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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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An update on Hunnie's photo at JOFC

Thanks very much for the pic and the screencaps ylin :w00t: I agree with what everyone said about the half smile, it's so cute :wub: The man looks good in every picture :blush:

Btw I was kind of bored earlier and after watching BSL again yesterday I felt like making something to do with it so I decided to make this Sin City style Sun-woo wallpaper:


Hope you like it, anybody feel free to use it :D

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WAHH!!! :w00t: There's a SUN at our forest! :wub: *smiles widely*

Thanks H, the wallie is awesome. I've not seen Sin City but artwork looks kinda retro.. :blush: .. I think.

I'll put this up at our LBH fan club. Awesome-sharing. rbhcool.gif

Interested in joining these.. all are most welcomed! ^^

1 - Ideas on what to get for LBH's birthday in July 2008.

This may seem too early but the days will move so fast. (quite our priority ^^)

2 - Banners for GBW/ICWTR movie releases

- still have to wait for some good caps but never to early to start on something.

3 - Anyone interested or with ideas and sources to start a subtitling project for BH past work

e.g. 'Fragrance of Love', etc as voiced out by silvermine a few days ago.

4 - Drama & movie banners for the compilation that's currently in progress :blush:

5 - BH clips & vods compilation mini-project

6 - BH CFs compilation mini-project

7 - ideas to improve the LBH soompi fanclub & Byunghun of our Hearts' news blog

8 - anything anyone would like to comment.. feedbacks would be nice..

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I'm not sure why but I'm not complaining ^^.. BH's Arena Tour 2007 pics & some update came up in the news pages today. Wonder why.. the successful 7 concert sessions in the 4 major Japanese cities in November last year are suddenly making the news, out of the blue?

Still searching and hoping for some good gist to share. :blush:

I've also found out while roaming for BH.. not the recent news (of Andy Lau in Korea) but from Feb 2007, the HongKong superstar actor is actually, and really hoping to collaborate with BH in a movie. They had even talked about it once but due to the fact that both top actors have extremely busy (filming) schedule.. we can only hope.. maybe .. one day. :blush:

It is indeed LBH that Andy Lau often mention in his interview, when it relates to Korean cinema.


이병헌, 日서 대규모 필름 투어 개최

[연합뉴스] 2008년 03월 25일(화) 오후 12:59 가 가| 이메일| 프린트


(도쿄=연합뉴스) 이태문 통신원 = 한류 스타 이병헌이 대규모 필름 투어를 개최한다.

지난해 도쿄, 오사카, 후쿠오카, 나고야 등 일본 4대 도시를 돌며 모두 7차례의 대규모 팬 미팅 행사인 아레나 투어를 성공시킨 이병헌은 다음달 18일과 19일 도쿄후생연금회관을 시작으로 오는 6월까지 두 달에 걸쳐 히로시마, 가가와, 고치, 이와테, 후쿠오카, 홋카이도 등 일본 전역 13군데를 돌며 '이병헌 전국 필름투어 08'을 펼친다.

모두 47회에 걸쳐 진행될 이번 행사에는 지난해 아레나 투어와 무대 뒷모습, 그리고 미공개 최신 영상들이 상영될 예정이어서 자신의 첫 할리우드 진출작 트란 안 홍 감독의 '나는 비와 함께 간다(I Come With the Rain)'에 이어 인기 애니메이션을 스크린에 옮긴 최신작 'GI 조(Joe)' 촬영으로 바쁜 이병헌을 대신해 팬들의 갈증을 풀어줄 전망이다.

이병헌은 최근까지 몸을 아끼지 않고 송강호와 정우성 등과 호흡을 맞춘 영화 '좋은 놈, 나쁜 놈, 이상한 놈'으로 올 여름 영화 팬들과 만날 예정이다.


(끝) 


Source: http://kr.news.yahoo.com/service/news/shel...mp;newssetid=83

Hello there Sashimi! Come join us in sharing Everything about LBH! :lol:

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March 23, 2008

“G.I. Joe” Film Reveals Characters; Aims for Cross-Generational Appeal

Written by: Heather Chin

Paramount provides the first character-reveal for their “G.I. Joe” film, as well as insight into what directors and producers describe as an “origins story.”

