in his back because I saw something - so, it's a tattoo. I laughed at myself because I thought there's something not nice in his skin especially his back hahaha.

You mean this scene? It looks like a slash scar. :tears:


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BTW Rubie, (and any other fellow Hunnies) now that you come to mention Harmonium in My Memory what did you think of it? I personally really liked this movie. I found it to be touching, heart breaking and pleasantly surprising. Needless to say I cried at some parts :tears: lol I thought LBH was excellent in it as per usual lol ;)

I love Harmonium in My Memory. :wub: Such a sweet and innocent Hunnie, huh.. huh.. :blush: It's like.. a movie of yesteryears with no worries in the world, and the time for first loves. I think it's one of the movies that makes you smile as you think of it.

Now that we're talking about Harmonium.. it's "sort of" similar to Once in a Summer but with a different feeling & ending altogether. Love the part BH cleaning all his LP collection and singing along to the songs.. such a sentimental guy.. "How much is that dog in the window" Woof woof!! :lol: I just love to sing along as well..

The interesting part.. BH was already almost 30 but he acted the role of a rather naive twenty-year old fresh teaching graduate and JDY is simply superb, already 26 or 27 at that time.. she acted a role of 15-year old student remarkably well.

I thought she was really, really 15! Aish.. I'm still hoping for a modern-day romance movie between BH and JDY..

I m always fond of Hunnie in suit.. n now.. i would add in- he is also best in white shirt too.. Hheheh.. look! that chest is too solid n wide that make the shirt nearly unbuttoned! :sweatingbullets::rolleyes: so sexy n suave!

TY.. our Hunnie loves to wear simple white shirts.. the casual guy he is. Although we will see him in suits in formal events (because he would dress appropriately) but away from all that, he loves simple shirts.. white ones, baby blue.. checkered ones. Just the guy next door. Hahaa.. who's living next to his house. :blush:

Btw.. you must have missed him a lot, huh.. no need to quote his pic.. just click & save it laaa.. :P

rubie, I remember there was a scene there (in case my memory won't fail me) when he got home that night, then getting himself undressed, going topless as he was about to go to the washroom - you can only see his back there (but cam shot was a bit far) but when I watched that particular scene I can only utter "OMG - what a nice view - what a very nice back/butt that this guy has! But I was wondering what was in his back because I saw something - so, it's a tattoo. I laughed at myself because I thought there's something not nice in his skin especially his back hahaha.

willenette, those are not tattoos but scars.. of being in endless fights and beaten-up marks .. doing all those "stuff" for the underworld boss.

Under that cool and well-pressed suits he wears daily to work, hidden harsh proof of his commitment.. mentally & physically.

Under that confidence and superbly well-dressed man, hidden a very lonely heart.

trunks.jpg Oops double post! ^^

Hyc's property pic :D .. of the BSL topless & sexy Hunnie..

BH does have the nicest butt (the girls here have described it quite elaborately ^^) and he knows it, too.. he also knew that the fans like it. :P

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February 29, 2008

한국영화 어렵다는데 배우들 뭐해? :unsure:


[OSEN=조경이 기자] 한국영화의 침체기라고 한다. 톱스타들은 위기의 한국 영화 시장에서 어떤 행보를 보이고 있을까

시나리오만 좋다면 출연료쯤은 Down

칸의 여왕 전도연은 저예산 영화 ‘멋진 하루’를 차기작으로 결정했으며 영화의 규모에 맞게 개런티를 낮췄다. 김혜수는 지난해 말 개봉한 영화 ‘열한번째 엄마’의 시나리오를 읽고 가슴 저린 절절한 스토리에 단박에 출연을 결정했으며 좋은 작품에 출연하고 싶은 의지로 개런티를 대폭 깎아서 출연했다.

400만 관객을 돌파하며 흥행신화를 기록하고 있는 영화 ‘우리 생애 최고의 순간’에서는 주연배우들이 캐스팅 단계에서 출연료의 일부만 받고 개봉 후 수익이 날 경우 추가적인 개런티를 받는 것으로 고통을 분담했다.

한국 시장이 좁다 할리우드로 GO

이병헌은 영화 ‘씨클로’ ‘그린파파야의 향기’의 트란 안 홍 감독이 연출하는 다국적 영화 ‘I Come With The Rain’에서 홍콩 암흑가의 두목 역을 맡았다. 현재 이병헌은 본격 할리우드 진출작인 영화 ‘G.I 조’ 촬영을 위해 LA에 머물고 있다. 스티븐 소머즈 감독의 ‘G.I.조’에서 닌자 역을 맡았다.

비의 할리우드 진출작은 ‘스피드 레이서’다. ‘매트릭스’의 워쇼스키 형제 감독이 연출한다. 극중 비중있는 조연을 맡았다. 장동건은 뉴질랜드에서 영화 ‘런드리 워리어’를 촬영하고 있고 전지현은 ‘블러드 더 라스트 뱀파이어’에 출연해 올 여름 전세계 개봉을 앞두고 있다.



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I agree Rubie, I'm starting to miss our Hunnie now :(

Your ramblings aren't silly, we all like a good ramble. I mean if we didn't ramble then we wouldn't have anything to ramble about and then we wouldn't be able to ramble about the things we're rambling about and if nobody rambled then we would all be bored without the rambling and life without rambling is no fun at all is it? I rambled a teeny bit there but you get the idea lol Seriously I always love your posts, always keeping us up to date on the latest about our Hunnie. You're a star Rubie :D

Thanks H for the warm words, I truly appreciate it. ♥ Likewise.. I'm really looking forward to your thoughts on BH and anything about it, always making me smile every morning. But I'm no star *nonono*.. just a VERY hopeless fan. I've been rambling like this everyday... all these years that it's getting a bit repetitive, unfortunately. :sweatingbullets: That's why I really hope to read the thoughts shared by everyone.

