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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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February 20, 2009

이병헌, 전세계 도는 '지옥 강행군' 일정에 한숨

Lee Byung Hun's most extreme 2009 schedule to start soon

Starting March 2009, LBH will embark on another crazy filming schedule as he had been for GBW/ICWTR/GI JOE in 2007 and 2008, respectively with his upcoming comeback TV series 'IRIS" to start filming in Japan's Akita Prefecture. Not only that, it is highly expected for now that 'I Come With The Rain' which is said to be released in July might appear at Festival de Cannes 2009 (still a hearsay) and of course, LBH's Hollywood blockbuster debut of GI Joe: Rise of Cobra which already taking up screening slots all over the world in August. There is mention of a worldwide GI Joe premiere & promotions starting in Japan/France and across the US till Asia for the new Hollywood movie onslaught of 2009. Hopefully.

Tentative dates to watch

February 23/8pm, 24/11pm: Discovery's Channel featuring Hip Korea documentary (Byunghun's segment to be aired in June, instead)

February 27: 9th Avenue Hallyu Mall launch / GBW at Baeksang 2009

February 28: LBH's fanmeet in Tokyo Japan

March 23: 3rd AFA Nomination in Hong Kong


한류스타 이병헌(39)이 올 상반기 전 세계를 도는 ‘지옥 강행군’ 일정에 벌써부터 한숨을 내쉬고 있다.

이병헌은 다음달 중순 일본 아키타 현으로 건너가 드라마 ‘아이리스’를 촬영한다. 촬영이 끝나면 새 영화 ‘나는 비와 함께 간다’(I come with the rain·트란 안 홍 감독)의 홍보가 기다리고 있다. 조쉬 하트넷. 기무라 타쿠야 등 다국적 스타들과 함께한 이 영화는 6월 일본 개봉을 앞두고 5월 칸 국제영화제에서 첫선을 보일 예정. 칸 출품이 확정되면 칸을 거쳐 다시 일본으로 넘어와 홍보에 전력을 다할 계획이다.

여기서 그치지 않는다. 오는 8월7일에는 할리우드 진출작인 ‘지. 아이 조’(G.I Joe·스티븐 소머즈 감독)가 개봉된다. 흥행 성공을 예약한 할리우드 영화의 경우.개봉 1~2개월전 월드 프로모션 투어가 관례적으로 진행된다. 특히 ‘지. 아이 조’는 하반기 최고 흥행 기대작으로 꼽혀 아시아 여러 나라들을 순회하는 홍보 스케줄이 일찌감치 마련된 것으로 전해졌다. 확정된 일정만 정리해도 일본→프랑스→일본→미국→아시아 등으로 쉴 틈없이 이어지는 가히 ‘죽음의 홍보 레이스’다.

이병헌 측은 19일 “지난 2007년과 2008년에도 ‘나는~’과 ‘지. 아이 조’.‘좋은 놈. 나쁜 놈. 이상한 놈’ 등 세 편의 영화에 연달아 출연하고 ‘좋은 놈~’을 위해 칸에 다녀오느라 정신없이 살았는데 올해도 여전하다”며 “(이병헌의) 완벽주의자적인 면모를 고려할 때 어느 영화 하나 대충 넘어갈 수 없어 상반기 작업 일정을 짜기가 정말 어려운 상황’이라며 어려움을 호소했다.

조성준기자 when@ sportsseoul.com

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I've been tuning in on Discovery Channel and it seems HIP KOREA has not premiered yet.

But it was good to see the teasers with BH doing some boxing jabs. That alone already thrilled me. :rolleyes:

Really looks like a very insightful documentary....not to be missed.

I'm not sure if it's accidental.. or pure neglect or silly overlook on the Korean media update coverage when it comes to the Hip Korea Documentary program already aired in the Australia/NZ region. What's supposed to be a two-tier Discovery Channel feature on two Korean stars back-to-back would only mention one person's participation and the other simply non-existant.

But what do I know.. I don't have Astro/cable that airs the Discovery Channel. I can only ask for friends to check out the program, especially the Seoul Savvy feature but so far.. there's been nothing. I don't know why but this is turning out just like the PJH talkshow situation.. like all over again.