In a photo released by Paramount Pictures, a black-clad ninja, whose face is obscured by a helmet resembling the sort of mesh mask worn by fencing students, grips a sword erect in his hands. He is Snake Eyes, the first character from Paramount’s upcoming film, G.I. Joe, to be revealed, according to USA Today.

Due to be released in August 2009, G.I. Joe is being groomed as the resurrection of a franchise, just as Transformers was last year. The sci-fi story about a team of elite military operatives battling an unsavory and villainous organization called Cobra, “G.I. Joe” (the team, not a single person) first appeared in the 1960s as a line of 12-inch figurines from Hasbro. In the 1980s, it evolved into smaller figurines and a successful TV series.

According to its director, Stephen Sommers, the movie will be an origins story, so one of the issues will be how to explain details in a way that will both induct new viewers while developing more background to interest existing fans.

Producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura, who also worked on Transformers, says that this connection between past and present is a basic part of the broad appeal, and maintaining that diversity, particularly of race and gender, is important. “There are quite a few characters in it, and almost certainly a character in which an audience member can see themselves, or want to be,” Bonaventura said.

The character of Snake Eyes is being played by man-behind-the-mask Ray Park, of Mortal Kombat, Sleepy Hollow and Star Wars (he was Darth Maul) fame. Other actors on the “good” side include Channing Tatum (as Duke), Rachel Nichols (as “Scarlett” O’Hara), Marlon Wayans (Ripcord), Dennis Quaid (as The Commander).

On the Cobra side of the battle are Sienna Miller (as the Baroness), Joseph Gordon-Levitt (as the Cobra Commander and in various other roles), Christopher Eccleston (as Destro), and Byung-hun Lee (as Storm Shadow) .

Source: thecelebritycafe.com, thanks to cacao-lovelbh.com for the highlight

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I'm not sure why but I'm not complaining ^^.. BH's Arena Tour 2007 pics & some update came up in the news pages today. Wonder why.. the successful 7 concert sessions in the 4 major Japanese cities in November last year are suddenly making the news, out of the blue?

Still searching and hoping for some good gist to share. :blush:

I've also found out while roaming for BH.. not the recent news (of Andy Lau in Korea) but from Feb 2007, the HongKong superstar actor is actually, and really hoping to collaborate with BH in a movie. They had even talked about it once but due to the fact that both top actors have extremely busy (filming) schedule.. we can only hope.. maybe .. one day. :blush:

It is indeed LBH that Andy Lau often mention in his interview, when it relates to Korean cinema.


이병헌, 日서 대규모 필름 투어 개최

[연합뉴스] 2008년 03월 25일(화) 오후 12:59 가 가| 이메일| 프린트

This news is about the LBH Japan film tour 2008. This event will show some back stage scenes of the 2007 Arena tour. And his first advancement work to Hollywood “I Come With the Rain” and “G.I. Joe” would be opened to viewers.

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This news is about the LBH Japan film tour 2008. This event will show some back stage scenes of the 2007 Arena tour. And his first advancement work to Hollywood “I Come With the Rain” and “G.I. Joe” would be opened to viewers.

I see.. it's a summary for the 2008 Film Tour in relation to the 2007 Arena Tour, right? Wonder if the DVD will be launched during the event. But the ICWTR and GI Joe updates are separate mention, are they not.. i.e. not specifically included in the Tour, or will they? Some kind of promo?

Thanks Ching for the gist, appreciate it very much. ♥ I'm just overly curious .. as always. :sweatingbullets: :blush:


Btw, do post & share the BD 2005 Concert pics at the BD thread as well. It'll be nice to have the collection at the "namesake thread" as well. :blush:

I've also updated them at our EverythingLBH forum, too *we finally have the additional caps*. Merci beaucoup! :wub:

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I see.. it's a summary for the 2008 Film Tour in relation to the 2007 Arena Tour, right? Wonder if the DVD will be launched during the event. But the ICWTR and GI Joe updates are separate mention, are they not.. i.e. not specifically included in the Tour, or will they? Some kind of promo?

