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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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Although I like him in specky .... but then..... his face seems a bit oily and .......

:lol: Agree.... it seems HUNnie's make-up artist forgot to put more powder on him.

I also like him in specs but not this thick black-rimmed one. Makes him look older esp. since he is on the gaunt side nowadays.

I'm glad that GBW's showing in the TFF was a success.

Dir. Kim is really getting a lot of exposure just like his popular stars. :lol:

More success globally for GBW. Fighting!!! :w00t:

Just looooove his Rav 4 pix. :wub:

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BH is in New York, right.. right after TIFF.. along with Dir. Kim? :unsure: Is it all GBW-related.. or plus other (international) projects?

At Hancinema.. I managed to read between pc hangs and endless error-mode that in a JWS article (about his new drama series) that he had been nominated and awarded for GBW??! :wacko: *probably mistaken for the filmfest* Can't get to read any news at BH's page though. >.< Although the Hancinema translation/source are rather unreliable these days.. in this drought.. we've got no gist to read about him except for that, if any. Can someone check if there's anything posted.. even if the updates not quite what they are. Please?

My pc have major problem accessing the site and it's getting worse. :sweatingbullets:


Ohh.. been meaning to post long ago, BH's page at Universal Music (Jp).. :blush:


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z_FILMSTRI.gifWeekly Box Office 2008.09.12 ~ 2008.09.14 3-day Gross/Total Gross (won)

1. The Divine Weapon (South Korea) 3,972,907,000 / 12,037,777,000

2. Mamma Mia! (U.S.) 3,704,808,500 / 10,831,115,500

3. Rough Cut (South Korea) 1,852,041,000 / 2,225,696,500

4. Our School E.T. (South Korea) 1,230,172,000 / 1,407,180,500

5. Bangkok Dangerous (U.S.) 533,869,500 / 641,026,500

6. Twentieth Century Boys (Japan) 447,589,500 / 639,706,000

7. Boys Over Flowers (Japan) 265,235,000 / 341,895,500

8. The Dark Knight (U.S.) 200,926,000 / 26,475,759,000

9. Earth (U.K.) 172,785,500 / 767,265,500

10. Star Wars: The Clone Wars (U.S.) 98,165,500 / 475,312,500

Source: KOFIC

GBW at its 10th Week Screening

13. Nom Nom Nom (South Korea) 6,598,419 / 8,641,000 * wait.. wait.. still checking the numbers for this *

Source: kobis.or.kr

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Guest Sung-ja e Seiko

I went to Netz Toyota during this long weekend.

There are three sales promotion goods.

A set of 5 postcards, a poster (the same one they are displaying at the shop) and a making DVD of the CM.

It depends on the shop how generous they are, unfortunately 3 shops where I visited were extremely tough and what I could get was a set of the postcards only. I really want to get the DVD, but no hope unless I buy the car. :wacko:


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This camera angle is terrible! :o I am bit worried about his forehead lately.

Or am I overanxious?  :sweatingbullets:

Why? :unsure: I think BH looks ok.. just that the camera is right in front of him and slightly above his head. JWS & Dir. Kim had similar shots as well. Most of the time.. it's the lighting of the angle or the lack of indoor light that affects the images taken.

It's just his feature the way it is.. BH probably takes after his maternal grandparent. He doesn't look much like his father. But coming back to the pics.. I like the pose (it's nothing too much).. that he looks down to sign autographs or to read something. :blush:

Not to worry Sung-ja.. all of us tend to 'see' more .. every time.. especially when we miss him a lot. :)

I went to Netz Toyota during this long weekend.

There are three sales promotion goods.

A set of 5 postcards, a poster (the same one they are displaying at the shop) and a making DVD of the CM.