Luckily, the Discovery website Japan doesn't forget about BH..

Thanks to the highlight by Everyday LeeByungHun

More at japan.discovery.com


Byunghun Hip Korea wallies








Source: japan.discovery.com

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Hmm.. looks like Kpopped now remembers about BH's Hip Korea segment as well.. after forgetting to mention it before..

This info is for Malaysia's Astro but most likely apply to other SEA region's screening, too..

Hip Korea features Rain & Lee Byung-hun

Just a little friendly reminder to fellow K-popped! Malaysians that Discovery Channel’s Hip Korea is set to premiere in Malaysia on Monday (Feb 23) at 8pm.


Men to reckon with: Hallyu superstars Lee Byung-hun (left)

and Jung Ji-hoon a.k.a Rain

The documentary, which chronicles the rise of the Hallyu partly through the stories of South Korean superstars Rain and Lee Byung-hun, will be aired on Astro Channel 551.

The documentary encores the following day (Feb 24) at 11am.

Watch the video below to whet your interest for the documentary:

meaning.. check out the site for excerpt on Rain instead..

Source: k-popped.com credits to K-popped! reader Anna Kim

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Guest Janie Simply

Oh rubie, what'd happened to you? It's not even Cannes fest yet, why are you unwell :unsure: Must be too anxious for IRIS :rolleyes: or too stressful for being a moderator :sweatingbullets: Anyway congratulations on being promoted from a staff to moderator, what's the difference :sweatingbullets: Does that mean if we need any favor from Soompi we could just go directly to you now instead of xosandy :rolleyes::P

Thanks for the news on CJW & LJW..., both of them have the same last two initial :blush: Anyway, watched LJW in AIL not quite into him there; I still have two of his dramas at hand yet to watch, Ressurrected & Powerful Opponent ;)

Looking forward to hear the updates on LBH & Rain mentioned above; not sure if there'll be anything new under the sun though ;) The Discovery Channel is co-sponsored by the Korea government documenting the rise of their hallyru stars to audience around the world. The first series will feature Rain's success story; the second series will then concentrate on LBH esp on his fame in Japan as well as his active particiaptions in other film festivals outside Korea (Singtao Daily).

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February 22, 2009

Feel the vibes - Seoul Superstars

Two of Seoul's most famous citizens are the subject of a major documentary on South Korea



Image from japan.discovery.com

Rain and Lee Byung Hun ride the Korean pop culture wave with aplomb.

AH ... South Korea. The land of kimchi (fermented vegetable appetiser), shabu-shabu (steamboat), Jinro (Korean distiller), the 2002 FIFA World Cup (well, half of it, anyway), and taekwondo. These days, though, the republic is not only increasingly known for its electronic gadgets but also, an exploding pop culture scene with a popularity that is spreading like wildfire across the world.

This is thanks in part to a robust entertainment industry with a knack for coming up with critically-acclaimed movies and tear-jerking TV dramas that feature a seemingly endless stream of luscious actresses (all of whom seem to be able to burst into tears at will), and heartthrob male artistes with the ability to make thousands of girls swoon and go weak at the knees.

Malaysians got to catch Rain’s spectacular showmanship during his Rain’s Coming concert at Stadium Putra, Bukit Jalil, in 2007.

Of the latter, more testosterone-fuelled group, two names stand out– Jung Ji Hoon (better known as Rain) and Lee Byung Hun. One is a pop idol who can drive girls into a frenzy with a single dance step, and the other’s an acclaimed veteran actor with countless awards and who has appeared in some of the biggest Korean box-office hits ever.

They have little else in common apart from having acted in Hollywood blockbuster movies (Rain in last year’s Speed Racer and Lee in the upcoming G.I. Joe) and being among their country’s top international celebrities.

Well, now they have another thing in common – the two will be the focal point of Discovery Channel’s new documentary Hip Korea. The series chronicles the rise of the Korean pop culture wave through the personal journeys of these two superstars.

Hip Korea contains two hour-long episodes. The first is Seoul Vibes – Jihoon Jung that premieres on Discovery Channel tomorrow while the second instalment, Seoul Savvy – Byung Hun Lee, airs in June.