No need to write long postings (like rambling rubie).. just simple thoughts or short comments are always more than welcomed.. right?

--- anyway..

Hunnies all, maybe there's a reason for us not having any updates or any latest pics of BH. So, while waiting for Hunnie updates to come up, hopefully soon.. what should we do at the thread.. in the meantime?

Anyone with mini-projects to do? Any ideas that we can do 'online' together, that's related to BH?

Or.. perhaps it's much too early to be thinking about it but what shall we get for BH for his birthday in July? It's still like 4 months more but if we think about it, time flies so fast and it's already March. Especially when we're not located in the same place.. only connected by the thread.. maybe it's good that we start early.

Hope we can send him to him in a well-meant gift from everyone here. So, we have to start thinking about it. It doesn't have to be an expensive or very elaborate gift but something that's really coming from the heart like the photomosaic sent to him 3 years ago. Something that we know BH likes and really appreciates.

Please share your ideas with everyone here. If you're too shy to post the idea at the thread, you can always PM too.. there's always a way. :)

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Oh, thanks rubie for the correction - you see, my memory failed me, huh? But I'm sure that scar was only for the movie? :)

--- of being in endless fights and beaten-up marks .. doing all those "stuff" for the underworld boss

Yeah.. those are only the effects of make-up as an indicator for the audience to see how "violent" the life that Sunwoo had to go through in A Bittersweet Life.

Btw.. hope you won't take this the wrong way :sweatingbullets: .. but there's no need to highlight the words in much larger font size as it's already clear to see from the quotes itself. But if it's necessary and needed to, making the words or text bold would be more appropriate.

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Guest kdramafanusa

February 25, 2008

[special Report] Is there a limit to the stars' guarantees?

Recently, the Minister of Culture and Arts, Yoo In-Chun's private property was revealed to be over 14 billion-won. Some said that he had gained too much wealth, but he thinks otherwise. He said, "These are all from my 30 years of acting career. Some may think I have too much private wealth, but look at Bae Yong-joon".

How much would the stars be paid? Recently, the guarantees of the Korean Waves stars' moved to around 50 million-won (~$US 50,000) for every drama episodes. The following article investigated the skyrocketing increases in the stars' guarantees.

At this very moment, the guarantees in the film industry remained relatively constant since 2005~2006. Even though, the stars get paid few billion-wons for every film, it's relatively slow increase compare to the geometric progression in the guarantees of the Korean Waves stars.

On top of that, as the Korean film industry had few downturns and the reduction in the production fees came about, some sensible actors reduced their guarantees to ease the situation. For example, the top star, Cha Seung-won halved his guarantee when he appeared in "A Day with My Son" last year; and Kim Hye-soo asked much lower than her usual standard in "Eleventh Mom". Lately Lee Na-young reduced her guarantee in the Director Kim Ki-duk's low-profit film, "Bi Mong" and Park Eun-hye appeared in the Director Hong Sang-soo's "Night and Day" without any payments.

The experts say this practice of finding the 'sensible amount of performance fee' between the stars and the production crew will continue for sometime.

However, the fierce competition between the stars for the highest guarantee still continues. Because their guarantee is directly linked to the star's power and influences. And furthermore, it is an indicator of their popularity and a source of their pride.


According to the experts, the guarantees of the 'A+' movie top stars are around 0.5 billion (~$US 500,000) to 0.55 billion-won (~$US 550,000). This standard had not changed since 2006, which had the peaked success in the Korean film industry.

The 'A+' category includes top actors such as Song Kang-ho and Seol Kyeong-gu. These actors worth their high guarantees because they have high naming values as well as making a strong appeal to the audiences. The Korean Waves stars such as Lee Byeong-Heon, Jang Dong-gun, Bae Yong-joon and Jung Woo-sung, also receives around 0.5 billion-won and are categorised as the 'A+' group. They may not receive as much, in terms of the actual amount of the guarantees, but they possess a great potential in success in the overseas countries and other additional business, which make them the no.1 choice by many film directors. This group includes Cha Seung-won, Jeong Joon-ho, Hwang Jeong-min and Lee Jeong-jae. In particular, Hwang Jeong-min had the most rapid increase in his guarantee ever since the hit of "You are my Sunshine" in 2005.

The next category includes stars such as Kwon Sang-woo, Song Seung-heon, Jo Seung-woo and Baek Yoon-sik, who receive around 0.4 billion-won (~$US 400,000). Kwon Sang-woo and Song Seung-heon have not yet proved their power in the film industry but they are at the top ranks as the popular Korean Waves stars. Both received 0.4 billion-won guarantee in their upcoming film, "Destiny", which is due release next month.

Among the female actors, Lee Young-ae, Kim Hye-soo, Jeon Do-yeon, Jang Jin-yeong, Jeon Ji-hyeon and Ha Ji-won are at the top of the list, whose guarantees are around 0.4 billion-won (~$US 400,000). The guarantees of other top female stars, like Kim Jeong-eun, Choi Ji-woo and Song Hye-kyo is around 0.35 – 0.4 billion-won (~$US 350,000 - ~$US 400,000). Kim Jeong-eun and Choi Ji-woo once were the highest-paying actresses, but as their films had low success, their guarantees have dropped a little.

Original Korean Article: ISplus 2008-02-25

English Translation Credit: HanCinema

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