It depends on the shop how generous they are, unfortunately 3 shops where I visited were extremely tough and what I could get was a set of the postcards only. I really want to get the DVD, but no hope unless I buy the car. :wacko:

Sung-ja.. I really feel your exasperation trying to get the DVD but our Hunnie is endorsing for Toyota.. not a camera, watches, handphones etc.. can't be helped that they wanted to make a profit as well. ^^ I can't help laughing out loud at this.. it's really funny but so sweet.. we being hopeless fans.. I will definitely feel the same way. Trying to get the DVD.. of course. :)

Btw, well done! :w00t:

You've got your images posted, finally. That is great and a real cool sharing, too! :wub:

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Watch this guy in ...'ALL IN'

l was completely drawn to this ..... 24 hour series......

the ending was.....kind of a rush...

could hv shared their marriage life......with couples of kids running around the beautiful house...

the scenery is wooowwww........beautiful.....breathtaking....

if got the chance to go to Jeju island....l wont miss that place.....

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전문 트레이너가 밝히는 몸짱 연예인의 과거

The body which the professional trainer reveals

입력: 2008년 09월 15일 19:56:16


“송일국은 한 끼에 고기 15인분 먹었다.”

여성들을 경악시키는 ‘王자 배’와 탄탄한 어깨를 갖고 태어난 사람은 없듯이 몸짱 연예인들도 혹독한 트레이닝을 이겨낸 후에야 지금의 몸을 만들었다. 남성잡지 GQ 9월호는 몸짱으로 소문난 스타들의 헬스 트레이너가 함께 운동했던 연예인의 운동 전 몸상태, 운동 중 버릇에 대해 낱낱이 밝혔다.

연예인 전문 헬스 트레이너 한동길씨는 ‘주몽’을 통해 톱스타로 등극한 송일국에 대해 “물만 마셔도 살찌는 송일국은 운동 전까지 한 끼에 고기 15인분을 먹어도 배가 안 부르다고 했다”고 대답했다. 체중이 108㎏까지 나갔던 송일국은 근육도 많은 체질이라 웨이트 트레이닝보다 전력 질주와 자전거 타기로 몸매를 다졌다고 한다.

반대로 이서진은 마른 몸에 뼈도 얇으며 지구력도 약한 전형적 외배엽 체형이었다고 한다. 한씨는 너무 얇은 하체를 보완하려고 혼자 무리하게 운동을 해 인대가 늘어나고 허리 통증도 있던 이서진에게 먼저 허리와 등근육을 키우도록 주문했고, 지구력이 약한 근육 때문에 하루에 한 부위씩 운동하도록 권고했다고 한다.

탤런트 고수는 운동 중에 자꾸 어깨가 빠져 주위 사람을 놀라게 했다고 한다. 트레이너 김종경씨는 고수에 대해 “자신의 곱상한 이미지에 질린 것 같았다”며 “몸을 만들고자 하는 욕구는 대단했으나 습관성 어깨 탈골 때문에 하체 운동에 주력할 것을 주문했다”고 했다. 의욕적인 고수는 트레이너의 말을 생명처럼 여기고 집에서 피트니스 센터까지 상당한 거리임에도 항상 사이클로 이동하는 열성을 보였다고 한다.

김씨는 전지현에 대해서는 “마른 체격에 근육도 많아 나무랄 데 없었다”고 했으며, 섹시함을 강조하기 위해 허벅지에 보일 듯 말 듯한 선을 키워 갈라지는 듯한 느낌을 내는 운동을 시켰다고 했다. 흔히 이병헌은 몸이 원래 좋을 것이라고 생각하지만 트레이너 정주호씨는 “의외로 근육이 적었고 이 때문에 영화 ‘달콤한 인생’에서도 노출을 못해 아쉬워했다”고 말했다. 그러나 이병헌은 대단한 인내력을 소유했다고 한다. 규칙적인 생활을 하라는 트레이너의 주문을 철칙으로 삼아 1년간 밤 12시면 어김없이 취침을 했고, 규칙적인 트레이닝을 한 결과 ‘놈놈놈’을 통해 완벽한 몸을 공개했다.


Source: http://sports.khan.co.kr/news/sk_index.htm...40101&pt=nv

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Watch this guy in ...'ALL IN'

l was completely drawn to this ..... 24 hour series......

the ending was.....kind of a rush...

could hv shared their marriage life......with couples of kids running around the beautiful house...

the scenery is wooowwww........beautiful.....breathtaking....

if got the chance to go to Jeju island....l wont miss that place.....