Hip Korea is a broadcast initiative by Discovery Networks in partnership with the Seoul Metropolitan Government, and is co-produced with Bang Singapore Pte Ltd. The series will no doubt be a boost to the Koreans’ desire to reinvent their capital city as the “Soul of Asia, a city of design and culture’’.

Unstoppable Rain

Rain plays ninja assassin Raizo in the upcoming feature directed by James McTeigue.

The role allows the Korean heartthrob to flex his muscles, literally.

‘Hip Korea: Seoul Vibes’ follows the launch of Rain’s latest and fifth Korean album ‘Rainism’, and showcases his talent and skills as a musician and performing artiste.

If there was any doubt in my mind about Rain’s ability to entertain, it was banished when the singer-songwriter staged a concert at Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur, in January 2007. During that event I witnessed two sides to the superstar. By day, he was mild-mannered Jung Ji Hoon who answered interview questions with a shy smile and a quiet, humble demeanour. But by night, he turned into the wild dance machine that the performer is so famous for, electrifying the stadium with his slick moves and charming looks.

Brief as my encounter with the laconic hunk was, I was thoroughly convinced that the young chap was truly meant to be a star – a far cry from his days of hunger and poverty living with his parents and his younger sister.

He has not forgotten the hard life nor his late mother’s words of wisdom. In a previous interview, the 26-year-old Seoul native proudly stated: “My mum always taught me: Work hard, be humble, and be patient. That has become my motto.” (His mother never lived to see her son’s success as she passed away just before his 2002 singing debut.)

Born on June 25, 1982, Rain (“Bi” in Korean; his dancing apparently was redolent of a rainy day) spent most of his youth honing his dancing skills. He made his foray into the entertainment world in 2000 when he was recruited by the acclaimed JYP Entertainment company, founded by acclaimed producer and artiste Park Jin Young.

After spending several years as a backup dancer, Rain finally released his first album, Bad Guy, in 2002, and in the same year made his acting debut in the drama series Orange.

In a couple of years the young guy became a well-known star in his home nation but it wasn’t until his starring role in Full House (opposite the popular Song Hye Kyo) in 2004 that Rain truly gained international stardom.

The TV show about the romance between a famous actor and a regular woman, which was shown in countries all over Asia, including Malaysia, turned out to be one of the highest-rated Korean series. Rain was also much-hailed for his performance in the show, winning a best actor award at the KBS Awards in 2005.

Striking the iron while it was hot, Rain’s third album – the 2004 It’s Raining – became his most successful album to date, topping most of the Asian charts. It also provided an impetus to the wildly successful Rain’s Coming world tour that kicked off in 2006. The concert series saw Rain enthralling audiences from South Korea to Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, United States, Singapore and, of course, Malaysia.

Rain’s spectacular achievements in 2006 included the release of his fourth Korean album, Rain’s World, as well as his first film role in the Park Chan Wook romantic comedy, I’m a Cyborg, But That’s OK. Memorably, he made it to Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World.

Last August, Rain joined well-known Chinese entertainers to sing Beijing, I Love Beijing during the closing ceremony of the 2008 Olympics at the Bird’s Nest stadium.

Now that he has conquered Asia, Rain is currently setting his sight on Hollywood. He has already appeared in one summer blockbuster – as a rookie racer in last year’s Speed Racer directed by the Wachowski brothers. His latest Hollywood assignment is playing the title role of Ninja Assassin (set for release this year).

At the 2008 San Diego Comic Con in the US, Rain told About.com Hollywood Movies that he had learnt taekwondo before the film. “I learned taekwondo, it’s Korean martial arts. And for this movie, I learned ninja expressions, ninja techniques and ninja martial arts. You’re going to like it.”

And we like his fighting spirit.

Storming ahead


‘Hip Korea: Seoul Savvy’ follows Lee Byung Hun during the launch of ‘The Good, the Bad, the Weird’, South Korea’s top-grossing film last year, and the release of his best-selling Japanese single ‘Itsuka’.

Speaking of ninjas and Hollywood, Lee will also be making his Hollywood debut this year, as ninja villain Storm Shadow in the sci-fi thriller G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (tentative release: August).

