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Park Bo Young 박보영 • 朴寶英


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34 minutes ago, willowmyst said:

@mei1209Thank you for sharing this! She is really a favorite by hosts. I didnt realize she's met defconn before nor that he picked her as a partner. (when she guested in 2D1N, where defconn is a member, when she showed up, the men were so funny jumping around excitedly. They were fan-boying, if such a term exists :D). Anyway, i cant imagine defconn and BY; they just dont match imo. I've been trying to catch her eps in varieties but its difficult coz some aren't subbed. I'm very happy you shared this :)


:blush:... It's :heart:love for PBY..We are on the same cruise ship :) . Thank you..

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Good Morning dear friends of PBY thread:blush:. I am here again to share my support of PBY. Saw how she compared herself with SHK and I was sad to know that she feels she isn't as pretty as SHK. But to me. PBY is still the most beautiful one..., (as PHS has mentioned in the bts that to him, she is no.1). She has a indescribable beauty that we are never tired just looking at her, in fact we wish to see more of her instead. She can act as we all know and she can draw loves from male co-stars who worked with her and they would also want to protect her. I can see that in JJS, LKS, SJK, male hosts of reality shows and the latest, PHS. If she is given more opportunities with new projects after SWDBS, I believe her stardom will rocket to the peak in Korea entertainment circle. All she needs now is opportunities. Yes..I am looking forward every day for news of her latest offers..Please grant her with more CF, live shows and dramas.. Whatever..., I am always for her, yes..:love:. Hope you share this same thought, loves:heart: and support I have for her. Thank you.:blush:

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When will I see you... again:love:???. I miss her so very much..  Why is she so quiet after SWDBS whereas PHS is so active?? Why isn't her agency doing more in promoting her or in casting her in new projects.. Please, I getting the PBY withdrawal droughts now :( 

Good Morning friends:blush:.. Let's toast to hear of her new drama, CF, whatever projects soon..:grin:.. Jiang...:thumbsup:

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14 minutes ago, willowmyst said:

It is! Is that her manager??

Oh good lol It's not her manager, but I have no idea who that is... Maybe a staff member who worked at one of her CFs...?

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14 minutes ago, mirela said:

Oh good lol It's not her manager, but I have no idea who that is... Maybe a staff member who worked at one of her CFs...?

He looked familiar. But i dont know enough to be certain. Maybe our other knowledgeable friends have answers

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I'm glad to see this thread moving and seeing familiar people like @Mings30, @willowmyst, @hennybird@mei1209 and others. 

First time I was caught in the PBY fever was in OMG. I would usually like the male lead but its the first time I've found an actress so adorable that I want to see her other works. I binge-watch Speedy scandal, a werewolf boy, collective invention, you call it passion, et al. I even watched her old series like Secret campus (She was really adorable here. lol), mackerel run and jungle fish.

I really hope more people would realize what a real gem she really is as I still feel she is under-rated as she has missed several years of acting due to her legal disputes.

I hope that PBY will have more projects be it Korean drama, movie, cf, and variety (seriously, she has a strong presence in variety and mostly all staff just want to dote on her.).

I also hope that PBY will love herself more and realize that there are a lot of people who love her. ♥♥♥

found an old video and PBY did not change that much. Makes me want to believe in Vampires. lol. :tongue:


and her voice is just too cute :wub:


Spread the love guys. Hope we can see more fans coming out in the open to support our lovely lady PBY. :)


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Just want to share the list of people I want to see her act with either in a drama or movie. I really hope it happens.

1. Im Si Wan 

Image result for im si wan and park bo young

2. Yoo Yeon Seok

Image result for yoo yeon seok and park bo young

Image result for yoo yeon seok and park bo young

3. Song Joong Ki (Just please do a rom-com. Werewolf boy made me cry my heart out)

Image result for song joong ki and park bo young

Image result for song joong ki and park bo young

4. Jung Yong-hwa

Image result for yonghwa and park bo young

5. Kim Soohyun

Image result for park bo young and kim soo hyun

Image result for park bo young and kim soo hyun

6. Ji Chang Wook

Image result for ji chang wook and park bo young

7. Kang Ha Neul


Image result for park bo young and kang ha neul

8. Yoo Seung Ho (Both of them are growing beautifully)

Image result for park bo young and yoo seung ho

9. Lee Min Ho

Image result for park bo young and lee min ho

Image result for park bo young and lee min ho

Image result for park bo young and lee min ho

10. Park Bo Gum (I will probably get sugar-overdose If I see them act together as both of them are seriously adorable)

Image result for park bo young and park bo gum

Hope I'm not being too greedy. lol. :tongue:


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Apparently that picture with the dog was from her Cafe... According to their rules, it's forbidden to share her pictures so the guy took it down.

That's such a dumb rule btw. I understand that she/her agency wants to keep her privacy and control what gets posted out there but it's THE INTERNET; people are gonna repost it whether they forbid it or not so why even bother? If they don't want it to spread, then don't post it at all. <_<

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