Hi Lili! So good to see you here, posting at EverythingLBH! welcome.gif

Wow.. you've gone from BD to All In, back-to-back huh! :lol: But yup.. the ending for All in was rushed like crazy on the day it was supposed to go on air that night! :sweatingbullets: Don't know how they really managed doing it.. but we got to see InHa & Sooyeon reunited.. at least, there's a kiss for last...which could be worst, if they opt for an "open ending" instead. :ph34r:

Hope you'll share with us your All In thoughts at the drama thread, too. There're some Jeju pics as well as newly-added clips. And join us here most especially.. talking and sharing about Lee Byung Hun. We like! :D

All In


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전문 트레이너가 밝히는 몸짱 연예인의 과거

The body which the professional trainer reveals

Eh ?

I think the caption says "the past of actors/actresses, who have great bods thru specialised training"

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Guest Sung-ja e Seiko

Why? :unsure: I think BH looks ok.. just that the camera is right in front of him and slightly above his head. JWS & Dir. Kim had similar shots as well. Most of the time.. it's the lighting of the angle or the lack of indoor light that affects the images taken.

It's just his feature the way it is.. BH probably takes after his maternal grandparent. He doesn't look much like his father. But coming back to the pics.. I like the pose (it's nothing too much).. that he looks down to sign autoographs or to read something. :blush:

Not to worry Sung-ja.. all of us tend to 'see' more .. every time.. especially when we miss him a lot. :)

[btw, well done! :w00t:

You've got your images posted, finally. That is great and a real cool sharing, too! :wub:

Oh good, so I was mistaken.... Yes, sure he still has plenty of hair.... Of course :blush:

Thank you rubie, now I know how to insert images.

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Eh ?

I think the caption says "the past of actors/actresses, who have great bods thru specialised training"

Whoops. My mistake. :sweatingbullets: Thanks Huang for the correction.

Thought it'll be something to read. :blush: Apparently not a good try. *runs*


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Oh good, so I was mistaken.... Yes, sure he still has plenty of hair.... Of course :blush:

Thank you rubie, now I know how to insert images.

Uhh.. Sung-ja.. I wouldn't say that you've mistaken or rather.. if you're right :sweatingbullets: but sometimes.. images and pictures could be deceiving to the eyes. Especially for someone who has never seen BH upclose, in person.. that meaning me *yours truly*. From what I've seen.. images and media clips.. BH looks pretty much the same.. except that sometimes he has facial hair.. otherwise he's ruggedly clean-shaven just like we love to see him. :blush: And obviously his hairstyle changes from time to time.. i.e. the length of the hair. But I don't think it affects his forehead.. just the hair is sometimes longer.. sometimes ruffled.. sometimes backcombed.. sometimes windblown. :wub:

There BD (both backcombed & long bangs) .. All In.. sort of crew-cut style for the prison scenes.. then.. BSL.. the backcombed again .. minus blonde streaks ala Minchul, of course. :blush:

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August 2008

Aug 1: Kim Jee-woon on a Loving Homage to the Masters » ARTICLE

Aug 1: Cannes cut of "The Good, The Bad, The Weird" in Theaters » ARTICLE

Aug 1: Kang Hye-Jung Joins the Hollywood Ranks in Wedding Palace » ARTICLE

Aug 1: A survey with 10 renowned plastic surgeons on best features of male artists » ARTICLE

Aug 1: Divers quartet rule the box office » ARTICLE


Aug 4: 'Mummy' has Korean box office all wrapped up » ARTICLE

Aug 5: 'Good, Bad, Weird' Revamps Cinema for Fall Lineup » ARTICLE

Aug 6: Korean Films Nab 47.7% Market Share » ARTICLE

Aug 6: Korean Movies' Popularity Rebounds This Summer » ARTICLE


Aug 7: Local hits lift Korean summer B.O. » ARTICLE

Aug 7: 'Dachimawa Lee' Straddles Homage, Mockery » ARTICLE

Aug 7: 'Crossing' to Represent Korea for Oscar » ARTICLE

AUGUST 2008 [KOZINE] Lee Byung Hun - Thrives on Challenges » ARTICLE

Aug 8: 1 year Anniversary » Byunghun of our Hearts c/o EverythingLBH, soompi.com

Aug 8: Aug 8 - 12 Weekend screening guide » ARTICLE

Aug 10: After day-24.. 6,000,000 breakthrough. Break-even point countdown » ARTICLE