While it is otherwise a major role for Lee, it does seem a shame that the thespian will spend most of the movie behind a mask. Western audiences are thus prevented from getting acquainted with one of South Korea’s most recognisable faces, and one of the main folk responsible for Korean entertainment’s massive following outside the country.

The 38-year-old born in Seoul on July 12, 1970, is also noted for being among the first in a generation of seasoned Korean directors and actors who have engaged overseas fans with their thought-provoking dramatic work.

After making his acting debut in the 1991 TV drama Asphalt My Hometown, Lee spent his early career largely doing TV shows and appearing in several feature films.

He reached superstar status in 2000 when he smashed his way to box-office success with Joint Security Area, a Park Chan Wook movie which overtook 1999’s Shiri to become the biggest hit in South Korea at the time. Joint Security Area – about a shooting in the volatile North-South Korean border – also won Lee a best actor trophy (which he shared with co-star So Kang Ho) at the Pusan Film Critics Awards.

After the success of that film, Lee went from strength to strength, gaining a reputation as one of Korea’s leading actors with a prodigious body of work in both film and TV, including the dramas Beautiful Days in 2001 and All In (opposite his one-time girlfriend Song Hye Kyo) in 2003.

He even dabbles a little in music, releasing an eponymous album last year (which included the Japanese single Itsuka or “One Day”). Lee is also popular in neighbouring Japan.

In the US$17mil (RM55mil) Kim Jee Woon-helmed The Good, the Bad, the Weird – which is touted as a kimchi western – Lee plays “the Bad”, a hitman and one of three people fighting for a treasure map in Manchuria during the Japanese occupation of the 1930s.

Besides G.I. Joe this year, Lee, who is able to speak English, French and Mandarin, will also be seen in the crime thriller I Come with the Rain alongside Hollywood star Josh Hartnett and Hong Kong actor Shawn Yue.

Still single, Lee revealed his sensitive side in a 2007 interview with The Straits Times when he said this of the opposite sex: “The most important value when I think of a woman is her purity. Because of the tough changes of our society, I think we are losing our truthfulness. So the inside is becoming more important than ever.”

‘Hip Korea: Seoul Vibes’ premieres on Discovery Channel (Astro Channel 551) at 8pm tomorrow, and encores on Tuesday at 6am and 11am. ‘Hip Korea: Seoul Savvy’ will be aired in June.

Source: The Star Online

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Correction by rubie.. now that Byunghun's been featured in Malaysia's top English newspaper, The Star today.. on the cover of the Variety Mag pullout (with Rain).. the skies are much clearer now.. it's been way too dark & cloudy before. :blush:

No wonder there hasn't been any direct mention about BH's Seoul Savvy segment for Discovery Channel's Hip Korea.. because it hasn't been aired at all. :wacko: SOOOOO BLURR BLURR!

Only starting in June, Byunghun's own feature be fully aired by the Discovery Channel.. what a contradicting schedule after all those Korean media updates late last year.. totally saying a different story altogether. Anyway.. looking at the bright side.. it's a good thing that there's no overlapping between the two stars. Whatsoever.

Oh rubie, what'd happened to you? It's not even Cannes fest yet, why are you unwell :unsure: Must be too anxious for IRIS :rolleyes: or too stressful for being a moderator :sweatingbullets: Anyway congratulations on being promoted from a staff to moderator, what's the difference :sweatingbullets: Does that mean if we need any favor from Soompi we could just go directly to you now instead of xosandy :rolleyes::P

rubie is simply normal (hopefully!) and got sick just like everyone else. It's nothing in particular to do with BH but sitting in front of the pc like no tomorrow.. does have an impact that effected the days to come.

Thanks for the good wish, Jan.. appreciate it. Truthfully.. it's nothing fancy being a Mod.. which actually a big target to be snowballed, etc if rowdy members can't be controlled or the majority of members isn't pleased with something. But I've been here for awhile.. if there's something to give back to soompi (as it has provided such a santuary for this hopeless panda).. I will help. Although.. it seems that I need to be extra "blurr-jacket" as not to be too affected by a lot of negativity around.

I hope CJW & LJW would be happy with their new-found relationship.. come what may, it's not an everyday decision to make. But as I am no big fan of both.. this is where I keep my head away & clear. There's just too many "stuff" going around that are so incredible to digest. Too many people are not stepping on real world anymore.