Thanks Ching for the gist, appreciate it very much. ♥ I'm just overly curious .. as always. :sweatingbullets: :blush:


Btw, do post & share the BD 2005 Concert pics at the BD thread as well. It'll be nice to have the collection at the "namesake thread" as well. :blush:

I've also updated them at our EverythingLBH forum, too *we finally have the additional caps*. Merci beaucoup! :wub:

I think it mentioned something like LBH's advance work in Hollywood would be shown. If you see the clip at JOCF home page, it shows something related to Hollywood, right?

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I think it mentioned something like LBH's advance work in Hollywood would be shown. If you see the clip at JOCF home page, it shows something related to Hollywood, right?

Oh yeah.. :mellow: .. I remember the clip.. that shows the famous Hollywood signboard. :unsure:

Aish.. now.. we won't get to see or hear anything about the Tour Film 2008, since it'll be for the members going & they'll not (be able) write or share about it.

Sigh.. sigh..

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WAHH!!! :w00t: There's a SUN at our forest! :wub: *smiles widely*

Thanks H, the wallie is awesome. I've not seen Sin City but artwork looks kinda retro.. :blush: .. I think.

I'll put this up at our LBH fan club. Awesome-sharing. rbhcool.gif

You're very welcome Rubie, I'm glad you like it :D Yeah, the Sin City artwork is kinda retro, the whole movie is shot that way so it's very comic book syle :P

Thanks for putting it up at the fanclub Rubie, appreciate it ;)

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I think it mentioned something like LBH's advance work in Hollywood would be shown. If you see the clip at JOCF home page, it shows something related to Hollywood, right?

Come to think of it.. *the ever thinking-blurpanda, yupyup ^^* .. could it be that.. the screencaps that ylin shared with us yesterday.. of BH wearing the white shirt.. could it be the latest footage of him in LA? I just don't think that those are from the Arena Tour last Nov. :mellow: We hoped that he would appear clean-shaven for the concerts but he was still sporting the GBW image throughout all 7 concerts because he's practically still in character.

The one with white shirt.. BH looks different.. could it be that it had been a pre-taped interview(?) for the Film Tour. Anyone can identify the surrounding outside the building.. looking like Japan.. Seoul .. or LA? :unsure:

I don't know.. maybe I'm wrong.. but I just have a feeling that's how BH is looking now.. like he was pre-GBW.. for GI Joe. Logically.. it would be more comfortable without the facial hair.. under the mask :sweatingbullets: .. or maybe.. uhh.. :unsure: .. not. :mellow:(can't believe I'm babbling about this) LOL!

And with the mention of Hollywood in the clip.. there must be a message that comes directly "from Hollywood".. which where Hunnie really is. Yes.. no? :sweatingbullets:

HDS panda.. talking incoherently.. *looks around for snowballs* mf_hide.gif

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Article about Korean actors in Hollywood, right?

Just wondering the portion mentioning LBH & BH Entertainment. :unsure: Anyone with any gist to share, please. :blush:


[창간기획]“돈보다 명예…한류 바람타고 할리우드로

[동아일보 2008-03-26 11:35:31]



영화 ‘I come with the rain’의 이병헌. | 사진제공=트위치 필름

불과 몇 년 전 까지 할리우드는 한국 배우들에게 먼 꿈이었다.

하지만 미국 LA에서 레드카펫을 밝으며 시사회에 참석하는 장동건, 비, 이병헌의 모습을 볼 날이 얼마 남지 않았다.

○ 한국 스타들 돈 아닌 명예 위해 할리우드로

영화 ‘웨스트 32번가’에 출연한 재미교포 배우 존 조는 “최근 할리우드는 영어실력이 부족해도 아시아 국가에서 인기가 높은 현지 배우에 더 관심이 높다”고 밝혔다.

2005년 정점을 찍은 한류는 식고 있지만 아시아에서 장동건, 비, 이병헌 등 한류스타들의 인기는 여전하다.

그만큼 할리우드에서 한류 스타에 대한 관심도 높아졌다.

