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Facts About Yourself You Would Never Admit In Real Life


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Guest Dara-chan

Here they are; please use my secrets wisely:P

- I am constantly wanting a boyfriend and am very insecure of the fact that I have never had a real relationship.

- I often doubt any guy will love me and wonder if I should become a lesbian.

- I think I have no future.

- I often see myself is being a lone and independent for the rest of my life, and no matter what face I try to put up I really am scared of this inside.

There you go. *sigh* Glad I could get that off my chest finally :sweatingbullets:

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Guest koneko26

-i adore selca&blogging.

-im thinking about not finishing college and just starting my business. but its already my last year.

-i like working on projects (baking&decorating)

-i don't feel all that confident in my looks but i try to bump up my self esteem.

-ive been depressed some times but things usually get better.

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Guest Sweet.desire

Been in love with my best friend since sophomore; We're in senior

already & he still didn't know.

He's now my boyfriend though :)

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people taught that i am a very tough person but the the truth is i am a very sensitive person, in fact i always cry when i am alone...

i always act like i don't care, but the truth is i do care..

i don't have many friends:tears:

same with me..

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Guest puipsleitan

1) i get depressed easily. I dont know what's going in my head most of the time.

2)I dont like talking on the phone so i dont call my friends, and when they call i dont pick up sometimes, i text just them back.

3)i like to play dress up games and imagine things like i would wear this if i go to a wedding, a club, party,etc etc (i'm not a teenager anymore,i passed that 2 years ago)

4)Although i tell my friends that i dont need a bf..i secretly want one.its just no one shows interest in me.

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Guest maple_roses

I have psoriasis..... make my have low self esteem.... dont have friend.... even bf.... even my brother dislikes me.... i have to be someone else when went to work... look confidence even though i not..... i never attend sleepover.... afraid ....

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Guest seulhyu
1) i get depressed easily. I dont know what's going in my head most of the time.2)I dont like talking on the phone so i dont call my friends, and when they call i dont pick up sometimes, i text just them back.3)i like to play dress up games and imagine things like i would wear this if i go to a wedding, a club, party,etc etc (i'm not a teenager anymore,i passed that 2 years ago)4)Although i tell my friends th
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Guest KeziaCH

my first ever post. i thought every1 on here was just happy and perfect.

1. i basically act how ppl want me to act so they dont see that im borderline suicidal but too chicken to do anything.

- the 1 my friends see, the 1 my family sees, the 1 strangers see.....the actual me is too scared of doing anything i rather ppl hate me because i'm can't pretend to be nice to them. and most of me i dont understand.

2. i the most cowardly person I know but I act brave and like i dont care so that i wont feel hurt or i can ignore it

3. i try not to cry because i dont want ppl to feel sorry for me, and if i start i might never stop

4. i dont have parents [mother-dead/father-junkie]

5. i think im ugly and lack any sort of confidence, but when ppl see me they think that im 1 of the bravest ppl they know

6. i can't talk in front of ppl, i can type a lot but when speaking, even with my friends i cant do it.

7. i have 2 friends and they only know what i show them, because if they knew the real me they would run

8. if i was given the choice of death and life i would choose death.

9. i wish i was the 1 that died instead of my mother

10. i tried to kill myself when i was around 7.........no1 knew that i over dosed on tablets they thought i was just faking sick. and everyday i think about the fastest way to kill myself.

11. i live in my dream world where everything is manageable. and the only thing that i tell myself so that i dont kill myself is 1 day i want to be able to give at least 1 child something to live for.

12. i don't think i can love any1.

13. from since kindergarten till college every1 hated me. only now i have a few ppl i can talk to at times.

14. the 1 thing i want in life is a dad, if only for 1 day or my mother back.

15. i have ADHD and im a failure in everything and the only thing im proud of is that 1 time i think i scored 100 for my finals...when i was around 7 and my last year in high school that 1 exam i got a 90 something.

16. i hate the stares i get at school and half the time if i am there no1 would see me.

there are much worse things but i dont think you all want to know how a mess i am.

- I fantasize a lot meaning; I wish I can be a hallyu star in Korea and get married with a celebrity and make tons of cute/pretty babies

- i like to give advice to my friends when they need it the most but when it comes to me i get depress whenever I can't even console my own self

- I always tell myself that I'm fat even tho i know I'm way less than 110 lbs

- whenever i get a compliment  saying "You look pretty" I act like I could careless but in the back of my head I'm giggling like a little girl 

- whenever a person asked me if I'm OK, even though I'm not I pretend that I am

- I have a poker face so i can fool anybody if I want too

- ego is part of my personality

- I act all mature but deep inside I'm still a kid

- I say I love you to my x-bf/bf but deep inside I don't mean it at all

- I never fell in love before

- when it comes to love i'm still a hopeless case

- I like to be alone once in awhile

same as me. except being alone is part of me now.

and my x-bf/bf he tells me he loves me but he doesnt know me. and i dont love him

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Guest combatrock76

I am extremely jealous of well knit families which has to do with my dad dying when I was 2 and belonging to a dysfunctional family.