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Guest kimchibabe


Really missed you! See, we got all the latest news again and the thread jumped!!! :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

Thanks for posting the real sked of HIP KOREA but then again am sad that BH's segment won't be aired till June. Another long wait...but surely its worth it.

Will tune in tomorrow, at least for RAIN'S segment.

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Today, February 22 is actress Lee Eun Joo's 4th memorium after her untimely death in 2005.

bungee_jumping3.jpg1980.11.16 - 22.02.2005

Wonder if BH would be at the "Bungee Jumping of Their Own' screening today(?) in memory of his previous co-star and friend.

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Thanks to our dear LS for the coolest scans from the STAR. Terima kasih!

February 22, 2009

Lee Byunghun featured in Malaysia's top English newspaper, The Star.. on the cover & article of the StarMag Variety pullout [X]

coverz.th.jpg lbhwriteup.th.jpg Actual size thumbnails, please click to enlarge ^^

Resized captures



Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hip Korea on Discovery

Well, the big debut of HIP KOREA is nearly here. Monday night at 9pm on Discovery Channel across most of Asia will see the premiere of HIP KOREA -- SEOUL VIBES, a documentary about Jung Jihoon (aka, the pop star Rain) and modern Korean pop culture.

I mention this because HIP KOREA is the first documentary I have been involved with. It was made by the production company Bang Singapore, which has made oodles of documentaries for Discovery and the other top cable channels.

The theme of the program is somewhat similar to POP GOES KOREA, examining the life of a pop star to see how his life was shaped by a culture and how he in turn influences that culture. In fact, I briefly profiled Rain in my book (just a short sidebar, but hopefully people like it).

So when the president of Bang Singapore, Keiko Bang, told me that she wanted to examine Korean culture through some of its top stars, it seemed like a natural opportunity to collaborate.

The show premieres on Feb. 26 in Taiwan, and in May in Japan. And in the fall in Europe.

May will see part two of HIP KOREA, a look at Lee Byung-hun, which I think will balance nicely with the Rain episode. rbhcool.gif

Posted by Mark Russell at 3:51 PM via koreapopwars.com

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Pop-star Rain as eye candy in Discovery Channel's "Hip Korea"

Posted on 23 February 2009 by myra

Feast your eyes on Korean pop idol Rain as Discovery Channel's latest offering "Hip Korea" chronicles the rise of Korean pop culture. Done through the personal stories of two superstars, Rain will be joined by veteran actor Byung Hun Lee.


In "Hip Korea: Seoul Vibes - Jihoon Jung", watch the launch of Rain's newly released album and his talent as a musician and performing artist. For "Hip Korea: Seoul Savvy - Byung Hun Lee", the programme will profile Lee as the first generation of seasoned Korean directors and actors who have garnered a legion of followers from overseas for their thought-provoking dramatic work. It will also follow Lee during the launch of "The Good, The Bad and The Weird", Korea's top grossing film of the year, and the release of his best-selling Japanese single "Itsuka".

Source: klue.com.my

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Guest kimchibabe

Pop-star Rain as eye candy in Discovery Channel's "Hip Korea"

Posted on 23 February 2009 by myra

Got to watch only the latter part of the feature on Rain and the documentary was delightfully entertaining to me. Though I'm not much of a Rain fan, somehow I was touched by his success story.

The Rain segment was well-researched and fast paced as it also took one around Seoul. You simply gush over the sights. It truly is a dynamic country and Rain pictured that dynamism.

If this is a taste of what to expect with Lee Byung Hun's Seoul Savvy segment, well, it will be a feast for the eyes and the senses. A whole hour with LBH on your tv set..oh my....can't wait till June. :rolleyes:

Evolutions... of two men and one city...thats what HIP KOREA is all about. Truly insightful!

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Got to watch only the latter part of the feature on Rain and the documentary was delightfully entertaining to me. Though I'm not much of a Rain fan, somehow I was touched by his success story.

The Rain segment was well-researched and fast paced as it also took one around Korea. You simply gush over the sites. It truly is a dynamic country and Rain pictured that dynamism.