하지만 할리우드에 진출한 스타들은 미국 프로야구 메이저 리그의 박찬호처럼 국내보다 훨씬 높은 액수의 몸값을 받고 있는 것은 아니다.

이병헌의 소속사 BH엔터테인먼트의 손석우 이사는 “국내에서 받는 개런티와 비교해 크게 더 받는 것은 아니다. 미국 제작사들은 한국과 아시아에서의 인기, 지명도를 꼼꼼하게 평가하는 등 논리적인 원칙을 정해 배우의 개런티를 책정한다”고 밝혔다.

최근 ‘닌자 어새신’에서 주연을 맡은 정지훈(비)도 50만 달러의 기본 개런티를 받았다.

약 5억원으로 국내에서 비의 CF 한편 출연료와 비교해 절반이 조금 넘는 수준이다.

수입외의 부분을 따져봐도 호락호락하지 않다.

미국 활동은 일단 언어적인 문제를 극복해야하고 보이지 않는 인종차별도 겪어야 한다.

국내라면 원하는 영화와 캐릭터를 골라서 출연할하며 인기를 누릴 수 있는 스타들이 신인 배우가 겪어야 하는 관문을 통과해야 한다.

손석우 이사는 “그래도 왜 가냐고 묻는다면 새로운 환경에 대한 도전이 이유다. 미국진출의 현실적인 이익보다는 여러 영화 중 새로운 배우들과 스태프를 만나기 위해 할리우드행을 선택했다는 표현이 맞는 것 같다”고 설명했다.

‘블러드 더 라스트 뱀파이어’의 전지현과 할리우드 첫배우 필립안 | 사진제공=트위치 필름

The full article in Korean at http://news.empas.com/show.tsp/cp_do/20080...?%0B?%BB?%0B%7D

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Guest kdramafanusa

March 26, 2008

Actor Lee Byung-hun to Launch Film Tour in Japan


Top Hallyu star Lee Byung-hun is set to launch a large-scale film-screening tour in Japan.

The actor, who successfully pulled off seven large-scale fan meetings in four major Japanese cities last year--Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka and Nagoya--will launch a two-month film-screening tour in 13 cities across Japan, including Hiroshima, Fukuoka and Hokkaido. The tour will begin on April 18 in Tokyo.

The tour, which will include a total of 47 film-screening events, will also feature backstage scenes from last year's Arena Tour as well as the latest and yet unreleased videos for Lee's fans. The actor is currently busy shooting a Hollywood film 'I Come with the Rain' with director Anh Hung Tran as well as 'GI Joe,' a film based on a popular animated series.

Meanwhile, Lee plans to return to the local big screen this summer by starring in 'Good, Bad, Weird' with fellow star actors Song Gang-ho and Jung Woo-sung.

Source: KBS Global

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:w00t: Finally! Finally! Finally! :w00t: Something about BH on the English news! :w00t: Thanks kdramafanusa! HUGS!

Although we all know he can do it.. based on the Tokyo Dome 42,000 fans in 2006, followed by 19,000 fans LBH7.12 plus the undeniable successful 60,000 fans in the Arena Tour 2007.. I have to say

a BIG WOW! for BH Entertainment and our Lee Byunghun-ssi especially! thumbup.gif

Even when he's away in LA, with not much updates.. his incredible planning by an able team.. never ceases to amaze everyone. Another 47 events in 13 cities.. WOW.

I just wish & hope from my little corner of the forest.. we can get something to look forward to.. out of this extensive and exclusive event.


ps: ylin.. from the JOFC announcement earlier.. do you think BH might make a surprise appearance in the event.. perhaps, like randomly? :unsure: Since.. the whole film tour is now being publicized?

michikyou? what do you think about this?

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Although there hasn't been any official word, I've came across at a Josh Hartnett fansite that "I Come With The Rain" (ICWTR) has been accepted and will be premiering at the Cannes Film Festival, 15-26 May of this year. (thanks to Annie at luckynumberjosh )

So, I went on searching and found this article at The Hollywood Reporter.com (THR) about the Cannes' possible line-up. It's a long article and I've copied everything so that nothing is missed. ICWTR is mentioned but no sighting of GBW.. as yet. Personally, I'm pretty sure that GBW will be making it's debut at the international filmfest. But as ICWTR is 99% certain, we can almost be sure for a double Byunghun treat in May.. come festival time. :blush:

Optimistically.. both movies will be making their way to Cannes. Positively.. one is sure to be there.

