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To The People That Never Confess...


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Guest a o i c h a n a o i

I don't because I know that

they don't/won't like me.

I'm 100% sure.

And I'm shy. I hate rejection...

Ahhh...I'll fail in life LOL.

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Guest ad0rkable

I've had about fifty million crushes (okay, that's going overboard, but it's about) and I've confessed to all of them. Sometimes I regretted confessing but some was worth it.

Like the guy I like right now. I confessed to him last year and I JUST found out why he didn't say anything back. It was because he already liked another girl.

But right now, I'm not so sure. He SEEMS like he's into me, but none of us are making a move at all.

I think this might be one of my biggest regrets if I don't make a move.

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Guest xxiaoMEI

I did once, but it was stupid.

I knew he liked another girl but after I said it, I felt so much better and he was nice about it :)

I'm in a situation now where I just don't know.

I kind of decided to not confess because I found out one of my good good friends like him too...and I dont want to ruin it for her. ><

What do you guys think? Should I just move on..

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Guest &incomplete.smile;;

Nope =) Mostly because I know that I'll end up hurting their poor hearts. xD Seriously, I'm what you call "easily infatuated". I'd probably regret telling them cus I'll end up cheating on them. lol

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Guest dorky-shawties2

WELL. yes i do for one. i thought'd

it was just a crush and i'll get over it like

all the other but for some reason he's

on my mynd like crazy. everything he does

is soo i don't know. haha

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Guest Im4evaraqt

I'm contemplating (been contemplating) for like a couple months now whter or not to admit it. Sometimes, I am so glad that I didn't say anything when I wanted/planned to say something...but right now I don't know what to do. It's really hard to keep this all inside right now. But I'm on a zig-zag of emotions when it comes to this guy, so I can't really trust myself on any rational thinking right now. But I'll come back to let you all know how it works out!...Hopefully it works out...I don't know!

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Guest crystallizedtear


I actually regret the times that I DID confess (either straight out of indirectly)... and the outcomes that came out of them lol. I have wonderful memories tainted by bad endings.

ah well, at least I have those sweet memories.

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Guest xKanane

I don't regret not confessing, but at times, I get curious and wonder what would've happened if I did :3

For me, its too hard to tell someone I like them.

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I think if someone is special enough, you'll find it in yourself to tell them.

If you can't, there's probably a reason for it. I guess that sounds really cheesy XDD

I had crushes on guys through high school but I never told them.

Some of them, I regretted it at the time, but obviously now I'm engaged I don't really care XD

And anyway, if they like someone else (or especially if they're WITH someone else), what does telling them achieve? o.0

If they're single and you think they might feel the same and you think you could be good together, it might be worth saying something ^^

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