If this is a taste of what to expect with Lee Byung Hun's Seoul Savvy segment, well, it will be a feast for the eyes and the senses. A whole hour with LBH on your tv set..oh my....can't wait till June. :rolleyes:

Evolutions... of two men and one country...thats what HIP KOREA is all about. Truly insightful!

:wub: .. thanks so much SweetSis for the wonderful sharing.. even if it's not really about Byunghun's Seoul Savvy.. yet.. there's a solid good reason why a documentary feature by the Discovery Channel is very much the 'top icing on the cake'.. to say the least.

Although I read some (non-fans) putting down the idea of being featured on Discovery.. there's an undeniable gushing by the Korean media when their own 'native sons' got picked for the documentary and rightfully so. I'm really happy & glad to know that you've enjoyed the Rain segment.. totally anticipating the best to come later. :blush: Definitely can't wait for BH's segment to come in June.. or maybe as early as May for us to savour. :rolleyes:

I sure hope that the Documentary will come out in a special boxset, too. Pity us without the Discovery channel.. sobsob!

However.. it tickles me how some of the updates referring BH as a veteran actor :lol: .. no.. no.. not upset at all because we all know just how dynamic our Byunghun-ssi is. Gotta to really know him to know that he's simply one of the best which the Discovery channel have excellently made the perfect choice. :wub:

At least the uncertainty about the Hip Korea program have been cleared.. while for the PJH talkshow no-show.. which just had actress Kim Hye Soo as the guest on Sunday.. I'm beginning to think that BH himself have been advised not to appear (albeit supposedly saying yes to be in the show in the first place).. in case.. he'd say/answer something he shouldn't. :sweatingbullets:

ps: luwali-ssi.. rubie is not too sure but it appears like BH's segment of Seoul Savvy in the Hip Korea program hasn't been aired yet. Not today and probably not tomorrow, either (can someone check to be certain, Merci!) .. but only in June for SEAsia and perhaps, as early as May for the Australia/NZ region audiences.

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Fan meet aside.. I don't think BH will be at the Baeksang this Friday evening as he won't be directly involved but will he appear at the 9th Avenue Hallyu Mall launching earlier in the day.. however slim the chance would be?

Sometimes.. even without prior notice/confirmation by his management.. Byunghun-ssi would just show up.. just like that. :rolleyes:

But with a major fan-meet scheduled too close the next day.. will we see him then?

Or.. does anyone know.. if he's already in Tokyo instead? Huh.. huh..

A little wave of storm to share with the thread.. no? :blush: Seriously.. he's too quiet and miss him sooooooooooooooo much! :tears:

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Guest tofumui

Got to watch only the latter part of the feature on Rain and the documentary was delightfully entertaining to me. Though I'm not much of a Rain fan, somehow I was touched by his success story.

The Rain segment was well-researched and fast paced as it also took one around Seoul. You simply gush over the sights. It truly is a dynamic country and Rain pictured that dynamism.

If this is a taste of what to expect with Lee Byung Hun's Seoul Savvy segment, well, it will be a feast for the eyes and the senses. A whole hour with LBH on your tv set..oh my....can't wait till June. :rolleyes:

Evolutions... of two men and one city...thats what HIP KOREA is all about. Truly insightful!

yeah i just finished watching the documentary for Rain and it was definitely fast paced and you don't notice it's 1 hour long.. i can't wait to watch LBH's part.. so will it be airing today?

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Guest Janie Simply

Two of Seoul's most famous citizens are the subject of a major documentary on South Korea


Rain and Lee Byung Hun ride the Korean pop culture wave with aplomb.

Rain unstoppable & Storming ahead...

I enjoy MC writing style very much :)

Posted by Mark Russell at 3:51 PM via koreapopwars.com

So is Mark Russell the one who compiles the documentary? His name sounds pretty familiar. He did write a few articles on LBH and GBW somewhere right? I think he is a fan of LBH :blush:

I'm not much into Bollywood or the likes but why is Amitabh Bachchan against the 'Slumdog Millionaire'.. which I had no idea about either. :sweatingbullets:

rubie, meant to respond the above a while back but didn't have the chance too;

Remembered I was wondering why SM wasn't in the AFA film selection and then realized that it's hollywood movie and not bollywood; so happy that they won 8 Academy yesterday :sweatingbullets: Some media were in Mumbai yesterday watching the ceremony with the children in the slum area where the movie was filmed and many of those children acted as background in the film; it was so neat to see the beaming face of the kids as they witnessed their "fellow actors" winning the awards on the tv; what a special moment for them indeed :)

Oh, here's the answer to the million dollar question as to why snobbish AB slamed Slumdog Millionaire (that was in Jan then)


Huh, now that this underdog/low-budgeted Indie movie has won 8 Oscar awards, AB has a changed of heart...