--- WARNING! LONG ARTICLE - I've highlighted the related text. Maybe others can spot more that I might failed to notice. :sweatingbullets:

March 21, 2008

The Cannes plan comes together

By Steven Zeitchik

March 21, 2008

NEW YORK -- The official lineup for the Festival de Cannes won't be announced until next month, and the fest itself doesn't kick off until May 14. But already the slate is starting to take shape -- and continuing a trend of recent years, it appears to be a particularly polyglot prospectus.

Where Cannes once spotlighted films with distinctively national characteristics, truly international productions are now in vogue.

A large number of the titles likely to appear on the Croisette this year have overlapping U.S. and international roots. U.S. distributors will bring films from foreign directors, foreign-language helmers will showcase films featuring Hollywood stars, and U.S. directors will unveil movies they shot in a foreign country or language.

Two years ago, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu's "Babel," with its intersecting, globe-trotting story lines, captured that spirit. Last year, Julian Schnabel's "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" -- a French-language movie from a U.S. director and U.S.- and France-based producers -- was among the buzz titles of the festival, at which Wong Kar Wai's English-language, Norah Jones-starring "My Blueberry Nights" provided the curtain-raiser.

A number of films with similarly diverse pedigrees are said to be strong Cannes candidates this year as Thierry Fremaux -- who was upped in August from artistic director to delegate director -- and his staff make their final selections.

Steven Soderbergh's twin Che Guevara movies, "The Argentine" and "Guerrilla" -- both primarily in Spanish -- are expected to debut at the 2008 edition. Woody Allen's "Vicky Cristina Barcelona," a Weinstein Co. release and the New York director's first foray in a non-English-speaking country, also is a candidate.

Another English-language director who has explored international themes, frequent Cannes attendee Michael Winterbottom, is expected to bring a movie with a global setting to the fest: The director's "Genova," about a British widower and his two daughters who relocate to Italy, is seen as a strong Cannes bet.

Almost as common on the Croisette as English-language directors with globally oriented movies is the trend's opposite: foreign directors with English-language films and U.S. stars.

Bertrand Tavernier is close to completing "In the Electric Mist," his New Orleans-set detective story starring Tommy Lee Jones. Vietnamese filmmaker Anh Hung Tran is on the radar with his English-language debut, the Josh Hartnett thriller "I Come With the Rain." Fernando Meirelles could bring his sophomore English-language film "Blindness," a parable about a blindness plague that stars such U.S. actors as Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo and Danny Glover and that will be distributed by Miramax. (Brazilian filmmaking could be well represented at the festival if Walter Salles' "Linha de Passe" also gains entry, as some in the industry say it will.)

Wim Wenders, perhaps the paragon of mixing cultures and countries, also could crash the party with his "The Palermo Shooting." The movie, about an intergenerational love affair, is marked by an Italian setting and financing, a German character and such U.S. stars as Dennis Hopper and Milla Jovovich.

Italy, meanwhile, could have strong representation of its own on the Croisette. Two-time Palme d'Or nominee Paolo Sorrentino, whose "Il Divo" centers on controversial political powerbroker Giulio Andreotti, is expected to be a selection. Matteo Garrone's "Gomorra," another potential contender, takes on contemporary organized crime in Italy -- the author of the book on which it's based is under police protection -- and if the movie debuts in Cannes, it could be one of the most logistically delicate premieres in years. Other Italian entrants could include "Sangue Pazzo" from Cannes veteran and multiple prize winner Marco Tullio Giordana.

Potential controversy won't be limited to Italy, however. Enfant terrible Michel Houellebe, who in the past has made politically provocative statements about Islam, is likely to bring "La Possibilite d'un Ile," a sci-fi film he adapted and directed from his own novel.