Aug 10: Korean Dramas Expensive Filming Overseas? » ARTICLE

Aug 10: The Good The Bad The Weird attracts 6 million viewers » ARTICLE


5th week since debut of GBW remains 5th ranked in top 5 advanced bookings » ARTICLE

Aug 12: Lee Byeong-heon leaves for the U.S » ARTICLE

Aug 12: Korean article+interview on LBH » PART 1 » PART 2

Aug 13: Kim Ji-woon's slickly made 'Manchurian western' hobbles a bit » ARTICLE

Aug 13: "Knight" wins at Korean box office » ARTICLE

Aug 14: The Pay of Korean Drama Actors » ARTICLE

Aug 15: Everything I Learned About Life I Learned From Korean TV Dramas... » ARTICLE

Aug 16: Korean Movies making its way into Hollywood! » ARTICLE

Aug 16: "The Good, The Bad, The Weird" tops "200-pound Beauty" » ARTICLE

The Best Selling Films of 2008 (admissions to August 17) » ARTICLE

Aug 18: MirrorssrorriM (Addicted related) » ARTICLE

Aug 18: Lee Byung-hun to Be Featured in Hollywood Film » ARTICLE

Aug 18: Lee Byung Hun - Man of the World » ARTICLE

Aug 20: Lee Byeong-heon and T.O.P starring in a new drama » ARTICLE

Aug 21: Kimchi Western Joins All Time Top 10, Stars Head for Toronto » ARTICLE

Aug 22: The Year’s 2 Top Films Head to Sitges » ARTICLE

Aug 27: As Venice film fest kicks off, Korea out in the cold » ARTICLE

Aug 29: LBH finishes GI Joe, back in Korea for 2-month break » ARTICLE

Aug 29: Taewon Entertainment quits stock market » ARTICLE

Aug 29: Taewon Entertainment leaves stock market » ARTICLE

Aug 29: Drama Wars: IRIS and Road No. 1 » ARTICLE

Anyone interested to be co-Admins at EverythingLBH forum-site? ^^ To proof-read posts and oversee stuff in case the current Admin has something else going on & can't make it.
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.X. at twitchfilm just posted a really :blink: reaaaaaaalllllly looooooooong GBW review :wacko: though not everything about the movie.. like.. directly...

the intro probably almost 10 paragraphs.. :sweatingbullets:

Still not sure which suitable excerpts to share.. still thinking.. :unsure:

The verdict? :mellow:

Let's just say that the Korean critics are more critical of the movie compared to the international counterpart..

but still.. it's all quite good.. pretty much touching on Dir. Kim's work of directing.. the hits & misses.

September 15, 2008

[K-FILM REVIEWS] 놈놈놈 (The Good, The Bad, and The Weird)

Posted by X at 4:12pm.


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이병헌·비 등 월드스타 ‘외톨이’ 시사회 참석 눈길

뉴스엔 기사전송 2008-09-16 09:01


[뉴스엔 홍정원 기자]

오는 16일 공포영화 ‘외톨이’(감독 박재식) VIP시사회에 이병헌, 비 등 월드스타가 참석해 화제다.

‘외톨이’ 제작사 영화사다물 측은 “16일 오후 8시 서울 메가박스 코엑스에서 개최될 예정인 VIP시사회에 이병헌, 비를 비롯한 국내 톱스타들이 참석을 희망해왔다”고 밝혔다.