Oh Oprah told her audience today that if one hasn't watched SM, one MUST :blush:

BTW, is everyone ready for Baeksang this Friday? Me gonna watch Chaser before the award ceremony just in case the actor might win :sweatingbullets:

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First of all, welcome tofumui to EverythingLBH.. good to see you here. ^^

As I have no Discovery Channel at home.. I'm truly not sure.. apart from the new June/May schedule for the Hip Korea's Seoul Savvy segment, it's probably best to watch the repeat/encore today as well.. in case & if possible.

It's probably not BH's segment yet but we've got nothing to lose.. right?

Better be safe for the storm. :lol:

So is Mark Russell the one who compiles the documentary? His name sounds pretty familiar. He did write a few articles on LBH and GBW somewhere right? I think he is a fan of LBH :blush:

Which documentary, Jan? The Discovery one? Nah.. I don't think MR compiled it although he had mentioned about the program quite a bit before.

Mark Russell is a writer for 'The Hollywood Reporter" who's based in Seoul. He's written a number of articles of course but I especially visited his blog (The Korea Pop Wars) to read about Box-Office updates/reviews especially if BH's movies were playing on the screens. He's actually quite familiar with a lot of Korean movies.

Mark Russell had also met BH while the latter was filming BSL 5 years ago, his short comment about LBH were really positive to read. (I'm trying to locate that excerpt)

Related excerpt at the time 'Once in a Summer' was being screened in Korea

The big surprises to me are the Nos. 5 and 6 films, two new openings featuring actors who were once major players in the Korean entertainment scene. ONCE IN A SUMMER (Yeoreum Iyagi) stars Lee Byung-hun, in a story that seems rather like HARMONIUM IN MY MEMORY. SOLACE (Sarang Halttae Iyagi Haneun Geotdeul) features Han Suk-hyu, who starred in such 1990s hits as SHIRI and THE CONTACT (and a favorite of mine, GREEN FISH). Actually, neither flop was really a "surprise," but it is fascinating to see how tastes change.

About a year ago, I happened to meet Mr. Lee, when he talked about how he was torn about what to do next in his career -- stay in Korea, doing what he knows and does so well, or take a big risk and try to break into Hollywood. I hope this most recent setback encourages him to make the attempt to go abroad. I think it is almost always better to take a chance than to play it safe... but then I am not a big movie star, so what do I know?

To be fair to Mr. Lee, I'm guessing his latest film was made with the Japanese market in mind as much as (or even more than) the Korean market. So I think the poor debut does not reflect on his choice as much as it might otherwise. At any rate, I would like to mention that every time I have met Lee Byung-hun, he has always been very suave, mellow and a gentleman. I cannot claim to be friends with him or know him well, but he strikes me as being one of the good guys.


At any rate, I would like to mention that every time I have met Lee Byung-hun, he has always been very suave, mellow and a gentleman.

I cannot claim to be friends with him or know him well, but he strikes me as being one of the good guys.

Credits: koreapopwars.com

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Guest Janie Simply

Which documentary, Jan? The Discovery one? Nah.. I don't think MR compiled it although he had mentioned about the program quite a bit before.

rubie, thanks for the info on MR, that is why I thought he sounds SO familiar :)

Hip Korea on Discovery

...I mention this because HIP KOREA is the first documentary I have been involved with It was made by the production company Bang Singapore, which has made oodles of documentaries for Discovery and the other top cable channels.

... In fact, I briefly profiled Rain in my book (just a short sidebar, but hopefully people like it).

So when the president of Bang Singapore, Keiko Bang, told me that she wanted to examine Korean culture through some of its top stars, it seemed like a natural opportunity to collaborate.