Elsewhere in France, Souad el Bouhati's "Francaise," which stars Hafsia Herzi and revolves around themes of immigration and identity, is a strong contender. And if Cannes decides to counter last year's so-called "American invasion" by upping the quota of homegrown films, there's also Arnaud Desplechin's "Un conte de Noel," starring French screen royalty Catherine Deneuve; Francois Dupeyron's "Aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera"; and Bertrand Bonello's "De la guerre," with familiar Cannes faces Asia Argento and Mathieu Amalric.

Across the Channel, with British Cannes regulars Mike Leigh and Ken Loach out of production synch this year, it might be up to the new guard to represent the U.K. on the Croisette. Among the titles tipped are two Keira Knightley films: Saul Dibb's period drama "The Duchess" and John Maybury's "The Edge of Love," a romantic biopic about Dylan Thomas.

Other British titles with Cannes buzz are Gerald McMorrow's directorial debut "Franklyn," a dystopian look at a futuristic London under religious sway, and, if the selection committee also is interested in a more proper English setting, Julian Jarrold's new adaptation of "Brideshead Revisited," which is in postproduction.

Meanwhile, from Asia, Wong could be back with "The Ashes of Time Redux," his reworking of his own 1994 martial arts film.

As in recent years, international co-productions are almost as popular as other global crossbreeds. Ari Folman's animated wartime documentary "Waltz With Bashir" is seen as a favorite for Cannes; the movie, from an Israeli director, has Israeli, French and German production companies behind it. Ditto for the Danish-German-Czech co-production "Flame & Citron," a World War II thriller from Danish director Ole Christian Madsen. And French director Barbet Schroeder shot his latest film, "Inju," in Tokyo with a largely Japanese cast.

At least one title with strong international and U.S. overlap, Guillermo Arriaga's directorial debut "The Burning Plain" -- shot in the U.S. and featuring, among others, Kim Basinger -- might not be ready in time. A cut of the 2929 Prods. film was completed several weeks ago, but word is that the film might not make a Cannes premiere.

Among other titles drawing attention as Cannes prospects but that might not be ready for the festival include Clint Eastwood's period crime drama "Changeling" and James Gray's romantic drama "Two Lovers." Gray was attached to the mega-sale of last year's fest, "We Own the Night."

If many of the titles in competition are expected to have a distinctly global flair, a number of out-of-competition slots could be filled with large Hollywood tentpoles.

Chief among them of course is "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," which has been rumored as an opening-night film, a closing-night film and everything in between.

New Line's "Sex and the City," which opens in many territories shortly after Cannes at the end of May, is seen as a strong candidate to debut at the festival. The HBO show from which it springs is immensely popular in France, and the series' last season was partly set in Paris.

And DreamWorks Animation, which has displayed a knack for capturing the attention of the captive media, is expected to stage another publicity extravaganza for its June tentpole "Kung Fu Panda," a move that would mirror its push last year for "Bee Movie."

Gregg Goldstein, Stuart Kemp in London, Eric J. Lyman in Rome, Rebecca Leffler in Paris and Scott Roxborough in Cologne, Germany, contributed to this report.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter


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:w00t: Finally! Finally! Finally! :w00t: Something about BH on the English news! :w00t: Thanks kdramafanusa! HUGS!

Although we all know he can do it.. based on the Tokyo Dome 42,000 fans in 2006, followed by 19,000 fans LBH7.12 plus the undeniable successful 60,000 fans in the Arena Tour 2007.. I have to say

a BIG WOW! for BH Entertainment and our Lee Byunghun-ssi especially! thumbup.gif

Even when he's away in LA, with not much updates.. his incredible planning by an able team.. never ceases to amaze everyone. Another 47 events in 13 cities.. WOW.

