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Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Thread


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Guest polaris

you were right! i got the article of this stupid magazine..

puahahhaha omggg :lol:

It's funny how they show pics of the movie reel and they are saying how 'RAUNCHY' it was ... how close to 'x-rated'. hahaa~ those mags are so funny and desperate for a story. Imagine what they are going to say about RobSten when Breaking Dawn comes out.. hahaha

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seems like the writer of the article didn't have sex ed because he/she obviously doesn't know what it is......LMAO sex tape

well on another note i read on mrrobertpattinson.com that once someone stole Rob's shoelace so maybe that's why he made them into a bracelet so that no one can steal them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ohayyo

i am always mesmerized when people play around with photoshop ^^

really fascinating ! hahaha !

this one likely ! :lol:


credit as tagged, thnks : charlotte<3 at twifans.com

parental photo :


aigoo ! aigoo ! ^^

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tender moment shared between bella & edward :blush:


*credits to lionandlamblove.org*

ps: that ps-ed wedding photo >>> :blush:

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Since we are waiting for more pics of them to come out let's revisit the time they were in japan,

Here is a clip where K answers a fan's question about being kissed and bitten by R. I know it's old but like you guys should watch it again because the sexual tension and chemistry and flirty looks are in this video. It is also cute when they blush and you can see he is waiting eagerly for her answer!!!!

starts at 1:03

F: What did it feel like to be bitten by R?

K: How do you think it felt?.....(she then answered her own question) So much better!

F: Which was better...bitten or kissed by R?

K: I don't know (no comment)

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Guest massive toene

Here are some NEWS!!!

On September 13th (9pm), you’ll be getting a brand new dose of New Moon action with an exclusive new New Moon trailer, along with guest appearances from Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart!–

“Twilight” stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will appear on the show to debut an exclusive expanded trailer for “New Moon,” the second film in Summit Entertainment’s vampire saga.

Also premering the same night: Death Cab for Cutie’s lead single from the New Moon soundtrack!

And a magazine claims this:



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Guest massive toene

Just for laughs:

Funny faces from Twilight - Robert & Kristen

Someone made these hilarious caps from the movie... :P



OMG! hahahaha B)







This is my favourite!!! Rpattz~LOL ^_^


The Stuntdoubles


When I saw these caps, I really LMFAO!!! Muhahahaha~ :D


New NEW MOON Still



in Italy


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polaris : yea, the wed pic was OMG !

kizez : that's the HQ right ? both of them are beautiful

massive : the faces are hillarious ROFL

cant wait for new moon yaiy !

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Guest polaris

Massive Toene!! omg the funny faces are so hilarious! hahaha especially the one where he's sparkling like a diamond ahahahaha he looks constipated..

Actually he mentioned that in one of his interviews.. how his friends asked about that scene and why he looked like he was going to cry.

AND I totally did a double take on the stunt doubles puahahhaahahahahaa!!

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polaris : yea, the wed pic was OMG !

kizez : that's the HQ right ? both of them are beautiful

massive : the faces are hillarious ROFL

cant wait for new moon yaiy !

^^ yup it is :D

ditto! so anxious 4new moon :lol:

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Hey guys check out this video, just a group of clips of Robsten but the maker has added really funny captions. The best thing is at the very end there is a clip of Kristen and Robert and the reporter asks them to say hi to ROBSTEN FANS.

Kristen says hi and then Robert goes '' Rob...what?!!"

Hope you enjoy it. :lol: :lol:

Robsten chemistry

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