... May will see part two of HIP KOREA, a look at Lee Byung-hun, which I think will balance nicely with the Rain episode. rbhcool.gif

Posted by Mark Russell

rubie-hunnie, were you speed reading or am I illiterate :tears: Who is this "I" :unsure: Wasn't the article written by MR and that he is involved in the documentary project :sweatingbullets:

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rubie-hunnie, were you speed reading or am I illiterate :tears: Who is this "I" :unsure: Wasn't the article written by MR and that he is involved in the documentary project :sweatingbullets:

Aigoo.. you got me there.. Jan-hunnie.. aigoo aigoo.. rubie should still be in bed.. :sweatingbullets::wacko:

Truth is.. in my high-fever missing the Hunnie.. I scanned all the top written words ..only to see the BH part. LOL!

Thanks dear :blush: .. for bringing this to attention.. rubie so blurr and very embarrassed now. :P

Yupyup! The "I" is indeed Mark Russell.. obviously not bleh.gif rubes.. so sorry Mr. Russell.. although MR hated being called Mr. Russell.. :blush:

ps: thanks for the info about SM and AB sudden change of heart :P .. aish.. I'm not into Hollywood movies these days (like I was some years ago.. never heard of Japanese/Korean wave before).. well.. except if it's Rise of Cobra (obviously!).. but whatever the tv shows later.. Hollywood or not.. Oscar-winners or not.. that's what I'll watch. :D

Oooh.. a shout-out to AutumnLeaves.. we're getting to watch 24 Redemption this Saturday.. finally.. Jack is back! :w00t: Hopefully they'll continue with the remaining Day 6, too.. or is it Day 7. It's been too long. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest Janie Simply

Yupyup! The "I" is indeed Mark Russell.. obviously not bleh.gif rubes.. so sorry Mr. Russell.. although MR hated being called Mr. Russell.. :blush:

MR stands for Mark Russell as well as Madame Rubeur aka Moderator Rubie :P




LBH has a pair of very talkative communicative eyes :sweatingbullets:


Feb 4, 2009

Rough translation...

Life of no regrets

While in Beijing doing the Men's UNO magazine cover shooting, Korean super-star LBH shared about his bittersweet life from helping his deceased dad paid off the debt to his venturing into Hollywood showbiz.

Lee looks great in this new VERSACE outfit.

Lee has a pretty dramatic life... He was from a very wealthy family before but later when his father passed away, the family was left with a huge debt. Thus Lee was desperate and determined to work hard to help pay off the family debt. At that time, he did not own a car or a house nor spend lavishly on clothing or social dinner but saved every penny he could to speed up the payment as well as taking care of his mom and sis living expenses.

Lee said that what he has promised to his father on the deathbed have all been fulfilled... weather it's a commitment to take care of sis and mom or his career path, they have all been achieved without a trace of regret. He said that when his dad was passing away, he was filming "Harmonium in my Memory". He was very sad and grieving. His filming crews decided to stop filming until he is ready. Later, he decided to put on his father's jacket while doing filming so that he could feel the closeness of his dad with him. He thought it was a great grieving process and good memory then 'cos he has used the film as a memorial for his dad.

When asked about his love life, Lee said openly that "I was in a love relationship before which every one knew/knows about but now I could only say I haven't met a new found love yet; this perhaps could be a dilemma 'cos maybe down the road, when I see all my friends' children growing up and my own kids are still very young, then I might regret for not starting a family life sooner.


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Guest ellabel

So, BH's Seoul Savvy will be shown in June yet? I thot his and Rain's docu will be shown back-to-back.

Looks like it's gonna be a busy 2009 for BH, just like in 2008. I really hope both his movies, GI Joe and ICWTR will be box office successes.

I wonder if he will attend the 9th Avenue mall event. It wud be great to see him and Jiwoo together again, that is if Jiwoo will also attend and not hide becoz of the paps. I'm also curious if BH knew all along about Jiwoo and Jin wook as he is very close to Jiwoo. Will he say anything about it just like when he clarified the JDG-CJW rumor before.

rubie sis, are u still sick? Get well soon girl and Conratz to being a mod... i always forget to greet u. :D

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