I just wish & hope from my little corner of the forest.. we can get something to look forward to.. out of this extensive and exclusive event.


ps: ylin.. from the JOFC announcement earlier.. do you think BH might make a surprise appearance in the event.. perhaps, like randomly? :unsure: Since.. the whole film tour is now being publicized?

michikyou? what do you think about this?

nothing mentioned at JOFC, I think the possibility is rather slim .....

but we cannot rule out the possibility that he may just pop in to one of the sessions and say "surprise" :rolleyes:...... knowing Hunnie.....

but to be realistic it may cause some unhappiness if he just appear in just one of the session :ph34r:

btw, i still own you gals the screen caps, will do it maybe this weekend.... sorry

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nothing mentioned at JOFC, I think the possibility is rather slim .....

but we cannot rule out the possibility that he may just pop in to one of the sessions and say "surprise" :rolleyes:...... knowing Hunnie.....

but to be realistic it may cause some unhappiness if he just appear in just one of the session :ph34r:

btw, i still own you gals the screen caps, will do it maybe this weekend.... sorry

Yupyup.. our Hunnie does like to surprise the fans.. in such unexpected ways. :sweatingbullets: :blush:

But.. if he suddenly appears randomly.. could be something good too. The fans at the particular session would be the lucky ones.. no one knows beforehand.. like a lucky draw. But yeah..

Who knows.. although it's paper-thin slim chance.. maybe.. he'll appear in all 47 events.. (cannot be, huh :mellow: ).. if.. filming in Hollywood finishes early.. aish.. quite impossible laa.. even for the Storm Shadow. ^^

I know.. I think.. :blush: .. I think BH will make an appearance (maybe not all the venues) via tele-conferencing... like he did for EHAS before. Possible possibility.. huh.. huh..

Btw.. no rush with the screencaps.. :blush: .. uhh.. no snowballs.. wonder.. how's the interview going on? :sweatingbullets:

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March 26, 2008

Actor Lee Byung-hun to Launch Film Tour in Japan

Top Hallyu star Lee Byung-hun is set to launch a large-scale film-screening tour in Japan.

The actor, who successfully pulled off seven large-scale fan meetings in four major Japanese cities last year--Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka and Nagoya--will launch a two-month film-screening tour in 13 cities across Japan, including Hiroshima, Fukuoka and Hokkaido. The tour will begin on April 18 in Tokyo.

The tour, which will include a total of 47 film-screening events, will also feature backstage scenes from last year's Arena Tour as well as the latest and yet unreleased videos for Lee's fans. The actor is currently busy shooting a Hollywood film 'I Come with the Rain' with director Anh Hung Tran as well as 'GI Joe,' a film based on a popular animated series.

Meanwhile, Lee plans to return to the local big screen this summer by starring in 'Good, Bad, Weird' with fellow star actors Song Gang-ho and Jung Woo-sung.

Source: KBS Global

Oh wow, thanks for the info kdramafanusa :w00t: Oh man, if I only I had the money to go to Japan :rolleyes: What I wouldn't give to go one of those screenings, or any of his fan meets for that matter. I bet those fan meets are something... I watched a vid of him singing at one of them once and he has such a heavenly voice :wub:

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Just want to post a message from a long-lost panda.. ^^

Remember JUE.. she used to be an active member in the previous EverythingLBH thread as well as at TimelessLBH..

No longer a student.. now busy with a new-bound 'passion'.. working life! LOL

but never forgets everyone at the bamboo forest especially our dearest Byunghun-ssi.

However.. she's actually posting & catching up with BH news at my BD (part2) thread at the Malaysian local board.. always the hopeless pandas everywhere. OUR HOME IS WHERE BH LOVE CONTINUES. :blush:

Hope everyone is doing well, wherever you are.. Hunnie & all hunnies. :wub:

More Power & More Love to Byunghun! United Pandas Fighting! :w00t:

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I think many of us have not seen these old pics of our BD couple. :P:lol:

LBH at CJW’s 2002 birthday event with fans.





Credits to bhjwlove.com

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Thanks Ching for the BD memories. :D Our BH was in his Daejin-mode.. huh.. huh. :lol:

Similar to SSH's birthday party in 2001 that BH attended after he finished filming BD.. I think there's Park Yong Ha as one of his guests... who had also turned up in JW's birthday party. :P Right?

But.. but.. my bigger question :blush: .. is there a VOD for this? I've seen the one of JW with PYH but not with BH? How come just pics yet no clip?

Will post the pics at the forum, too.. a great sharing. Merci! :wub:

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