‘외톨이’ VIP시사회가 눈길을 끌고 있는 이유는 바로 이병헌과 비가 참석을 희망했다는 점이다. 비의 시사회 참석은 최근 ‘외톨이’ 주연배우 고은아의 친언니와 결혼을 해 화제를 모은 비 소속사 제이튠엔터테인먼트 조동원(33) 대표의 소개로 성사됐다. 평소 처제인 고은아를 끔찍이 여긴다는 조 대표는 ‘외톨이’ VIP시사회가 열린다는 소식을 듣고 비에게 참석을 권유했다.

비와 함께 한국을 대표하는 월드스타 이병헌 역시 드라마 ‘올인’의 인연으로 우정을 나누고 있는 배우 정유석의 ‘외톨이’ 시사회 참석을 희망했다. 두 월드스타 외에도 하지원, 신현준, 엄지원, 공형진, 한효주, 정유미, 조은지 등 국내 스타들이 이날 시사회에 참석해 ‘외톨이’ 출연배우들에 대한 우정을 과시한다. 또 ‘외톨이’에 고은아를 괴롭히는 같은 반 친구로 출연한 이은 역시 그녀의 남자친구인 봉태규가 시사회에 참석하기로 했다.

‘외톨이’는 국내 최초 ‘히키코모리’(은둔형 외톨이)를 소재로 한 공포스릴러다. 밝고 천사 같았던 17세 소녀 수나가 갑작스럽게 히키코모리가 되면서 드러나는 가족의 잔혹한 비밀과 복수를 그린다. 고은아, 정유석, 이은을 비롯, 채민서도 출연해 열연했다.

홍정원 man@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com


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September 16, 2008


BOX OFFICE 9/12~19


Korean films only - Source: KOBIS

01. 신기전 (The Divine Weapon) - 2008/09/04 - 1,826,187 - 12,037,777,000 Won - 597 Screens

03. 영화는 영화다 (Rough Cut) - 2008/09/11 - 326,609 - 2,225,696,500 Won - 401 Screens

04. 울학교 이티 (Our School E.T.) - 2008/09/11 - 220,220 - 1,407,180,500 - 382 Screens

09. 놈놈놈 (The Good, The Bad, The Weird) - 2008/07/17 - 7,027,685 - 45,838,987,000 - 132 Screens

15. 고死 (Death Bell) - 2008/08/07 - 1,636,106 - 10,265,196,000 Won - 6 Screens

18. 우린 액션배우다 (Action Boys) - 2008/08/28 - 7,766 - 53,008,500 Won - 9 Screens

20. 아기와 나 (Baby & Me) - 2008/08/14 - 437,027 - 2,656,919,000 Won - 4 Screens

21. 스페어 (Spare) - 2008/08/28 - 47,579 - 299,894,000 Won - 1 Screens

30. 눈에는 눈 이에는 이 (Eye for an Eye) - 2008/07/31 - 2,060,109 - 13,386,274,500 Won - 3 Screens

44. 다찌마와리 (Dachimawa Lee) - 2008/08/14 - 630,448 - 4,112,154,500 Won - 1 Screens

54. 님은 먼 곳에 (Sunny) - 2008/07/24 - 1,811,457 - 11,843,871,000 Won - 1 Screens


2008 Box Office Top 10


01. 7,027,685 - 좋은 놈, 나쁜 놈, 이상한 놈 (The Good, The Bad, The Weird) - dir. Kim Ji-Woon

02. 5,071,436 - 추격자 (The Chaser) - dir. Na Hong-Jin

03. 4,184,325 - 강철중 (Public Enemy Returns) - dir. Kang Woo-Suk

04. 4,043,349 - 우리 생애 최고의 순간 (Forever the Moment) - dir. Im Soon-Rye

05. 2,060,109 - 눈에는 눈 이에는 이 (Eye for an Eye) - dir. Kwak Kyung-Taek

06. 1,826,187 - 신기전 (The Divine Weapon) - dir. Kim Yoo-Jin

07..1,811,457 - 님은 먼 곳에 (Sunny) - dir. Lee Joon-Ik

08. 1,636,106 - 고死 (Death Bell) - dir. Chang

09. 1,615,059 - 무방비도시 (Open City) - dir. Lee Sang-Gi

10. 1,562,328 - 원스 어폰 어 타임 (Once Upon a Time) - dir. Jung Yong-Gi


All Time Top 10


01. 13.20 Mil 2006 괴물 (The Host)