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Here they are; please use my secrets wisely:P

- I am constantly wanting a boyfriend and am very insecure of the fact that I have never had a real relationship.

- I often doubt any guy will love me and wonder if I should become a lesbian.

- I think I have no future.

- I often see myself is being a lone and independent for the rest of my life, and no matter what face I try to put up I really am scared of this inside.

There you go. *sigh* Glad I could get that off my chest finally :sweatingbullets:

And i thought that I'm the only one... guess not.

Welcome to the club. >:D<

P.s. We will meet somebody somewhere...hopefully. >.< ^_^  just> FIGHTING!!!

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  • 1 year later...
Guest lixinxin

I never did manage to break the habit of picking my nose. Sometimes I wonder if that's why my sense of smell seems to be sharper than others'. Sometimes I wish that nose-picking were more socially acceptable; I was over the moon when I found out that David Choi had written songs about picking noses. It was freeing.
Hahaha. :))

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Guest iilysium

- Even though I'm def no virgin, still deathly scared of sex and disgusted by it...I can only relax with alcohol. Traumatic experiences by authority figures ):

- ppl think I'm not picky when it comes to men...I'm not. I have severe abandonment issues and anxiety so that's why I tend to go on a lot of dates but leave the relationship before I can be abandoned.. =(

- I have a really f'ed up and broken family

- My real dad who I've never met before is a crappy doctor with really bad 1-star online reviews

- The first time I was sexually assaulted, I could have stopped it, I could have fought. But I was too much of a chicken and didn't.

- I'm too judgmental..

- I have daddy issues and date men way older than me and lie about their ages when people ask

- I once tried dating an older (18 years older) rich man for 2 weeks just to see if I could do it. I couldn't, I didn't find him attractive and still disgusted at myself for doing it.

- I secretly want a dominating partner >-< ;;

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Guest skipturninrain

- I've never been asked out in person...only through an online game ;_;
- I secretly want a bf or meet my significant other
- I love reading YA romance books:)
- I feel like crying whenever I go to facebook and see all my "friends" having a good time traveling and on their dream schools away from home
- I wished I could have the courage to leave home and go to a university of my choice rather than college
- I'm afraid of learning new things, thinking I might fail at it
- I hang around with my cats, none of my friends contacted me after graduating high school ;_;
- My sisters think I'm calm and have an idea of what to do with my career...I truly don't
- My sisters think I'm REALLY smart...the asian guy who sits across from me and the white girl who sits beside me are WAYYYYY smarter....btw im hispanic.
- Everyone thinks I'm disciplined...I'm not...I always end up doing things last minute
- I wished I had friends to go out with,
- I wished I was more confident and outgoing...I'm afraid to speak my mind
- I think too much
- Most think I'm innocent...I'm not... I know too much ;_;

Wow, this is long but at least is off my chest...phew

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Guest cherishupyon

haha some posts are funny lol what if people you know read this and theyd find out?
mine was
just like others 
i want to have many /more friends >.<
i find it hard to open up to someone

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Guest xFloOwuffBB

- I really like selfies and take a lot when I can except I don't post 99.9% of them because people would think I'm "too Asian" HAHA.
- I value my friends more than family.
I don't know it's hard for me to think about myself. HAH I'm sure I have a lot more but I just can't think right now at 12 in the morning.

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So I just found naked drawings of my family in my dad's drawer

They're all painted with water colors, some could be considered "artsy"..I guess...but they are of me, my two brothers and my Mom.

So I'm very very bothered...I was just snooping around when i found them in those tan binders beneath a bunch of tax/bills stuff in his office.

None of them are directly sexual, no sex acts take place..but theres a few of us all laying the floor together or sitting on the couch. Theres one of me leaning on a tree with my brothers running in the back ground. The ones I hate the most is with him and my brothers because will be holding one in his arms or feeding them. So..do I show these to my mom, or do I not say anything? I know it's been kind of rocky around here and this could start up something. Everybody knows what I am talking about and we can all agree its horrible to not have your parents speaking to one another or eating together..it's just weird and there is so much tension.

I don't want it to get worse or for them to leave one another..it's just not what we need right now.

But this is weird, and I'll admit I've made stupid joke topics in the past but I really need opinions on this. I feel sick honestly because I don't want to think that my dad is a pedophile.

v_v honestly, what can I do?
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