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Do Your Parents Beat You?

Guest SUMM3RxBABii

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I can't remember if my parents spanks or beats me when I was a little kid even a single time.

When I've done something wrong, my parents would talked to me that what I've done was wrong and I should not do it again.

And I always have a choice. When I would not listen to them, my Papa would say to me "Will you listen to me or ...else?"

And I knew what "else" means so I would listen and behave as a good girl as they expected of me to be.

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Guest cherrikura

Mainly when I was little really, the beating really decreases as I grown up, I really don't get beaten unless I'm doing something really wrong. I stopped getting hit after twelve though.

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Guest sweetbluemoment

._. they did when i was younger; i mean it wasn't enough to leave me bruising or anything, but it was enough to get the point across that they were pissed off at what i had done or didn't do.

now all i get are threats from my mother and occasional slaps across the face <_<

where else when my dad is angry (with or without reason) he'll just start reprimanding me. -,-

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when i was really little (mostly in elementary school), i wasn`t that good of a student. it was usually cuz i got a bad grade and hid it from my mom. but she would make me hold out my hands and she would hit it multiple times while yelling at how stupid i was. and she would make me turn my hands over and hit me 10+ times. but that ended 2 years ago. now, all i mostly get is yelling/threatening or ear pulling. ._.

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Guest yoko102308

Now I get slaps >__> I got one today actually. I slapped my brother for getting smart with me (he thinks he's grown Dx idiot) and I got a slap. I personally think beating does nothing. It may work temoraily but never permanetly. Taken stuff is so much more effective.

But now I get blamed for everything that goes wrong so~nothing better

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Guest Audiomuse

Not so much beating... but hitting with a hand or a wooden spoon and shoving. Spanking when I was really young.

When one of my parents is really mad, they'll throw stuff, break things, or rip things. One time, one of my parents ripped up my school work wtf?! Another time, one of my parents threw my iPod across the room.

Have stayed out of trouble for quite a while now. I hope to keep it that way.

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Guest _unnie_24_

i used to get beaten with a wooden stick.. about 0.7mm diameter?

mmm, i think my mum stopped when i was like, 12 haha

i remember grabbing the actual stick and refusing to let my mum hit me once haha

oh well

ever since then, never got hit or anything

only yelled at everyday LOL haha oh well. im lazy... so my mum hits me so i can change my habits.. but i never managed to have xD

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Yes - when I was younger my dad would give me a hiding same as my mother with a wooden spoon but now that i'm older my parents expect me to know what is right or wrong.. my mother usually explains to me what I did wrong etc whilst my dad just gives me the silent treatment *which to me is worse than a hiding*..

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Guest HeloiseJay

My parents used to beat me with cains but now I'm older, they don't anymore.. they just shout 'cos they know I will hit them back XD

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Guest biscuit.

they use to.

with a wooden stick.

at first my brother and me were so scared.

but after 3 or 4 times we found it pretty funny. because they never hit us hard.

it was only to scared us.

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