02. 12.47 Mil 2005 왕의 남자 (The King and the Clown)

03. 11.74 Mil 2004 태극기 휘날리며 (Taegukgi)

04. 11.43 Mil 2003 실미도 (Silmido)

05. 08.42 Mil 2007 디워 (D-War)

06. 08.20 Mil 2001 친구 (Friend)

07. 08.00 Mil 2005 웰컴 투 동막골 (Welcome to Dongmakgol)

08. 07.30 Mil 2007 화려한 휴가 (May 18)

09. 07.03 Mil 2008 좋은 놈, 나쁜 놈, 이상한 놈 (The Good, The Bad, The Weird)

10. 06.84 Mil 2006 타짜 (War of Flowers)

Source: twitchfilm.net

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이병헌·비 등 월드스타 ‘외톨이’ 시사회 참석 눈길

Caption says world stars, LBH and Rain, will attend the press conference for horror movie, 외톨이

(for more abt movie, go to http://www.hiki2008.co.kr)

Press con will be today 8 pm at COEX megabox.

Look out for press pics after that time.

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Caption says world stars, LBH and Rain, will attend the press conference for horror movie, 외톨이

(for more abt movie, go to http://www.hiki2008.co.kr)

Press con will be today 8 pm at COEX megabox.

Look out for press pics after that time.

:huh: Isn't BH still in New York? :mellow: And.. if he's back in Korea.. he's not involved in the movie, unless it's the VIP premiere.

Thanks Huang for the gist.. appreciate it very much. Although.. now more questions than answers. :sweatingbullets:

Well.. let's wait for the pics later.. if any. :blush:

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MISC BH-Media Clips courtesy of various fan-sharing -- uploaded August 2008; onwards

Our gratitude to everyone sharing these wonderful clips. :blush:

You Will Rock Me (9.90 MB)


3nom's Gravvure in The Bad (14.69 MB)


Arena Tour promo (8.92 MB)


filmtour08-message1 (3.30 MB)


filmtour08-message2 (4.02 MB)


icwtr_trailer (17.85 MB)


fan MV_icwtr-su dongpo (13.28 MB)


Dream Racers_lbh vs jws (17.59 MB)


BSL05japan_interview1 (12.80 MB)


gi joe_bts storm1 (1.23 MB)


hero_bh_pusan shoot (5.52 MB)


HT bts1 feat. ssh-khn-lbh (12.01 MB)


NHK_once summer_fan premiere (5.76 MB)


summer07japan_report (4.00 MB)


SummerBH_Japan16012007 fan-clip (4.64 MB)


summer07japan_interview1 (11.47 MB)


summer07japan_interview2 (1.18 MB)


summer07japan_interview3 (7.80 MB)


press_summer_long_500k (53.69 MB)


press_summer_short_500k (24.18 MB)


[Cannes 2008] Highlight 2008-05-24 (78.06 MB)


[Cannes 2008] Photocall Interview 052408 (14.61 MB)


Cannes 2008_Red Carpet (59.79 MB)


Cannes_sbs20080529 (28.51 MB)


Cannes 20080530 Mnet Wide News (16.95 MB)


Cannes 20080528 Live TV Ent. News (13.96 MB)


Cannes080526_tvb_bhjwlove (17.57 MB)


ytnstar_20080609_cannes (8.27 MB)


BH_050708 Hakuru Japan (9.45 MB)


BH_Dong-A Ilbo interview (2.36 MB)


Film2_GBW photoshoot (16.98 MB)


Cine21_GBW cover story (62.80 MB)


mbc_movieweek 08_0704 (78.83 MB)


Movieweek_080630 focus on gbw (31.79 MB)


gbw_premiere mag photoshoot (6.95 MB)


KBS2_GBWfeature (22.26 MB)


gbw_sbs feature (12.73 MB)


gbw CF_samsung sens (1.71 MB)


GBW_BTS poster1 (9.07 MB)


KBS2_20080623_poster (13.37 MB)


KBS World_080701poster subbed (12.09 MB)


dont_let_me_be_misunderstood1 (1.36 MB)


dont_let_me_be_misunderstood2 (1.59 MB)


dont_let_me_be_misunderstood3 (1.81 MB)


BH_eye4eye_vip (8.85 MB)


CGV featureLBH_GBW (47.90 MB)


GBW_So Hot MV (4.95 MB)


GBW MV_the BAD (11.47 MB)


GBW MV_the BAD 2 (4.23 MB)


All BH_Bad in Action (2.55 MB)


etn 20080708_preview (11.40 MB)


etn 20080804_gbw500 (8.57 MB)


gbw preview film 270837 (48.58 MB)


gbw preview film 270839 (45.97 MB)


gbw_character_trailer_h1080p (95.22 MB)


2008Jun2 KBS ER_Good Bad Weird (47.20 MB)


20080226 Good Morning Show - Star Time Machine (21.43MB)


20080716 Good Day - Lee Byung Hun cut (75.77 MB)


20080707 Arirang Showbiz Extra - GBW China (7.35 MB)


mnet082_poster-shoot bts (11.73 mb)


mnet_GBW preview 070608 (8.97 MB)


20080709 MnetWide News - GBW press preview (10.51 MB)


20080730 Live TV Ent. News - The Good The Bad The Weird (8.54 MB)


20080731 Mnet Wide News - The Good The Bad The Weird (10.48 MB)


20080731 Showbiz Extra - The Good, the Bad, the Weird (13.69 MB)


20080804 Showbiz Extra - The Good, the Bad, the Weird (11.57 MB)


The.Good.toshoot.ER.080630_ahboo (31.23 MB)


Preview gbw_subs080817a_bhjwlove (25.84 MB)


Preview gbw_subs080817b_bhjwlove (29.24 MB)


MBC-GBW Fan Premiere0607 (24 MB)


GBW July17 movie releases (20.32 MB)


GBW VIP preview clip1 (9.87 MB)


GBW250708 stage-greet (9.27MB)


gbw3107_daegu stage greet (9.77 MB)


GBW stage greet compilation (3.96 MB)


GBW stage greeting 3.8.8 (16.27 MB)


GBW_2507stagegreet (9.31 MB)


GBW_2607stagegreet (10.78 MB)


gbw_070708 preview j-clip (13.10 MB)


gbw_080708 preview (5.51 MB)


innolife_080708_gbw preview 1 (8.77 MB)


innolife_080708_gbw preview 2 (16.07 MB)


innolife_080708 preview 3 (4.24 MB)


innolife_080710_gbw vip 1 (9.27 MB)


innolife_080714_gbw cannes (8.14 MB)


gbw_cast_dir kjw (18.13 MB)


News_20080728_ArirangTV (1.82 MB)


mbc_morn_0708_gbw stunts (4.08 MB)


mbc_morn_20080717_2 (4.48 MB)


mbc_noon_20080717_0 (3.40 MB)


sbs news_20080710 lead bad guys (6.74 MB)


sbs news 20080620gbw (6.47 MB)


sbs news_gbw-girl scout (6.56 MB)


sbs_260708_stage greet (25.22 MB)


sbs_20080707preview (6.25 MB)


sbs_GBW preview 070608 (12.83 MB)


sbs_20080718_gbw vs red cliff (4.69 MB)


ytn24_20080714 gbw preview (5.06 MB)


ytn_20080708_preview (11.01 MB)


ytnstar_200806 gbw new movies (10.87 MB)


ytnstar_200807_gbw_fashion (9.89 MB)


ytnstar_20080715 gbw vip (2.56 MB)


ytnstar_20080804_gbw_eye4eye (15.74 MB)


GBW trailer2 (3.70 MB)


fan-clip_good-bad-1 (2.54 MB)


fan-clip_good-bad-2 (1.37 MB)


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